• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 9,631 Views, 257 Comments

Another Life - Theblondeknight

Severus Snape has eluded death, only to find himself in Equestria, and in the middle of a plot of great evil, no less. Can he live down another life of secrecy and deception?

  • ...

7: Return to the Status Quo(?)

Author's Note:

Wow, I'm sorry this chapter has gotten out so late, guys. I've been half-way done with it for so long, but whenever I got a real drive to finish this chapter, something came up. School work has been brutal, especially my AP classes, but I'm glad to say this chapter is finally out.

Thank you all for putting up with my terrible combination of lethargy and busyness. You all make me want to keep going, and everytime I read a positive comment or see this story added to someone's favorites, it brings a smile to my face. You're all amazing!

The air was bitterly cold in the underground area where Snape taught Equestria's first 'Defense against Dark Magic' class, as it was now being called. It was just one more thing for the students who had shackled themselves to his will to complain about, really, but he enjoyed hearing their annoyed whispers. It gave him a deeper sense of purpose.

Without taking his eyes from the text he was reading, the subject of which he absolutely refused to reveal to the students, he gave a command, "Blossom Gale, Tanner Wood. Spinner and River Rose are up next."

Blossom Gale and Tanner Wood, two well meaning but dull students, assumed the position he had drawn on the chalkboard inside the basement of the school. If Blossom Gale could overcome her fear of hurting anything she might be able to knock down or out Tanner Wood, who was simply lazy. The rest of the students watched and quietly took notes, and he checked on them now and again to ensure their notes were about the technique instead of anything un-educational.

Blossom Gale attempted the spell, but her lack of drive backfired on her and she was literally sent flying backwards, rolling away from Tanner Wood, who like many other students, laughed at the ineptitude of the girl. Snape took his eyes off the pages and glanced at the pack of them, giggling and wondering how he would react. With one hand, he shut the book with a loud thud that echoed through the basement halls and walked calmly over to Blossom Gale, who stood back up and waited bashfully for Snape to arrive.

"I don't suppose you'd care to try next time?" Snape asked.

"I'm sorry Professor," she replied, looking at his legs and dragging her hoof around in a circle, "I did try, but-"

"But your massive incompetence prevented your success, and you really must work on that. Unless you see fit to stop wasting our time."

She did not give a response, but walked solemnly back to the group and plopped down beside one of her friends, who consoled the young mare and patted her on the back for her efforts. Snape stood, arms at his sides and the usual look of doubt and mild cruelty on his face.

"Spinner. Show us that incapability is not contagious."

Snape quietly walked back to the wall and leaned against it. He picked the book out of his robes as the next two students assumed the position and gave it a shot, both with determined faces. He only made another sentence and a half before the mare River Rose was knocked down and whined as she put her hoof to her right shoulder. Snape noticed that Spinner seemed rather proud of himself and definitely sure of his abilities. With a quill, he subtly wrote down Spinner's name in the margin of the text.

"Very good," Snape orated, his eyes not taken from the words on the page, "I expect you will all have improved by tomorrow, yet I am sure you will all have ample opportunity to mock those among you which fail to meet my standards...there will be several. And remember, for those of you in my other class, I will expect any and all skills learned today that are applicable to be added into your unit report. Until next time."

The students collected their bags and began socializing as they exited the basement room. After a few minutes only Snape was left, and he closed the text again. Using his wand, he forced the newly installed door at the bottom of the staircase shut and locked it. He walked over to the key hole, still made to look like it was part of the wall with magic, and opened it up, going into the chamber again.

The air that seeped out was stale and musty as ever; it seemed that none of the ponies around Canterlot were missing the pony who had been sacrificed by the strange intruders. All the better for Snape. The entire secret area was as he remembered it, dark, isolated, crumbling in certain spots.

When he reached the entrance to the farthest and deepest part of the chamber, the same entrance he had blocked off by breaking the walls around it so that they crumbled into a barrier, he paused and stood silently frozen. An odd coolness seemed to phasing through the broken walls, seeping out of the shadowy cracks and fractures.

He flung the debris out of the way, intending to re-do the barrier with his own magic now that he had a full free afternoon, and looked around the long, dark room once again. It remained undisturbed, and yet Snape could sense a renewed presence, one that he was working diligently to locate. He checked the room out, searching for any physical clue as to the fresh presence, but nothing was left behind, nothing had made its way in, and there certainly weren't any strange enemies about.

He knelt down by where the pony that had had its life essence sucked out was chained up, the shackles still hanging on the wall, bobbing around lightly with the disturbances Snape had made. Whatever dark magic had consumed that pony, it left absolutely no trace, much to Snape's dismay. If anything, it was covering its own tracks, projecting a fake magic signature designed to lead any suspicious soul away, though Snape was keen enough to see through it.

He stood up again and followed his instincts to a portion of the heavily marked wall to the right of the shackles and ran his hand over it, pushing in slightly to trip any switch or button that may have been waiting for him. After a moment, one of symbols, an odd, decorated circle of some sort, on the wall was compressed inwards and every symbol on the same wall popped out, as if they were waiting to be pressed back into place in some kind of elaborate puzzle.

He had to take a step back and look the length of the wall over, taking note of symbols that had been repeated. He also tried to find any symbols on other walls that were not on this one, but there were so many he could not make progress on solving the puzzle without writing it down and studying it. He also attempted to solve it magically, but no spell he had would quite suit the current need, and so he was forced to jot down the symbols in his book and mull over them later.

Then he turned his attention on the entrance to the chamber again. It took him awhile to come up with the proper spells and cast the necessary traps and protective fields in the order he desired, but when it was all said and done he had made the chamber excruciatingly difficult to enter unless he wished it. He also saw to putting up a camera (a device he was a little surprised to see in Equestria) on the ceiling above the entranceway of the chamber, concealing it too with a spell. Any would-be intruder would be caught by this if not the traps.

He locked and disguised the keyhole again. That small expedition had kept him busy just long enough for someone to arrive at the locked basement door, fumbling with a key to open it. Snape apparated himself into his office and left the approacher to their business.

The small closet of a room Snape called his office at the school had not been entered in a few days, a fact which was reflected in the smell of the place. It did not ventilate well, and though he would have preferred otherwise, he often kept the door open to let the brisk air of the halls inside. He removed his robe, laying it across the back of his chair and exposing his long-sleeve shirt underneath, and sat down after opening the door with a quick spell.

His right hand caressed his brow and he wiped his eyes as he opened the book with his left hand. His pale complexion almost reflected off the dark beige pages while his deep eyes took in the information within.

To date, nopony has ever come close to significant progress in dimensional travel. Barriers such as gravity, the physical body, and even time have been overcome with varying degrees of success, yet the plane of pony existence is, to date, unbreakable.

Significant speculation has arisen over the years as to what lies beyond the world that everyday ponies interact in. Theories range from worlds parallel to our own, worlds we can hardly imagine, and existence that is completely beyond our comprehension, so much so that to us, it would not appear to be life at all.

This raises the question, however, can life from such an alternate plane, if it does in fact exist, reach us? That question too remains unanswered. Anomalies have been recorded in Equestrian history from time to time, and some argue that certain events point towards a higher force or intervention of some kind, yet most prominent researchers remain skeptical that anything from another world has reached us. Only time will tell if this trend continues, but the opposing sides will likely always go back and forth about the truth of inter-dimensional contact.

He set down the book, completely exhausted. He'd gotten himself off his schedule. Back at Hogwarts, Snape would spend many night sleepless, working till the early morning, or so ensnared in deep thought that he dared not touch his bed. In this world, however, he had not done such things. For a very short time, he believed this world brought him a sort of happiness that the human world could not. He didn't believe it now, but such whimsy made time go quicker.

In truth, Snape had once been a nihilist. Life was all sound and fury, no depth, no color behind the outlines, no reason for going on other than the random chance that something almost noteworthy could happen to you. But that all changed when he met Lily. Lily brought color to the world of outlines. Lily turned sound into music and fury into tranquility. More than a few sleepless nights were spent delving into the ideas of hope, faith, and especially love. No one else seemed to understand the hilarity of living with such things. But when Lily came along, and his life gradually gained more purpose, he realized that he didn't quite understand. Life is pointless, if one does not live it with a goal in mind, something to pull them forward, something to drive them beyond what they thought they could do. That is true living, and Lily was his purpose for existing, now and forever. Always.

"Snape?" An inquisitive voice called from around his door, breaking his line of thought and pulling his eyes from his hands to the doorway.

He picked himself up and walked to the entrance of his office, "What brings you this way, Sparkle?"

"I was hoping to enjoy your company," she answered hopefully, "and that perhaps today is...that other day?"

Work never ceased. That was why he never slept back then, and he was almost eager to return to that state now, too. He inhaled slowly and quietly motioned for her to enter.

"I've work to attend to, you know. I'll be asking you to leave shortly."

"Well...I guess this is a start," Twilight muttered to herself as she entered the dank office and found a seat facing Snape's desk at a 45 degree angle.

"I imagine you've some scheme to nurture whatever bond we may or may not have between us, so we might as well get on with it."

Twilight fidgeted in her place and looked around the room, nodding as thinking up a conversation topic. Snape sat behind his desk stiffly, leaning back with folded arms.

"So, how's your class downstairs going? I hear the students aren't very fond of you...have you tried going easier on them?"

"Not a chance," he replied firmly, "will threats to their lives ever go easy on them? Will danger give them a break? So, neither will I."

"Well, I think your entitled to go easier on them now and again, right?"

"Entitlement is not the same as responsibility."

There was always a witty quip to reply, wasn't there? This man was certainly a quick thinker. One was required to stay on guard around him. He never betrayed a look of hesitation or unrest, if he felt them in the first place. He was comprised of steel in every sense of the metaphor.

"No, I suppose it isn't..." Twilight commented and began looking around the office again. Not many trinkets had been set up on the walls, unless one counted the stains. The most notable objects were books. He had many on the shelf behind him, and several others were scattered in various places, such as the top of his desk.

He noticed her staring and began conversing again, "Interested in parallel-world theory, are we?"

"What? No. No...not really," She replied.

"Odd. Here I took you as a pure scientist, always keen on the latest theories and ideas."

"Well, you know...books aren't everything. Hey, ever wonder if a field trip is in order for the Dark Magic class?"

Snape adjusted his position slightly and scratched his wrist, but he never took his eyes away from Twilight, "Field trips are seldom as..educational as one would hope."

"Funny, I kind of figured you were scouting out some potential filed trips, you know, with the way you left the city last time."

"That was a different sort of business, I'm afraid."


"How did you I know you were going to inquire about that?" Snape asked, rhetorically.

"...You don't have anything to hide...do you Snape?"

Snape leaned closer for his response, which was whispered deeply, "Everyone has secrets and things to hide. Even you."

Twilight seemed oddly engaged in the game of wits and wills, and leaned in a little closer herself for her reply, "At least I have nothing to be afraid of with my secrets...can you say the same?"

Snape reclined back again. He did not respond at first, but stared over the lavender pony in the chair beside him. A quick motion of his tongue moistened his lips before retreating back into his mouth. Then, she, too, leaned back into her prior position, and waited on him.

"My business is my own. If you've a problem with it, all you need do is tell me."

"I see..."

"Nothing to ask?"


"Then I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave, please do tell Princess Celestia hello for me."

Twilight raised an eyebrow, but nodded slowly, "Sure."

She stood up and took a single step towards the door when Snape had a firm hold of her throat and pushed her firmly against the wall. She struggled to get away or call for help, but Snape had already closed the door with his magic, and the wand was now pointed directly at her trembling figure.

"Wh-What's the meaning of this?" She choked.

"You aren't a very good spy," Snape commented casually as his wand eased a little closer to her face.

Twilight gave off a shocked and confounded look for a few seconds, then a white light ran down her form and another of the strangers in the cloaks appeared in her place, as Snape expected.

"Well done, human." It commended.

"So...how should I deal with you? Do I just...end you? I suppose I should torture you for information first."

The creature didn't seem at all frightened, "What gave me away?"

"Your obsession with the basement, your careless attitude regarding books and knowledge in general, and most certainly your level of information about me."

"About you?" The stranger repeated and laughed; he did not stop until Snape's grip tightened and began choking the intruder.

"Now then," Snape continued, "have you ever wondered what it feels like to be on fire?" A quick spell shot from Snape's wand and the creature writhed in agony against the wall, squirming and struggling to be free of Snape's hand and the horrible feeling of an inferno inside his chest.

"I hold the key to your relief, and I alone," he threw the figure on the floor and held him there with a paralyzing spell,
"so tell me everything I want to know...and I will make this pain go away."

The creature struggled to speak, inhaling through its mouth, gaping for air. Snape remained still and stared into it's eyes that shown from behind the shadows of the cloak. He began to reach down when the strangers finally spouted out an answer, "You...you are being stalked...hunted..."

"By whom?"

"By the mighty Queen...and you will suffer...and die for these ponies...Snape!"

Severus reached down, wand ready to inflict more punishment, but the creature managed to teleport away with surprising speed and unfortunate ease. Snape cursed under his breath and stared at the space on the floor where the creature had been. Things were progressively getting worse and worse; sooner or later, open confrontation would emerge, and not necessarily between the ponies and the invaders alone.

The schemes of evil in this world were afoot, and they had identified him. His work was not about to get easier. Depending on how much they knew, he might have to hurry his plans along exponentially. They had access to the school, how long before the castle? Or did they already have it?

He hid the signs of the confrontation and locked his office door soundly behind him as he left.

Cadence was waiting patiently in the dark room when Snape entered, silent and brisk as usual. He sat down in front of her, his face looked lost, as though his eyes were telling him about things that were not in the room. Snape folded his hands together as he sat in place and rested his arms on his knees.

"Have we spoken with our husband yet?"

"I...I left him a note."

"And he has not spoken to you since."

"No," she sighed and looked down sadly at the dark floor. The moonlight glistened in and tinted the room the slightest blue, making the melancholy air of the castle at night more noticeable. Or perhaps the moonlight was the source of the melancholy in the first place.

Snape didn't look as much disappointed as he did mad. To him, it wasn't such a big deal, but she was vulnerable, she was feeling things he would never know, and she was the one who was wrestling this shadow, not him.

"You think me naive to your pains," Snape muttered in a tone laced with (unintended) accusations, "you believe I do not know the hardships of this process. Of love. Of heartache. Of pain that cannot be quenched by anything short of the rose's nectar. Well you are mistaken dear, I have suffered more than 'The Princess of Love' could ever know," He told her, and for the first time since they had met, he had shown real, clear emotion.

"Snape, believe me, I understand what your past has done to you, and I'm here to help you...as you're helping me."

"You are very confused, Princess, let us go to work."

"It might help to talk about your past, about...Lily."

"What did you say?" He demanded and inched closer to her.

"I know about that girl...Lily. I see reflections, scenes from the pools of your mind when we link. Your magic is incredible and it helps me know a little more about you."

"My past is my own. It's not meant for you, so don't poke your nose in it, if you so kindly please," he whispered with the threatening tone of a true Death Eater.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I only know the name, and I've seen her only once. Lily."

"Then let us stop at once, and focus on your problems."

"Okay," She admitted defeat, and they focused on the presence within her mind that had grown steadily for the past month and a half.

He'd dropped his guard. He had no one to blame except himself. Was it any wonder that the intruders had been able to gauge so much of him? He needed to do better. This world was no different than his own. Guarding his own mind, his past and secrets, must be his first priority on this mission.

"Our suspicions were right, great Queen."

"So the human Snape has a few weak spots after all, does he? He is the key. If we can manipulate Snape to our cause, then no one will be able to stop us. Keep up the hard work, and I will lead us into a most glorious victory. All agents in Fillydelphia, Baltimare, The Crystal Empire, and most especially in Canterlot are to remain on guard and alert. We grow ever closer to being rid of ponykind forever."

"Yes, Queen Chrysalis."

"The next evolution of Changelings have served us well. By the time we have control of the capitol, all changelings will be evolved and with our newfound might, we will gain control of this world."


The small group of changelings around the throne of the hive cheered and celebrated in their native tongue of chirps and squeals.

Snape's flying figure whistled through the cool night air as the monstrous beast below continued its rampaging and destruction. The ponies at the small, lone farm in the great planes of Equestria ran helplessly as their home was crushed. The monster looked like some sort of squirrel bonded with a crustaceous sea monster.

Snape landed and without wasting a second, blasted a shot of magic at the beast, causing it to recoil slightly, but it was just as tough as the creature back from the Everfree Forest. He raised a shield as a giant claw was thrown down on top of him. Harnessing the power of the gathering storm clouds, Snape summoned a blast of lightning to his wand and redirected it into the hulking creature's chest.

It shook the monster up, but it didn't hurt it...much. Shot after shot did not affect the creature as Snape hoped, and whenever the monstrosity lashed out against him he was hard pressed to avoid damage. A clean cut with Sectumsempra worked better than last time, as he was able to bisect on the claws entirely, but the blood was acidic and has explosive properties, and Snape was thrown back by it's destructive power.

His wand was just out of his reach on the wet grass, but the creature's foot was directly overhead. He rolled to the side and snatched up his wand, bisecting its left leg next. He retreated a small ways as it fell to the ground. Before he could do anymore, a dreaded voice rang through the air.

"Now that's rather rude, don't you think? Do I go breaking your toys?" Discord asked, slightly exacerbated.

"Do you find it wise to so reveal yourself?" Snape asked and motioned with head out to Canterlot, a small figure far off in the distance.

"Relax Snapey!"

"Don't call me that."

"Now, now, a promise is a promise. You owe me, and I want what's coming to me."

"You'll get what's coming to you, but it's not my place to do so. Until then, the best I can give you is this," Snape said as he gestured with his wand to give Discord more power.

"No, no!" Discord stopped him, "Not here. Come with me."

Discord snapped his fingers and took himself, Snape, and the dying monster away, leaving only the shadowy lands of Equestria behind as the soft winds blew once more through the blades of grass.