• Published 2nd Sep 2014
  • 1,680 Views, 52 Comments

The Final Act - fluttercord4ever

A thousand years ago Discord was turned into stone, what happens if he was in love with a female named Posey.

  • ...

A little bit of sweet and sour

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes to a brightly lit room. She stood up from her bed trying to remember what happened last night.

"I remember there were stars
Shining stars upon a vast night sky."

Fluttershy walked over to her door and slowly opened it.

"There were friends all around
And one of them was a man
And the man was named..."

She then saw a figure on her couch sleeping soundly. She slowly walked other the couch as she sang in her soft voice.

"Who was that person in my heart
Who is that face in my mind?"

Fluttershy put her hand on the person's face. A hand quickly grabbed her's and the person's eyes opened and looked at Fluttershy with his golden eyes. He smile sweetly and said.

"Good morning, Fluttershy. Did you sleep well?"

"Oh...uh...I slept just fine....and good morning to you too....Discord."

Fluttershy felt her cheeks turn red from embarrassment. She was hoping that Discord wouldn't wake up. Discord smile grow bigger.

"Well, I don't know about you but I am hungry. How about I cook us something?"

Fluttershy's eyes widen in surprise.

"Discord... you really don't have to do that. I mean you are my guest and-"

Fluttershy didn't have a chance too finish her sentence when Discord snapped his fingers. There was a bright flash and in the middle of her home was a table with fancy food that Princess Celestia or the high class people would get in Canterlot . Fluttershy looked at Discord to see that he was wearing a black suit. Fluttershy looked down at herself to see a light blue dress.

"Oh my..."

Discord smile and with a wave of his hand, took Fluttershy's right hand and guided her to the table. He snapped his other hand too make two chair, one on each side of the table. He placed Fluttershy on the chair and gently push her in. Fluttershy couldn't help but blushed.

"Why is Discord acting like this? I mean it is sweet of him but why do I feel so..."


Fluttershy was snapped to reality when she heard Discord's voice coming from the other side of the table.


Discord chuckled and said.

"I said 'Are you going to eat?' You know Posey and I used to eat like this all the time."

Fluttershy looked at Discord's eyes.


Discord smiled and nodded. Fluttershy made a small smile and took a bite of one of the foods. Fluttershy's eyes opened wide as all the flavors danced on her taste buds. The mixture of vanilla and strawberry clearly visible and the soft and smooth taste of the food melted into her mouth as it disappeared. Discord made a small chuckle.

"I kind of figure you'll like that cake. It was Posey's favorite too. Judging by your reaction, this is your first time trying 'The Little Butterfly'."

"Is that what its called? Why is it called 'The Little Butterfly'?"

"Because it was sweet and light and 'flutters' away into your mouth."

Fluttershy smiled and continued to eat the sweet cake.

"Hey, Fluttershy may I ask you something?"

Fluttershy looked up at Discord as they walked through the path that leaves to Ponyville.

"Sure, what do you want to know?"

"What is that ring on your finger? If I remember correctly, you were not wearing that when we first met."

"Oh you mean my element ring."

Fluttershy said holding her hand were the Element of Kindness laid on her ring finger.

"The element ring?"

Discord said with curious in his voice.

"Yeah, all of my friends have one of them.There is Rarity who has the Element of Generosity. Rainbow Dash who has the Element of Loyalty. Applejack who has the Element of Honesty. Pinkie Pie who has the Element of Laughter. Twilight who has the Element of Magic. Then there is mine, the Element of Kindness."

Discord laughed.

"Haha if I didn't know better, I would have said that they were the Elements of Harmony."

Fluttershy looked at Discord and smile.

"Actually you are right Discord. They are the Elements of Harmony. How do you know about the Elements?"

Discord stopped in his tracks with a surprise look on his face, but quickly turned to anger. Fluttershy was a bit alarmed at the sudden change in Discord's face. Fluttershy was going to ask if Discord was ok when he grabbed her arm. His grip tighten in anger. Fluttershy fearfully looked up at Discord's face to see his once golden eyes were glowing a bright red.

"Who are you?!"

"Discord what are you-?"

"Why do you have one of those Elements that took Posey away from me?!"

"You mean the Element-"

"Stop your talking! Tell me the truth!"

"Discord what is- Ahhh!"

Discord pushed Fluttershy into a near by tree with both hands on her shoulders.

"I said stop talking! Who are you and what did you do to my Posey?! Why do you wear her skin and have her voice?!"

"D-Discord, y-you are hurting me."

Fluttershy said as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Shut up you witch! Tell me where Posey is!"


Discord turned around to see Fluttershy's friends. His eyes glowed even more brighter.

"I hate you Elements. YOU are the ones who took my Posey away from me!"

Discord said in a low dark voice. He then pulled Fluttershy so she was in front of him but didn't let go of her. Fluttershy had a scared look on her face yet there was a mix of pity in her eyes.

"Lets see how you Elements do when one of them is gone?"

Discord said looking at the other Elements before he snapped his fingers and both Discord and Fluttershy were gone.

Author's Note:

I was hard for me to write the fight scene with Discord and Flutttershy. Please don't hate me. But you could see why that Discord acted the way he did right?

I mean you found out that your lover's 'daughter' (Or that what Discord is thinking now. He is not even sure if Fluttershy is Posey daughter anymore) turns out to have a part of a thing that separated you and your lover.