• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 2,758 Views, 95 Comments

No Sibling Left Behind - NightGlider Shimmer

Six years after Wind Breeze and River were born, Soarin and Rainbow Dash moved into a nice house in their old neighborhood and live near Rainbows parents now a new challenge must come into action.

  • ...

chapter 3

Author's Note:

before you read this chapter
It is going to be a very dark kind of chapter so you have been warned
but enjoy the chapter i pulled my self through not getting sleep to do this chapter but i will try and get chapters up every day if i can and sometimes i like to be a little bitch a leave you guys at cliff hangers so be prepared for me being taribly horrible with cliff hangers

"Huh it's been awhile I thought they would have gotten bored by now at the park," Firefly said looking out the window to see if they were back yet. "Maybe we should go look for them."

"I'm sure they are fine Firefly they're probably sitting under a tree arguing," Spectrum said rolling his eyes at the obscured thought that was coming to his wife's mind.

"I don't know, I just have this bad feeling that something is wrong... I'm going to go look for them, you can come with me or not," Firefly said as she headed to the door and put her shoes on and grabbing her house keys. "If we find them then we will tell them to come home it's not that hard."

"Easy for you to say, you're scarier than me," Spectrum said giggling slightly as he walked over to his wife and put his shoes on.

"Oh ha ha ha, very funny, claim the women as frightening, very mature of you to say Spectrum," Firefly said in a sarcastic tone that made her husband laugh.

"All right, all right, lets just go find the kids," Spectrum said smiling and kissed his wife, little did they know of the terrifying truth awaited them.

Spectrum and Firefly walked down a walk way in the park in search of their grandchildren wanting to know where they are so they could come home.

"I don't see why they would be this far out in the park without us Firefly. They know they're not allowed to go this fare without out one of us, and even if they wanted to go this fare there is no way in he-, um, I mean, there is no way that River would bring her baby sister out this fare into the park," Spectrum said caching him self before he said a bad word. Just as they stopped speaking Firefly's phone rang but it was not just any call, it was a skype call .Firefly answered the call and one the screen a face appeared.

"Hey mom, hey dad, how are things going?" Rainbow Dash asked smiling along with Soarin who was standing right next to her.

"Uh... well you see...... uh," Firefly was stuttering to Rainbow. This was the worst sign in the world because she knew it meant something was going on, something bad.

"Mom, where are the kids? You didn't let them go to that park alone did you," Rainbow asked her voice starting to quiver in fear.

"Well yes we did, and now we uh can't... exactly find them," Firefly said in a tone that would make an hawk get the chills.

"..." Silence was all that was heard for one moment and then "WHAT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CANT FIND THEM," Rainbow screamed tears flowing down her eyes.

"Sweetie, we didn't think they would go this far into the park" Firefly said tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"They wouldn't, they know better than that, I think I'm raising them to no disobey adults orders, like do NOT go to far out into the park," Rainbow said as you could hear her heart rate rising.

"Sweetie calm down you heart rate is going to high," Soarin said trying to calm his wife by rubbing her shoulders.

"Calm down, CALM DOWN, how the hell am I supposed to calm down if I know that my children are missing and were probably kidnapped, oh just the thought of it, them being so scared and not knowing what to do, mom do you even know what kidnappers these days do to the little girls they kidnap?" Rainbow asked in even more angered tone.

"Sweetie please calm down we are sorry we are trying our best to find them, please just hold on, we will find them," Firefly said the tears rolling down her eyes.

"Just please find them, I don't think I would ever forgive my self if something happened them," Rainbow said ending the call.

"Don't worry baby they will find the kids," Soarin said bring his wife into a hug, as she cried into his shirt and grabbing on to it.

"I sure hope they do" Rainbow said letting her tears flow down her face.

"So, the children were kidnapped at 5th street at Canterlot Park, am I correct?" a 911 operator man said from the other end.

"Yes, yes, and we were supposed to be watching them for my daughter who is in the hospital right now, with her husband," Firefly said still stuttering from the shock that she was still in.

"All right 'mam can you give me a description of what the children looked like?" the man asked.

"Yeah sure uh, my two granddaughters one is a baby and the other is a six year old. the baby has pink skin, navy tipped hands and feet, her hair is navy with what looks like cyan music notes and her eyes are magenta colored. The six year old has navy skin, cyan hair and green eyes. She was wearing cyan colored skinny jeans and a navy shirt with cyan hearts on it and cyan flats. My grandson has cyan skin, navy hair, and magenta colored eyes. The last I saw him, he was wearing navy pants, a cyan shirt with navy stripes on it. If you need their names the baby's name is Angel Song, my grandson's name is Wind Breeze, and my granddaughter's name is River," Firefly said giving her best description.

"That is perfect, thank you, have a nice evening," the man said as he hung up.

"Well that's the best we can do right now. All we can do now is wait for them to find evidence and other stuff," Firefly said wiping the tears from her eyes.

-Else Where-

"What do you want from us, and who are you two?" River asked in a pleading tone. "And what have you done with my brother and my sister?"

"Well if you must know this lovely young lady over here is Gilda. She knew your mother and hated her to the moon and back, and it isn't just us two here. Come on out you two!" The man called and out of the shadows appeared two women, one with hair like flames and skin as yellow as the sun, and the other with teal skin and hair like swift yellow lightning. "These two lovely ladies are Spitfire and Lightning Dust. They both shared the jealousy for you mother and they wish to get their revenge, but I, I am not focused on getting revenge on your mother. I'm more focused on getting revenge on your grandfather, when I was in trouble for a crime he turned me in after his pathetic child was born, cus my guess is that he was afraid I would hurt the small thing or his wife so he decided to wait to turn me in. I've been planning my revenge for so many years that it is insane how much I want to get my revenge, by having you three here, him and Firefly will come looking and when they find you that is when I will take my opportunity to take my revenge and end the life of one he loves most. If I am lucky, his pathetic daughter will be out of the hospital in time to help look for you three so then I would be able to take two lives of the ones he loves. Oh and my name is Shadow Night, and I most certainly know your name River Rapid, I know all of your names," Shadow Night said his smile turning into an evil grin.

"You won't get away with this, my daddy will stop you, you- you heartless animal," River said but regretted it once she got slapped in the face by Shadow...

"Don't you dare call me that, be glad I'm not tormenting you like most kidnappers would," Shadow said, Shadow stared into Rivers eyes for a short amount of time before he walked away but said something to the three girls before he left, "Do what you want with her, I will deal with the boy," Shadow said letting the three girls do what they wanted to River to get their revenge on Rainbow Dash. River started crying, as she didn't want anything to happen to her, she was terrified.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!" River screamed.

Shadow walked down a dark hallway to another room that had River's brother in it.

"Hello, Wind Breeze," Shadow said looking at the boy in the room who's hands were chained to the wall.

"..." Wind said nothing as he glared up at the man.

"Oh come one don't give me that look," Shadow said.


"Your the silent type of boy aren't you"

".... I hate you," Wind said still glaring at Shadow.

"Well that's a little hash wouldn't you say," Shadow said looking down at the boy.

"Why did you kidnap me and my sisters and what did you just do to River? Why did I just hear her scream like she was being murdered?" Wind asked tears filling up with tears. Even though his sister annoyed him, he would still do anything for her she was his sister. He didn't want anything to happen to her, he cared about her too much to let that happen.

"I thought you said you sister was the most annoying person in the world," Shadow said mimicking Wind's words.

"I don't hate my sister I love my sister so much and that bond you can NOT break. You cant separate a tied bond that you can't see," Wind said, surprising Shadow when he said that.

"Oh wow, that sounded so poetic and heart filled, just like your father.... so pathetic," Shadow said making Wind growl and snarl at him.

"Don't you dare call my dad pathetic! He is a great man and does his best to take care of Angel Song, River, and I," Wind said defending his father.

"Whatever but back to your earlier statement, I wouldn't harm you rsister, but my friends that want revenge on your mother would," Shadow said only making Wind flinch in fear for his sister but before he could finish his thought he heard an ear chattering shreak.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, PLEAS STOP....... AAAHH WIND BREEZE," Wind could recognize that voice from anywhere it was his sister, his eyes filled up with tears and he began to cry very heavily.

"Hey be glad your hearing and not feeling it," Shadow said.

"I WOULD RATHER TAKE HER PLACE THAT TO LISTEN TO HER SUFFER!" Wind said in a yell, "YOUR JUST A HEARTLESS MONSTER!" Wind yelled but then took a punch to the face.

Wind's mouth and nose had blood coming out of it, his hair was covering his unopened eyes."You and your sister are more alike that I thought," Shadow said as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him leaving Wind passed out and bleeding.