• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 4,833 Views, 101 Comments

Deception - Sgt GobSmacker

Receiving a Megatron costume for his birthday got Denis into a fit of glee. Waking up in strange land as 'Lord Megatron' got him into a fit of confusion. Thinking it was a dream, eased his mind; only if it were so.

  • ...

Birthday Boy

{:Time; Saturday, October 24th, 2009. 11:06 AM}
{:Location; Newcastle, England.}


Denis could hardly bring himself to sleep the night before. The irrational part of his mind screaming at him to stay awake, the only thing it accomplished was making Denis squirm a lot in his slumber.

The morning rays of the sun made its way though the gaps of his blinds, the light shone gently on that oval shaped face of his. Denis' light tannish skin complimented well with his chocolate brown hair.
He cringed up his face before turning the opposite direction under his blankets, the sun's rays glistened on the back of his head, giving his short hair a glossy sort of look.

The door to his room creaked open, light footsteps going at a slow pace could be heard faintly off of the wooden floor. Denis was completely unaware of the trespasser. A small smile tugged at Denis' lips while he mumbled a bunch of incoherrent speech patterns. The footsteps ended abrubtly at his bedside. A shadow loomed over the nine year old, staying still for give or take a minute. That was until...

"Happy birthday, Den!" shouted a female voice. This woke up Denis with a start, his assailant grabbed Denis under the arms, he began yelling fearfully. But his cries of panic soon turned into cries of laughter as he was being tickled to death by an unknown pair of hands.

"Hahaha! Stop! Haha! Mom! Stahp please!" Tears of mirth streamed down the young boys face as cried out to his mother.

A sigh of content was heard as the pair of hands left Denis' underarms. "Alright, I'll stop." The boy's ears picked up the soft foot falls of his mother walking over to the window. The blinds opened with a sudden shot of speed.

Denis let out a tiny yelp as the sun's rays temporarily blinded him, reflexively covering his eyes with his arms. "Did you have to open that so fast?" he gumbled, rubbing his eyes. Denis looked to see the one and only, his mom. She was wearing what looked like a pair of navy jeans with a pale sweater. Her blonde hair ended with a ponytail at the back of her head.

"It will get you awake faster..." Mom trailed on, walking over to his side as Denis sat up on the bed. "Plus if you stay here all day, you will miss your birthday."

"My birthday." Denis recalled, smacking his lips together. "My birthday!" He jumped off of the bed, landing on the wooden floor with a thud. Denis was bouncing on the spot with an extreme amount of eagerness.

His mom began to giggle. Watching her bundle of unpredictability with amusement. If he was happy, she was happy. Simple as that.

The sound of heavy foot steps on the wooden floor were heard stopping by the doorway to Denis' bedroom. The woman shot her gaze up to the entrance to see the silhouette of a man. "David." She nodded her head toward the man.

"I see Denis the menace is up and eager today, Wendy?" A smile presented itself on David's face, nodding in Wendy's direction as of the greeting. David was wearing a tucked in green, checkered shirt with a pair of baggy cargo trousers. His hair was a medium length, sticking up like a duck's arse in every direction. His 'mop' was a hazel color, finishing off his 'nutty' appearance.

"Dad!" Denis' grin grew even broader, running up to his father and delivered him a bone crushing hug.

"Happy birthday, kiddo." David ruffled up Denis' hair. Denis released his grip on his father, stepping back to give him a bit of personal space.

David cast his gaze around the room. His eyes slightly narrowing with each second. The bedroom walls were laden with posters of anything to do with the movie brand of the Transformers. The lone shelf hanging over the bed was lined with various toys of Decepticons and Autobots alike. Hell, there was even a two foot tall lego Optimus Prime he and Denis spent a week building on the bedside drawer.

'I need to talk Denis out this damn obsession of his. Christ.' David sighed inwardly as that thought popped itself into his head, scratching his nose as he did so.

"What're we going to do today?" Denis' gaze travelled between his parents. His eyes gleaming with that childhood innocence.

"It's your birthday, son. We can do whatever you want, okay?" Wendy couldn't have been anymore sincere with him at that moment in time.

"Anything?" Denis asked, his eyes widening as he did so.

"Anything." Wendy concluded.

Denis begun to bounce on the spot again, but the placement of his fathers hand on top of his head stopped him before he could even try.

"Now, now." David scolded playfully. "I won't have you scaring the cats with that noise you were just about to create."

"Awww..." Denis pouted. "I like scaring 'em."

'Why does he like scaring the poor things so much?' David furrowed his eyebrows.

Wendy shook her head. "C'mon. Lets get breakfast sorted." She made her way out of the room. Denis' stomach grumbled at the mention of breakfast.

"What a coincidence..." David mumbled under his breath. He turned around to see Denis making his way out of the bedroom. "Woah! Wait up, kiddo!" He called after him.

Denis turned to greet him, a smile in his face. "Yeah?"

"I got something for you." Denis' eyes gleamed with curiousity and excitement. "Follow me." Denis nodded, an even bigger smile on his face.

The duo made their way down the hallway and into the room off to the left, or what Denis knew it as, his parent's bedroom. The last time he set foot in there, he found his mom and dad 'wrestling'. He vowed to never go near that room again. Denis was reluctant to even step foot in there. David turned around and noticed his son's hesitation, he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as a slight blush appeared on his face.

"I-I'll talk to you about, uh, what we were, uh, doing when you're older, right kiddo?" A nervous laugh escaped the back of his throat.

Denis nodded his head. " 'kay."

"C'mon in then." David waved a hand over his shoulder.

He walked over to the nightstand, pulling out the drawer. He took out a package wrapped in gift paper. Denis stood behind him, wondering what this package was. David layed the gift down on the double bed.

"Here you go, son." He gestured toward the package. "Happy birthday."

Denis looked at it with curiousity, his mind screaming at him to open it. 'I wonder what's in there...' He narrowed his eyes at the present, tilting his head. He gingerly placed a hand on top of the gift, before all out ripping the gift paper to shreds. What Denis saw made his eyes widen with glee.

"A Megatron costume!" He shouted, bouncing on the spot once again. He gave his father another back-breaking hug. David let out a hearty laugh.

"I knew you'd love it, Denis." He ruffled his hair a second time that morning.

"Thanks, Dad." Denis released his grip on his fathers midsection. "Can I wear it?!" Denis practically begged.

"You can. Tis your birthday afterall." David let out a good natured chuckle, making his way out the bedroom. "Meet us back in the kitchen when you have it on, 'kay?"

"Sure thing, dad." Denis saluted as David shook his head, letting out another chuckle at his antics, walking down to the kitchen.

David began ripping off the plastic that encased the costume. Now it wasn't a costume worthy enough for a convention or anything like that, it was those types of costumes you would usually get at Argos, Tesco or any other shop that happens to sell them. It was pretty basic, but Denis looked at it as if it was the best thing since slice bread.

He gripped the shoulder area of the costume as the rest of it unfolded itself down to his feet. He looked to the ground as he heard that echoing sound of the mask boucing off of the hard floor. Denis picked it up within a matter of seconds, remembering the five second rule he had always taught himself.

'If it's on the ground for less than five seconds, germs will not get on it.' He thought to himself, placing the mask on the bed.

He turned the costume around to see the area of which the zip was. Denis took this as the area he was supposed changed into in, his guess was right. He proceeded to stick his right leg inside the hole for the appendage and did the same thing for the left. It only took him a few more seconds until he was snug inside the costume's thin layers of material.

The last thing Denis needed to complete the costume was the Megatron mask. He looked to right and grasped the mask off of the bedsheets. The mask felt slightly heavy for some reason, almost like metal. He looked at it for a few seconds, noticing a line of light trail across one the many symbols on the mask. Denis eyed the mask warily.

'That was strange...' He thought, an eyebrow raised. 'It could be a special mask though!' Denis' eyes shone like stars, he smiled, completely dismissing the thoughts he had prior. He carefully placed the mask on his face. It fit perfectly. No strap, nothing to hold it on, it just fit... like it was exactly the right size. It felt a tad bit heavy, weighing down his head.

Denis sighed in content, happy with how it felt and how comfortable it was. "Okay dad!" He shouted. "I'm ready!" Denis proceeded to do a light run on the way down the hall and into the kitchen-slash-dining area.

"Prime!" Denis tried impersonating Megatron on his father, it only sounded like a like a fourteen year old girl trying to do a buff man's accent. By this, I mean, he failed horribly.

"Aaaaaagh!" He father screamed playfully, bringing his knee up to his chest, leaning back a bit and raising his hands in a mock defensive manner.

Wendy looked on at the two. "I see you gave him the costume, David?" She smiled warmly at the sight of the two playing with each other.

"Hm? Oh yeah, he really likes it by the looks of things." David got out of his playful state.

"Well, he better stop running around now. Pancakes are being dished up." Wendy stated, serving the pancakes on a couple of plates. Denis froze on the spot at the mention of those delicious concoctions of heaven.

"Pancakes!" Denis ran over to the nearest stool by the kitchen counter. David sauntered over to his son's side as breakfast was being served up.

"What would you like to do today, Denis?" Wendy asked in curiosity.

"Hmmm..." Denis stroked his imaginary beard. "How 'bout the cinema?" David nodded in agreement, sticking out his lower lip.

"Does sound like a good day for the movies, don't it?"

Denis gasped when a thought hit him on the noggin. "Zombieland!" He shouted sticking a finger into the air.

Wendy did a spit take while drinking her orange juice, while David just looked at him funny. "Zombieland?" Denis nodded, a daring smile on his face. "I think your bit too young for that- WHAT THE HELL?!" David's scolding rant was cut off quickly as Denis' mask began glowing a bright red along with the rest costume. The symbol Denis noticed before hand was glowing even brighter.

"Is his costume meant to do that?!" Wendy screamed in surprise.

"I don't kn-!" David was cut off as Denis began getting raised up into the air.

"Mom! Dad! What's going on?" Denis looked around as he floated upwards, he found the experience new and exciting, but it was hard to say he wasn't the least bit scared either.

"Denis!" David yelled, grasping onto his son's leg, his heart going one thousand miles a second. The force was strong enough to pull him up along with his son.

They were getting nearer to the ceiling. David was a few feet off the ground. "This is pretty coOOOO-" Denis voice became distorted and heavy as the boy felt the very atoms breaking in his body, turning into tiny spheres of light. Denis was now very scared.

"STAY. WITH. ME!" David clenched his teeth together as he held onto his son's leg, trying to pull him down with all his strength. The attempt was futile as Denis had finally disappeared with a force comparable to that of a small explosion that sent Deavid crashing to the ground, his spine whacking off of the tiled floor as he did so. A sickening 'crack' was audible. He screamed in agony at not just the physical pain, but at the pain he was experiencing on the inside.

Wendy didn't move from her spot. Shock and fear holding onto her like a vice.


{:Time; Saturday, October 24th, 2009, 11:58 AM:}
{:Location; Unknown, -------, ????:}


Denis woke up with a start. He gasped for air, his breath sounding haggard and dry. He closed his eyes. 'It was just a dream.' He sighed in relief. He got up onto feet, opening his eyes.

'What the?...' He stared around his current position. Nothing was there, besides clouds, a blue sky and musty tiled roofs. 'Wait roofs?...'
Denis stared down.

And a crowd of multicolored horses stared at him back, with his mind going blank to boot.

They all looked at him with fright and curiosity. But to say Denis was bugged out was a massive understatement. A tingling sensation started to well up in his midsection, the feel to itch was intensifying. He instinctively gave in to his body's command and began moving his hand toward the area of irritation.

"Monster!" One screamed, alerting everyone else in the surrounding area, getting the rest of them to run and scream like hell. To Denis, it was all so, very confusing. His jaw was left hanging open for a few seconds.

'Did it just talk?!'

"What the he-?" Denis' heart stopped. His voice sounded off, incredibly so. It was a deep and intimidating type of voice, and one he knew all too well.

Denis clenched his eyes shut. Drowning out the noise of screams and hoovebeats, mumbling to himself. "This is just a messed up dream." Opening his eyes, he cast his gaze downward.

His body was, strange... cast with different diagonals and angles of metal, he raised an eyebrow at it. His chest had a gaping hole in it, singed and burnt. "That explains the itching..." He trailed on quietly. Denis raised his hands in front of him, eyeing them with an intense curiosity. Jagged edges of metal plating lined both his arms, parallel to each other. His hands, if they could even be called that, were now pincer like fingers, each appendage different in height and sharpness. His middle fingers looked sharp enough to cut through steel with a simple flick.

His feet had formed into a triangular v-shape to put it simply.

His vision was very and I mean very confusing to follow. Alien symbols unknown to Denis were popping up all over his field view. Sometimes a triangular shape would appear, locking on to a pony momentarily. Then the area within the triangle would zoom in on it's face. Showing a detailed level of expression.

Denis had felt a mixture of feelings going on within his head, one was that he found this new experience awesome. Another was that he was all so very confused. One moment he was in the kitchen, the next he was in a place with ponies surrounding him. A smile graced itself on his now, metal lips. "This is cool... really cool." He gazed at his body once more. The ponies were still running around like headless chickens, with only a few choosing to stop and stare at Denis.

Denis looked down at the talking, colorful, horses. "I never knew my imagin-imag-" Trying to pronouce 'imagination' was like trying to ride a bike. he couldn't do it.. "I didn't know my mind had girly things..."

Denis smacked his lips together, a metal clang was heard as he had done that, he sighed. "Might as well explore. Make this dream last as long as possible." His gruff voice made it sound like a threat to the quadrupeds, as they all started screaming again.

"For Pete's sake, would ye SHUT UP!" The pastel colored ponies came to dead halt, shaking on the spot with fear. 'What was that word mom kept on using?' He stroked his chin in thought. 'Pati-Patien-Patience! Haha! That's it!' "My patience can only go on for so much." He grumbled, loud enough for the concoction of colors to hear.

Denis sighed and took a brief look of his surroundings. One thing that he noticed immediately was that he was in a desert. Another was that the buildings he towered over had designs of glossy, red apples imprinted on them. An odd sight. A very odd sight indeed.

Seeing past those odd quirks, a look of realization dawned on his face. 'It's a cowboy town...' He trailed on mentally. Actually, it was a western town you'd find in America during the eighteen hundreds, but Denis got the jist of it. 'I hate cowboys.' He turned around walking away as the ponies looked at him in dumbfounded curiousity.


A dust cloud billowed all over as Denis hit the ground with almighty crash. He grunted in annoyance as got back up onto his feet.
He looked behind him, wondering what the hell he had tripped over. It took a few moments before his optics widened in realization. A black, scorching trail lead off down a few hundred meters or more as he, himself was currently behind the build up of dirt and mud, which could now be classified as a hill.

"Woah... meteor crash." He breathed out quietly, in awe of the destruction he had only ever witnessed on television. He quickly snapped out of his stupor, a new objective set in mind. 'Might as well know what place I'll be exploring.' He looked around at the ponies behind the hill of debris, until he spotted one that looked official.

"You!" Denis pointed one his long, metallic fingers towards a tan pony with a stetson hat and brown vest.

It put a hoof up to it's chest. "Me?!" The pony's eyes turned to pinpricks as he was being addressed.

"Yes you!" Denis repeated. "Where am I?"

The pony stuttered. "Yo-you're in-n Appleloosa. In E-Equestria!"

"Appleloose? Equestria." Denis raised an eyebrow. The quadruped nodded as Denis let out a small laugh at how ridiculous those names sounded. "Thanks." Denis turned and walked off.

"No prob-" Braeburn stopped mid-sentence, his mind going overdrive. "Did that thing just thank me?" He kept his gaze on the metal creature, the thumps of it's steps getting fainter and fainter with each passing second.

Author's Note:

Re-Written as the approach I took prior was unrealistic in my view.

Comments ( 89 )

4931203 The power of Megatron compels you! *(flails arms around frantically)*

4931208 Heresy
Starscream is our only lord and savior :moustache:

4931212 I see we both compel ourselves.:moustache:

4931217 :eeyup:
nice chapter by the way , liked and fav

4931224 Thanks man! I appreciate it:twilightsmile:

....This is just cracked out enough to be original again

Why did you use THAT Megatron, why couldn't you use the actual Megatron?!

I have no words for this.

I'll like, fave and follow

4931434 I actually don't know...

4931467 Elaborate, please...?:scootangel:

4931563 Thank you!:twilightsmile:

4931212 Silence Diamond dust!

I did not follow this beacon half way across the galaxy for

Starscream praises.

All hail Megatron, The glorious leader of the Deceptions!

4931671 i don't think you had enough time to gaze at your True lord and Emperor
but don't worry , Lord Starscream is always willing to give a chance to a misguided Heretic

Now if you still choose to praise Megatron , it's your choice , as long as you're fighting the Autobots
we're on the same side :moustache:

4931706 Well if not Megatron than Megatron reborn: ALL , HAIL , GALVATRON!!!!

FEATURED!? I got fucking featured! Hell yes!

4931734 dude, they're basically same person different name. Oh and Megatron choses to face his opponents directly instead of shooting them in the back, unlike your precious Starscream.

4931738 yup nice job , may i offer you a drink to celebrate this ?

4931744 that's what we call Strategy , or bastard strategy , choose the name you like the most . But in the end , if you reach your goal , do you really need to care about how you did it ? :trollestia:
( plus you've got to admit Starscream's voice sounds funny , now i suggest we don't end up making a fight about who's the best character and why , this is not why this comment section is here for)

4931765 In awesomeness it's Megatron in comedy it's Starscream n specifically in Transformers Animated when Tom Kenny did it.

4931765 that's what forums are for

4931738 congratulation. Here's a mustache.

4931920 I have in the movie form because I don't want him too powerful, it'd make the story boring.

4931954 Dont have to use galvatron, just the first image I used, and have him transform to fight the final Boss.

4931997 Hmmm... I'll consider it.

Megatron did nothing wrong. :pinkiecrazy:

4932078 :trixieshiftleft: He didn't do anything... yet!

4931997 how about the most recent galvatron?

Hmm... Looks interesting... Read later...

4932142 The guy who can turn into a cluster of nanobots? No, because he cant get hit if the author plays his cards right.

Why can't it be the actual Megatron in Equestria? :fluttercry:

Why must it be an OC Megatron poser?

4932237 Not a poser. He's only nine, and is a big fan of Transformers. Also, we'd all know what'd happen if the actual Megatron was there.:unsuresweetie:

Just be grateful that it's not a teen going to a convention.

I meant the megatron from the Michael bay verse. This one won't do anything wrong either...

4931434 Do you mean the kid as Megatron?:unsuresweetie:
We all know what'd the ACTUAL Megatron would do. So I chose the most interesting path to take. It's not gonna be all sunshine and rainbows for Denis, he'll have to learn to survive without his parents to help him. He's going to be all alone in a world where everything is against him. I took the more interesting route and more viable one.

4932258 But it's not a real crossover if it's only a kid dressed as a character! :fluttershbad:

4932585 Still, tis interesting seeing as he has to strengthen his will and control his emotions. He's going to keep losing more of more his innocent nature as the story continues.

4931467 I don't know if that's a compliment or not...

4932595 :fluttershysad:

Sorry mate, but why couldn't it just be the kid then? What's the relevance of having him dressed as a character if not to get that crossover tag? :applejackunsure:

4932630 It was just an idea that's been bugging me for a while:applejackunsure: He was unfortunate enough to gain a place on the chess board. (Now I won't be spoiling). I also wanted to bring back originality to the League of Humanity.

4932721 Despair?! Why:raritydespair:
Oh yeah...

4932630 I'll be adding certain things from the TF universe. That's why I have the crossover tag. Remember the shard that was left on the floor?

4932796 PRAISE THE ALL-SPARK!!!!!!!!!!!!(If it really is the small piece from Revenge of the Fallen)

4932436 No, I mean using the shitty Bay Megatron, as opposed the the real Megatron from the 80s cartoon.

4932952 You Cheeky Dick Waffle!!!

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