• Published 30th Aug 2014
  • 1,474 Views, 41 Comments

FoE: Ex-Enclave and vault 15 - The A I

When Skyfire is declaired a traitor by the enclave he escapes his death by digging through the cloud layer and hidding amongst a cave formation. only to find a stable door preparing to open for the first time since the bombs dropped...

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Chapter 1

At the base of what was once canterlot mountain a small encampment of heavily armoured pegasie is just waking to the dawn of their first day in a new squad. Their radios tuned to recieve orders while they gather their suplies, they will be shortly heading out to eradicate a bandit encampment 2 clicks from their current location.

"We are moving out in 5! These bandits are theorised to be working a trade with the Brotherhood! These trades need to be stoped, permanently. Leave none alive!" A stallion in hellfire commanded through the radio, pronouncing brotherhood with obvious hatred.

Shortly after this there is nothing to show there was ever a camp there, the group of 5 Enclave elites marched towards a ruined building. It is a factory building, five floors and filled with bandits.

The small squad of Enclave elites, led by their commander in hellfire armour, stopped at a nearby ledge and observed the situation.

"Possible Brotherhood intervention, sir!" One of the elites says while looking through a pair of binoculars.

"From what direction?" The commander asks

"South, only scouts by the looks of it. 1 click from the objective, Skyfire sir." The elite replies.

"Probably about to make a trade. We intercept the Brotherhood caravan, then move on to the bandit scum." Skyfire orders.

The group take to the air and fly towards their unsuspecting foes. By the time the Brotherhood caravan notice the Enclave soldiers they are allready under attack. They pull out 10mm pistols and machine guns, to face power armoured Enclave elites with plasma rifles. Within a minute the Brotherhood caravan is dead and searched for any usefull infomation and ammunition before being left as they were.
The Enclave elites make their way to the front of the factory doors and Skyfire holds up his hoof to signal the squad to halt. "These filth may nave been taught how to wear power armour, be ready for anything!" Skyfire says and places his plasma rifle onto his back and quickly replaces it with a customised gauss rifle. Even though he hasnt adapted it majorly, its easy to tell it apart from the rest of the gauss rifles. His gauss rifle is a dark blue colour and the magazine has a black slodge with a cresent moon in the middle. On the side of the barrel is a picture of his cutie mark, sparking gears with two crossed gauss rifles behind them.
"You love those, dont you, sir?" One of the elites asks Skyfire as he equips himself with a basic gatling laser.
"At least im accurate with mine." Skyfire responds with a slight chuckle.
"Well lets see who will get the first kill then, sir." He says to Skyfire wjth obvious mirth in his voice.
"Challenge accepted, but I will win and you know it!" Skyfire retorts.
They burst through the doors and are met with two Brotherhood Paladins with miniguns aiming at them. Bullets tear tnrought the ground as the take cover besind the door.
"Looks like I get first kill, maggot!" Skyfire laughs as he turns the cornerand takes the first paladin down with a lucky shot. The head of the paladin rolling through the door leaving a blood trail on the ground.
"Nooo! You bastard! You wont live for taking breeze from me!" The last Paladin shouts as he proceeds to run through the door and get turned to green sludge from the three elites with plasma rifles.
The squad of Enclave elites then start clearing ojt the whole building, luckily al, the bandits in there were at the bottom of the building and are left in peices or as piles of green sludge.
As they reached the top however, three more Paladins fired of rocket launchers and killed one member of the squad. The rest pile in and behind cover. Voleys of fire are the sent back and forth until one paladin goes down screaming in pain as he stares at his sethered foreleg. Two high explosive rockets then kill three of the elites who were hiding behing a overturned table, all of which were allready badly injured as it was.
Yelling, Skyfire poped out of cover and blew the head of one of the last paladins shoulders. "If you leave now you can die with dignity! If not then your men will not even be buried!" The Paladin yells and fires a rocket at Skyfire. Seeing this comming, he leaps to the side and finnishes the last Paladin by making a hole through her neck with a well places gauss round.
"Are they gone?" A small voice whispers a group of seven earth pony foals crawl out a vent and look around for anypony that survived.
One of them, a larger red one with a pink mane, look round the overturned table that Skyfire is currently hidding behind and squeaks. As he starts to run back to the vent he feals the barrel of a gun against his head. Turning around slowely, he comes face to face with the gauss rifle. Pannicking he bowls over and cries, through his cries Skyfire hears the young colt begging for his and his siblings life.
The gauss wavers then leaves the foals head. "I, I cant kill a harmless foal... only a monster would do that. I, I'm sorry, I wont harm you or your siblings again if I can help it. I promise!" Skyfire says and quickly gathers the dogtags of his squad and leaves. His fairst squad, on their first mission together and allready they died on him.

"What do you mean you let them live! You do understand what you have just done, DONT YOU SOLDIER! YOU DISSOBEYED DIRECT ORDERS FROM-"
"This is not over, Commander." The general growls and stalks out the office, his office.

The next day, while Skyfire is on patrol around the cloudlayer, a group of Enclave soldiers headed by his General march up to him.

"Commander Skyfire. You are under arest for failing to complete your mission and have been marked a traitor. You have 3 hours until your execution. Have a nice 3 hours Commander, they will be your last." The General says with a smirk.

"I will, thank you General. At least I will die knowing that I died loyal to the pony race as a whole be sparing those foals that you would of had me kill like the heartless monstrocity you are." Skyfire reponds with a snear.

Skyfire flies as fast as his wings will carry him to his room, there he picks up his gauss rifle and as much ammo as he can carry. Along with 45 stimpcks he takes a few freshly picked fruit from the ground bellow the cloud layer. Having done that, he proceeds to dig at the clouds bellow his floor.

The door to Skyfire room is knocked down by a group of Enclave elites, who find his room completely empty and the tracker in his armor in a bookshelf.

"General, hes gone. The tracker in his armor has been removed and is on his shelf. It apears he has dug a hole in the cloud layer and taken all of his equipment with him. Sorry sir we lost him." A hellfire armor waering pagasus says through the radio.

"Luna curse you and you incompitance! How did you let him escape!?" The General yelled.

"Sir, he wasnt here when we arrived." The commander points out.

Skyfire landed just outside a cave that he is sure is out of sight of the Enclave fortress in the cloud layer. He walks inside and heads to the very back of the cave, where a giant rusty steal cog blocks his path. The cog hasthe number 15 in yellow in the front and a yellow pannel next to it. This is the enterence to vault 15...

Author's Note:

Criticism accepted. If there are ways to improve this please let me know and I will try my best to make those changes.