• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 746 Views, 39 Comments

I gave you my dreams - MetricOnion

Scootaloo has locked herself away from society for fear of bullying. If she's ever to be saved from herself, then somepony must go in. Education lacking behind and thoughts of negativity can't be good for the blue crusader.

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Author's Note:

Chapter 3 guys! I can't believe how many people like this.

“Now Scootaloo, I need you to tell me when this started,” said the pink haired nurse. She was sat in a cushioned chair with a clipboard held in her hooves and a pen that she gripped in her mouth. Rainbow Dash sat in another chair and tried to make it look like she wasn’t worried. She had her front legs crossed in front of her and distracted herself by examining the nurse and the room. The medical expert had a nametag on that said ‘Miss Redheart’. At least she knew her name now.

“Well, I…”

“It’s normal to be nervous, just say when you first started hearing the voices,”

“Well, I’d been bullied a lot at school and decided to stay away from everypony because I was scared of it,”

“And do you think that there was anything that could have caused the actual symptoms?” Redheart was used to dealing with patients who gave vague information.

“I dunno. It all seems a bit hazy; I guess I wasn’t really thinking about what I was doing,”

“Try to think back because your, Mother..?”

“Friend,” corrected Rainbow.

“…Friend told me that you were talking to her and you seemed to remember nothing at the time. But later you remembered it all,”

“Okay, um… Well, I felt totally down in life and the only way I could get away was to pass out so I started forcing myself to pass out,”

“Oh now that’s not good!”

“What was that? Rainbow Dash I can listen if I want!”

“I didn’t say anything!” (RD)

“I think that was an auditory hallucination,” (RH)

“A what?” (RD +SL)

“An auditory hallucination. She’s hearing voices and she can’t quite tell when somepony actually said something and when they didn’t,” (RH)

“I thought so!” (RD)

“Well I think she may need medication and/or counselling for the problem,” Redheart stood up from her seat and removed her hat, letting her mane flow from beneath. She sighed, and strode up to the door, pulling the handle and swinging it inwards. “I’m afraid there’s nothing more I can do, I’ve never treated any Schizophrenics before and it isn’t my preferred field. I’m sorry.” She motioned for her ‘visitors’ to exit the claustrophobic examining room.

The two ponies strolled down the white walled corridor in silence, their hooves tapping and echoing against the tiles that decorated the floor in what looked like a random assortment of black and white tiles but actually turned out to be a snake wrapped around a pole.
“Rainbow Dash?”


“When will this stop? The voices aren’t nice because I can’t tell what’s real. Sometimes they tell me to kill myself and it’s hard not to,” she choked over the pain in her throat and felt the tears well up in her eyes.

“Don’t cry kid, we’ll sort this. It’ll just take a little time. Don’t you listen to those horrible voices because they’ll just bring you down!”

“Please tell me that wasn’t you who just told me to jump off a bridge!”

“Did you hear anything of what I just said?”

“I hear the last bit,” she sniffed and wiped a teardrop from her cheek. “I can’t get away from the voices! They’re there all the time like there’s somepony stuck in my head, torturing me from the inside!” Rainbow coughed awkwardly and thought about what her friend had just said. It was quite a powerful statement and caused her to feel even worse about the situation.

“Are you going to sign out of the hospital?” asked a burgundy stallion sat behind the counter, a mug of a hot liquid levitated beside him. His right hoof lay on a piece of paper with names written down, each with their own separate line. A gleaming black pen stood in a holder screwed to the table. Rainbow apologised and found their name to sign off.

The streets of Ponyville were empty at this time of night, only a few lone carriages wheeled around the streets with gruff looking males pulling them. They looked like they wouldn’t hesitate to knock someone out if they got in the way. The carts mostly contained freight with large advertisements for their company on the side. Scootaloo and Rainbow dash ignored them though, for they had no reason to investigate.

“Do you wanna go back to your house or should we head back to mine? Bear in mind your parents’ll be worried sick with you gone,” suggested Rainbow Dash.

“I wanna talk to Sweetie Belle,”

“She’ll be asleep by now, you can talk to her tomorrow possibly after school,”

“I want, to talk, to Sweetie Belle,”

“Now Scoots, be reasonable. She’s going to be in bed and asleep and probably won’t appreciate you waking her or Rarity for that matter!”

“Well then I’ll go by myself if I have to!”

“Scootaloo! Why do you want to talk to her so badly anyway?”

“Because she understands me! When I wake up from a nightmare I wish that she was with me. Hearing her voice makes me calm in the dark!; and she’s the one I want to see to help me through this!”

“Can’t it wait?”

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash. But this can’t wait.” With this, she turned and ran towards Carousel Boutique. Rainbow spread her elegant wings and soared off after her, and swiftly landed in the way of the charging filly. “We’ll come back as soon as we can tomorrow!” said Rainbow. Scootaloo sidestepped and kept on running.

“Stop Scootaloo! I don’t want Rarity or Sweetie Belle complaining that they’ve been awoken by a diehard pony who wants to talk to her friend at midnight!” Scootaloo didn’t say anything in return but just kept at a run. She sprinted past Town Hall with tears beginning to fall from her eyes. She gritted her teeth and darted as fast as she could across the bridge. Rainbow had to actually try to keep up with Scootaloo’s speed and nearly crashed into her at such a velocity but veered away at the last second to plant her face into a small shrub.
Scootaloo reached the front door of the boutique, all she had to do was ring the doorbell and somepony would come to her aid. She was beaten to it, and the entryway swung open with Rarity standing defensively in the threshold with a rolling pin wielded in her magic. Sweetie Belle stood scared behind her.

“BURGLAR!” screamed Rarity out of fear and brought down the cooking utensil to make contact with the side of Scootaloo’s skull. The filly was knocked off her feet and thudded onto her back. The front light finally came on in time to see Rainbow Dash recovering from her recent mishap, holding a hoof to her face to stem a nosebleed, and a dazed foal with a minor concussion lying in pain on the grass.
Rarity gasped dramatically in realisation of what she had just done. Sweetie Belle popped out and screamed in realisation of what her sister had just done. She hopped out and dashed to Scootaloo’s side.

“OH MY GOSH! Are you alright?” Scootaloo rubbed her temple and, with some effort, propped herself up on her elbow.

“I… Think so,” said the discombobulated Scootaloo. “What happened?”

“Rarity accidentally mistook you for a burglar and hit you in self-defence,”

“Darling I am so very sorry! I never meant to cause somepony like you harm!” apologised the panicked Rarity.

“I-It’s alright,”

“Gosh I hope I haven’t caused you brain damage,”

“I don’t think you have, it just hurts,”

“But, what are you doing here in the first place, I thought you were safe with Rainbow,” Sweetie Belle asked, worried.

“It’s a long story,” stated Rainbow Dash who at that point was being ignored.

“That’s kind of why I’m here,”

“What is it?”

“C-Can we talk about it one to one?”

“Well, sure I guess,”

“Thank you.” The pony was then invited into the home where she could talk to her friend in peace.