• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 6,812 Views, 116 Comments

Six Followed by Nine - TGM

Sixty-nine is a pretty funny number. Twilight wants to know why.

  • ...


“And so, as you can see,” Twilight Sparkle hastily scribbled down a mathematical equation on the blackboard in front of her. “if we subtract the two, and carry the one, what do we get?”

Spike was staring at the blackboard from his desk, eyes staring off into space to look at some nonexistent thing. “Does it matter?”

Twilight levitated the chalk away from the blackboard and turned to look at him, eyes narrowing and wings ruffled. “Of course it matters!” She tapped the equation on the blackboard with her chalk. “This is basic math, Spike! Ever since I stopped giving you homeschooling lessons in Canterlot, you’ve done nothing to further your education on your own! And since the schools around here don’t allow dragons to enroll, it’s important you get the basics at the very least!”

Spike huffed, a spout of green flame leaving his nostrils. Twilight took it as a prompt to continue and tapped the blackboard again. “Now, like I said before, what do we get?”

“Two hundred and sixty nine.” Twilight ignored his monotone voice.

“Right, and two hundred sixty-nine minus two hundred isssssss….?” Twilight turned to look at him, smile wide and eyes sparkling. He was finally learning! He was going to figure it out all on his own!

Spike’s eyes widened suddenly, and he hid his mouth behind a claw and began to giggle behind it. “Sixty...heh...sixty-nine! Hahahahaha!” Spike fell out of his chair, his legs kicking in the air as a confused Twilight Sparkle simply cocked an eyebrow.

“What’s so funny?”

Spike scrambled to his feet, eyes wide. “You...you don’t know?” Twilight slowly shook her head, eying the dragon with a hint of skepticism. “Pffft! That’s—!” He collapsed again. “Even funnier! Hahahahaha!”

“Spike.” Twilight poked him with the chalk. “Spike!” The dragon didn’t seem to hear her, tears were quickly welling up in his eyes as he struggled to get ahold of his laughter. Twilight frowned, wondering what made the dragon laugh so hard. “All we said was sixty-nine…what’s so funny about that?” She set the chalk down. “Maybe I’ll go look it up in one of my boo— ...oh.” Her ears flattened against her head as she remembered the violent explosion that had ended her former home, as well as annihilated all the books she’d collected. “Right.” She gave Spike one last glance before making her way for the staircase. “Well, let’s see if any of my friends know what it means…”

A short trot down the streets of Ponyville later, Twilight entered Carousel Boutique. “Rarity? Are you around?”

“In here, Darling!” The singsong voice of the fashionista mare called from the next room. Twilight poked her head in the room, noticing two ponies waiting at a counter as Rarity feverishly worked to sew something together.

“Ah, Rarity! There you are!” Twilight quickly trotted up to the side of the counter. “I was hoping you could answer a question for me.”

“Oh yes of course dear, just let me finish up this orde—”

“What’s so funny about the number sixty nine?” Rarity blanched, and stumbled a bit. She lost the grip on the fabric she was sewing, and the machine went wild as the fabric was torn violently in two. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to notice, as they were too busy staring at the Princess with their mouths agape to notice.

“W-what?!” Rarity managed to stutter out, blinking rapidly.

“Well I was teaching Spike a lesson earlier today, and as we were going over some of our techniques the number sixty-nine was brought up.” The two mares gasped as Rarity somehow managed to tear the fabric she was holding again, this time it floated and landed atop one of her customer’s heads.


“Yeah, I was just as confused. Then he lost control of himself and started laughing, and I didn't know why. I couldn't just bend over and take it without knowing what was so funny, so I decided to ask my friends what it might mean.”

The room had gotten noticeably hotter as all the mares in the room save for Twilight were burning red with embarrassment. Finally, Rarity snapped to her senses and began pushing Twilight to the door. “T-Twilight, you need to go.”

“What?! But Rarity, I haven’t figured out how significant a sixty-nine is yet!”

“Oh! My dress!” The mare from the counter finally seemed to realize that her dress had been systematically destroyed.

“I don’t have time for this right now,” Rarity grumbled as she pushed Twilight out the door.

“Rarity, now that’s not being a very considerate friend! I will not stop until I reach a climax to this issue!” With another burning red glare from the alabaster unicorn, Twilight found the door promptly slammed in her face. Twilight blinked, confused at Rarity’s sudden and harsh reaction before finally moving on. “What got her so uptight, I wonder?”

Twilight decided to go see Pinkie Pie next. Surely her pink friend who was always willing to help anypony could help her out of her perilous predicament. On the way there, she decided to try and ask as many ponies as she could about her question, but to her annoyance most of the ponies she asked about it seemed to go red in the face before insisting they had to be elsewhere and running off. The only one who didn't was the local dentist mare, Colgate. Colgate wiggled her eyebrows, gave her a piece of paper with an address on it and ran off, giggling. Weird.

Twilight eventually made her way over to Sugarcube Corner, which was in the depth of its morning rush. She was able to locate Pinkie Pie relatively easily, she seemed to be playing waitress for the day. She bounced from table to table, carrying various pastries in her hooves that the Cakes placed on the counter. “Pinkie!” Twilight waved to her friend, who only spared her a glance.

“Oh!” Pinkie darted to the counter and over to another table, where a grey coated earth pony and a white unicorn with an electric blue mane were sharing a shake. “Hey!” She darted back to the counter and over to another table where the ponies she recognized as Lyra and Bon Bon were sitting, Lyra in her usual strange fashion and Bon Bon just glaring at her. “Twilight!” Pinkie stopped just in front of Twilight, bouncing in place. “I’m kinda busy today, can it wait till after my shift?”

“It’s okay, Pinkie, just a small question.”

“Oh in that case,” Pinkie rushed back to the counter, bouncing over to another table, this one with a yellow coated mare with long, braided red hair and a blue coated mare with a purple mane sitting across from her. “What is it?”

“What’s so funny about the number sixty-nine?”

Pinkie froze in mid-bounce, dropping the food in her hooves to the floor with a clatter. Several of the customers froze as well, their gazes lingering on the purple alicorn. Pinkie rubbed out one of her ears with a hoof, then blinked. “S-sorry Twilight, could you say that again?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Well, it’s just that I was practicing some techniques with Spike earlier today, the number sixty-nine came up.”

Several ponies gasped, other scrunched their muzzles up in disgust. She heard a few whispers, saying things like “She did that with a baby dragon?”

“Oh my…”

“I like her!” The latter was followed by a swift smacking sound, originating from the table with the grey earth pony and the white unicorn.

Pinkie’s eyes darted around nervously. “U-uh, Twilight maybe now isn't the best time…”

“I mean, really,” Twilight continued, the pink pony’s pleas going unheeded, “all I want is some relief. I went to Rarity’s to see if she could help me, but she was already trying to help two other mares and was pretty busy.”

This statement was followed by a retching sound from several tables, as some ponies got up and began to trot out the door.

“Well, there goes my appetite…”

“Of all of the worst times to talk about something inappropriate, I never!”

“Aw, do we really have to go? I wanted to hear what happened next!”

“What in the name of Celestia is going on out here?” Mrs. Cake emerged from the kitchen, glancing about in irritation. Upon seeing her customers steadily filing out the door, her irritation turned to panic. “Wait! Whatever is the matter?”

A brown earth pony stallion looked back at her with a frown. “Why don’t you ask her?” The pony pointed a hoof at Princess Twilight before stomping out of the bakery. Mrs. Cake frowned, turning to look at Twilight and Pinkie. Pinkie’s mane had deflated as she looked back at Mrs. Cake with a helpless expression, though Twilight seemed oblivious to the entire thing.

“— that was after she used the sewing needle. I didn't even get to the part when she ripped the dress.”

Mrs. Cake trotted up to the two, frowning deeply. “Your highness, I’m afraid I must ask you to leave. You're driving away all of our customers.”

Twilight turned to face Mrs. Cake, her face contorted and her eye twitching slightly. “Why won’t anypony just come out with the truth! What does sixty-nine mean?!” Mrs. Cake’s face went beet red.

“Your highness, please…” She glanced around.

Twilight let out an aggravated groan and stormed out of the bakery, which quickly shut behind her. She might as well go see if Applejack would know anything while she was out here…

Ponyville was much emptier than the last time Twilight had walked through, though she still caught the occasional glimpse of a pony’s tail going around a corner, or a set of eyes dart under a window ledge right before it slammed closed. They were all being fairly unreasonable, even more so than usual.

The route to Sweet Apple Acres was a fairly straightforward one. Twilight was still lost in her thoughts by the time she realized she was even there. Luckily, Applejack was still out in the fields. Apple Bloom was standing below the tree she was bucking, a basket balanced on top of her head. Big Mac wasn't far off, doing some apple bucking of his own. Twilight smiled and trotted up to the trio. Applejack was an honest and trustworthy pony—surely she'd tell Twilight the answers she sought.

“Hi Applejack!” Twilight greeted her friend, who removed her stetson and waved.

“Heya. Twi. Come to ‘git a break from all that studyin’?”

“Not exactly. I was actually hoping you could answer a question for me. Everypony else in town seems to not want to answer at all.”

“Lay it on me, Twi. Ah’ll do what ah can.” She reared up her hind legs in preparation for another buck.

“What’s so funny about the number sixty-nine?”

Applejack’s eyes widened and she missed her target, instead bucking straight into the basket on top of Apple Bloom’s head. The apples went flying from the basket, sailing straight and true over the tops of the trees before smashing straight through the windows of the Apple Family’s home. Granny Smith emerged from a broken window and shook her hoof in the air. “Ye darn kids! I’ll git ya’ll yet!”

Applejack cringed before shaking her head, looking back at Twilight. “Ah’m sorry Twi...I think I mighta misheard ya...did ya'll say…”

“Sixty. Nine.” Twilight’s hoof ground into the dirt, as she huffed. “The answer’s been teasing me all day! I feel like I’m right on the verge of finishing this predicament, but all of our friends so far haven’t been much help! In fact, they seemed to make it a whole lot worse! Pinkie didn't even last a minute before Mrs. Cake told me to get out!” A loud thump could be heard behind them, and they turned to find a bucket of apples at Big Mac’s feet, his mouth hanging wide open as he stared at the two of them. If he had wings, they’d probably be spread wide open right about now.

“What’s Twilight talkin’ about, sis?” Apple Bloom cocked her head to the side. Applejack just laughed nervously.

“Hehe, why don’t ya’ll go help your big brother lil’ sis? I gotta talk to Twilight for a minute…” Apple Bloom did as she was told, but had to wave a hoof in front of Big Mac’s face a bit to snap him out of his trance-like state. After the two had walked off, Applejack removed her stetson and stared at Twilight.

“Twilight...ya’ll can’t just go around saying things like that to friends and family! It’s...it ain’t right.”

Twilight stamped a hoof. “Can you at least tell me why?! I’ve been asking around town all day and nopony will tell me!”

“You’ve been...oh for the love of Celestia…” Applejack pulled her stetson down over her face for a minute, before releasing a deep sigh. “Look Twilight, ah’d love to answer yer questions but ah got a lot of buckin’ to do…” her face went beet red for a moment. “Why don’t you uh…” Applejack glanced around, then noticed a cyan and rainbow blur heading straight for the two of them.

“Why don’t you...ask Rainbow Dash! Yep, ah’m sure she’d know!” with that, Applejack quickly began to rapidly assault a nearby tree with her rear hooves, despite the tree having seemingly lost all of its apples.

Twilight rolled her eyes before looking up into a nearby tree, where Rainbow Dash was perched.

“What’s up Twi? Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Hi Rainbow Dash.” Well, Rainbow Dash seems to know a lot about other ponies in town, maybe she’ll know something about why everypony’s being so weird about it? Twilight reasoned in her head before looking back up at her friend. “Rainbow, can I ask you a question?”

Rwinbow Dash began to preen her feathers. “Sure, go ahead.”

“What’s so important about the number sixty-nine?”

Immediately, Rainbow Dash yanked hard on her feathers, pulling several out with a loud “Yow!” Rainbow blinked a few times before staring down at Twilight. “Oh….uh...well...you see…” Rainbow glanced around nervously. “I uh...Applejack needs help with Applebucking! You should go ask Fluttershy!”

“After all those times you’ve dozed off in my orchard, you honestly think ah’d allow you to—” Applejack was cut off as Rainbow Dash quickly rammed her to the side, and rapidly began to kick the dead tree with her hind hooves as well.

Twilight ran a hoof down her face and glared at the two. “Fine! You two have fun bucking, then!” Twilight flicked her tail angrily as she trotted off, leaving Rainbow Dash and Applejack looking beet red.

“What’s this I hear about you two bucking?” Granny Smith lumbered over towards the two, having been just out of earshot of Twilight’s statement.

Applejack paled. “No, Granny, it’s not what you think!”

“Nonsense! I’m still hip enough to know what that term sixty-nine means, and I heard that you and yer friend here are ‘bucking partners’ now. Ah suppose it’s time ah tell ya’ll about how the birds and the bees work.” Applejack pulled her hat over her face to hide her embarrassment while Rainbow Dash shifted around uncomfortably.

Twilight trotted up the path to Fluttershy’s cottage, birds and other small animals darting out of her way as she did. “Lousy, good for nothing friends…” She mumbled. This was her last chance, Fluttershy was the kindest, sweetest pony she knew. Surely she’d have some answers. Twilight carefully rose a hoof and knocked on Fluttershy’s door.

Slowly, the door opened, and Fluttershy poked her head out. “Oh. Hi Twilight.” She opened the door fully, cocking her head to the side. “Is something wrong?”

“Yes!” Twilight flailed her hooves in the air. “I was teaching Spike math this morning and we came up with the solution number sixty-nine! He started laughing and wouldn't tell me why! I went to Rarity’s but she kicked me out, so did Mrs. Cake and Applejack and Rainbow Dash are too busy bucking to help me reach a climax to this mystery!” Fluttershy’s face was noticeably red. “So, please Fluttershy, you're my last chance. Can you please, please tell me what's so funny about the number sixty-nine?”

“Oh...um…” Fluttershy looked off to the side, hiding her face behind her mane. “...You know Twilight, I could just show you...if that’s okay with you?”

“Show me? Well, I mean, sure, but what does that even mea—” Twilight was quickly jerked inside Fluttershy’s house, and the door slammed closed behind her.

~Thirty seconds and one unsatisfied yellow pegasus later~

Twilight laid on Fluttershy’s bed, staring at the ceiling. Her wings were fully extended on either side of her body, and her mane was disheveled and stuck up in random places. Fluttershy was rolled to the side, her back to the purple Alicorn as she grumbled to herself. Twilight took a deep breath and spoke, “...Oh. So that’s what it meant.”

Comments ( 116 )
2D #1 · Sep 16th, 2014 · · ·

0/10 made me find the cover image for you

8/8 m8 gr8 b8



thanks m8

I didn't expect you to write it so quickly. I thought it would have taken a bit longer. But still, you pulled off what I failed to. Bravo! If I had actually took part, I would have asked you to put this:

Two immature guys on the internet attempting to be funny with sexual innuendos.

Of course, that's not the case, so don't worry. :raritywink: Also,

She lost the grip on the fabric she was sewing, and the machine went wild as the fabric was torn violently in two.

My idea! You used it! You gave me bookworm, I gave you a machine falter.

And as a plus, rather than a nitpick, it's Apple Bloom, not Applebloom. Others would call you out on this, so just a heads up.


Nor did I. The urge to write just struck me. :twilightsmile:

And thanks! Fixed! :derpytongue2:

Majin Syeekoh


Hahahaha Pony say 69 is a funny number to say

Oh I can't help but feel a little guilty for enjoying this one. It was really funny in a very Carry On film kind of way.

Compliments on the story it certainly made me laugh.

Can you make a sequel called Penal Code?

This was really funny :rainbowlaugh:
That end was priceless! Though for some reason I knew that was coming :fluttershysad::twilightblush::trollestia:

Well, it is always nice when things come to a happy ending.

Did...Did Fluttershy and Twilight seriously had 69 sex in the end?

Ahhhh the adorkable bookworm strikes again. Lmao. Very funny.



Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

This is probably the closest I will ever get to writing clop, so most likely not, no.

You knew it was 'coming' did you? :unsuresweetie:

Bahaha! Ohhh you :yay:

Maaaaaaybe. :pinkiesmile:

Thanks! :yay:

Yeah, but it surprised me it came so fast. Even Fluttershy didn't see that coming so quickly. :rainbowlaugh::trollestia:

“Ye darn kids! I’ll git ya’ll yet!”

Ah suppose it’s time ah tell ya’ll about how the birds and the bees work.


“Hehe, why don’t ya’ll go help your big brother lil’ sis

“Twilight...ya’ll can’t just go around saying things like that to friends and family!


This fic should have a Safety Warning that reading this could cause death from to much laughter. Seriously a good fic. Something you want to watch though. It's y'all, and that term [which you used 50% correctly *applauds*] is a second personal plural pronoun. Anywho, loved the fic, and the reactions to Twilight's obliviousness.

that always happens to me, ppl have been asking me because they think im a smart person, i can totally relate to this :derpytongue2:

Ha :moustache: was Spike at first then Rarity was all like:raritycry: and Pinkie was all like:pinkiegasp: then Applejack and Rainbow were all like :ajbemused: :rainbowhuh: and finally Fluttershy was all :yay:

“Rarity, now that’s not being a very considerate friend! I will not stop until I reach a climax to this issue!”

God dammit Twilight!

The drums and cymbal that make the *ba-dum psh* sound are now smoking from too much abuse! :rainbowlaugh:

So that's what it meant! I was all nutz thingy. :applejackconfused: :trollestia::unsuresweetie::pinkiecrazy:

Spike entered the Boutique Laughing his butt off as Rarity was closing up.:moustache:
"SPIKE!" Rarity Roared "What ? Am I not faboulus enough for you!":raritycry:
Spike with his stupid smile "what?":moustache:
Rarity growled "Follow me"
Spike followed closely then all went BLACK.

And that's it Doc my nose was stuck in her back side and I sneezed... She was all Puffed up like a Giant marsh mellow Balloon.:moustache::raritystarry:
The Doc answered "Glad you held on to her tail or we would of never found her":twistnerd:
Spike teared up "will she be all right?" The Doc smiled "No problem as he untied her tail....:twilightoops:
PFEEEEETeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeePhit phit eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:facehoof:

69 is always good for a laugh:trollestia:

Looks like I need a new gut.

Oh Twi, you surely know how to make it seem like you were doing something completely else :rainbowlaugh:
This was pretty awesome, thanks for the laugh!

oh my Luna, twilight, you are so obvious to what you are saying...


And this was hilarious.

So damn funny!:moustache::twilightblush:

:trixieshiftleft:Man, Twilight's the only one who got any satisfaction. Friggn bullshit.

That was funny, but it would have been funnier if it wasn't as OOC as it is. This story makes no sense beyond it's joke. Sorry.:unsuresweetie:

Twilight you waste of an Alicorn princess....

Bravo! :yay:

Innuendos everywhere.

Much fun was had.

Of course, it probably turns out Spike was laughing because it was a Bill and Ned (Ted) reference...

(Okay, not really, but that's what I always think of when someone says "sixty-nine." Of course, the fact I'm a metal skeleton with no sex drive is also probably responsible...)

she still caught the occasional glimpse of a pony’s tail going around a corner, or a set of eyes dart under a window ledge right before it slammed closed.

Ponyville is such a sexually repressed society that they respond to innuendo as if it's a gunfight in Dodge.


Oh my god :rainbowlaugh: I don't think Mad Moxxi could make that many innuendo's in one day!

This story can be summed up in one phrase:

"Oh, honey..." :applejackunsure:

Anyway, hidden OTP shipping. 10/10 would read again.

"30 seconds later"
She's one of THOSE.

I don't think she expected that show and tell to end so soon. But what can you expect from someone as old as Twilight going that long without that stuff.

Great story. Innuendos and an implied ship. Adorable.

Btw, not sure if it was or wasn't since they weren't named, but was that Button and Sweetie out on a date who blurted out "I like her!" because I can't think of any other white unicorns and brown earth ponies. :P

Could of used more innuendos near the end. Saw no point in being more straight forward there at the end. Nice buck joke though. xD


Alright guys! I'm back from school, how's my fic doi—


...huh...maybe I should make fics about immature sexual jokes more often. :pinkiecrazy:

I'm afraid that's my own inability to describe things properly. :facehoof:

“Oh!” Pinkie darted to the counter and over to another table, where a grey coated earth pony and a white unicorn with an electric blue mane were sharing a shake.



She darted back to the counter and over to another table where the ponies she recognized as Lyra and Bon Bon were sitting, Lyra in her usual strange fashion and Bon Bon just glaring at her.



“Oh in that case,” Pinkie rushed back to the counter, bouncing over to another table, this one with a yellow coated mare with long, braided red hair and a blue coated mare with a purple mane sitting across from her. “What is it?”


fimfiction-static.net/images/story_images/170098_r.png?1404572577 (Two OCs that a friend of mine and myself have and are working on a story for. :yay:)

“I like her!” The latter was followed by a swift smacking sound, originating from the table with the brown earth pony and the white unicorn.


MEANT to be referring back to Vinyl and Octavia, but I put brown instead of grey...my bad guys. :facehoof: Fixing it!

5016781 Welcome back! lol

Honestly, it felt like a great shoutout to Sweetie Belle and Button's first date, furthered by how much more oblivious and terrible said date went with him being a perv making Sweetie smack him in the back of the head.

Yeah, that Sugar Cube Corner scene just felt like you wanted to show us a lot of ponies. But i have to say it was a cute mistake at the end.

Pfffft- that was quite a tease.




uh...you're right! That's totally what I meant to do!

*hastily edits*

And honestly, I wasn't trying to do anything, just meant to show how busy they were at that time of the day. :twilightblush: I guess I could have pulled that off a little better.


That was great fun! Good thing nobody was around when I read that one...with all the laughing, they would have sent me to the loony bin (Luna bin?)



Awwww, I liked the idea of Button having a childish crush on Twilight, to Sweetie's annoyance.

“You...you don’t know?” Twilight slowly shook her head, eying the dragon with a hint of skepticism.

She's as virgin as EV olive oil. No, she does not know.

“Well, let’s see if any of my friends know what it means…”

They know, some from experience.

“Well I was teaching Spike a lesson earlier today, and as we were going over some of our techniques the number sixty-nine was brought up.”

Always use correct context boys and girls.

I couldn't just bend over and take it without knowing what was so funny,


I will not stop until I reach a climax to this issue!”

Shut. Up.

Colgate wiggled her eyebrows, gave her a piece of paper with an address on it and ran off, giggling. Weird.

Any time Twilight.

“She did that with a baby dragon?”

Don't forget dragons become sexually mature much faster than most animals. Yes, he's a baby, he is also capable of fathering children with dragons is own size.:moustache:

“I mean, really,” Twilight continued, the pink pony’s pleas going unheeded, “all I want is some relief. I went to Rarity’s to see if she could help me, but she was already trying to help two other mares and was pretty busy.”


Twilight turned to face Mrs. Cake, her face contorted and her eye twitching slightly. “Why won’t anypony just come out with the truth! What does sixty-nine mean?!” Mrs. Cake’s face went beet red.

Mrs. Cake is a babe. Her husband is the only pony she's ever loved, but there is no limit to what ponies would give for ten minutes with her. She defiantly knows, and this is a town full of perverts and voyeurs, everyone knows.

Pinkie didn't even last a minute before Mrs. Cake told me to get out!

That's an image I am very okay with having.

“Fine! You two have fun bucking, then!” Twilight flicked her tail angrily as she trotted off, leaving Rainbow Dash and Applejack looking beet red.

What I think every time I see another AppleDash fic.

~Thirty seconds and one unsatisfied yellow pegasus later~

Guess Twilight's easy to please.

Funny, about on par with stealing the deed.

I don't get it.

I mean, I got the immature sexual references ("bend over and take it!" :facehoof:), but what is significant about 69?:derpytongue2:

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