• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 4,821 Views, 76 Comments

Living the dream - HumanSVD

Humanity is real, and Lyra is right while everypony else is wrong. There's nothing left for Lyra to do except to live the dream.

  • ...

Everything is awesome when we're living our dream.

The past two years had been one heck of a hayride for Lyra Heartstrings. Ever since she was a filly, she had taken up an interest in what many ponies described as a silly filly's fantasy. That interest was, of course, Humanity. Upon her 10th birthday, her mother bought her a book from the local book store in downtown Canterlot. That book was titled The Mysteries of Humanity , a book that would forever change her outlook on life. She read it every day, and when she finished it, the book was read again and again as the young mint-colored filly couldn't get enough of such mythological lore.

As she grew up, she kept track of many more books on Humanity, keeping her passion alive. For Ponykind, humans were nothing more than a myth, made up from past legends and kept down by generations as stories for Mares to read to their foals at bedtime. While she enjoyed this as a filly, Lyra felt deep down that there was more Humanity than just simple stories. For the past few years, reports of ancient artifacts of unknown origins were found across all of Equestria, perplexing many of Equestria's top scientists.

While many tried to keep the discovery a secret due to concerns about ponies' tendency to panic, the press eventually caught wind of it. It wasn't long after the news articles were published that the existence of such artifacts was publicly confirmed. Seeing profit and fame to be had, many self-proclaimed archeologists set out to find more. One of the most notable artifacts was a strange sword found in a lake by Daring Do herself. Upon studying the sword, by Canterlot's top scientists, it was determined that neither ponies, griffons, nor minotaurs could have made it. This did nothing to quell rumors of an unknown race yet to be found, and even more bizarre was the fact that it had matched the description exactly mentioned in many of the old tales found in the various books of Humanity.

When Lyra had read about it in the newspaper, it was more hope to her that humans indeed existed, a notion that her best friend Bon Bon still refused to accept despite mounting evidence. The constant denials annoyed Lyra, while Bon Bon was annoyed by her assertion they were real. Not long after that event, roughly 4 months, the first contact had been finally made. Coming from out of the sky with strange aircraft based on odd rotary propulsion, Humanity introduced itself outside the Royal Canterlot Palace. Being a friend of Princess Twilight Sparkle, who knew of her "human hobbies," Lyra was able to accompany her to Canterlot as an assistant. The decision not only proved to be a valuable one for Equestria but also Lyra's best day ever.

As the next two years went by, many questions were answered about why Humanity's origins were so mysterious, where they had come from, and why were they revealing themselves just now to Equestria of all places. It turned out, to Lyra's surprise, that before Equestria knew about the magic of friendship, Ponykind and Humanity were enemies and at constant odds with each other. Tired of struggling for resources and weary of constant warfare, Humanity had left with everything they could take in search of a better place. They had found it on the other side of Equus, specifically on a vast continent separated by two oceans that ponies never had bothered to explore.

After many struggles, they had adopted an isolationist view of their society long before Celestia and Luna were born. With no enemies to face, Humanity flourished and made many technological advancements far beyond what Equestria had accomplished, such as going to the moon without magic being their most significant accomplishment. Only recently did their views change when, through various means of surveillance, what Princess Luna had called spying behind closed doors, did they learn about the recent events of Equestria. Seeing Equestria was less likely to be an enemy, and an economic opportunity, the United Republic of Humanity decided to gamble on making first contact.

It turned out to be the turn of an old page and into what many ponies described as the start of a golden era. After various trade agreements, most notably a peace agreement, human consumer products began hitting Equestrian shelves only to be instantly sold out. Everypony simply could not get enough of the various electronic products offered, and soon enough, tourism flourished by visiting humans and ponies alike. Lyra was so ecstatic about Humanity's arrival that Bon Bon suffered greatly from the constant gloating coming from her best friend, which never seemed to end.

As time passed, relationships started forming between humans and ponies, ranging from superficial friendships to romantic relationships. Both genders of each race now had more competitors to fight against when seeking a romantic partner. Men sought Mares, Women sought Stallions, and vice versa, making love an even more difficult fight for all involved. Sometimes it wasn't that rare to hear about a pony and human fighting over a partner they both sought. The same thing happened with humans and griffons as well.

Despite the new complications of Humanity's interactions with Equestria, relations were significant between the nations, something Lyra was happy to be a part of when it all began. She was even more delighted to have found a boyfriend when it all began at Canterlot. Michael had been part of the group assigned to assist the President in understanding the ponies. Turns out Equinology was a field in the United Republic, and Michael had been fascinated with ponies since he was a kid. After Lyra and Michael had made eye contact, it was nothing but history in the making for the first Pony and Human romance ever.

They had gone on many dates since their first meeting before they committed as a couple and the love between each other grew stronger every day. It was weird introducing him to her parents, which didn't go so well. Eventually, they warmed up to him and finally came around. Bon Bon, however, took a bit longer for her to accept Michael as Lyra's boyfriend. She wasn't too keen on her best friend Lyra dating anything except a stallion. This was primarily due to her fear of Lyra not getting the best she could out of a human as opposed to a stallion friend, and seeing her best friend hurt in any way was something Bon Bon never wanted.

In the end, Bon Bon accepted Michael as a friend. On their first anniversary as a couple, Bon Bon gave both of them a gift, which he described as "The best fucking candy ever." Eventually, he moved in with Lyra, bringing many items described as "human goodies." Things seemed like they couldn't get better for mint unicorn as she lay on his lap in the middle of the park.

"Hey, my minty mare! What ya thinking?"

Lyra turned to face his blue eyes and smiled at him.

"Oh, nothing! Just remembering everything that's happened."

The young man ran his fingers through her mane, making her squeal in joy.

"I love it when you do that."

"Do what?"

"Squeal like a dog's chew toy."

Lightly punching him on the arm, Lyra gave him a fake pout face before crossing her forelegs.

"I am NOT a dog's toy! And for the record, that's a normal noise for a pony."

Holding his hands up in mock surrender, Michael replied,

"Okay, okay! I give up! Nicht schießen!"

"You and you're fancy Germane words! Don't understand it at all. Talk to the hoof, don't wanna hear it." said Lyra while putting a hoof to his face.

Grabbing her hoof, Michael looked at it and began tracing his finger around the edges. Lyra squealed again at the sensation of his touch, making the man laugh again. As they walked by, two ponies, a mare and stallion, observed the couple sitting on the park bench with a disapproving look. As Lyra stuck her tongue out while Michael gave them the middle finger, the couple shook their heads before walking away and holding their muzzles up high.

"Haters...." said Lyra.

"Who were those two?"

"They're just some Canterlot couple visiting their daughter, Octavia. She lives here with her friend Vinyl Scratch. She's pretty nice to hang out with but can sometimes be a bit uptight. Vinyl and I are in complete agreement about that."

"Wait, isn't she that one mare with the treble clef for a cutie mark and plays the Cello?"

"Yup! That's the one."

Looking back at Octavia's parents, Michael narrowed his eyes before they left the park.

"Uptight indeed. I've noticed a lot of ponies from Canterlot seem a bit snooty. Why is that?"

"They have bits and noble status, that's it. My family isn't super rich or part of the noble elite, so we're awesome without the snooty part."

"I don't know, they kinda seemed a bit-"

Poking at his stomach, Lyra playfully narrowed her eyes at him and said,

"Don't say it, buster! My parents are awesome! How else could they make something awesome as me?"

Rolling his eyes as he smiled, Michael laughed before playing with her hooves again.

"♫Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Everything is awesome when we're living our dream♫!"

Lyra giggled as Michael sang that line from the cute toy movie she saw with him while visiting the United Republic. It was all he could describe the film, and it turned out that was all the words he needed. The film was awesome indeed, but it was nothing compared to him.

"Well, I know you're awesome; why else would I ask you for a date?"

"And move away from home to live with an awesome mare like me?"

The young man frowned after realizing what she had said. Seeing her boyfriend's reaction, Lyra suddenly remembered the circumstances remembered of how he moved away from home to be with her. His parents disapproved of his relationship with her, causing a falling out with his parents. Lyra felt terrible that he made a big sacrifice to live with her. After that, she vowed to be the best mare she could be for him. His spirits were down shortly after that, but Pinkie Pie threw him a party. His spirits have been high since then.

"I'm sorry, Michael, I didn't mean-"

Putting the finger on her lips, Michael smiled before reassuring his mare friend that he was alright.

"It's fine, Lyra; I don't regret it. You're everything I've dreamed of since I learned about ponies as a kid."

Lyra blushed before replying,

"This seems like a familiar tale. Feels good to know I was right all along despite having my dreams crushed all the time."

A small troll-like smile formed on Michael's face as he asked,

"You mean like the blob incident Bon Bon told me about?"

Blushing in embarrassment, Lyra replied,

"Hey, that's not funny! I really did think a human made a shoe print there!"

"Oh, Lyra, I'm just teasing you! You're always cute no matter what you do."

Putting his right hand to her cheek, Lyra blushed even more when he stared right at her golden eyes. Lyra's heart began to beat faster as he caressed right up to her ears, touching the area perfect for the mare. Looking around to ensure nopony was close by, Lyra stared straight into his eyes. Lifting her head, she kissed him, making the young man surprised. Returning the kiss, Michael ran his hand through her mane, making the mare moan happily.


"Yes, Lyra?" asked the man.

"I think it should happen; the time is right."

The man's eyes went wide, realizing what she was asking. Seeing how they couldn't do it outside for various reasons, the man smiled as he kissed her. As Lyra returned the kiss, she was scooped up in his arms and carried off to their home. They both knew what this moment meant for them and would have a lot of fun.

The door was locked, Bon Bon was away, which was a huge blessing, and Lyra and Michael were ready for their own private "fun."

"You ready, Lyra?" asked Michael as he sat on the bed.

"As ready as I'll ever be.", replied Lyra in a sultry voice.

Patting his legs for her to lay on, she complied with his command and laid down on him with her eyes closed. After lying on her back, the man touched her with his right hand. Using his left hand to help support her head and massage, Michael moved his hand up and down, gently caressing his mare friend. Lyra's cheeks could not get any redder as he continued his hand motions. It was pure heaven as he moved his hand slowly downwards, using the tips of his fingers to hit her pressure points gently.

Lyra's body involuntarily twitched in pleasure as Michael continued his incredible skills of pure bliss.

"Oooohhh, Michael! Please don't stop!"

Smiling, Michael replied,

"Why would I want to? You know I love to just plain touch you. I can't get enough of your mane and coat running through my fingers."

Lyra opened her eyes and turned to look him straight in the eyes. He indeed was everything she had ever dreamed about. The silly daydreams of having a human boyfriend who was beyond the best she'd ever had. It wasn't a dream, it was reality, and he was hers and only hers.

"I love belly rubs! It's so fucking awesome!"

Chuckling at Lyra's swearing, Michael said,

"Ah! Dropped the lame "bucking" and using the term "fucking" now, aren't we? My Humanity is beginning to wear off on you!"

"Something is going to come off you, alright. Somebody has been way too much of an awesome human to go unrewarded. Time to show him what I can do."

Looking at her boyfriend, Lyra asked,

"What? Fucking? I don't think you know the meaning of it, Michael. Why don't I show you?"

Lyra's cheeks blushed the hardest they ever had. She was about to do something she had planned on saving until marriage. However, Michael had been such a good boyfriend. She would give him the ride of a lifetime. The man's face blushed before he gave her the most handsome smile in all of Equus.

"Lyra...I'd love-"

With no warning, everything around Michael began to fade and disappear. There was nothing Lyra could do as he disappeared from her vision and existence itself. Waking up, Lyra knew it was too good to be true. She had lived the dream and loved it while it lasted. With her eyes wide and shock taking over, there was only one way she could describe how she felt.

Author's Note:

Saw this picture and just had to write this after seeing it. Check out Astringe on Deviant Art. Special thanks to him for letting me use these deviations and for permission to write this quick one shot based on his art work. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Comments ( 76 )

This dream was brought to by princess Luna, Trololololol is the meaning of the dream.

5001481 Luna did her job, it's Lyra's fault for waking up too early.

5001626 What? How so? :trollestia:

for a second here I thought this was a clopfic but now I see its not, but I'll read it anyway since its been written by the most talented author I know on fim fiction,
kudos to you human!

5001556 I wonder if she'll ask Luna to make the dream again from now on?



Spoilers in comments warning, please.

5002367 It's not spoilers if you read the story first.

Is it wrong that I already love the story because it mentions Everything is awesome ? Heh at first I thought it would be a Lego movie and mlp crossover . That would so awesome ;3; . But since I haven't read it yet , I have no idea .

Luna, you have transcended the levels of being a jerk into a new plateau that Celestia hasn't reached yet. Well done.

oh, now i see poor lyra
btw dose this tie into battle of the blanks like a prequel to battle of the blanks?


It's also not a spoiler when you know the twist the moment you see the story in the Popular box.

...Seriously, I think I might be psychic.

5003694 Hmm if you are guess what Im thinking.




...Dude, that is sick. :twilightoops:

5003842 huh I think you went to far in my mind and found my 'order ideas', still points for attempting to try.

5001779 muwahahaha!

5001874 gotcha!

5001953 if that's a sequel request, nope.

5002843 I love misleading folks.

5003541 not her fault lyra woke up early.

5003584 nope. I don't think I could take chuck Norris as a tie in.

5003658 eeyup!

5003694 this was in the popular box?


It still is, actually.

Lyra's cheeks blushed the hardest they ever had. What she was about to do was something she had planned on saving until marriage. But Michael had been such a good boyfriend, she felt that he deserved it and she going to give him the ride of a lifetime. The man's face blushed before he gave her the most handsome smile in all of Equus.

:rainbowkiss: oh my god, this is going to be the best hug.

5004549 I see why not a bonus chapter?

5005245 Don't see how I could make a bonus or add on. This was pretty much the joke. Build it up to a belly rub by misleading it to be clop, to making it a dream all along.

5005507 That would be pretty deep and maybe bitter sweet. You could use my one shot as a basis for a story if you'd like. Other than that, I'm not continuing this.

hahahaha i get it, that was great!

Looking at her boyfriend, Lyra asked,

"What? Fucking? I don't think you know the meaning of it Michael. Why don't I show you?"

You should not separate the dialogue like this; it should all be on one line.

That was special! It deserves a feature!


nope. I don't think I could take chuck Norris as a tie in.

since when did I mention chuck norris?

5006504 I'm referring to the picture. I'm no sure how I could explain the poster in Lyra's room or how she got the other stuff as well.

5006376 Hopefully.

5006300 Why so? Is it really that bad of a thing?

5006000 Glad you loved it.

5009169 It's not really bad, but it's more of a technical thing. Just go look at any book in your house/apartment; you'll see what I mean. :heart:

Good stuff. PonyXHuman always makes me happy. I'm writing one too, although it's longer

5009174 Thanks for the advice, I don't want my fics to look like shit.

5009525 Eeyup! All a dream. Poor Lyra.....Oh well!

wow :facehoof: jusy wow :trollestia:

stay classy :moustache:

5010178 You know you love it.

Oh poor Lyra. Still, thanks for the laughs, I needed it:rainbowlaugh:

5009165 all I am asking is dose this tie into your story like for example
before battle of the blanks this happend and then after the battle of the blanks the aftermath happens
something like this

5010495 No it doesn't.

5010724 maybe so but still 3rd story with lyra i've read that did this, although this was the best out of the 3

stay classy :moustache:

5010382 You're welcome.

5011700 Oh as always I do. :trollestia:

That was a nice refresher after reading plenty of grimdark.:rainbowlaugh:::pinkiehappy::

5036428 Thanks, glad you liked it.


Omg that plot twist ending XD
Really great story. Was very good but that ending made it solid gold. Well done

5143725 Thank you! I simply came across this pic on dA and I was like :raritystarry: "IDEAAA!!" I'm pretty good at making twists, but cliffhangers are my specialty. Just ask my regular viewers.

5143978 i hate cliffhangers :fluttercry:

and the endings that leave it up to the readers interpretation...oooooh.....asbdjhbefa :twilightangry2: god damn ambiguous endings. leave me thinking of theories or the worst possible endings...

5144513 Lol, I don't do ambiguous endings. You know what happen at the end and there's no interpretation stuff.

5171523 It does seem like something Luna would do. :rainbowlaugh:

5175422 Well, maybe it's because she wants the human to herself.


This needs the Sad tag.:fluttercry:

5205551 Because she didn't get her human for reals? Man, that must really hit you in the feels.

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