• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 329 Views, 0 Comments

A lost Kingdom: A lost pony - demonrecon

Scootaloo and friends come together and discover a dark truth about Equestria. What will they do when they come together and find a missing princess Celestia and what she’s been up to. What happens when the nobles get involved?

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History lessen 101

Two thousand two hundred years ago the pony tribes united. The Alicorns known as Celestia and Luna appeared, and took over the sun and moon respectively. Same year they became the rulers of the pony populating and renamed the country Equestria. Nineteen hundred years ago first contact with the griffin kingdom happened. The griffin kingdom witch had been around for a thousand years by this point looked at the united pony’s and laughed but when the found out they controlled the sun and moon, they became more serious and demanded the Princess to come to their kingdom instead and be there servants as the infer species. When the princess refused the griffin sent Special Forces to take them by force. By this point the Equestrian military was small the need for a large force not being needed since before the unification of the pony tribes. Those the griffin team made it to the chambers and almost succeeded exempt they underestimated how much power the royal sisters had and untimely failed for it.

This led to Equestria building up its military might making the royal guards forces triple within the year. The griffin would send threats at Equestria if they did not handle the princess over that they would be taken by force and there country burned. As they did this the griffin forces started to burn pony villages around there border. As well as rain stock there merchants and killing pony travelers. When the royal guards went to defend the border the griffins declared war on Equestrian one year after the first contact had been established. The war would carrier on for ten years. For the first year Equestrian would lose one third of its land. Then stagnate for the next four for the royal sister joined the fight. Wherever they appeared they would win the battle but lose the one they had not appeared in, those land taken would equal to the land lost. It would be the reason Equestrian would form its elite air fighting force known as the wonder bolts. At the five year mark the first battalion of wonder bolts appeared and would take loses but win the battle. Over the course of the next five years the wonder bolts would gain fame. They along the royal sister would push back the griffin to their capital where the king of the griffins would be force to sign the surrender of the griffin empire and lose much of their land in turn to the ponies. Leaving the once vast and powerful griffin kingdom nothing left but the capitol in the southern moutons.

The griffin king known as Henry the great would now be known for the rest of history as Henry the fool king. He would soon die a month later by unknown reasons and be replaced by another known as king Arthur the wise. He would establish knightly chivalry and honor, which the griffin kingdom would become famed for. Tension between the griffin kingdom and Equestria would remain for generations to come as well as the resentment.
Seventeen hundred years ago discover of the crystals pony’s kingdom created new trade for the young new Equestria and the princess tighten relations with them over the next hundred years. Not wanting tension to be so high between the nations like they were with the griffin kingdom. The crystal empire had extension knowledge of enchanting crystals with great power. There greatest weapon being the crystal heart. Were the love of its people would protect them from harm. They also had rare plants that could only be grown within the extreme temperatures of the winter caves rare plants that had effects not known to Equestrian ponies they would over time trade these plants with the Equestrian ponies. After few decades, as well as other plants that could only be grown there.

Sixteen hundred years ago the first Equestrian ships set sail to map the world. Three months later they discover the zebra’s tribes. They spoke strangely to the ponies and knew the land differently. They also discovered that the zebras are great healers with plants and mighty hoof to hoof fighters. The zebras to them had a strange relationship with the creatures of the wild. They also found it horrifying that nature there is uncontrolled. Over the course of the next few decades some trade networks where established though difficult since the zebra tribes where always moving. They seemed neutral towards the ponies and would for centuries.

Fifteen hundred years ago the dragons became aware of the royal sisters and a few made contact with them. Two hundred years later the four dragons that had done so moved to Equestria accepting a deal made by the royal sisters. No one to this day knows what that deal was and the dragons of that time are either died off or missing. No one knows which.
Thirteen hundred and fifty two years ago a city made of sea ponies came to be found by explores. The city had magic unlike any other in the world. Trade was attempted but would fail. Why the sea ponies where kind and generous to visitors they would not let anyone stay long or share any of the magic with them. The city was a site to see nothing like it in the world with most of it under water so transparent and illuminated you could see every building every fine detail of it. And the buildings that were above all the move impressive building that made the finest artist envy for its creation and architects bewilder how it stands. The beauty of the city became world known. Poetics would come to see it and would write of its beauty, bards would come to see it and sing of its beauty. All who would come to see it would wonder of its beauty how could such a place exits? Then one day the city would vanish never to be seen from again the last known sighting of it was twelve hundred and eighty two years ago.
Eleven hundred and twenty one years ago Celestia School for gifted unicorns is established, in the old capital. It would stand for one hundred and twenty one years before it and the capital would be burned down in the one year war, also known as the nightmare moon war.

One thousand and one years ago, king somber who had once been known as the crystals empires greatest hero and scholar. Who is said to be on par with the great Star Swirl the Bearded. He had been said to be one of the most powerful unicorns in ages. Yet he took up the sword came to power with an army of shadow ponies. Where these shadow ponies came from and why Somber turned against the crystal ponies is unknown. The only thing that we do know is that he is defeated by the royal sister and that the crystal ponies with their capital disappeared after that.
Soon After that a powerful creature known as Discord appears and turns Equestria into his own plaything. The royal sister would face against him three times in the next month only the third time they would succeed with artifacts of unknown origin. But this is not the last time these unknown artifacts would appear. They would be used to banish the fearsome Nightmare Moon to the Moon ironically, one year and three months later.

Three months later Princess Luna would disappear and Nightmare Moon would take stage with an army of undead and Bat pony’s whose existence up to this point was never proven. The war was considered by the other nations as a civil war though the zebras had seen Nightmare Moon as something else. Making them cut off ties with Equestria for the next five hundred years. The capital is burn along with many other great cities’ cutting the pony population in half from it.
After the one year war Celestia would start the construction of a new capital in the mountain’s known as Canterlot. It would take ten years to build the castle and another fifty for it to become the gem of the kingdom. A new school of gifted unicorns would be built there twenty years after the constitution of the castle completion. Within this time Princess Celestia became almost anti-social rarely making public apparatuses. Her advises at this time would make some suggestion to create royal family’s to help take some of the difficulties of leader ship off her hoofs as she morns the loss of her sister. She agrees and the twelve families are established all who happen to be her advisers at the time.
Only four of which are Pegasus and for some unknown reason known of which are earth ponies. Of course Princess Celestia had earth pony adviser but they dropped themselves out when the selection of royal family’s where to be had. Knowing that they are of the lesser races and thus knowing when to bow out.
Know does anyone know when Princess Celestia disappeared? At this a young unicorn mare up front raised her hoof high into the air. Saying “I know miss Violet, I know miss Violet.” Miss Violet smiled and turned to her saying “go ahead dear.”

“It was the year 1182 AC!”

“And what does AC stand for?”

“After Celestia I think…”

“yes that is wright. Now what happened after she dippared can anyone tell me?”

“its alright remember there is no wrong answer as long as its coming from the right race.”
One of only two Pegasus in the class timidly raises her hoof.
Miss Violet looks around the room scanning for any other proper pony a hoof seeing none she turns towards Scootaloo sighs and says “yes Pegasus do you know the answer?”

“… yes I think I do…”

“Then what is it?”

At this Scootaloo squirms in her set a little before speaking.
“The twelve royal families took complete control of the nation and established the twelve royal decrees.”


“I… “

“That I suppose is all we can expect from a Pegasus well you’re still better than those things outside I suppose.”
The unicorns laughed at Scootaloo for not knowing the full answer. And thinking that she would know something the unicorns didn’t. The teacher let her students a few more minutes to make fun of the Pegasus before telling them to settle down. Right before she could continue the history lessens the bell rang signaling the end of the day.

“All right class now remember, unicorn apparition day is in two days and you won’t have your earth pony tomorrow since the town needs them to get the celebration ready.”

At that the class started too filial out calling for their earth pony to them, to carrier there books home for them. Scootaloo sighing as she saw the only other Pegasus in the class take to the sky to go home not even saying bye to her.

I wish I could fly… then at least I could soar through the air like Rainbow Dash. I wish I could be just like her she doesn’t care what the unicorns say about her. And none of them will bother her since she controls the weather for the town. That and I doubt they could keep up with her. She is so cool; I want to be just like her. But that won’t happen.

After all only considered better than an earth pony since I have wings but just barely… i can’t help but wonder what life would be like if the princess never disappeared. I wonder if she could make me be able to fly! That would be all some. Well I might as well get on my scooter and fine a place to sleep tonight. Or I will have to deal with Uncle Cider again…

I wonder around the towns ally’s not finding any good spots at least spots that hadn’t already been taken by some of the older earth ponies. And I didn’t think they would lessen to a Pegasus that couldn’t even fly let alone a filly. Since they seemed the rough type and not so friendly.

I ended up finding myself on the outskirts of town a little past the apple orchard but wright before the Everfree. I ended up coming across an old beat-up tree house. It had seen better days for sure yet it looked warm and welcoming. Odd I now but that is how I felt. I let my scooter under the small ramp that leads to the barley hanging on door to the place. And took in the details the wood of the ramp creaked when I stepped on it. The wood of its walls seemed almost frail. Then I came upon the door I slowly open it not wanting to break it. I looked inside and saw old bean bag chair an old looking table that was missing part of a leg. It being balanced on old books that seen better days them sleeves.

I took in the one window off to the side a small breeze came in the rags of curtains being tied to the side so one could view the outside. In fact as I did so I noticed it was getting late for it was already twilight outside.

I continued to look around till I came upon what I was looking for blankets, though they were tucked off to the corner and smelled a little funny they looked like they would be very warm. I wrapped the bunch around myself and fell asleep I knew if I should up in class the next three days I would be ridiculed and beaten up after all this was a special holiday for the unicorns. And even a Pegasus was unwelcome. The earth pony’s would only be allowed in town tomorrow to work on setting it up for the unicorns then they would be expected to keep out of site for the next two days unless called upon by a unicorn to do something like sever drinks or food.

The next morning came and I awoke to a most unexpected sound some pony yelling at me to get up and out of her club house since one it was hers and two the unicorns expected all earth pony’s to help set up the celebration and she doesn’t know what they would do to her and her family if some earth pony was fond on the land they worked for.

“What is going on?...”

“Ya all there herd what I be sayin get you’re arise up!”

“What are u talking about it the day before unicorn apparition day meaning time to stay out of site out of mind.”
At that the strange yellow filly with a red main and pink bowtie yanked the sheet off of me.
“Like I was sayin get your…”

She stop suddenly she was staring at me, more specially my wings. I look at her and cracked a half a smile finding it funny that the annoying filly stopped screaming when she found out I’m a peguses and not a earth pony like her. I suddenly remember when I had been in the same spot as this yellow filly back when Berry Pinch and her friends had forced me to their slave for a week for when I had yelled at them when they had knocked me done. Till I rely who I was yelling at that was. That had been a rough week. But still they treated me better than an earth pony. Now this filly is probably expecting death or something worse from me.
I could see the rage dyeing from her eyes as fear started to take over; she began to beg that I would forgive her.

“Please don’t hurt me or my family, it was a mistake really.”

“Im not going to do anything of the sort really … who are you again?”


“Yes so who are you?”

“Applebloom… and you?”

“Scootaloo… so what know?”

“what do you mean?”

“I mean um are you going to tell anyone im here? Or …”

“no I don’t think that would be a good idea I don’t know what would happen to me and my family if I did…”
Right they would probably get in more trouble than me wouldn’t they.so what should I say I don’t know and this awkward silence is killing me. Come on brain think of something to say all ready.
“do you want to be friends?” crap brain why is that all you could think to say I mean really know why would you think to say that to a lesser race!


What did she say. I mean why did she agree to that? No better yet would should I say know? I don’t know, I don’t Know!
“that cool say want to hang out and do something?” what is wrong with me why do I keep saying these things?

“I don’t know mah sis and brother might be awfully mad at me if I skip out on mah work and all.”

“Hey then I will make you a deal then I help you out and then we can play? What you say?” o brain of mine your just going to keep getting me into more trouble aren't you.

“… I guess that could be alright. But are you sure you can even do earth pony work it’s pretty hard and all.”
Was she insisting that a Pegasus couldn't do what a earth pony could do? O now she’s done it I’m going to make her cry like I would when all those unicorns thought I implied Pegasus where better in some way!

“I’ll try and keep up the best I can any way then!” find brain you win this round.As we walked out I asked her what we would be doing, and how I could help.

“well i'm in charge of building the stage. So you can help me with that, like bring me nails and holding bords and the likes.”
O ya I almost forgot “so Applebloom you wouldn't happen to have a sweeter or something to hide my wings by any chance. You know so pony’s don’t ask why a Pegasus and a earth pony are doing things together.” At that her eyes looked down a little. “ ya I got something you could borrow scoots.”

“thanks abunch Applebloom. I don’t want to be made fun of any more then I already am.”
“ya no problem, any time scoots.” She said this as she lowered her head a bit.

Author's Note:

Next time in A lost Kingdom: A lost pony
“Scoots watch out!” “What do you mean by that? Do you and that earth pony think there better than a unicorn cause that is what it sounds like to me you said pegasus.” “Why did you save me from the beast?” “Because where ponys Sweetie Belle, unicorn, pegasus, or earth pony, we are all still ponys.””Where am I who are you wait who am i? Never mind that isn’t important what is, is if it worked!” “what’s an Alicorn?"
Stay tuned as the next chapter "Celestia Back well kind of."

if anyone wants to edit pm me please i'm looking for an editor to make the story better.

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