• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 4,334 Views, 350 Comments

Ponyville Public Access - Justice3442

The Ponyville Public Access channel is where any and all Ponyville residents can go to advertise whatever they want or force those with a T.V. to watch their antics.

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Paddy's Pub

Author's Note:

Ltmajordude serves up another spoonful of something!

Dark clouds blocked the clear sky and coated the world with a grayish fog. Heavy rain fell upon the earth as a brown pegasus walked clumsily, his legs became sore from his endless traveling, his eyesight fading from the lack of rest, and his mind failing from the insanity that he was trying to stop. Even his black hair seemed to experience extreme discomfort.

As his eye twitched like a fire flickering, he fell to the ground, ignoring the pain inflicting to his body from the impact. His mind seemed to be in low power, probably because of the intense armageddon that is happening in his body. With his last remaining strength, he lifted up his head, sweat dripped from his forehead from the burning pain in his muscles.

After struggling to clear his eyesight, he saw nothing but more dirt forming into mud from the rain that refused to stop. A small tear formed in his eye and dropped to the wet dirt. He let out an involuntary whimper as he dropped to the ground, his faith is gone and desire for death appeared out of nowhere.

His shoulder felt a strange feeling. It was not of pain. It was something soft. He felt a soft touch in his shoulder. Lifting up his head for a bit, his eyes widen as he saw the most beautiful mare he had ever seen in his entire life. Despite the intense fog, she was glowing with a bright light. She had long golden hair that dangled from her shoulder. Her blue eyes stared at the fallen pegasus as her red glossy lips formed into a kind smile.

She placed both of her hooves on the pegasus's body and lifted him up from the mud. She placed his head on her chest, where he can feel her angelic heartbeat. As she turned around, the pegasus gasped at the sight he was seeing. He saw a bright light that suddenly appeared in the middle of the dirt-filled field. A handsome unicorn stood in front of the bright light, his dark hair glowing brightly. He smiled, his white teeth shining like the sun, as he signaled the mare to follow him.

As he walked inside the bright light, the mare followed him. The pegasus wondered where they were going. As she walked up to the bright light, it absorbed her and the pegasus. The pegasus could not see because of the shining light, yet he felt a strange and relaxing feeling in his body.

As the light dissolved, he opened his eyes to see a glorious sight: a room complete with a jukebox, two pool tables, six tables, and, best of all, a bar on the side filled with all sorts of liqueur, alcohol, and beer. The pegasus smiled widely, not feeling any pain from his grin. Slowly, the pain in his body disappeared and he felt a great amount of relief in his entire body.

A short Earth pony suddenly appeared and began to speak with a big smile on his face.

"So come on down to Paddy's Pub! Where-"


The ponies immediately turned their attention to a pegasus dressed in a light green bodysuit that covered his whole body and face. He was bolting around the bar, knocking down everything in his sight.

"GODDAMNIT CHARLIE!!!!" The unicorn yelled as he slammed his hooves on his own face, ignoring the pain from the facehoof.

"I told you he was going to do it!" The mare shouted as she dropped the pegasus she was holding.

"OW! What the hell Dee?!" The pegasus yelled in pain as he fell to the ground.

"Oh shut up Mac!" The mare roared at the pegasus.

"Shut up Dee!" The unicorn screamed as he walked up to the mare.

"Shut up Dennis!" The mare spat back at the unicorn.

"Shut up Frank!" The green-outfitted pegasus barked at the short pony.

"I didn't say nothin'!" The short pony shouted at the green-outfitted pegasus.

As the ponies argued bitterly with each other, the short pony rubbed his temple with his hoof as he walked up to a camera that was adjusted on a wall.

"Ah screw this. We're done. Where's the record button? Ah, there it is. I had enough of this sh