• Published 7th Sep 2014
  • 1,756 Views, 95 Comments

Another Sappy HiE Fic - exsnaggerwes

A human finds his way to the portal on Earth and travels through to Equestria. Only he's no longer human. Is it really such a loss? And can he pursue a relationship there?

  • ...

Personal Questions

I could feel heat on my back as I rolled to my side, not wanting to wake up just yet. I waited a few minutes for sleep to come as I reached for my pillow to cuddle once again, like I had done countless times before. As my grip found nothing, I reached for another pillow next to my head to pull between my arms, and as I tried to grasp it, I lost motor control in my fingers. Wait. I don't have fingers anymore. My entire body, including my wings shot straight up causing the sheet above me to flutter to the bureau on the opposite wall. I watched as it slowly drifted to the floor, then looked back up to the mirror. It was the first time I really saw myself, as every other time had been only glimpses of different parts of my body. I studied my figure carefully, wanting to get to know the new me somewhat better.

My features seemed to match those I had as a human, only more exaggerated and fitting for a pony's face. I had a boxy muzzle just like the other stallions of that world, and as I had seen before, my coat and wings were a deep red. However, my wings were a slightly off color compared to my coat, a feature I never would have noticed if I weren't looking closely enough. The stems of my feathers were dark and closer to a brown shade, but blended well with the surrounding down that matched my coat more. My mane was long and unkempt, but didn't stick out in many directions like it would have before. I was thankful for my new heavier hair as bedhead became a thing of the past. As I had already caught sight of, my mane and tail were the same dark brown that my previous head of hair had been, and sure enough, my flank was blank. I would have to work on finding my talent. Something completely new to were my eyes. They were a beautiful amber in color. I stared into them for a moment, only barely noticing my wings level with my back and tilting forward. I made a note to learn pegasus body language as soon as possible, but put it off in favor of the fatigue from lack of sleep.

I glanced around the room for a clock, not finding one, and opted to look out the window. It was apparently mid-day, a time for which I was used to waking up. I was thankful to not be on a college schedule anymore, but I still felt as groggy as if I had. I wanted a coke, but knew that this world couldn't possibly have something as unhealthy as canned carbonated soda. My wings perked up as I thought about what that would mean. COFFEE. Coffee was no secret indulgence of mine. I made it clear many times before in life that I loved coffee. I just never got it for several reasons. The first was that it was really inconvenient to make a whole pot if one were only to have a few cups. The second reason I never had it was that it was simply never made for me. It's not like I'm too lazy to make my own coffee in the morning, it was that the pot was already in use. My family had drank all of it before I could get any, and I never put forth the effort to snag a cup before it was gone. Unfortunately the biggest reason I never drank coffee was for my health. It was never made clear enough to me whether a can of coke would be healthier than a cup of coffee and sugar, but I guessed that the coke would be healthier because of the lower caffiene content. I wasn't very worried about my health enough to pass up indulgences, but I also wasn't very interested in going out of my way to consume three times the drug I needed than normal just to get through the day.

I could already feel withdrawl setting in, and with that feeling came my bodily response. My wings drooped to match my mood. I quickly drew them back to my sides and looked back out the window.

I could see pegasi flying around the castle going about their business. A few solar guards were switching posts by flying from one balcony to the next, rather than taking the long way, and in the distance I could see a few arranging the clouds. A warm breeze wafted through the open window and I felt it run through my fur and feathers. Again, I was graced with the feeling of air against my exposed body. It was a great feeling. I didn't feel self-conscious thanks to my new appendages. I was ecstatic to have gained the ability to fly, even if I hadn't made use of it yet. Turning back to the mirror with that thought in mind, I flapped my wings a few times to get a feel for the lift. I watched in the mirror as my wings flapped in unison, but gained no air. Obviously, I hadn't tried hard enough, but I knew to hold back while indoors. It was also unwise to jump on a bed regardless of how close the ceiling was. It felt strange to move my neck further back to see the ceiling, which was about ten feet above, but my neck was surprisingly flexible. There were no chandeleirs or ceiling fans, and I wasn't standing on a royal bed, so there wasn't a canopy either. It was, however a queen-sized down mattress, which was more comfortable than I expected.

Before thinking about taking off... stuff it, why lie? I flapped. Hard. My wings brought me as far as my hooves probably would have if I had opted to jump instead. Impressed with my performance, I let myself fall back to the mattress and collected my thoughts. It was almost instinctual to want to immediately fly, but I knew I wasn't going to be free enough to do so anytime soon. The draw to flight was nearly as strong as my previous draw to read fanfiction and sleep. There weren't any books in the room, at least not any that I expected to have the ability to read, and I was far too excited to want to go back to sleep. I wanted to meet more ponies! I ungracefully fell off of the bed, collected myself, and began to gallop out of the room. Luckily, there wasn't a closed door to block my way, and I dashed into the hallway using my wings to propel myself.

There to greet me at the door stood yet another guard, this time a solar unicorn guard. "Wes," he started. I was beginning to dislike that name, wanting to think of a new one, but lacking the creativity to do so. "Good, you're awake. The princess has been expecting you. She has requested that you be brought to the royal dining hall for lunch."

"Sweet! I'm starving, and tired. Will there be coffee?"

"I believe there will be tea. Will that suffice?"

"Close enough, I just don't want to go through withdrawl. I haven't had anything decent in a whole day. Please, lead the way."

Without a word my escort, who was much more serious than the three previous, proceeded down the hallway. We descended a few staircases, and I noticed that the steps were much broader with a gentler decline more fit for ponies. Taking the opportunity, I tried gliding down the second flight my escort and I descended. Surprisingly, I stuck the landing, although my impact was less than graceful. The clacks of all four of my hooves hitting the ground rang out through the room. Before retracting, I noticed my wings tilting slightly down, wanting to cover my shoulders as I smiled sheepishly. Response noted. The stallion caught up with me and led us deeper into the castle until we finally arrived in the dining area. It wasn't a cafeteria, but it wasn't a grand multipurpose dining room either. The room was about fifty feet wide and square in shape. We entered from a door in the corner of the room, which was reflected on the other side of the room upon both the opposite and same wall. In the center sat a magnificent white alicorn with a sun cutie mark, sitting at a short table and sipping a small cup of tea. Across from her sat another alicorn, this one purple with a star cutie mark, ignoring the glass in front of her in favor of conversation.

"...new creatures, and this will give me a chance to get a few answers to questions I didn't think of before. Thank you, Celestia. When do I get to meet him?"

"I think he just walked in. Say hello to Wes, Twilight," Celestia nodded in my direction before welcoming me, "It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard you wish to live in Ponyville?"

I bowed before responding, "Uhm, yes, but how did you know? I thought Princess Luna fell asleep."

"True, but not before I stopped by asking her about the situation. You should have come to see me this morning," she advised in a tone usually reserved for teachers asking their students not to procrastinate.

"I'm sorry, your majesty. It was a long day. I didn't mean to blow off my responsibilities," I made no excuses, noticing her much taller figure. If I had still been human, I would have been eye-to-eye with her standing up. Since I was a pony instead, she towered above me, emitting an aura of unforseen power and wisdom.

"Look at you, already acting like one of my loyal subjects," she dismissed, lightening her tone, "I appreciate the gestures, but this is a casual meeting. Twilight Sparkle has already agreed to take on the responsibility of assimilating you into our society. Luna also told me that you have a high regard for friendship. I feel my student here will be more than capable of sharing a few lessons with you."

Twilight Sparkle finally stood up and walked towards me. I was unsure of how to formally greet ponies. On Earth it would have been difficult enough to remember to shake someone's hand, but being friendly was becoming a challenge. I bowed in respect of her royalty, "It's nice to meet you, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"It's nice to meet you too, Wes," she giggled, "You don't always have to call me Princess. Just Twilight is fine. You'll be living with me in the library until you find a more suitable home. Is that okay?" She prompted, though she probably already knew the answer would be an emphatic yes.

I held back in an attempt of respect, "Yes, that would be great! Thank you!" I responded gratefully. I managed to not react any more enthusiastically than that, and was proud of my attempt.

Princess Celestia then cut in, "Twilight Sparkle has also volunteered to file your paperwork to become a citizen. All you have to do is sign. Do you think you can manage with your new body?"

I thought for a moment of how I would hold a pen. I could use my mouth like I saw ponies do on the show, or even use my hoof or wing to hold it, but I had a more clever idea brewing. "I think I can do that," came my response after a moment of consideration.

"Great! Now that we have all formalities out of the way, we can finally have our lunch," Princess Celestia started, then faced Twilight, "You won't believe how many requests for audiences I've had today. One young colt even brought me a picture he drew. He was very talented, he even drew it using his own feathers for inking the lines. I so love seeing talented young fillies and colts being so creative. How are things in Ponyville?"

I awkwardly ambulated to the table hoping that I wasn't interrupting something that was meant to be private. I was sure that I was supposed to be at this meeting, and that the princesses would eventually talk to me as well.

"Things are great! I've been reading a bit more fantasy novels by Pinkie's request, and I didn't know they could be so enjoyable. I'm still more of a Daring Do fan, but the other books aren't so bad," Twilight chirped, "Do you read?"

I waited for a response before realizing that she was facing me, and not her mentor. I quickly compensated, "I love to read, but I'm not very interested in realistic fiction -" my mind short circuited for a moment, then upon reboot I corrected myself, "actually, I think now it would be considered realistic."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

I wasn't sure if I was ready to admit that I was obsessed with these ponies before they even knew I existed, but I thought of a way around it as I spoke, "You know where I came from, right?"

"Yes, I've actually been there before. It was very different from the way things are here."

"Well, a few people there heard about it and they told stories about your life. Stories about all ponies' lives in general, actually."

"Oh, I thought it had been a better secret," she blushed, "What have you heard?"

I hesitated for a moment before responding, "A lot."

"And that's what you read about?" Asked the white mare.

"Yes, y-your lives are v-very interesting," I stumbled around the words. It was then my turn to blush.

Instead of scolding me, or being overly creeped out, Celestia seemed elated by the discovery of their privacy invasion. Trollestia seemed elated by this discovery, I thought. I quickly shook the thought away before the door opposite me opened and a unicorn holding three trays in his magical field trotted in to present us with our meals. Upon the trays were a fresh pot of tea and an extra cup, a few clean plates, and a stack of sandwiches. Princess Celestia thanked her staff before dismissing him and continuing our conversation.

"Could you tell me one of these stories?"

I froze, wings now fully erect as I formed a response.

"I could, but you probably read them all the time. The main stories revolve around Twilight's life in ponyville."

"Is that so?" She pressed, "what was your favorite?" Both Twilight and I became pale when we heard, and Twilight dropped the sandwich she had started. I finished chewing the bite of peanut butter and bannana sandwich I had in my mouth before swallowing and considering.

I wouldn't dare refuse a request from a princess, especially one that I had practically worshipped for a year before meeting. I almost said Lesson Zero before realizing that she probably wouldn't have known what I meant. I reconsidered my choice after remembering that Twilight probably wouldn't appreciate the reminder, regardless of whether it actually happened or not. I began by describing the events that took place right before Twilight became a princess, with Celestia and Twilight nodding along, Twilight looking horrified. When I finished, I readied my canon cannon and patiently waited for them to confirm or deny what had actually happened.

I think Twilight lost her appetite.

Celestia simply remarked on the accuracy of my descriptions and complimented my taste. She must have really loved reading Twilight's letters as much as the writers made it seem. "Enough about our world for now, what about yours?" Twilight interjected after composing herself.

"It's not as interesting. We have wars and politics, and endless forms of media distribution, but our world isn't nearly as active as yours."

"I take it there isn't magic at all in your world?" Twilight asked.

"Not at all. Most of my kind don't believe in magic. We have great technology to make up for our lack of magic. I would show you, but I don't have my stuff with me."

"Do you mean those garmets that were found by the mirror?" The white mare asked.

"Actually, yes, I think my phone was in my pants. You saw them?"

"We did, and we will have them sent to the library with you if you wish to keep them."

I didn't respond, not caring either way what happened to my belongings. I didn't actually need any of them after gaining so much more. Internet wasn't necessary after being able to live stories rather than reading them, and I seriously doubted I could play games anymore even if I wanted to. I sure as hell didn't feel like talking to any humans, and for all of that, I was apathetic about my old life. It was over and I was where I belonged.

We finished our sandwiches making small talk about the differences between Earth and Equestria, and afterward the guard that had escorted me there returned with a stack of paper.

Twilight let out a devilish grin as she eyed the paperwork that she was about to start working on. "So, Wes is your name. Do you have a last name?" Her devious grin faded as her eyes locked on to mine.

"Not one that I'm willing to use anymore. I actually planned on renouncing my old name in favor of one more fitting of my talents," I started, turning to Celestia, "Would that be alright?"

She looked somwhere in the distance in consideration before replying, "I'm sure that would be fine. You will have to find your talent soon, though."

Twilight visibly subdued an annoyed groan before continuing, devilish grin returning, "and you are male, correct?"

"Yes, at least as far as I know."

"How old are you, and is your age considered being legal adult age where you are from?"

"20, and yes."

"Obviously you can speak our language, but can you read Equestrian as well?" She hoofed over the papers she was filling out in my stead, and I began to examine the first piece of Equestrian text I had seen. Surprisingly, it looked exactly like English. I should have realized that the mirror, along with translating all of what I had heard so far, would also translate everything I read to an extend as well. There were a few words, translated into characters I could recognize of course, that I still didn't understand, but I was still able to read most of the document. Out of curiosity from why Twilight was smirking, I read a bit further, hoping to not catch her attention.

Upon the document were several questions regarding nationality, physical attributes, and a few job experience questions, along with an attached aptitude test. Oh. I realized that Twilight was probably about to watch me experience the struggle she suffered when she first appeared on Earth. Not only had I not had previous work experience as a pony, I hadn't had work experience back home either. I was a jobless college student with only borrowed items to my name. Luckily, that wouldn't be for long, but I still felt the embarassment I was about to experience with an aptitude test. Especially one that I wasn't taking myself.

"Yes, this is all clear to me."

"Oh. That was unexpected," Twilight let her sly grin fall as she heard my response.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that when I was on Earth, I didn't understand most of what was being taught in those classes. I could read everything well, but more than half of it was gibberish."

"That might have been because it was high school. They're like that. Most of that is gibberish to me, too," I responded, cheering her up a bit, "Did you think you were going to catch me off guard?"

"What? No!" She exclaimed, though her eyes and ears told a different story. Her wings strangely remained where they were. I guess it's only certain things that cause them to be used for expression. Either that, or she was focused on keeping them under control all the time. "Let's continue. Do you have any previous work experience?"

"Not at all, and I suppose my schooling won't really apply much here either."

"That's quite alright," Celestia cooed, "we can find a use for your knowledge. I'm sure of it."

"Moving on... do you have any secondary or subsidiary special talents?"

"Not that I know of yet. I'm hoping to try my hoof at writing soon, and I would love to try flying, but I haven't experienced either here yet."

"I'm sure we'll find somewhere for you to spread your wings. Sexual orientation."

I thought I misheard her at first, so begged the obvious, "what?"

"Which gender do you prefer in a mate?"

"There's no way that's a real question on there, let me see it," I demanded, reaching for the document.

She put a hoof on it to stay my efforts and quickly responded, "It's not. Well, not exactly," she started, lifting her hoof from the page and taking it in her magic, "This is the part about your current and future residence. Since you'll be living in a public building with an adult of the opposite sex, i.e. me, there is a conflict of interest that must be addressed."

"You've got to be joking. I was a human not even 48 hours ago."

She shot me a stern, knowing look, putting the paper and quil down and leaning closer as if to deter her mentor from hearing her. "Look, I've been in your situation before and don't think for one second that you can get anything past me. I want to know."

"You really did have the hots for Sentry, didn't you!" I accused, rather loudly.

"That's none of your business," she stated calmly, "now answer my question."

"I'm straight," I surrendered, stifling a knowing laugh. "How about you tell me about yourself now?"

"That won't be necessary, I just needed to know about you."

I looked between her and Princess Celestia. Celestia simply shrugged while Twilight began finalizing the paperwork. A few scribbles and dabs later, Twilight passed the quil to me in her magic, sliding over the ink and papers. "Sign next to the 'x' please," she politely requested, beaming at the completion of her work. I was faced with a new challenge. All I had to do was sign, and this was the part I was thinking about for the short few minutes we had been enjoying our lunch and bickering. I already knew things were probably not off to the best start with Twilight, but it would have to do for the time being as I was anxious to get outside.

Refusing the quil, I extended my right wing and tried to isolate a single feather near the tip. Pleased as punch that I was able to get that far, I carefully drew the wing over the table and dipped the tip of my feather into the ink. It wasn't the same as using a quil, but at least I wouldn't have to awkwardly hold somepony or somechicken else's feather in my mouth or hoof. My method seemed much more reasonable. Twilight gawked and Celestia grinned, both watching me intently as I brought my left hoof to the table, securing the paper, and put my inked wing to the page, slowly signing my name in cursive.

It wasn't pretty.

When I was finished, I picked up a napkin in my mouth and slid the feather through an opening, still keeping the ink away from my muzzle and almost completely cleaned my feather. It was just a bit stained from the ink, but nothing a quick wash couldn't get out. Regardless of the result, I was proud of the method. Princess Celestia's reaction made it clear to me just how unconventional the idea was, and for that I beamed ear to ear.

"Okay, that should work just fine. I'll keep these on file, and you'll be a model citizen in no time! I won't make you read all of Equestrian law right this moment, but it is expected of you as a newcomer of this nation to not commit any acts that would be considered crimes in any civil setting. No killing any civilized creatures, forced sexual acts, or plans to overthrow the government," Twilight listed, "Understood?"

I mechanically responded with the respectful, "I understand," and added, "I also pledge my new allegiance to the Princesses of Equestria and your peaceful way of life," I bowed before continuing, "Thank you for all you have done for me. I hope to someday appropriately show my grattitude for your generosity," I pledged to them both.

"Thank you," Princess Celestia replied simply.

"Now, should we be on our way?" Twilight asked.

"We're leaving already? I'm in no hurry," I stated flatly looking at my unfinished tea.

The next half hour consisted of sharing customs of Equestria and Earth, both of which were similar enough for one to easily adjust to any small changes that existed. Something I looked forward to quite a bit was their acceptance of affectionate displays. Shortly after I finished my tea, we were on our way to the train station when I saw somepony familiar.

"Umbra!" I shouted before nearly wrecking into him from the air. I had been able to practice flying a few feet at a time in the streets of Canterlot while Twilight showed me around her old hometown. There was vastly more to the city of Canterlot than the show ever used, and so when we ambled near a cafe and I heard music, I jumped around in excitement. Flight wasn't something that I had to think about much, and so the little bit of practice I got out of wandering around Canterlot in the early afternoon became even more instinct-based. Umbra was exiting said cafe when I nearly flew into him. I managed to reach the ground and wrapped my forehooves around the off-duty guard, who finally returned the gesture. "It's nice to see you again," I turned to Twilight, "Sorry, I know this pony. He watched me last night when I was still getting used to things here."

"It's good to see you too, but I hope we don't make a habit out of actually running into each other. How did you sleep?"

"About the same as any other night. I still wake up at the same time."

"Ouch, that's gotta suck. I didn't get much sleep either, as you can see," he gestured to his face, which seemed dark and droopy.

"Aww, I'm sorry. Maybe we can get a drink sometime and talk about it later? I kinda have to go somewhere right now," I said regretfully.

"I'd like that. This is my usual hangout spot if you ever feel like stopping by to meet me."

I made note of the cafe before responding, "Awesome, I can't wait! I hope you have better days soon!" I remarked internally how weird it sounded, and tried replacing day with night. I realized it didn't sound better and felt a bit embarassed.

"Well hey, don't stay up so late every night. Most ponies work during the day, and I'll still be around here in the afternoons. My hours are demanding, but I still make time for myself," he winked before taking to the air, "See you around, Wes!"

"See you!" I called back.

Twilight and I continued down our path until Twilight broke the blissful silence. "So, you made friends already?"

"You could say that. I really feel like he and I connected last night. He's a really nice pony, and he's not as stiff as the solar guards."

"...but you said you were straight?" she half-asked.

"I am, what's your point?"

"I don't know, you just seemed kind of... well you know!"

"No, I don't," I pressed, feeling mildy entertained by her confusion rather than offended, "please explain it to me."

"You two seemed a bit more than friendly," she stammered, trying to gain composure.

"Oh, that? I'm like that with everypony. I can't wait to see Pinkie Pie, she loves hugs!"

"No, not the hug, Wes. You kind of asked him out."

"What?" I stated more than asked.

"Well, I may have misinterpreted the situation, but you were obviously excited, and you asked him to drink with you."

Realization was setting in and my dreams were beginning to drip into a pool of remnants of headcanon. Twilight had obviously not seen stallion interactions before. Either that, or she was clueless about dating. Then again, I was also a foreigner and the customs could have been different. Umbra didn't seem too interested in stallions, so I assumed that Twilight was just clueless. I still wanted to mess with her.

"You caught me, I don't care what gender or species someone is, I'll consider them for being a romantic partner."



"So what was that?"

"Two guys planning to enjoy a drink. Don't tell me mares don't do that?"

"Well we do, but you just seemed so enthused, and it looked like he felt good about it too."

"That's the magic of friendship, Twilight. You should know about that," I mocked.

"I get it, I guess," she rolled her eyes at me.

We continued to the train station in silence, and boarded our 14:00 train to Ponyville, opting out of flying due to my inexperience and her possible laziness.

Author's Note:

Well crap. Now I have to add the sex tag.
Also, I feel compelled to throw in this little tidbit of information: the method I used to form a cut sentence wasn't something like conveniently walking in while they said something that could stand alone out of context. Instead, I formed the complete sentence and cut it before inserting it where it was needed.
What Twilight was saying before Wes walked in on the meeting was,
"I would be happy to take on this assignment. I love learning about new creatures, and this will give me a chance to get a few answers to questions I didn't think of before. Thank you, Celestia."
It's small, but I was attached enough to save the note. Basically, had the beginning been heard, it would have implied Celestia volunteered Twilight for the job of taking care of Wes rather than Twilight doing it of her own free will. It's not important to the plot, just slightly funnier imo.