• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 7,209 Views, 743 Comments

The Gentle Nights: Audience of One - PaulAsaran

A chance meeting at a ruined gala leads to opportunity. Luna longs to recover from her isolation and the shadows of her past, and she clings to the one pony whose music provides her comfort. She might not be the only benefactor in the arrangement...

  • ...

Khuśī kā Pal

The Gentle Nights
Audience of One

Chapter XI
Khuśī kā Pal
Moment of Happiness

Luna stared at the horizon, her lips set in a taught frown. She heard the hoofsteps, but ignored Celestia's approach. She merely waited, ears low and eyes hard.

“So?” Celestia sat beside her with a grin. “How did it go?”

Nothing. Luna kept her lips sealed and her eyes unmoving.


Not a word.

Celestia shifted and leaned a little closer. “Is… Is everything okay, little sister?”

Luna didn’t move a muscle.

“Luna… I…” Celestia sighed and bowed her head. “Did it really go so poorly?”

The Night Princess turned with a jerk, the motion making Celestia recoil. Keeping her head low, Celestia chewed her lip and fidgeted. “L-Luna, I know I was the one to push you into it, but you must understand—”

Luna pounced, catching her sister in a tight embrace. Only when her muzzle was buried in that multihued mane did she at last let her grin break free.

Celestia stiffened, her words catching in her throat to produce some truly entertaining noises.

Seconds passed. At last Luna released her sister and pressed a hoof to her muzzle. “I think I will make visits to Ponyville an annual thing.”

A blink. Another. Celestia’s eyes crossed to stare at the hoof on her muzzle, then rose to Luna’s smirk.

Celestia’s shoulders shook, and Luna’s smile faded as tears began to well in those magenta eyes. With a gasp, Celestia moved forward to embrace her sister.

“Don’t scare me like that,” Celestia whispered through her sniffs. “This is wonderful, Luna. After all this time, I was beginning to fear that… that…”

Luna returned the embrace, delighting in the warmth that grew within her. “Thank you, dear sister. You were right. You were right all along.”

It was unladylike to show too much emotion, this Octavia knew. If she was to fit in among the elite, she had to maintain a calm and composed manner at all times. No outbursts, no silly grins, no strutting – though many elites seemed to forget that last rule.

Octavia bore no grin and she certainly didn’t perform any emotional outbursts.

But she did strut. If the elites could ignore that rule half the time, she could afford to do so every once in a while.

Chest puffed out and head held back, she walked through the halls of the Nocturnal Wing like she owned the place. No guards escorted her – she was well known enough by this point that it had been deemed unnecessary. Most ignored her, though she noted one or two pairs of eyes following her with curiosity. For once, she enjoyed their stares.

She cast a glance over her shoulder, eyeing the illusory, leathery wings. The sight made her smirk. This was going to be a visit to remember.

Octavia stood before the doors to Luna’s residence. A lone guard stood at attention by the door; he eyed her curiously but said nothing. With how stoic they always were, sometimes she wondered if communication on the job was forbidden. She knocked on the door.

“Come on in.”

Unable to resist a smile, Octavia pushed her way through. Luna’s room hadn’t changed since the last time she’d been here, save that Luna was nowhere to be found.

“In the study, Octavia.”

Maintaining a calm pace proved difficult, but Octavia made no attempt to keep from posturing as she approached the door to her right. She found Luna hunched over her large mahogany desk, a pair of quills scribbling on two separate sheets of paper and a thick book hovering at her side. She glanced up, went back to her work… then did a double take.

Octavia flicked her mane and grinned at Luna’s dropped jaw, making sure her fangs were visible. “What do you think?”

Luna gaped for several seconds, her mouth opening and closing as if she were a fish out of water. At last she managed to come out of the stupor with a small shiver. “That is a very… effective illusion.”

“Isn’t it, though?” Octavia appraised herself for the hundredth time. “I’m told it will wear off in another two days, but in the meantime I’ve really been enjoying it.”

Luna turned back to her desk with a solemn frown. “I did not think you would take to such a flashy display.”

“Not usually,” she admitted, approaching the desk. “This one has a certain charm to it. Besides, I’m still in the spirit, so to speak.” She noted Luna’s expression. “Is something wrong?”

“Nothing that is your fault,” Luna replied with a sigh. She cast another glance at Octavia and her ears lowered. “It’s just… you look a bit too much like a thestral.”

“Oh?” Octavia opened her wings to give them a curious look. “I’m supposed to be a vampire, but I guess they would look similar.”

“Not quite.” Luna closed her book, which floated into place on a nearby shelf. “There are ponies and there are thestrals. The vampire’s appearance is dependent purely upon which they were before turning, or their ancestry.”

Octavia cocked her head at the princess’s serious manner. “You speak as if they actually exist.”

At this Luna’s eyebrows rose. “But they do.”

Now it was Octavia’s turn to gape. She shook off her surprise and offered a wry grin. “This is like the ‘ponies used to eat meat’ thing, isn’t it?”

Luna stood and walked about the desk and for the door. “No, Octavia, it is not. Though the thestrals are likely extinct, I am sad to say.”

Octavia followed her at a trot. “But… but I thought thestrals were just a myth! And vampires? Really?”

Luna shook her head with a sigh. “Octavia, please. The thestrals were my friends and I do not enjoy discussing their demise. It is painful enough that I am reminded of their image.”

“Oh.” Octavia paused in the middle of the next room. She could have sworn an iron talon had gripped her insides. “I… Luna, I didn’t know.” She glanced back at her wings and chewed her lip. “You can dispel the illusion if you want.”

“No.” The princess paused next to the lounge entry and gave Octavia a forlorn smile. “It is alright. I accept that they are gone, and I have come to understand how today’s culture views them. I am not offended, Octavia. Just a little… sad.”

Ears low, Octavia trotted into the lounge. “Of course. Should I attend the Week of Nightmares again, I will ensure Miss de Lis uses a different enchantment on me.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Did you say the ‘Week of Nightmares?’”

Octavia hopped onto her usual spot on the couch and shot the princess a questioning look. “Yes. Why?”

“No reason.” Luna rolled her eyes with an exasperated smile. “The name simply sounds familiar. Tell me,” she added as she settled herself in her own couch, “did you enjoy your Nightmare Night?”

Thoughts of thestrals and vampires fled Octavia’s mind. She sat up and beamed. “Indeed I did. A new door has been opened for me: the Canterlot Garden Party!”

Luna’s ears perked. “I assume this is an auspicious occasion?”

“It most certainly is. It’s the second most important event of the year, next to only the Grand Galloping Gala, and Fancy Pants personally approached me to perform!” Octavia resisted the urge to bounce; not easy, considering how she all but buzzing with excitement. “I thought the Gala was a disaster for my career, but this… Luna, I can’t describe it.”

“Well then, that’s wonderful!” Luna replied with a proud smile. “I knew you would go far in time.”

“But that’s not the best thing.” Octavia leaned forward. “You can come!”

The princess blinked, her body going rigid. “I… can?”

“Of course!” She waved towards the windows. “The Garden Party is so-named because it is held in the Royal Gardens of the castle. It’s right here.”

“I see.” Luna set a hoof to her lips as she considered this. “Well, I typically don’t care for the events these modern nobles put on, and I am not wholly certain I would be welcome—” Octavia’s ears lowered, “—but I suppose if it is in support of a friend…”

Octavia’s ears popped back up. “So you’ll go?”

“For you? Of course I will.”

A grin arose in defiance of Octavia’s will and she puffed out her chest. “Th-that’s great! I was really hoping you could hear me perform outside my dreams.”

Luna nodded with a grin of her own. “I’ll look forward to it. I know it will be a wonderful performance, as always.” She raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps it is a good thing you were not born a pegasus. It becomes harder to hide your excitement.”

Octavia blinked and cocked her head. When Luna gestured over her shoulder, she looked back to find her fake wings spread wide. She couldn’t resist a small blush as she felt at the couch, through which the wings appeared to be running straight through.

“Well… um… this is a little embarrassing.”

“I must give Miss de Lis credit,” Luna said with a smirk. “It is not a simple illusion that can effectively function like the real thing. Be glad, Octavia; it took me years to gain the poise necessary to keep my wings in check, and you will only have to put up with them for a couple days.”

“That is fortunate.” Octavia waved her hoof, passing it through the joint of one of her wings. She really regretting not being able to push them down. She turned to Luna with a sigh… but then broke into a broad smile.

“Well, if I can’t hide my excitement, then I guess I won’t keep trying.”

Luna giggled. “I am pleased that my presence at the party pleases you so.” She regained her stately manner, though she made no attempt to replace her smile. “If you would entertain me for but a moment, I also have a proposition for you.”

Octavia settled comfortably on her barrel. “Really? I’m not sure what I could possibly offer aside from my music.”

“You misunderstand,” Luna replied with a small shake of her head. “It is not you giving something to me, but me giving something to you.”

That gave Octavia pause. She thought on her conversation with Raven a few nights ago and felt her stomach flip. “Like what, exactly?”

Luna tapped the side of her head. “Dreams.” At her guest’s confused frown, she added, “I mean, control of your dreams.”

“Control?” Octavia’s eyes went wide. “You mean… like dreamweaving magic? You can actually teach me that?”

With a giggle, Luna shook her head. “I’m afraid that would be impossible. Only particularly powerful mages can use dreamweaving magic. Dreamweaving involves moving from one dream to another and being able to manipulate the dreams of others. It is both hard to master and very dangerous if used incorrectly.

“No,” she continued with head held high, “I would like to teach you how to control your dreams.”

Octavia crossed her canons before her as she thought on this. “I was unaware a pony could simply control their dreams.”

“A dream is nothing more than an illusion projected by the mind,” Luna told her. “Since it is indeed your mind, you have the power to do whatever you want in them, if you but knew how.”

Her voice took on a light, dreamy quality. “Imagine it, Octavia. Every night, you can do whatever you wish. Anything is attainable. If you can imagine it, it can happen. Also, you’d never be powerless before your nightmares again.”

This information swam through Octavia’s brain as she stared at Luna. “That sounds… nice. Why not teach that to more ponies?”

“Because only one pony can be trained at a time, and even I cannot be in two places at once.” Luna chuckled. “Only a pony who knows dreamweaving can teach such things, and that is not a magic easily learned. I am sorry to say that I am now the only pony in Equestria who knows it. Perhaps someday I will find an apprentice and spread the knowledge, but given the danger I would have to be very selective.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “What danger, exactly?”

“The danger to the mind.” Luna grew serious once more. “A pony’s mind is a fragile thing, Octavia. I should know. It is why I go on nightmare patrols in the first place; even without a dreamweaver, a pony’s nightmares can cause significant harm. Of course, it is rare that a pony will conjure up a night terror of such potency, but it does happen.”

“Hmm…” Octavia tapped her chin as she studied Luna. “So I can only manipulate my dreams? There is no way for me to enter another’s?”

Luna considered the question for a moment. “Well, I once made a magical talisman that can let the wearer traverse dreams as I do. I believe Celestia keeps it hidden, assuming it even exists anymore.” She leaned forward to peer at Octavia. “I thought you were not interested in traversing the dreams of others?”

Octavia blushed, busying herself by brushing her mane aside. “Well, yes… but this all has me wondering about you.”

“About me?”

“Yes, you.” Octavia waved in Luna’s direction. “You go out every night and help ponies in their dreams. Who helps you with yours? Nopony, I’d imagine.”

Seconds passed. Luna stared at Octavia, her face an emotionless mask. Octavia wilted. “I m-mean, not that you’d need help, of course.”

“You are right,” Luna replied, tone even. “I am the mistress of all dreams. I am in command of my own.” Her expression broke into a calm smile. “As you will be, once I have taught you how. If you are interested in learning, that is.”

“I most certainly am.” Octavia exhaled her moment of worry and smiled in turn. “Thank you, Luna. I don’t consider my nightmares particularly bad or frequent, but to manipulate my dreams would certainly be a boon in the future.”

Luna relaxed, her smile broadening. “Wonderful. I will look forward to seeing you in your dreams at a later time.”

Abruptly, a puff of cloud appeared before Luna with a small ping. Her horn lit up, catching the small note that had materialized from them. Octavia recognized the style of the note even from her place opposite Luna. “What’s on the menu tonight?”

“Poniterranean.” Luna sent the note towards Octavia. “You will be having dinner tonight, yes?”

“As long as there’s no garlic involved.” She bared her fangs with a hiss that made Luna roll her eyes and chuckle. As she looked over the meal description, she abruptly was reminded of another pony she’d spoken to over a banquet. She nodded to Luna, who sent the note to the cooks with another small spark of her horn.

Octavia fidgeted, rubbing her hooves together as she wondered about the most diplomatic way to broach the subject she had in mind. “I…”


“I heard… you went to Ponyville.”

“Ah.” Luna sighed. “I suppose my sister mentioned it?”

“No.” Octavia winced at her far too quick response. “It was actually her secretary, Raven. We bumped into one another at the Week of Nightmares.” That worked, right? It wasn’t as though she’d lied.

“At the…” Luna’s eyes went wide. “But that’s not possible. I saw her in Ponyville.”

“Ponyville?” Octavia wrinkled her muzzle in thought. “But I definitely met her. She’s the one who told me that you’d gone to Ponyville, after all.”

Luna rubbed her chin, her face taking on an expression that probably rivaled Octavia’s. “That’s… curious. I have to wonder how this could happen. I will have to ask her about it at the first opportunity.”

Octavia shook her head. “We’re getting off topic. I meant to ask you how it went.”

“How it went?” Luna’s uncertain eyes met hers.

“Yes, how it went.” There was a pause as Luna sought to grasp her meaning. Octavia waved to the window. “Nightmare Night in Ponyville?”

“Oh!” Luna’s cheeks flushed, then she giggled. “Right, that. It went—”

The blush left as fast as it had come. Luna stared at her guest for a few seconds as though seeing her for the first time, then gained a warm smile. “It went wonderfully. A few missteps at the beginning, but I enjoyed myself by the end.”

“I knew it!” Octavia hurriedly covered her mouth. It was her turn to blush and giggle. “I mean… I suspected things would go well if you just gave it a try. I’m glad it worked out for you.”

“It most certainly did,” Luna said, still possessing that strange, soft smile. “I owed my sister thanks for meddling, and Twilight Sparkle for helping me get through the night. More than anypony, however—” she leaned forward just a touch, “—I owe you. Without your encouragement, I would not have gone at all.”

Octavia shifted under the princess’s gaze, her lips turning upwards in a lopsided smile. “I only spoke my mind. Like you told me to.” Her hooves toyed with the edge of the couch. “It wasn’t a big deal.”

“You really are too modest.” Luna’s smile broadened a touch. “It is because I wanted to thank you that I offered to teach you about dreams.”

Octavia’s cheeks were burning. She wasn’t even sure why. “I’m just glad I helped.”

Luna nodded, then turned her thoughtful eyes to the window. “I feel like stargazing. Join me on the balcony?”

“Stargazing?” Octavia tilted her head, but stood from the couch and followed Luna to a closed door that she had never been through before. The door opened to Luna’s magic and revealed a room much darker than the others.

“Next time we will have to try the Nocturnal Tower,” Luna said, her shimmering mane guiding Octavia through the dark. “But for tonight, I think this will do fine.”

Something shifted; curtains were pushed back to reveal a large balcony behind tall windows. With the moonlight streaming into the room, Octavia had the opportunity to look around. She spotted the large bed with its dark sheets.

“Oh, bedroom.”


“Nothing.” Octavia hurried to catch up. “I was just wondering what room… oh.”

The stars filled the cloudless sky like a thousand tiny jewels floating upon a black sea. Octavia gaped at the sight, craning her neck back in an attempt to take it all in. She’d never seen the sky look so pristine, and it took her breath away.


She shook off the moment and looked to see Luna lying on a marble bench and watching her curiously.

“Sorry.” She blushed and went to rest on a second bench. “I’ve simply not had such a clear view of the night sky like this since—” She bit her lip and fought down painful memories. “In a long time.”

Luna chuckled and turned her eyes skyward. “You should see what it looks like from the tower, or better yet, the clouds. Truly spectacular.”

“I would like that.”

Silence fell upon the two ponies as they gazed at the twinkling night canopy. Octavia felt no need to speak, and it seemed Luna shared the sentiment. They simply observed.

There was a certain pleasure in this: a quiet night, the comfort of Luna’s company, a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. Octavia wasn’t sure she’d ever felt so serene before. She glanced at Luna, studied her face and shape. Most of all, she took in Luna’s mane. When it shifted in just the right way, it seemed almost as though the night sky itself extended from her, marking her as a being far greater than a mere pony, more sacred than even a princess.

She was like a goddess. A beautiful, perfect night goddess.

Octavia sighed and turned her gaze back to the sky. As she did, she thought on how she’d come to be here, about her relationship with Luna. How fortunate she was, that she could call the princess her friend.




“I want you to stop sending me bits.”

In the corner of her eye, she saw Luna shift. “You… you do?”

“Mm-hmm.” She tilted her head slightly so she could catch Luna’s uncertain frown. “I didn’t realize you were paying me. It needs to stop.”

Luna’s sounded as hurt as her pouting expression looked. “But why?”

Now Octavia turned her head to look at the princess directly. “Why are you paying me in the first place?”

A red glow rose slowly in Luna’s cheeks. She bowed her head and her eyes began to perform that dance Octavia had grown so familiar with. “Well… my sister paid you, did she not? I thought, since I am taking up your time and all—”

“Celestia paid me to perform for a princess.” Octavia pressed a hoof to her chest. “That’s not why I am here. I’m your friend, Luna. You don’t pay for a visit from a friend.”

“I know, I just…” Luna’s blush deepened and she covered her face with a wing. “I thought at first that you should be given something for putting up with me.”

“Luna!” Octavia leaned towards her. “Please, don’t belittle yourself like that. I like our weekly visits. I wish we could do them more often!”

“I do too.” Luna lowered her wing just enough to reveal her sheepish smile. “I am sorry, my friend. I thought you deserved a little something, that is all.”

“I don’t deserve payment.” Octavia facehooved, but maintained an exasperated smile. “That makes it seem as though I am only pretending to be your friend so I can earn some bits. Our relationship isn’t a sham.”

Luna’s eyes were like saucers and a gasp escaped her lips. “I… Octavia, it was never my intention to… I am so sorry!”

“No, no, no.” She waved an energetic hoof and blushed. “I’m not offended, really! I’m just saying I want you to stop paying me for these visits. I’d like to give back the bits you’ve been giving me, too.”

Luna shook her head forcefully. “Absolutely not! I’ll stop the payments immediately, but I can’t let you return the bits.”


Please, Octavia.” The princess bowed her head beneath the level of her bench. “Keep it, as a gift and as part of my apology. I cannot believe I was so insensitive! I insist.”

Octavia pursed her lips. She waited for Luna to rise from her bow, but she refused to move. At last, Octavia sighed. “Well… I must admit the extra money will make things easier for me for a little while. I’m not comfortable with it, but as long as you promise not to send anymore.”

“It’s a promise.” Luna at last raised her head, her cheeks still burning. “This is a most embarrassing faux pas.” She thought for a moment, then groaned. “And my sister knows about it.”

“What?” Octavia felt her cheeks flushing as she tried to think of when she’d let that information slip. “W-what makes you think that?”

Luna buried her face in her canons. “She’s watching me more closely than a phoenix does its eggs. I promise you, if I spend money from my personal treasury, she will be aware of it before it has even left the vaults.”

“Oh.” A sigh of relief. “I am sure she’s only after what is best for you.”

“So she claims.” Luna huffed and raised her head, taking on a proud pose. “I will simply have to deal with her pestering later. Then again, she has said nothing of it so far, so I suppose she is—” She blinked and cast a raised eyebrow Octavia’s way.

Octavia shifted. “Is something the matter?”

“Of course not.” Luna sighed and looked up to the stars with a small smile. “I am merely wondering at what point my sister will stop acting like my mother. Enough of this; let us just enjoy the stars together, yes?”

A warm smile slowly turned Octavia’s lips. “Of course.”

Once again, silence reigned. Octavia fell back into that mode of relaxation and pleasure, taking in the delightful canopy above her. She sighed and thought about all that had happened in the past few months. So many good things… and yet she felt happier now than she had at any of those times. With her only grave issues towards Luna resolved, everything felt as if it had fallen into place.



“I’m really glad to be here.”

Luna glanced at her.

“I’m glad you are here, too.”

Little else was said that night.

There was no need.

Author's Note:

I seriously considered adding one more section to this chapter, but after some contemplation decided against it. Simply put, I wanted this to be the 'high ground' chapter where everything just feels right.

Of course, once you hit the top there's only one direction left to go.