• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 540 Views, 13 Comments

Love/Blood Lust - OscornBrony

A human vampire turns up in Equstria and finds that he has no desire to leave... if he can survive.

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Chapter 3

Love/Blood Lust
Chapter 3

I lowered, the now unconscious, Twilight Sparkle to the ground and I looked at the dragon boy, Spike, as I used my left hand to wipe away blood from around my mouth.

Spike had a face of absolute anger. His claws were clenched, and his teeth were bared. And like so many people, he glared right into my eyes, as if he were putting my soul to judgment. A judgment that was predetermined.

It is just so fun when they try to act tough by doing something stupid. With a simple stunning glance, I turned him immobile. 'Now for the not so fun part.'

I started to walk around the building, trying to find a plan of action. Going outside was not a preferred idea. But if I were to stay in the building for much longer the other two would wake up. Of course they would both be fine, I'm a vampire, not a murderer. The only damage would be some bite marks and slight blood lost.

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All in all I could only find three ways out. I could hide under the bed tell dark, but you can believe me, far to may people look under the bed for the big bad monster. I could also hide in the trash tell sundown, did I ever tell you about my great since of smell? Or I could leave now at three in the after noon.

Lifting my hood over my head I walked to the door, only to hear a small moan from behind me. I turned around to see Twilight slowly opining her eyes. As she seen me, she froze . She was still far to dazed to do anything, pulse to weak to even stand. So I gave her a quick two fingered salute and ducked out the door, keeping every inch of skin under cover.

The air was hot, but not uncomfortably so. It turns out that vampires have great resistance to the heat and cold. It it the actual sun that hurts.

I shifted my eyes, looking both ways around me. There were ponies ,which was what called themselves, everywhere, and I mean it. There were dozens on the streets, and also I could see some flying in the sky. 'I'm not trying to make it sound large, the population was actually fairly small, but groups always feel bigger when everyone is looking at you.'

I wasn't really worried about that, they mainly whispered to each other as they stayed out of my way. There was one thou that did just the opposite. A girl with a butte up shirt, blue pants, and a stetson, walked out from behind an apple stand and stood in front of me. 'Apple Jack.'

“Hold right there partner! I've got some questions ta ask ya. How did ya-”

She was quickly cut off by a voice from behind me. “APPLE JACK! Be careful! That thing got Twilight down! She's loosing blood!”

I turn around and, of cores, there was the dragon boy. 'This might be a good time to go.' I turned back around to see a... '...A boot?' I felt my nose brake under Apple Jack's foot as I tumbled backward onto the ground. Sadly my hood also hit the ground when it came off and I got a good face-full of light.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh!” I said something intelligent like that anyway as I covered my face with one of my hands as I clawed at the hood with the other.

I could feel the red energy escaping out the burns as I got my shelter back up. I looked over to see the bewildered face of Apple Jack, standing five feet away, trying to puzzle together what happened.

I stretched forth my right hand and closed it. As I did, red, vampire, magical, energy gathered around the farmer. Then I yanked my hand towards me. The red magic pulled the girl towards me thew the air and a garbed her by the shoulders, not wanting to waist time I sunk my teeth into the base of her neck.

The effect was immediate. I sighed as I felt the burns heal and the women go limp. Releasing my jaw's grip, I lowed her the the ground and ran.

There were some shouts of “Get him!” and “Kill the monster!” from the other ponies, but none seemed to want to fallow me into the trees.

Dogging branches, crushing twigs, stomping on flowers, I worked my way into the darker parts of the trees. 'Now there is a chance that they would be alright if I explained every thing. It would be worth a try, that is if I were a complete idiot.' I slowed to a walk, but keep going. The idea behind this was to waist time for day to pass, to make travel easier. So, I let the hours drag on.

I was wondering threw the trees tell I found a river running threw them. Above my head I could see that the stars had come out, but that was not what cot my attention. Across the river I thought I could here some thing, more of someone, speaking.

They say “Curiosity killed the cat.” but as I've said before, I'm a vampire, not a cat. So I journeyed over the water. I don't know how deep the water was. I don't care how deep the water was. All it took was a magic inhabited jump to clear the water and I was back on my way threw the woods tell I found the source of the sound.

It was another one of the pony folk, another girl like most of the population seemed to be. But she seemed different. She had a dark blue cote, with wings and what seemed to be a horn coming out of the blue energy that seemed to be her hair,... or mane? She was sitting on the edge of a cliff, looking across it to an old ruin.

I could now here what she was saying.

“...Yet as the years past in their endless flow,
I had to give up on the days I wished to once again know.
As the days past in the endless night,
My home of old stayed in my sight.
Upon my prison on the moon,
I longed to come home soon.
Over time the nightmare decided to once again show,
And take me back to become my home's foe.
But now I am home again tonight.
I will always try to keep this love in my sight.”

I could not help but smile as I looked at her from behind. My instinct told my to bite her, but I was full and had no reason to, so I was going to just leave her be. That is tell she turned around and seen me.

Comments ( 2 )

Hey man, so far so good. Ill be waiting for the next chapter.
Oh, can you try making the chapters a bit longer? If not, thats ok.
I want to see where this goes fromhere.

Hello everypony, I'm back. I can't believe it's been two years and I feel terrible. So I'm letting you all know that I've returned and the reason that I haven't updated for so long is..... well I forgot, plus I moved plus I had thee family members die within three months of each other which made me want to do nothing.
But now I'm back and the next chapter should be out within two days!

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