• Published 25th Sep 2014
  • 6,411 Views, 107 Comments

From a Shimmer to a Shine - Infernity Zero

After the events of Equestria Girls, Sunset Shimmer tries to prove herself worthy of her redemption.

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As she took hold of Adagio's hand and shook it, Sunset Shimmer suddenly felt the need for a long, cold shower. Breaking the handshake after a few seconds, she rubbed it against her pant leg like she'd just touched something nasty. Adagio didn't seem to notice.

"So, what brings you to our illustrious school?"

Adagio sat back down again and beckoned for Sunset to join her. "See, I recently just moved here from..." she paused to clear her throat, "out of town. And I was looking for a place to finish my education. This seemed like a good spot."

"I see." Sunset sized up the newcomer, but her appearance made it hard to formulate coherent thoughts. The lion's mane of hair on her head put even Pinkie Pie's poofs to shame. Her ankle high boots only needed a pair of spurs to fit right in in a western movie. Her top and leggings were a mix and match of two gaudy shades of purple. They made her eyes ache just from looking at him. But most captivating of all was the tiny red pendant hanging from her neck. As Adagio kept talking, Sunset found her own gaze locked on the gem.

"Hmm." Glancing over at Sunset, Adagio followed her eyes to the gem and chuckled. "I see you have an eye for jewelry." She pointed at the pendant. "Yeah. This thing is an old family heirloom. One of those 'my mother gave it to me as her mother gave it to her and her mother before her,' things. Legend says that the original gem this one was cut from was so beautiful that it would get people to stop what they were doing and stare at it for hours on end, basking in its glory." She began twirling it around her finger. "Kind of like what you're doing right now."

"Huh? What?" Sunset shook herself and snapped back to the present. "Oh sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"It's fine." Adagio chuckled again. "You're hardly the first to be awestruck by its grandeur. But enough about me. Tell me about you. From what the students and principal tell me, you're pretty popular around this place."

Sunset groaned and put her head in her hands. "Popular? More like infamous. If it was up to the students, I would have been drawn and quartered a long time ago."

"Oh come on. You're exaggerating just a tad."

"Maybe. But Celestia and Luna did threaten to kick me out of the school. That's no exaggeration."

"Expulsion?" Adagio's eyes widened. "Isn't that a little extreme? What on earth did you do that was so bad?"

Sunset clenched her fist. "I turned into a monster and nearly burned down the school. Twice."

"Monster?" By now the other girl was staring. "What, are you some kind of arsonist or something?"

She shook her head. "No, I mean a literal monster. I put on a magical crown and was overwhelmed by the magic it contained. So it turned me into a giant demon with wings, fangs, and fire. If it wasn't for Princess Twilight and her friends, you and I wouldn't be having this conversation."

Adagio went silent. So did Sunset. The latter could see her mulling the words over in her head. Then she stared at Sunset, leaning forward to let her eyes lap up every inch of the girl in front of her. Finally, she opened her mouth.

"You're kidding right?"

Sunset sighed and shook her head again. "As much as I wish I was, I'm not."

Adagio's eyes shone as a smile appeared on her face. "That's amazing."

"Yes, I know. It's terrib--WHAT?" Sunset gawked at her. "No. NO! It wasn't amazing. It was the exact opposite of amazing. I nearly destroyed the whole school. I nearly enslaved everyone. I nearly killed six students. How is anything of that amazing?"

Adagio caught herself. "Well yes, that would have been rather unfortunate. But just think about it." She tapped her index finger on Sunset's shoulder. "You can do something that no one else here can. Why should that be something to be feared?"

"Because it's DANGEROUS! I don't have the authority to use that kind of power." Sunset began counting on her fingers. "Brainwashing, fire manipulation, forcible transformations, and everything else. If the Demon came back, I'd destroy the entire city in two days max when I lost control."

Adagio held up two fingers. "You mean if you lost control. But what if you don't?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just think about it." Adagio pointed at her again. "It's YOUR power, isn't it? If you could learn to harness that power, to reign it in, to make sure that you own it and not the other way around. If you did that, then couldn't you use those powers for good?"

"Wha-what?" Sunset was struck dumb once again. Searing's power...used for good? That had never even occurred to her. Was that even possible? No, no it couldn't be. Searing represented all of her built-up anger, pride, resentment, and power lust. How could any of those be used to help people?

Before she could ask further, Adagio got up. "It's just something to think about. Now that I think about it, I should be able to find my way around the school. You seem a bit preoccupied, and I'd hate to distract you." With that, she left the room and her would-be guide behind. Sunset barely noticed her leave, for her mind was overflowing. Grabbing a nearby notepad, she sat down and began to write.

Was I? Was I thinking about this all wrong?

Adagio allowed herself a smirk as the library door closed behind her. The seeds of doubt had been successfully planted. But there was still so much more to do.

Let's see. What should be my next step?

She hadn't seen any sort of crown on Sunset's person or in the principal's office. And something that powerful probably wouldn't just be left lying around. So unless Sunset or Celestia was keeping it at home, then odds were that the relic was back in the hooves of this Princess Twilight. And as inviting a prospect as that felt, she'd be better off securing her hold here before setting her sights on Equestria.

But if she started setting the students against each other right off the bat, she'd be immediately suspected for their change in behavior. 'Everything was fine until she arrived,' they'd say. And with or without proof, she couldn't risk losing access to the school.

I need a diversion. Something or someone to take the attention off me until I'm strong enough to handle them. But where am I going to find someone like that?

"Urrgh. Just who does she think she is?!"

A vindictive growl brought her back to the present. She searched for the source of the commotion, and found herself back at the main hallway. A blue-skinned girl stood in front of Celestia's office, alternating between glaring at the closed door and tugging on the pictures of Sunset on the wall.

"What is Principal Celestia thinking, letting that girl off so easily? It's like she wants that demon to come back and kill us all. And those girls. How can they still support her after everything she did? Morons, all of them." One of the pictures came off with a loud snap, but the door remained closed. "That girl has sunk her hooks into everyone here, so the price of freedom falls upon me to pay." The next two pictures came off, and the girl slapped them down on the ground and stood atop them triumphantly. "The Great and Powerful TRIXIE shall subjugate the Demon Queen of Canterlot High and send her back to the fiery depths from hence she came!"

Adagio had seen the entire performance, and her face held an odd combination of humor and perplexity. Still, an opportunity was an opportunity. So without further ado, she walked up towards Trixie and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Huh? What?" Trixie spun around. "Who are you, how much did you see, and what do you want to keep quiet about it?"

"Adagio Dazzle, I saw enough, and your secret's safe with me." The siren moved closer to the office and out of range of prying eyes. "So I take it from that performance, that you're not a big fan of Sunset Shimmer?"

"Don't even speak her name!" Trixie ground her teeth together. "That ingrate stole from me what was rightfully mine, and turned the school into her own private barbecue. But because of Twilight and those other girls, she got off with barely a slap on the wrist." Her fists shook as she continued. "It is a travesty of justice. A travesty!"

"It really is." Adagio put a hand on her back. "But surely there's a way to take back what you're owed? I mean, sitting her and stewing about it isn't going to accomplish anything."

"Trixie knows that. But Trixie can't do anything more than that. Not while she has the Principal and those other girls on her side." She was so worked up by this point, that Adagio feared for her blood pressure. "Even Trixie can't take on six girls at once."

Adagio moved closer but Trixie was too angry to notice. "But what if I told you, there was a way that you could?"

She quickly snapped to attention. "How do you figure?"

Once again, Adagio opened her glowing, green eyes. "Like this."

Wisps of green fog seeped out of the pendant and engulfed Trixie, lifting her off the ground. Her magician's attire changed from purple to black, the stars engraved upon it changed to shimmering red gems. Her hair lengthened and turned snow white. Two tiny fangs appeared in her mouth. And her eyes glowed the same sickly green as Adagio's. When the transformation was complete, the simple stage magician stood transformed into a mystical mistress of the dark arts.

Adagio checked her gem. Transformations took a bit more power than simple enthrallment, and that coupled with the seal she'd put on Celestia had reverted the crystal to its slightly faded state. But even so, it was a necessary risk that would pay off nicely.

Trixie looked herself over and her face twisted into a malevolent grin. Rather than turn her into a mindless drone like the others, Adagio had left her will intact. The prospect of revenge and the thrill of her new power would be more than enough to keep her in line.

"This is amazing. I feel like I just had a thousand energy drinks all at once! Where did you get this kind of power?"

"The same place Sunset got it." Adagio pointed at her gem. "Magic. And that's just the beginning. You can get even stronger if you take their magic too. Play your cards right, and you can rule the whole school."

Trixie started to walk away, but then stopped and put her hands on her hips. "Wait a minute. You're not just giving this to me out of the kindness of your heart. What do you want in return?"

"Me?" Adagio touched a hand to her chest. "I just want the simple things in life. A roof over my head, food in my stomach, health for my future, and pleasures to indulge myself. And right now, it would give me great pleasure to help you get what you deserve...just so long as no one else finds out about it."

Trixie needed no further convincing, and walked off snickering to herself. Adagio watched her leave with a chuckle before turning back towards the Principal's office. Celestia was still there, along with a new arrival.

"Sister? Sister what are you doing, sleeping on the job like this? It is most unprofessional. Wake up." Vice-principal Luna stood by her snoozing sibling, trying in vain to rouse her. "Did you not hear me? Wake up before someone sees you like this."

"Oh my." Adagio put her hands to her cheeks. "What happened to her?"

Luna merely glanced in her direction before returning to shaking Celestia. "It's the oddest thing. She's never fallen asleep on school grounds before. Yet, when I came in here for my lunch break, I found her like this. It's not like her at all. Wake up Celestia. Wake up!" But try as she might, her sister would not rise. After a while, Luna put her head in her hands. "I had no idea she was so exhausted. I mean, I knew the Fall Formal and the Cafeteria incidents had taken their toll on everyone, but I never would have guessed that the burden had grown too great even for her. Normally, I am the one who falls apart first." She gave a heavy sigh. "Oh my dear sister, please forgive me for not noticing your plight."

Adagio had to cover her mouth to stifle a laugh but quickly returned to a solemn expression. "I'm sure she forgives you. But maybe I can help."

"You?" Luna stared at her. "What can you do to help her?" But she backed away nonetheless.

Adagio moved in close to the sleeping Principal and leaned forward until her mouth was right next to the woman's ear.

"So long as the tides strike the sand...."

"I am sealed as a slave under your spell." Celestia droned as her eyes opened and she sat up.

"Thank goodness you're all right!" Luna rushed forward and wrapped her arms around her elder, but her relieved face only lasted two seconds as Celestia lurched free from her grasp. "Sister? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing is the matter, Dear Sister." The Principal's hands slumped to their sides. "I have never been better in my life."

"Then why does your voice sound so dead?" Luna took a few steps back. "And why are your eyes the wrong color? And why has your skin paled?"

"That's enough out of you." Adagio clicked her teeth. "Grab her."

Luna turned and bolted for the door but only made it two steps before Celestia tackled her, pinning her against the floor. "Oomph! Sister, what are you doing? Come to your senses!" She struggled valiantly, but her attacker's grip stood firm like a steel trap. Even a punch to the chest did nothing to loosen her grasp. An attempt to scream for help only got her smacked in the throat.

"You're wasting your time." Adagio walked over to lock the door before crossing her arms. "Mere pain cannot stop her from completing my orders. But don't worry. You'll be joining her soon."

Luna's writhing weakened as her pleas went unanswered. "Why are you doing this? What crime have we committed?"

Adagio pointed at her and her sister. "You haven't done anything. You just remind me of someone I don't like. And that alone is more than enough."

Celestia's eyes locked with Luna's. "Don't fight, Dear Sister. Join us. Join me."

As the green glow washed over her, Luna's resistance finally subsided. After a moment, her eyes turned green as well. Celestia released her grip and the two knelt down before their new mistress. Adagio looked them over with a single, satisfied smirk.

"Two down and two to go."

Author's Note:

Zero here. With your obligatory reminder that even though the Sirens are more sympathetic in this incarnation, they're still evil.

So it took me a while to figure out what Adagio's plan would be in this scenario. She certainly has plenty of options to choose from, and we see in Rainbow Rocks that she's perfectly capable of playing the long game.

This was going to be another Sunset chapter until I realized that we needed a bit more preparation before the conflict can properly begin.

Using Trixie as a secondary antagonist seemed the most natural since she already has that role in Rainbow Rocks and her ego rivals Rainbow Dash's. Throw in a little magic, and you have a recipe for disaster.