• Published 22nd Sep 2014
  • 1,573 Views, 18 Comments

It's about Time! - cipherscriptures

Sequel to your the apple in my eyes. AppleJack and Spike have kids that could be the difference between life and death.

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Author's Note:

Welcome to the very set part of my 3 part sequel the first part being, Your the apple in my eyes. I give you the last part where Apple Jack and spike have kids enjoy!

In so sorry for there named i can't come up with any good pony names I'm so sorry forgive me.

" Spike!!" Apple Jack screamed from her room. She could feel that her water had broken and the kid was coming." Spike!!" She cried again frowning more and more anxious.

" Spike!!!" She screamed again feeling darkness close around her." Spike!! It's the- the kids!!" She screamed. Growing more and more anxious Apple Jack did the only thing that she could, she leaped out of her bed and began to walk to her door, she could feel the cold and darkness around her.

" Spike!" She screamed some more. Breathless and gasping for the door she feel her shoulder being shook, soon she felt the feeling in her whole body.

" Apple Jack?" Came a light murmur." Apple Jack?!" The voice was louder.

" Apple Jack!!" It screamed, fully awake now and AppleJack could feel Spikes claws grasping her shoulder." Are you ok you where screaming my name in you sleep?" Spike looked the mare in the eyes and she sighed.

" It was the kids." She said at last.

" Are you still worried about the gender or... Race? Applejack it's going-"

" It's not that I'm worried about I'm worried that one day you will get up and leave. Leave me and the kids." Applejack could feel the tears starting so she turned away.

" Apple." Spike cupped her chin and pulled her face to his." I would never leave or the kids especially since your due date is any day now." Spike kissed her softly and AJ smiled.

" Thanks Spike." AppleJack pulled the covers to the bed back over her and closed her eyes.

" Your welcome AppleJack." Spike pulled his covers back over and closed his eyes too within minutes the couple was fast asleep.
( time skip three days.)

"Spike!" AppleJack called just like in her dream almost 3 days ago only this time skip barge through the door.

" What is it?" He cried. Ever since the dream he had been on edge about the whole kids thing.

" It's time."

" What?"

" The kids!" Applejack screamed having a contraction.

" Ok take a deep breath ill send a letter to Twilight and the hospital." Spike eyes widen and he set down stairs running as fast as he could." Dead twilight it's the kids come quick." He scribbled on a piece of scrap paper and sent it. With in second he got a reply.

" On my way." It read in scribbled hand writing." We need a ambulance at Sweet Apple Acres my wife is in labor." He scrawled on another piece of paper.

" Ahhhhhhhhh!" Came a scream from upstairs.

" I'm never going to make it." He bit his lip and sweat came from his forehead, quickly sending a letter he heard a knock at the door.

Rushing over to it he flung it open and there stood Twilight along with the rest of the mane six.

" She is upstairs." Spike pointed up the stairs and the group raced up there, Spike followed trailing behind. What he saw was madness AppleJacj was screaming and breathing deeply while the group tried to calm her down.

" Spike spike spike spike spike.." She muttered under her breath trying very hard to concentrate on the fact that Spike was here and not anywhere else.

" Rainbow check outside to see if the ambulance is here." Twilight commanded holding the orange mare's hoof. Rainbow nodded and quickly flew out the window by the bed." Apple Jack it's ok just breath it will be here in a minute breath." Twilight soothed her while Spike watched from the side standing by Pinkie who clearly didn't know what to do.

" Do you think she'll be ok?" Asked spike. Twlight nodded her head and that's when rainbow entered with a scout report.

" There on there way about a mile down the road should be here in a few minutes." Rainbow dash stood tall trying to keep a straight face but you could tell she was worried.

" Oh you will be ok darling." Rarity said levitating a damp cloth to her head. Where she got the cloth I have no idea. Applejack merely smiled and laid her head back breathing deeply. There was loud knock on the door and Spike raced to get there along with Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

" Upstairs!!!" He cried pulling the door open for the second time. there was nurse standing in the door way and when she heard her orders she ran unstairs to help AppleJack.
( time skip to the hospbital after the labor.)

AppleJack sat on a bed holding one of her children. it was a handsome baby earth colt with light brown hair and a golden color coat with a shade of orange in it. he had bright green eyes like his fathers and sharp teeth. He occasionally burped causing bright greenish flames to come out of his mouth.

Spike sat beside her holding there beatiful baby filly who had soft yellow hair with a green streak in it, her coat was orange with a shade of green but she had reddish eyes and when she burp golden sparks came out, although her brother had sharp teeth she had dragon wings that where a shade darker than her coat.

"What are there names?" asked Twilight who had been standing by the side of AJ's bed.

" I gave Spike the job of naming the girl im naming the boy...." AppleJack hummed softly as she looked down at the boy." I've always wanted to name something after my father so his name is AppleLue." Apple Jack smiled looking down at the young colt.

" And spike?" Twilight turned to the dragon.

" Her name is GoldenApple but I'm calling her Lu." Spike smiled down at the filly.

" Hay you want to be careful with the wings baby...er.... Pegasi have a tendency to have random flight out burst." Rainbow dash said hovering above the ground. She stood at Spike's right with Fluttershy at the left.

" Yes they can be very hyper at a young age." Fluttershy mumbled from the side. Rainbow merely nodded.

" I think they are beautiful!" Cried Rarity. That's when AppleLue later nicknamed Jack opened his eyes and stared intensely at Rarity." What is he doing?" She asked pointing a hoof at Lue.

" hmm oh! Dragon senses he can smell the gems off of you he must be hungry." Spike said.

" What about her?"

" Lu doesn't have my teeth she has my wings so she isn't as complied to gems like her younger brother."

" Anything else."

" I think they both breathe fire, she is gold her he is green like me, other than that Lu has wings like a dragon and Lue had my teeth."

" Ok." Rarity gulped thinking about all of her priceless gems.

" Oh don't worry rarity baby dragons only can smell gems they don't eat until they are around 2 or the very lest 4." Spike said.

AppleJack looked over at the dragon." Speaking of gems can Golden eat them?" She asked.

" Possibly she doesn't have as sharp teeth as her brother but if we ground it up she could possibly eat it." Spike shrugged and looked down at the Filly's teeth.