• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 2,034 Views, 10 Comments

My Little Dashie: Sequel - cjseige4

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

October 2015

Its been a good couple of weeks since she left me. I’ve been going to work and eating. I have started walking again trying to stay away from the forest as much as possible. I don’t want to think about her much. I’ve been crying myself to sleep at night. Some days I just feel like killing myself. Today more than usual, but I try not too. Thats what she would want. I read the letter to myself every day. Work just seems to be the only thing that keeps me sane, that and all the pictures I have of her. Since she left I have decided to watch the My Little Pony series again, to see what I have missed(and it’s the only way I can see her in movement and not still). Seems to see Hasbro has ran out of ideas at the end of season 8. Maybe if they had more of an open imagination they could never end. Great two more weeks till Halloween ( Her favorite holiday).

January 2016

Lets hope this year will be better. I’ve been promoted a couple of times. I make more money but I don’t think moving is a good option. Some strange things keep happening. Trees shaking, clouds taking weird shapes, and obscure movements in the forest by my house at night. I just keep telling myself I'm imagining things but I'm starting not to believe myself! I swear im going insane. Walking is taking up more and more of my life. But I'm still eating and everything. My dreams are becoming less and less about her and more and more about these strange occurrences. Lets hope this new year will be better.

April 2016

I haven't written anything in this thing for months. I don't know why but I just haven't. The strange occurrences are happening more and more often now I don't know why but they are.

December 2016

Fuck, this thing has been lost for months. But guess where it was.. in the forest by the same tree where I found the crying, sapp covered, Dashie. Every day at least 10 times I see the strange occurrences. I have quit my job. Just didn't see myself going anywhere. But with the house paid off I have quite a bit of money in a bank account, the job I worked at paid lots of money at the stage I was working at. I keep reading the letter but its not like it changed I have the whole thing memorized. It’s almost New Years Eve. So I will probably won't be writing in this for another month or so. If it somehow gets lost again then I'm fucked.

October 2017

Well sorry I haven't written in you for like ever. I lost you again but this time you were under our photo album. I swear I saw something staring at me through the forest. Every day gets stranger and stranger. The occurrences happen every 30 minutes now. It’s Halloween again I'm not too sad anymore. I don't know why but I just seem to not care anymore. I’ve stopped crying myself to sleep over her. Well I can’t say a lot has happened over the time I’ve been gone but some stuff has happened. Nothing big though.

November 2018

Thats it I'm officially insane. Or maybe just a little over the edge. Okay a lot over the edge. I know its been over year since I have written in you but someone or somepony stole you. I don't understand why or how but they did. I’m crazy, I’m insane, I can’t stop thinking about her. AHHH. God please help me.

February 2019

Well I decided to take a look in the photo album again because it was just bugging me that I haven't looked at the pictures in ages. Then I read the letter again only to turn it over when finished and see that someone else had written on the back. It must be very urgent because the grammar was tremendous,

Dear Human,

There's a problem ever since we took Rainbow Dash from you weird occurrences have been happening. Im sorry I had to talk to you this way but I didn't have time. Listen I can only talk to you through letters because I have not found a way to travel fully to your world for longer than 2 minutes. So please check here as much as possible and feel free to leave short letters so I can to any questions you may have.


Twilight Sparkle.

I now know why these strange occurrences have been happening let's just hope it won't take long to hear back from Twilight I left a little message of my own for her and it reads,

Dear Twilight,

What kind of occurrences?

It's just short, sweet, and too the point. Now lets just hope it won't take long for a reply,

March 2019

Well look at that it didn't take too long.

Dear Human,

Trees, have been shaking on their own without wind, clouds have been taken up weird shapes, and the newest thing that's been happening is that ponies everywhere have been disappearing. But with the observing I have done there seems to be no reasonable explanation for these occurrences. And Rainbow Dash is having some... problems so I will get back to you soon with some more info hopefully soon.

Talk to you soon ,hopefully, TS

OH MY GOD, what is wrong with my daughter. Is she alright, is she in danger. OH MY GOD I MUST FIND A WAY TO PONYVILLE.

May 2019

I have been using the resources at my disposal to find a way to cross to Ponyville. But with no avail. I've looked everywhere high and low even with the shit computer I have I couldn't find a single lick of info. I hope this search will not drive me insane.

July 2019

Two months of research still nothing I have maid no progress at all. Must get back to research.

September 2019

A new letter has appeared. It reads

Dear Human
I'm sorry I couldn't talk soon, but I think I may have found a way to get you over here. It will take some work, but you may be able to help us.



Thank god she "may" have found found a way. I have been looking for months and found nothing. Lets hope this will work.

Comments ( 10 )

I don't care if you consider this a troll comment but you mispelt SEQUAL

It'd help your reader count if the title was spelled correctly.

You spelt it wrong too. :raritywink:
It's sequel.

This is why we can't have nice things.
This and many others things.

Trees, have been shaking on their own without wood,
And Rainbow Dash is having some... problemes so i

Being a minor grammar nazi and... I :facehoof: at the first one. Wood? Really?
Also problems and I

Okay i think i may have fixed all of my errors. Please feel free to post more and tell me if I have missed anything.:pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

I've been looking for this sequel after I heard it existsted and I have finally found you. let's get start!

thank you for this. this is a worthy (IMHO) spiritual sequel to the original work. no manly tears were shed. i blubbered like a bitch and shed rivers of girly tears, and I'm DAMN PROUD to admit it. the soul-shattering ending to the original piece is repaired and, i think, vastly improved upon in this. you, my friend, get a like and a follow, favorite, whatever, i'm doing it!

dear god man you MUST continue this!

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