• Published 30th Aug 2014
  • 3,209 Views, 49 Comments

Community Service - Michael Hudson

A prank goes wrong and Diamond Tiara has to work at a soup kitchen. This is a journal of those events.

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The Journal

Day 0

I’m grounded! How could father possibly do something like that to me, his little Diamond Tiara? Not only that, but I’m also having to do at least a week’s worth of community service to pay for what I’ve done. It wasn’t like it was anything different. Just a simple prank.

Except that it did go wrong I suppose. The bucket was supposed to tip, splash her with water and then maybe hit Applebloom in the head. Not slam into Sweetie Belle with its contents still within. That doesn’t make it my fault though.

There was all that blood though. And everyone looked pretty worried. Maybe maybe I do deserve this.

Personal tip: Make sure Silver is with you for pranks. She sees possible problems better than me. Also, thank her. She suggested the soup kitchen, and that is definitely better than picking trash on the street.

Day 1

Well, today could have been worse. The hobos, bums, and rejects could have been worse. I just wish they wouldn’t try to make any conversatoinion. Just because I am an Angel amongst their filth does not mean you can take an interest and talk to me. At least they were friendly, even if they were creepy.

Now if only this pain in my chest would stop. Silver tried to cheer me up, but by the end she said it was probably guilt, and I might even be inclined to agree with her. Either way, I’m getting a temporary suspension from my grounding to talk to Sweetie. I hope Rarity isn’t too mad.

Personal tip: Keep your hair away from the stew. It is very difficult to get out.

Day 2

That bitch! I can’t believe she would be so closed minded to accuse me of such a thing. Me! I should go back over to her house and

So it snowed like three inches today. Sweet Celestia that is stupid, but it is kinda calming to look at. I reminded myself not to write in here right after I get angry. That lost me about five pages last time, and I don’t want to have to bother getting a new one. Anyways, Silver and I went and saw Sweetie today. Rarity wasn’t happy about the visit, but she still let us say hi.

Sweetie had wobbled whenever she walked, and the bandage around her head clashed with her nice white fur. She was tired, and got a little dizzy when she talked for too long. Rarity says it was because of the concussion, though in less kind language. I can’t really blame her though.

Sweetie forgave me though. i explained what was supposed to happen, and she was happy that I had come over. Silver and her hugged, I left her some candy to make her feel better, and then we left. Unfortunately, not before Rarity gave me the chewing out of a lifetime and accused me of having aulterior motives for the visit. That hurt. That really hurt. At least the sandwiches were nice. Silver ate like three of them.

She also asked if I would like to have a sleepover. As much as I like our frequent nights together, I had to say no. I don’t think i would want her to see the tears in my eyes as I wrote this.

Personal tip: Get a new pen. Daddy doesn’t like you borrowing his.

Day 3

My head hurts. A crate of potatoes crashed onto me. They said I was lucky for not having gotten a concussion, which just made me feel worse. The worst part though were the hobos that came to help me up. Can’t really say they’re as bad of people as I once thought. At least the ones that didn’t snicker I suppose.

Silver seemed really tired today. She said she was just having trouble sleeping in the cold. I couldn’t blame her. Even I feel the odd chill during the dead of winter. She also tried to nurse my head, but I pushed her away. The faster I can forget about that embarrassment, the better.

Personal tip: Get an electric blanket when you can. Keep yourself nice and toasty.

Day 4:

The “customers” as I’m told to call them seemed awfully distracted. I tried to get one to tell me why, but he scowled at me and left the kitchen. I don’t know how to react about this. I think I’ll go with angry. He shouldn’t of just walked away from me, especially since I’m trying to actually be a good little filly for once.

Silver and I worked on a school project today. I’m not allowed to bring her over, so we worked at school. She now is wearing a hoodie. I can’t quite place it, but I feel like I should know it. Oh well, getting off topic. The project is going alright, and we might get a good grade even if I can’t get my butler to do it for me. I probably would be doomed if Silver wasn’t willing to help so much.

Personal tip: Glue is also very hard to get out of your mane or/and hair. Avoid at all costs. Also, see if you can go to Silver’s house tomorrow.

Day 5:

Silver said no to hanging out at her house. She had a good point that daddy might get angry if I went over there without his permission. However, only now do I realize that I have never been to Silver’s house. I should get on that once I’m done being grounded.

Sweetie Belle came back to school today. She still wobbled during gym, but for the most part seemed to be fine. The other crusaders glared at me when I came over, but Sweetie still seems to be at least trying to be positive about this.

That helps. That really helps.

I might try to see her once I’m done being grounded. She’s sophisticated enough to warrant my attention at least. After Silver’s house though. She has been my friend for too long for this to go on any further.

Personal tip: Remember tissues. I sneezed today and had to rush over to grab some before anyone saw the disgusting spectacle.

Day 6

Silver wasn’t at school today. That really worried me. Cheerilee told me that if no one saw her by Monday to make sure she was okay. She should be fine though. Probably just a little sick or going for a three day weekend. I really wish I could do that. Still, she’d come check on me before then and I should return the favor.

The bums seemed almost hostile today. There was an odd tension in the room, and most scowled when I tried to smile at them. I am starting to get really sick of this stupid crap. In fact, who are they

Sorry. Almost lost it there. Still, I am trying to help them. They could at least be a little kinder. I miss how they were at the beginning. I wonder what happened. Anyways, I think I’ll try to find Silver before work tomorrow. I think daddy would understand that, especially if she actually is sick.

Personal tip: Keep smiling. You are beautiful and good, no matter what happens. Don’t let anypony else make you think otherwise.

Day 8

I should have probably written this yesterday, but when I tried, the page became soaked in tears. So I’ll try now. She deserves it.

Silver sleeps next to me now with a fever of 104 degrees. I found her during work when a homeless man guided me through the streets. Her “home” was just a small box in the corner of a dead end alley. Strewn about it were photos. Times of when the two of us were having fun. I first was disgusted thinking she was a stalker, but then there were the one’s that showed her with the crusaders and being taken care of by some of the ponies I’ve been looking down upon this whole time.

To those ponies, I say thank you. Without you, I wouldn’t have found Silver curled up in her box, shivering and starved. Her ribs were clearly visible, and probably had been almost the day after I started. The sweater probably covered them up. I still don’t know why she didn’t come to the kitchen but but I shouldn’t lie to myself.

I know why she did it. She is clutching a small pink doll I gave her two years ago. The doll is me, and on it she has scribbled “my sister”. I know how I would’ve reacted though. If I had seen her house, seen how pathetic she was, she would have lost me.

I’m not doing that today though. I’ll be staying by her side, and hopefully getting her back to health. They say she doesn’t have a good chance, but I won’t give up. I love you Silver. Sister.

Personal Tip: Pay attention to your friends. Care for them, before you lose them.

Day 14

Dia is sleeping next to me and Rich says she hasn’t left the spot since I got here. Thank you Dia. I swear, I won’t hide from you anymore. You found me when I was thrown out and took me in, even if you didn’t know. You have always been there for me, and I was always happy to be able to glimpse at the life that had given up on me. But I think the best part has been getting to know you. Too many ponies think lowly about you, including myself. I won’t anymore. I shouldn’t have in the first place.

With love and sincerity,

Silver Spoon.

Comments ( 49 )

But why did the homeless ponies hate her?

4928349 It went from a friend of a friend to now their friend is in trouble to protect her image from this person. Trying to be vague to avoid spoilers.

Hmm... Kinda sad, but way too short. Also, 4928349. Why? Why do they hate her?

4928380 I blame length on this being my first time ever using this format. Sorry. :twilightsmile:

4928422 Oh, don't be sorry! It's a very interesting way to write a story, and for your first time doing it, it was good! I just felt as if it could have gone a bit deeper.

How is this in a alternative universe?

It's too good to be fake

4928491 Actually, originally, I wasn't going to make this AU. However, selling the end point with canon can be done, but I think i would have been questioned on it.


Well, if you're looking for something longer, you could always reading Cubic Zirconia. Aside from the cover art, there are several points of similarity, and I'm up to 13 chapters and still working on it...


4928559 I swear I did not mean to steal anything from it. In fact, I haven't even read it. :twilightblush: I did get the cover art from it though. Sorry.

I know why she did it. She is clutching a small pink doll I gave her two years ago. The doll is me, and on it she has scribbled “my sister”. I know how I would’ve reacted though. If I had seen her house, seen how pathetic she was, she would have lost me.


That story was pretty sweet. The final entry felt weird, did she grab Dia's journal and write in it while she was sleeping? That looks like something she'd have trouble reaching out for.

How I thought this would end:

Great read. Would of loved to read more entries.

4928380 So many behind the scenes possibilities. Like DT being oblivious to Silver Spoon's condition. Likely being told by Silver she could never reveal her identity or she'd lose her... *sniff* lose her... l-lose her sister!


But yeah, so wish this story was longer! :raritydespair:


The coverart is a straight screenshot from Ponyville Confidential, and not even one I took. It's from the wiki image gallery for the episode. I've hardly got a claim on it. I've thought a few times about coming up with something more unique, in fact.

It just caught my eye because of the cover and the premise of a prank from Diamond Tiara having very bad consequences. They go in different directions though, even though there are at least two homeless ponies in it.

Don't worry too much about it. I do think people who liked yours might be interested in mine, though.


Edit: I did actually modify my cover art after this. I'd already been thinking about it, and the new art looks better, so no big deal there.

I started crying when I read Day 8.


Very good. Very touching. In its own weird way....

You need to write more like these 'journals'....You put the voice of your characters very well into it, making it unique, and I would LOVE to see you do more.

Please?? :D

Write on!

4928631 Maybe. This was a lot of fun to do, but it was also kinda tough. Also, the setting was a big part of it to me. I am thinking about it though, I just don't know what idea to use it for.

Beautiful. Unquestionably, unutterably beautiful. The growth of Diamond, the revelation, the richness of a world glimpsed through the tiny window of a journal, wonderful.

The ending was... not what I thought, in the sense of the relationship. But I take what I can get.

Absolutely spectacular story. It is easy to understand why it is so well liked. Keep up the good work. One question though, why is Silver Spoon sleeping in a box? In day 14, it mentions her getting kicked out. Why did her family kick her out?

Personal tip: Make sure Silver is with you for pranks.

Also, you have somepony to foist the blame on when something goes wrong.

Nothing changes you quite like almost losing the most valuable thing in your life, and realizing how little you really appreciated it before. Nice story.

Doesnt need the Tragedy tag. Is misleading and could cause you to miss readers who don't like tragedy.

This was an incredibly heartwarming story :twilightsmile:

I liked the premise of a prank gone wrong, something I had not yet read on Fimfic before now; though to be fair I don't have as much time to do as much reading as I would like. The twist at the end was very touching, and I always love it when there's a fanfic that gives some redemption to Diamond Tiara, and I also like fics that don't paint Silver Spoon as inherently bad. In my headcanon, she's only that way because she hangs out with Diamond Tiara, and vice-versa as Diamond Tiara gets encouragement from Silver Spoon liking her. As the saying goes -- 'peer pressure'.

I'm a little puzzles as to why the homeless began to despise Diamond, but I think I get the gist of it. It's such a nice thing to see someone like Diamond turn around for the better. And if there's hope for people like Discord and for ponies like Diamond Tiara, then I believe there is hope for anyone. :raritystarry:

Lastly I love the diary entry format used. It's a nice change from the first, second and third person "norm" used for about 99% of the stories on Fimfic. Well done, in my opinion. :moustache:

4930780 Please. Spoilers tags. I mean, please?

4930879 Oh crap, you are absolutely right. Need to change description now to have a warning.

4930883 I really did enjoy the story, I mean we usually see Silver Spoon in the same spot as Dt, in more ways than others. This story subverts some of those notions, and it benefits from it. I will say, while the Twist (ha, pony), may have surprised quite a lot of you, I was able to guess it halfway through. Those small hints, like the suggestion Silver made, her objection to that particular house, the shitfing of opinions of those ponies in regards to Diamond. It was clear where the story was headed.

Despite that, and despite my guess being right, I still enjoyed it. The fact that Silver is homeless adds that tinge of uniqueness, and it makes her reliance on Diamond all that much more poignant. The fact that she is still filled with pride, even going as far as risking her life in order to keep the truth away.....Silver doesn't get many characterization, but I could see her doing that.

The journal format, does. in fact, help. Whenever I try to write a journal story, I always face the same stumble, should I go on adding day after day? should I skip at random points?

Your approach made sense. And I applaud you on it.

Uh, something doesn't add up here.

Why would Silver Spoon suggest the Soup Kitchen...And then suddenly start starving herself by not going to it?

4930959 She done goofed. She is still a filly, and she knew DT would enjoy working there more then anywhere else in probability. Spoke without thinking I suppose.

I didn't find it sad, but it was enjoyable.

Well shit, that was amazing.

Wow, I came to laugh but I left with feels,

Aaaaaw... That was nice. Right in the feels, but with a nice payoff that leaves you with a warm feeling and even faith in humanity.

Okay, I think I went too far with the last part, I'm not sure. But either way, it's still a great story.


Oh~ um, okay, sure. :twilightsheepish: I don't see it as a button usable on the Comment buttons, so, how do I use spoiler tags? Like the blackout bar like you used? Thanks~ :twilightsmile:

But I would like to add my two bits about what the point would be. The comments section is supposed to be feedback for the Author as well as people who want to talk about the story, so, in my mind at least, anyone who is reading the comments has -- or at leas, should have -- read the story/chapter already. The way I see it, if people don't want spoilers, don't read the comments before the story.

Not trying to argue, I'm just adding my opinion~ :twilightsheepish: Though I will use it from now on, once I know how. Thank you~ :twilightsmile:

4934675 Well yeah, and I had already read the story, still there are some people who read the comments to check if there's something they won't like, before reading, because people complain on the comments.

Anyway, to make a spoiler tag you go straight [Spoiler ] The spoiler and then you close it with [/spoiler ]

you can't have anything spaces between the tags though, neither in the beginning or the end.

like this I like trains

4934709 *nod* Fair enough~ and thank you.

Testing floaty black bar!

Yay it works! :pinkiehappy:

manly tears were shed, this is a good story

Because Dia wouldn't want to be seen with some homeless girl as a friend. She's a princess! She's too good for that!

Of course, in the end, when stuff like that hits close to home...people change.

So cute. So sad.

And also how would Sweetie Belle be that badly injured if she was just hit with a bucket full of water (or something else; who knows what they put in that bucket for sure...!)? I've ran into a horizontal pole at FULL SPEED, face first, so that my back was bent to a 45 degree angle and the back of my head was halfway to my shoulder blades. And I just shook my head a couple times and just kept running.:applejackunsure::applejackunsure:

It's alright for a sadfic. It's rare to see ones where Silver is the homeless orphan and not a certain orange chicken. You have Diamond Tiara ready to smack a bitch, and then saying "I can't blame her." It might have been better if DT expressed how bad it made her feel, not exonerate her perceived tormentor. Just because you calmed down doesn't mean you think you had no reason to be angry. You probably shouldn't say "sleeping in the cold" because that really conveys that Silver's homeless, even though the intent was to make it seem like she was just upset at having to pile extra blankets on her luxurious poster bed. Something like "She said the chill was bothering her last night" or "She said the cold this winter is making it hard to sleep," maybe that is a bit more ambiguous. Other stuff too, you forgot to mention DT is banned from sleepovers due to the grounding, thus explaining why Silver is stuck outside at night. You also shouldn't have Silver be the one to recommend DT volunteer at the soup kitchen, because she wouldn't do that if she didn't want DT to find out she's homeless, since she needs that soup kitchen to survive. Saying "the page became soaked with tears" is trying too hard. Something more subtle like "The ink kept running" or "I ruined the paper because I was so upset" or something.

Personal tip: Keep smiling. You are beautiful and good, no matter what happens. Don’t let anypony else make you think otherwise.

that's a good philosophy actually. I would hardly expect Diamond Tiara to have pearls of wisdom to offer :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by ServingSpoon deleted Oct 20th, 2014

Personal Tip: Pay attention to your friends. Care for them, before you lose them.

thank God for the last paragraph. I was just begining to worry this might be one of those tragedies and Silver might die!

I had a feeling that some bits of Diamond's journal are foreshadowing, but I haven't seen that coming... (frankly, after the first entry I expected Sweetie to die :facehoof:)

Came here looking for some laughs and funny comments but left here with feels..... WHAT THE ACTUAL FU CK?!:rainbowderp:

And... how exactly does a minor stay homeless while attending school?

Given the age of ponies in question, it`s very unlikely to happen. Ponyville is a small burg, everyone knows everyone. Silver Spoon being homeless would be very quickly amended to Silver Spoon being in orphanage. So that leaves us with inexplicable idea of Silver Spoon being somehow chucked out of home within the month of situation in story, at most. That in itself has only one possibility - family kicking her out and being quiet about it. Skipping the glaring question of "why would a filly suddenly get disowned", we are left pondering how could it have possibly happened that Diamond Tiara is not the first pony to learn that Silver Spoon is kicked out of home. When in trouble, we turn to friends first, and I fail to see how Silver Spoon would be an exclusion to that rule.

In short, the story has a glaring logical hole that destroys all credibility and ruins any impression it might have had made.

Have a thumbs down.

Umm... I think something went wrong, most of the story is crossed out right now.

8784856 And fixed. I have no idea why most of it was crossed out.

No problem, I really love this story, it's on my 10/10 bookshelf for a reason.

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