• Published 7th Sep 2014
  • 1,720 Views, 12 Comments

Man of Words - The Shade

When whatever you say becomes reality, do you dare to ever speak?

  • ...

Answer us.

He sat on a rock, his eyes scanning the landscape. All was silent.

To his left, the near silent breathing of a purple Alicorn was heard.
"It wasn't always like this." She said, looking on the desolate landscape that once was Equestria.
"Before the sister's fall, the land was covered in flourished green fields, great cities dotted the maps." the man remained silent.
"I understand why you refuse to talk to me, you have all right, considering what I've done."

A few moments of silence passed the two beings, the land was crackled and sickly white, stretching on for miles upon miles, in the distance there was a formation of rocks, looking much like the Alicorn to his left.
"I move the stars and moon, for what? My ponies are... Gone, my friends, all of them." she said, as if it wasn't obvious for the man next to her.

The man looked at her for the first time today, he tore his gaze from the purple pony to the ground, with his finger he wrote a small message, "I know." it said.
She blinked, then looked to the sky.

"I know you won't, but... If you did not fear the consequences, would you bring the world back to how it was? Before the Fall?" her voice did not carry much hope, if any at all.
The man shook his head, letting his gaze tell his words, you brought this upon yourself they read, at least Twilight thought so, he was always hard to read.

"There's only the two of us," she noted absently, her eyes drawn to the horizon.
A nod was her only answer.
He got up and started walking, the heavy leather boots loudly impacting the ground beneath him as his cloak idly blew, even though there was no breeze.

Twilight got up on her hooves and trotted next to him.
"I always wondered why you seemed so distant to me at first, before... This, before the rift happened," Twilight looked at the man.
"I... Guess I understand now, I remember you telling me, that if you have nothing to lose, it won't hurt you as much." She sighed and found sudden interest in her hooves.

"I can't blame you... It hurts though, knowing that you never experienced friendship, and you now most likely never will."
They continued their walk, passing little but more sick ground and a few stray rocks.
The sun slowly moved across the sky, no clouds was present in the sky.
"It also hurts knowing, that I did this to you."

Hours passed as they walked in silence, the blonde hair of the man showing slightly underneath his white cloak.
"I... I guess the reason i'm following you is, well..." she stopped her sentence and merely sighed, "I guess it's because you're the only one I can talk to, even though it's very much one-sided."
The man stopped, and a strong breeze flew them by, suddenly, there was rocks around them, the man sat down, the Alicorn followed suit.

"You don't have a name, do you?" silence greeted her.
"Figured as much."
Then, he was gone.

There was no footprints leading up to where he once sat, no signs that his presence ever was, except for in her memory.
I wounder, if he's even real... It made sense to her, she could have become so lonely that she made imaginary friends.
Not like there's anypony to judge me if I did.
She got up from the rock formation and started walking. She could feel something missing though, the presence of another being.
"He's not with me, but... If he's real, he will be."
The moon slowly crept over the horizon, Twilight's horn glowing.
Then, there he was.

He said naught a word, and without the flapping of his cloak in this place desolate of sound, Twilight would never have noticed him.
She didn't bother turning around, she just sat down on her haunches and watched the moon ascend.
Then, she heard a page turn.

With speed matching that of a Griffin she turned around, and was staring wide-eyed at the man whom was reading some kind of book.
Metro 2033 read the title, under her curious gaze, he dropped the book.
Then, he was gone.

Carefully picking the worn book up with her magic, she flipped it open, there on the first page it said, "Owned by Nickolaij Kadgenzkia." Notes had been scribbled around the normally blank page, but nothing she could understand.
Flipping through the pages, she saw that it was written in some language she couldn't even comprehend, at the last page however, there was one thing that caught her eye.
Happy birthday, brother.

Twilight carefully put the book back where he had dropped it, and waited.
Days went by, weeks passed in a blur and months vanished. She did not move.
Then, he was there.

However, there was another being with him, a white Alicorn.
Twilight said nothing, Celestia spoke.
"My faithful student, my equal, and finally my own teacher, Queen Twilight Sparkle" she said, "Do not blame yourself for what happened, time consumes us all." with that, she was gone.

The purple Alicorn finally laughed.
"That settles it, I've snapped."
The man remained silent, slowly walking next to her as she trotted on the dead ground.
Then, she felt something warm on her back.
Recoiling in surprise, she saw the man stand next to her as usual, nothing was different.
Craning her neck, she saw a cloak on her back, a cloak white as pearls.
The man opened his mouth, and a sound came out.
"I forgive you." he finally said.
Then, he was gone.

Author's Note:

I asked myself a question today, if a man whom's slightest word could change fundamental laws, would he ever speak?

Comments ( 12 )

good god this is quite inspiring. i'm scared of what i'm going to write with that inspiration.

Theres an anime about a girl who can control the world with her words, so she never talks i think

4964744 If my story inspired someone, then my work is done here.
4964876 Quite.
4965676 Oh? I don't think I've heard of that, Haruhi Suzamiya comes to mind, but nothing beyond that.

This was beautiful, poetic and incredibly deep.

I can't describe what I am feeling by reading this elegant story, thank you for writing this.

5400849 I... Okay.


Your very welcome, keep writing please :)

This was amazing. :fluttercry: I don't even know why I'm crying, as I read it again. Thank you. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story. :raritycry:

6214236 Thank you for the kind words, but is It okay if I ask what you liked about the story? As in, particular.

6214244 Well, I know the background of the story. Or I can guess it was catastrophic... And only Twilight is left to her own thoughts, one of which she gives personality to, and then another in the form of her former mentor. It shows her humility, when she apologizes for what she did. Then she accepts what happened when the man forgives her. :pinkiesad2:

6214346 Been so long since I've ever even looked at my own stories... Man, now I feel like writing again.

this was very good, I cant really think of what else to say besides that, it was very thought provoking what you asked in the Author Notes though when coupled with the rest of the story.

ok so I had more to say then I thought.

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