• Published 12th Sep 2014
  • 808 Views, 14 Comments

The Three Kingdoms: Fall of Celestia - donceluzza

Celestia's empire falls and in its place rise the Three Kingdoms of Night, Pie, and Oti. Thus begins the War of the Three Kingdoms

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The Three Kingdoms war
Prologue: Beginning of the fall

For thousands of years the land of Equestria had flourished under the watchful rule of the Celestial Empire. Princess Celestia reigning over them as a benevolent ruler, kindly caring for all of her little ponies. However as time grows even the greatest of empires, founded as they often are on the loftiest of ideals, come to an end.

It began slowly, over many decades as royal advisors and noblemen began to take a larger role in everyday governing, in order to leave the princess more time to deal with whatever the latest crisis had become, until finally the Princess’ attention became focused almost entirely on the kingdoms major cities, Ponyville, Las Pegasus, Manehatten, Appaloosa, only the major cities inhabitants received any direct attention from Celestia herself.

But there were many hundreds of smaller towns within Equestria that remained easily exploitable by the nobles of Celestia’s court, who could tax and take to their hearts content without Celestia finding out about it, especially as her royal advisors became more willing to look the other way, and ensure that the princess would as well, for a slice of the cake. It was a slow fall, one that decades to fully take shape, but it did, eventually grow to something unavoidable to anyone who stepped out from the comforts of the better-known cities.

But often the fall of an empire is not instantaneous, but rather slow and often begins at the ground level. While the princess’ circle of nobles had long been content on their ill-gotten gains, like any powerful group that stands unopposed they became greedy, seeking ways to obtain even more wealth for themselves. And soon an opportunity fell into their greedy maws, a religious movement growing out of a small town called Cerina, led by a stallion calling himself Cheese Sandwich…

Cheese Sandwich was a wanderer by nature. His family had been entertainers, carnies, show ponies, all throughout his lineage, and down to himself. But the stallion had never felt fulfillment by simply making ponies laugh. Sandwich wanted something more, something important. Thusly he started to make his way to poorer, lesser known parts of Equestria, initially to perform free shows to the ponies there, in order to lift their spirits, get them through another day of their hellish lives…

The carriage shook with impact as Cheese Sandwich was woken from his sleep. He reached a hand to his eyes to wipe what sleep remained from them and quickly threw his trademark robe and straw hat on. Outside was a group of Celestial guards, armed with blades and spears talking to some of the villagers.

Cheese had seen this many a time before, in many poor towns. The guards may wear the sigil of the sun, but their service was not to the glorious princess, but to the rich noblemen who populated her court. The Ten Advisors were the true commanders of this once great army, now reduced to glorified bandits, stealing what little wealth could be found in these towns, either in the form of gold or mares.

The villagers were tugging at the arm of a young girl, a ratty sack slapping against her malnourished form, while the guards were attempting to get the young girl to come with them.

“Master Kouloun still requires two hundred gold from your village for last month’s taxes and now,” one of the guards commanded in a loud voice, “but his son Ylevet, is in need of a wife, and will take this girl as payment. We will also ensure that your taxes are paid for the next month as well, this is the only way that your village can remain.”

A mare, the young girl’s mother by how hard she clung to her arm, ran up to the guard and begged, “Surely your young master would not be interested in my daughter,” she screamed, “her coat is tattered, her hair ratty, her breasts small, you would be better taking me instead!”

The young girl tried to push her mother away, perhaps to try and save her, but the guard spoke again, “all of which can fixed with some proper food and grooming in palace, your age and lack of ability to properly bear children cannot.” The guard grasped the woman’s throat and tossed her into the side of the carriage.

The two oxen pulling Cheese’s cart growled and stomped, even being four-legged farm animal they knew what they were witnessing was wrong. Cheese agreed with his grunting companions, eager to step in. His eyes fell on a large jagged rock on the ground in front of him. In front of him was the only of the guards with no helmet, wiping his forehead to be rid of sweat, a byproduct of the near desert they found themselves in.

Before Cheese Sandwich were two options, and little did he know, but those two options would change the course of history itself. One choice was to leave in the opposite direction, to continue as though nothing had happened and move onto some other place, some other town, something simple. The other choice was the one already in motion, as Cheese leapt at the guard, the jagged rock gripped tightly in his hand. The rock embedded itself in the guards jugular, a soft squelch and a gasp were all that could escape the guards lips as he stumbled back against the blue and yellow cart of the guardsmen.

The guards harassing the townsfolk could barely believe what had just happened, a random earth pony had just run up and tore the throat of a guard of the Celestial empire, and in another motion he had grabbed the blade from the guard and lunged at the remainder of them.

The woman and her daughter saw the crazed stallions target and grabbed the guard by both of his arms, holding his chest open for Cheese’s newly acquired blade to ram through. The other guards started to move in but were quickly dog piled by the collected villagers who slammed them to the ground and began to pummel the guards repeatedly. The spark of a revolution had been sown, a sickly sore of rebellion had appeared on the clear skin of the Celestial Empire, one that would spread over the next two years into what would begin the end of an era…

The way of Violence.

Two Years Later

Twilight Sparkle had lived in the town of Ponyville for a little over six months now, slowly getting used to her new surroundings. Her morning routine remained the same however; she would begin the day with combat training, starting with close quarters combat training with Spike. Then, as the dragon inevitably complained and went back to sleep, she would practice with her blade, a long thin blade, angled on the end, called a katana. She would then wash up and begin reorganizing her new library.

More often then not she would also have one of her new friends over to visit, but not on this day. Today was meant solely for reorganizing the Ancient Histories section, which the purple unicorn found to be utterly unforgivably messy. Spike was even so amazed at the utter disarray that one section of wall was in that he agreed to be up early to help. So the two awoke, and trained, afterwards Twilight decided to shower while Spike made some breakfast for the two.

Twilight Sparkle was a mare of immense beauty, a fastidiously groomed coat, perky breasts, and a unique hairstyle that would immediately catch one’s eye. She was also quite a bit more muscular than one would expect, not quite a bodybuilder, but her muscles were rather visible. She came from a noble family, but insisted upon a more traditional upbringing, so far as such a thing could be accomplished while living in Canterlot all of one’s life. As she got out of the shower and began to get dressed she heard Spike call out “Twilight, we have company.”

Twilight quickly dressed in a simple pair of jeans and T-Shirt and rushed downstairs, before finding herself face to face with a figure that she had wished that she had left behind in Canterlot. “Sunset Shimmer, what pray tell brings you to my humble home.”

Sunset Shimmer was the stereotypical noble, confidence and righteousness radiated from every inch of the supple mare. Her large breasts and swaying hips were clothed in silken robes concealing chain mail, noble armor, with a small rapier attached to her hip. “Hopefully nothing that will take to long, no offense darling but your ‘humble abode’ wouldn’t pass for a toilet in my home. And with all these old books around it feels like I’m breathing more dust than actual air.”

Twilight grinned and bore the noble bitches words. Spike stood in the other room, and despite having a pink frilly apron wrapped around him, radiated an aura of bloodlust that had Sunset’s guards quivering. “Well,” Sunset began seemingly unaware of the dragon that wore a look of wanting to rip her head from her torso, “Celestia has issued an official military summons, and of course the Midnight family is bound to oblige.”

For the first time since Sunset opened her mouth Twilight found herself actually paying attention for a reason other than pity. “Why what’s happened?”

“A rebellion,” Sunset said with a very obvious growl, “some peasants from one of the southern kingdoms believe that they deserve autonomy, they’ve begun murdering any of Celestia’s guardsmen that go anywhere near them. They claim to be practicing The Way of Violence, and it has begun spreading.”

“Of course,” Twilight responded with a bow, “Twilight Sparkle, the scion of the Midnight clan, does hereby accept this request, I will leave at the next opportune moment for Canterlot to assemble volunteers.”

Sunset responded with a bow, “Of course, I will continue to look for volunteers amongst the ponies of Ponyville, hopefully I will find a few strong stallions or agile mares to add to my forces.”

As she began to leave Twilight called out, “who will be leading the assault?”

“One of the Ten Advisors of course, Hector, more specifically.” Sunset stated plainly before taking her leave.

Twilight sighed and slumped against her couch. “Hector?” she sighed.

Spike undid the frilly apron, leaving his well-toned torso free, “he is one of Celestia’s advisors.”

“And an utter moron,” Twilight countered. “He wouldn’t know battlefield positioning if I carefully laid one out for him and talked in a slow voice using only five letter words.”

Spike nodded in agreement, “true but we could always lead our forces wherever they are truly needed, so long as we win the Midnight family will ultimately still be in good standing.”

“And receive none of the credit, as Hector continues to climb the ladder of success we continue to languish, the honorable workhorses of the empire. Forever stuck a few rungs below the top.” Twilight finally finished her rant, the annoyed look on her face slowly beginning to fade.

Spike put his hand on Twilight’s shoulder, “If you really wanted to move up in the world we could…”

Twilight shook her head, getting up to pack her things, “I don’t care about fame or money or what not! I care about the fact that such things are being given out like free candy to imbeciles like Hector, even Sunset is more deserving of such praise and position, as at least she knows how to command an army.” Twilight shook her head, trying to rid herself of all compliments of Sunset Shimmer.

“Someday ponies like you will get recognized Twilight, it just doesn’t happen overnight.” Spike tried to console Twilight, but found that her mood was irreparable. All he could do was join her in packing for their impromptu trip, hoping that perhaps the train ride back would soothe her.

Fluttershy sighed as she lay beneath a cherry blossom tree. Thoughts swirled in her mind, like milk in coffee. A rebellion was brewing in the south, and she had agreed to fight for Celestia. Her, in an actual fight, in an actual battle. The thought was scary enough, without the promise that she would be killed if she attempted to flee prematurely. The pegasus looked over herself, her arms were flabby, her bust abnormally large, not exactly the body of soldier.

But could she have said no? One of the personal envoys to the princess told her of the peoples plight. This Way of Violence was engulfing parts of villages still loyal to Celestia, and soon more ponies would fall to its raging tide. Fluttershy sighed once again, looking over the parchment that had been given to her. She was to be a lieutenant, helping another named Zephyr to command his army.

Her troubled expression drew the attention of a rainbow-mane pegasus flying overhead. The lithe flier descended and perched herself next to the troubled Fluttershy. “She came to you as well?” Fluttershy nodded, causing Rainbow Dash to punch the tree she was sitting under in frustration. Fluttershy couldn’t help notice that where the flier had hit there was now a fist-shaped indent. “Damn, why’d they ask someone like you to come along? You ain’t a fighter, you’re… well…” Rainbow Dash struggled for the right words that wouldn’t insult her beleaguered friend.

“A leader,” a voice called from behind them. Applejack approached the two, carrying a crescent spear upon her back. Her hair was no longer in its traditional ponytail but rather loose and free, accenting her beauty. She was dressed in a long flowing robe of orange and green. An Apple emblazoned upon the chest plate. “Somepony that others feel like they can trust, like they can be safe around.” Applejack joined Fluttershy in sitting underneath the tree, “least that’s what I think.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed lightly, “I suppose that I can see that, but I still don’t get how Fluttershy here was drafted into the Celestial army…”

“I volunteered.” Fluttershy’s words softly filled the ears of her two companions. “Sunset told me of how much this group was hurting the villagers and I couldn’t stop myself, I needed to help fight against them.”

A pregnant pause followed, none of the three gathered could respond. “Benevolence,” Fluttershy stated aloud. “If I was to be a leader, as Applejack suggested, I would seek to bring benevolence to the land. These villagers didn’t revolt out of nowhere; something had made their lives so unbearable that they had no choice. If I was to lead, I would attempt to prevent the taxation, and tribulations that led to the people’s revolt.”

The two warriors stood in awe of their friend’s newfound courage and voice. A pegasus that they had both known for quite some time had just declared a personal war against the hierarchy. Applejack smiled and placed her hands on Fluttershy’s, “Not an easy feat, even if surviving the coming fight will give us some renown.”

“It doesn’t matter!” Fluttershy yelled, newfound confidence and fire burning within her. “This whole situation was avoidable, and yet here we are. People do not revolt out of nowhere, they do when pushed, however, bite fiercer than thought possible. I can’t sit back and let this continue…”

“Ah yes, the words of a leader,” sighed Applejack. “Can a mare from Ponyville, even one living a simple life such as you, understand what the people in a backwater town like Cerina feel?”

Fluttershy stared confidently into her friend’s eyes, some of the timid little pegasus remained in her, but her desire to help others was clearly overpowering her fear. “Then I’ll learn, I’ll go on a journey, once this rebellion is over. I’ll explore the supposed ‘backwaters’ of Equestria, and I’ll… I’ll…” Fluttershy searched for a plan, before stating, “I’ll become one of Celestia’s advisors, one of The Ten, one who’s lived the harder life of one living in Celestia’s shade.”

Applejack smiled, and grasped Fluttershy’s hands; “well most journeys are made easier by companions with whom to share the load. So I will pledge my blade to you, today, under this tree of peace, I pledge an oath of sisterhood to you, to fight for your cause in the hopes it can be achieved.”

“Hey don’t leave me out!” Rainbow Dash belted while forcibly grabbing the pairs hands as well. “I wanna see this world just as much as you do AJ. And if living on the road a while can do anything to help these people… well… I’d be a dick not to do so.” She took out a jug of wine that had been shoved into her war robes. “With this wine we drink we swear that, while we dare not wish to always be together, we wish to die on the same day. And only after true benevolence rules the land.”

The three girls each took a swig from the bottle of wine and all placed their hands on the tree. “This I do swear, an oath of sisterhood with thee!” They all said in unison, taking another swig from the jug. The part about dying together scared Fluttershy somewhat, but she steeled herself. There was a time to cower and a time to stand now was the time for standing. She looked to her new younger sisters, two warriors with enough power to fell an army on their own, and she felt even more of her trepidation wash away. With friends like these, how could an enemy even hope to compare!

The butter colored pegasus cast a glance towards the setting sun. She could only see it as portentous that the three had sworn such an oath under a setting sun. A time of change was upon them, she only hoped she had the strength to be among those that forged the new world.

Author's Note:

If it wasn't obvious from the above, this isn't a direct translation of the original novel to ponies. I will be changing story points here and there, but rest assured that many of the most famous moments from the story will still happen.

Also there will be action in the next chapter, as opposed to just exposition.

Comments ( 14 )

Pony lu bu?

cool a dynasty warriors (that have taken from real history) story.
if I see right then the role of Shu is
Liu bei = Fluttershy
Guan Yu = Applejack
Zhang Fei = Rainbow Dash

Wei is
Cao Cao = Twilight
Spike = Xiahou Dun

Wu is
Pie family = Sun family

Did I get it right?
p.s. sorry for my English =(

4991107 Pretty good yeah, also I don't mind the english its fine :)
Spike is the only variant here, I'm actually creating two new characters, one of whom is Xiahou Dun, since Xishou Dun is supposed to be Cao Cao's cousin, and have a brother in the form of Xiahou Yuan. They will show up in the coming chapter, and Spikes identity will become clear later on as well.

4991479 you mispelt the 2nd Xiahou Dun

If dong zhuo is like sombra ill laugh ...

But it makes me question who would be future roles ...

I suspect Cao Ren would most likely be shining armor.

Lu Bu would be difficult to place ... maybe tirek ? ... i dunnuh.

Sima Yi would not come in towards the end of this story if you plan on making it end at the beginning of Jin. ((or whatever kingdom ultimately is founded after these three fall))

But who would Sima Yi Zhuo and Shi be ....

Tough Choices to choose who would be who ...

I do look forward to reading this as i am an avid fan of ROTK.

I like it, but this reeks of heresy. :ajbemused: None shall question the rule of our solar monarch...Unless you're questioning some corrupt officials, then it's okay.

4994041 Well if you had read the original book...

But seriously in the original story, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Emperor of the Han wasn't evil or bad (neither is Celestia in this case) just that the land had grown so large that it was in need of being governed by many smaller lords who took advantage of their station... (similarly the Han had actually been the latest in a series of noble families that had taken China. Thereby the Han was barely a few hundred years old so there were a lot of problems.) So thereby most attempted to claim ownership of the land through ownership of the Emperor. There will subsequently be a few kidnappings of a certain princess.

4993835 Some will be OC's just for the sake of making that Historical Epic feel. Similarly Lu Bu is one such case, as when I found the above picture I decided that honestly there was no other way to do things.

I think that everyone will enjoy the choice for Dong Zhuo... I certainly have.

4994320 Most likely by a dragon, I suppose. That or an evil daemon or something.
Seriously, it's like in the job title of Princess to be captured. (Though it makes me wonder how they'll capture what is essentially a god.)

hmmm... could Spike be Dian Wei? that will be my final guess.
I only played the game (Dynasty Warrior), haven't read the book.

How do the progress look on the next chapter?

5114095 Been moving along but between school and work I have been a little schlacked as of late. I do have a little over 1300 words done, and am approaching the first big piece of action. I can post a blog post previewing the next chapter if people want it.

Comment posted by ZrostHills deleted May 31st, 2022
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