• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,989 Views, 738 Comments

Absolution 2 - ed2481

After Cres left, Applejack thought that she'd never have to hear the words 'Pokemon' again outside of Twilight's constant questions. However, it seems that hope was misplaced. With only the help of Cres, can she find her way back

  • ...

Chapter 16

Author's Note:

Omega_code: Hey, hey, hey. We’re back from the clutches of holidays takeover!

Ed2481: On my part it was more of laziness and the need to do something other than stare at my computer all day... which I ended up doing anyways, but I did it without being productive and that’s what’s important about the holidays!

Omege_code: Mine was I had a seasonal job that started at 10 pm. to 6 am. doing overnight stock work for a Toy R Us store, so I didn’t want to do anything when I woke up. If there is one thing I learn from that job is, always put things back where you find them. ALWAYS! Other than that, I hope you’ll enjoy the chapter. Except another later on as we try to get back onto scheduled releases. Key word, try.

Ed2481: Yeah, I’m starting my next semester at college soon so I don’t know what my writing schedule will be like, we’ll see.

Cres blinked awake sleepily, it had only been an afternoon nap, but he felt like it had dragged on for weeks. He raised his head and let out a yawn, looking to the left and the right. Belle’s muzzle rested on his back and little Xav was curled up against her stomach. He smiled and leaned over to lick her muzzle gently once before slowly, stealthily getting up. The Absol shook himself once before glancing at one of the windows.

“Hmm, long nap,” he mused, seeing that night was falling. He took a step forwards and stretched, his eyes glancing around the room, seeing that Emilia’s special ice bed was empty and that Roxanne was plopped down on the cushions doing some research. She caught his gaze and smiled.

“Must have been a good nap,” she said with a chuckle as she continued to type on her computer. “Matt should be home soon.”

Cres nodded his thanks and walked off towards the kitchen, a small frown on his face as he leapt up onto the counter beneath the main window. He looked out at the lights of Hearthome and smiled faintly. It was a very pretty place at night and he saw people and Pokemon walking through the streets chatting happily amongst themselves. A sigh left his lips as he thought about what he was going to do.

I must speak with Applejack... she is bull headed, annoying, and all around intolerable... but that is no reason to involve my family with it, he thought to himself. For their sake, as well as my own, this ‘feud’ must end.

He looked at his own reflection, red eyes looking right back, majestic blade and mane in near flawless formation. A shiver ran down his spine and he nodded at the reflection. He didn’t run away from things, not any more. Running lead to nothing but problems.

“I’m stronger than I ever was before,” he said quietly. “I was never afraid of her before, I have even less reason to be now. Xav and Belle will love me no matter what I do, it’s time to prove that.”

His reflection repeated the word motions flawlessly and Cres smiled slightly before he turned and leapt easily down from the window.

Now I must simply wait till she arrives, he thought as he moved towards the front door and sat down. And then... we will talk.

A couple of minutes passed before the Absol could hear familiar sound of a footstep and the clanking of some crutches. The lock on the door clicked and turned, swinging out to show a spent Matt. The man smiled at seeing Cres sitting patiently. “Hey Cres, enjoy your half day?”

Cres moved forwards, purring as he threaded gently between Matt’s legs, nuzzling the good one.

“Yep, spent most of it napping,” Roxanne said with a small smile as she got up from her seat, moving over to Matt and giving him a peck on the lips before looking over him. “And you look like someone who’s not up to making dinner tonight.”

“Long day at the gym,” Matt replied with a very small chuckle as he walked inside the apartment, closing the door behind him. “You know, battling, training for tomorrow, responding to emails, you know, gym leaders stuff.” He started to make his way to the kitchen. “By the way, if anyone comes to your lab asking to see a rare Ponyta, can you tell them she’s not exactly available?”

Roxanne blinked once before chuckling softly. “Oui, oui, she’s currently doing a few tests in the back, I’ll see if I can’t find a time for you though,” she replied casually. “As for your day, I’m sorry, it sounds like you worked your butt off.”

“One way to say that,” the man said with a half nod. “I mean, I could finish work early, but had to put a halt on training for a moment. Applejack wanted to battle with Ohm believe it or not.”

“Oh?” Roxanne asked with a raised eyebrow before she glanced at him. “I take it she’s alright?”

“Yes, is she?” Cres inquired from below him, a skeptical look in his eyes. “I’m curious to know how that particular battle went.”

“She’s fine, Ohm only inflicted small cuts on her. After she washed them clean I used a potion to heal them all up,” Matt replied, getting himself a glass of mago berry juice and taking a large sip from it. “Happy to say that those reinforced foundations to the gym are working. She used a very strong Magnitude attack.”

Cres’s eyes widened slightly. Hmm, I hadn’t expected that. Hmm, no matter, we won’t be fighting, and even if we do, it will be more about preventing property damage than anything else.

“I told you they would,” Roxanne said with a smirk. “I only buy from quality you know,” she added as she walked over to the fridge and opening it. “What do you want for dinner? Something with pasta?”

“Sure, I could use some light food tonight,” the man replied, taking another sip of his juice. “Still, the fight went... well, it wasn’t really a battle per-say, more of Ohm just dodging and taking her hits. Which weren’t affecting him much because of all the training and experience he has.”

“I’d expect as much,” Cres said before glancing up at Matt. “Speaking of, I would like to talk with Applejack.”

An eyebrow arched on Matt’s forehead as he glanced down at the Absol. “May I ask why?”

Roxanne glanced up from her cooking before catching who he was talking too and went back to cooking. Sometimes when your husband could talk to Pokemon you just had to deal with him ‘forgetting’ that you weren’t part of the conversation.

“I’d like to try and end this little ‘feud’ of ours,” Cres replied simply. “It’s carried on far too long and I’d like it to end.”

Both of the man’s eyebrows rose a bit in surprise. “Well... sure then. I’m glad you came to your senses about that, Cres.” A small smile forming at the edge of his lips. “I guess you had a small talk with Belle eh?” he said in a small teasing tone as he set his glass down and head back to the living room.

“I can be sensible by myself you know,” Cres said sourly, following the man along. “Belle does not help me make every smart decision.”

“I know, but she does do it often,” the man remarked with a small chuckle. “But, I shouldn’t tease you on it. My mistake.”

“Indeed it is,” Cres agreed, leaping onto the sofa beside where the man usually sat. “Shame on you Matt.”

The man shook his head as he sat down on the couch and set his crutches aside causing Cres to lean his front half over and lay on him. Matt gave Cres a quick scratch on the side of his head while he reached his other hand down to his belt full of Pokeballs. The man brought out Applejack’s, pressing the release button and the ball opened. A flash of energy was sent out into the large opening in the living room where the mare quickly materialized.

Applejack blinked several times, not quite used to the sudden adjustment of being in a dark place to a suddenly bright one. In fact she hadn’t really gotten over being inside one of those... Pokeballs in the first place. She took glance at her surroundings to see that she was back in the living room of Matt’s apartment and felt being watched from behind. She turned her head to glance over and her eyes reactively narrowed slightly upon seeing Cres.

“Applejack,” Cres said with a polite nod of his head.

“Cres,” she replied back, doing nothing of the similar but she didn’t sound all too sour.

“We need to have a talk, you and I,” Cres continued, doing his best to imitate Belle’s way of formal talking on occasion.

“Oh do we?” the mare said, almostly flatly her eyes showing a small sign of disinterest.

“Yes, it doesn’t matter what you did to me or what I did to you before,” Cres began. “None of that matters. What matters is that you’re stuck here and unless you’d like to keep on clashing, with me winning any physical ones, we’d best learn to deal with each other.”

The mare looked at him for a long moment before she turned her head away. “That’s one thing you said that I can agree on....”

“Wonderful,” Cres said before settling into Matt’s lap and purring.

“....so... have you heard back from that Gearatinat fellow?” she asked, turning her body around to face them. Cres translated for her, while also correcting what she meant, nuzzling Matt’s stomach as he did so, eager for more pets after his success.

Matt frowned. “You know... I actually haven’t heard back from him.” He glanced over his shoulder to the kitchen. “Hey Roxanne, heard anything from Giratina?”

Roxanne glanced over from the kitchen. “No, can’t say that our lovely golden masked friend has said anything,” she replied. “Also, I couldn’t find anything in any of the lab databases on a Pokemon who could do to AJ what he did... no normal Pokemon is that strong. I mean, sure you have some freak cases like that one giant Gengar from a few years ago but... that doesn’t happen often. Unless it was the Unown, and really, we’d have noticed them by now.”

The man’s frown deepened. “Huh... that is not good. I mean, Giratina did say he would be back soon. It’s not like he would go back on his word.”

“I’m sure something just came up,” Roxanne replied, thankful to be in the kitchen and not having to hide her worried frown. “Maybe Arceus wanted a word with him or he and his brother got into a fight or something.”

“That kind of battle is noticeable Roxanne,” Matt pointed out to her. “Still... hopefully he will come back soon, so don’t you worry too much,” he added, looking back towards the mare.

Applejack let out a small sigh, having to stay here another night. At least she knew she wasn’t going to expect any more problems with Cres, if he truly kept to his word that is. “Alrighty then,” she simply said.

“I’m sure Giratina is fine, he’s Giratina,” Cres put in as he got up a little and reshuffled himself in Matt’s lap so that he was entirely on top of it.

The mare raised an eyebrow. “How exactly is that supposed to give me confidence?” she asked, her eyes noticing the man’s hand automaticly petting down Cres’s back while he looked back over to Roxanne, talking about something to do with the meal she was cooking.

“He’s a Legendary,” Cres replied as if that answered everything. “He’s also the son of Arceus, who created everything. I think he can handle anything that your Equestria can throw at him. I managed too after all, with a little help from Zecora, so I’m sure that he’ll be able too.”

“Then if that’s not the issue, why isn’t he back yet, hmm?” Applejack inquired.

“How should I know what goes on in Giratina’s mind?” Cres replied, purring as Matt got him under the chin, leaning his head back, eyes closing in bliss. “He’s probably just sight seeing or something.”

“Yet your Master said he wouldn’t do something like that, or at least not go back on his word,” she pointed out.

Cres just ignored her for a moment until Matt’s hand moved to another part of him and he glanced back at her. “You’re asking me things that I have no way to answer.” He then went back to purring as Matt worked the side of his neck.

“Well what else am I supposed to do?” Applejack asked in exasperation. “I’m stuck here with no clue on what’s going on to me or any way to get back. You keep talking like you know this Giratina a lot better than me but so far you’re only making it more confusing for me.”

“Try sleeping, it helps pass the time,” Cres replied, purring more and leaning against Matt’s chest. “Though, if you really want something to do, try asking questions without sounding so irritated all the time.”

The mare took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. While it was true she was a bit... tired from everything that happened today, she didn’t really want to sleep. She thought for a moment before glancing up a bit more closely to examine Cres’ reaction to Matt’s petting. “...well then, why are you acting like pets to Matt when I heard you really aren’t?”

Cres blinked. “Hmm?” he asked, still purring as Matt’s fingers stroked him.

“I keep seeing you, Brooke, Ohm and many other Pokemon that flock around Matt, yet I remember something about how y’all aren’t simple pets. So why act like you are?” Applejack restated for clarity.

“He’s our Master,” Cres replied, frowning as he nuzzled Matt’s chest. “And we are kind of pets, but not really. At least, most of us aren’t.” He blinked blankly for a moment before glancing at his mate. “Belle, I can tell from the way that you’re breathing that you’re not asleep anymore, you’re smart, answer this for me.”

Belle looked up from her place on the floor, a slight smile on her face. “You’ve memorized my breathing patterns Cres?”

“Only the important ones,” Cres replied, smirking slightly.

“Ah,” Belle chuckled before glancing over at Applejack. “Pokemon both are, and are not pets. You see, the word pet implies that we aren’t in control of our own decisions and rely on our Trainers for everything. That is not the case. We can and do act independently, especially if we’re wild Pokemon. However, if you use the word ‘pet’ to describe us as ‘faithful companions who live together with humans and protect them’ then yes, that is a fine way to put it.”

“I see...” Applejack said, her eyes glancing up to see Matt had his head turned back glancing around.

“Am I being the topic of a discussion?” he asked curiously.

“Applejack asked if we were your pets,” Cres replied, getting up on his hind legs to lick Matt’s chin and then nuzzle him affectionately. “Belle was just explaining something about how we are and aren’t, I didn’t follow much of it.”

“I overheard, and to add up to her explanation, while the later is true to a lot of cases, I see my Pokemon as more of friends than pets,” Matt explained before his scratching became slightly more intensified causing Cres to close his eyes happily. “Friends who just need a bit more attention than others,” he said with a small chuckle as Cres flopped down on his back, eyes still closed as purrs poured out of him.

“That and my ‘beloved mate’ is a bit of a sucker for love,” Belle added with a snicker. “Especially from fingers.” Cres didn’t bother dignifying that with a response, too busy purring. “Case and point.”

Applejack nodded her head, a small amused smile upon seeing Cres just flop over like some big... cat. “Right... thanks for the clarification.”

“Clarifying the world is what I’m here for,” Belle replied with a smirk, leaning down and licking Xav’s still heavily sleeping head. “I’ve got around a century to clear up its mysteries and I don’t plan on wasting that time.”

“You sound a bit like my friend Twilight,” Applejack said.

“Then I’d like to meet her at some point so we can discuss things,” Belle said with a grin, purring very softly at the idea, not at all like Cres who was purring away like a motorboat as Matt scratched his tummy.

However for Applejack, the idea of Belle and Twilight discussing things to no end sent a small shiver down her spine. The term, ‘sleepless night’ popped up in her head.

“So, anymore of this world’s oddities you’d like explained?” Belle asked with a small smirk. “I’m wonderful at ‘exposition’.”

Applejack looked at the expression the female Absol was giving, and a flash of Twilight’s face appeared over it for a brief moment. “Umm... sure I guess. I have nothing better to do,” she replied, part of her regretting saying that for she know what she was getting into, but again, she wanted to hold off on sleep as much as she could for now.

“Well then ask away and I’ll look into that big computer of knowledge I call a brain,” Belle replied with a chuckle.

Applejack nodded her head. “Well... I guess I would like to know why y’all use Pokeballs or why they were made. Considering I only seen it used mostly on me.”

“Have you seen Nok?” Belle asked her.

The mare frowned as she tried to recall the name. “That... big metal dragon looking fellow?”

“Yep, the big 6 foot tall, 800 pound walking steel tank,” Belle replied with a firm nod. “Would you like to fight that on fair terms? Or better yet, would you like to try figuring out how to get him from place to place out in the open if he was your friend?”

Applejack blinked blankly for a few moments. “I guess... no?”

“Hence why Pokeballs were made, because believe me Applejack, there are close to a hundred, possibly more depending on who you ask, Pokemon of Nok’s size or greater,” Belle explained with a small shrug. “Most of whom cause more collateral damage by accidental leaning against the wrong wall then him too. And that’s not even considering what happens when they get mad enough to try and destroy a city, which could happen if the local Trainers and law enforcement weren’t well trained.” She paused for a moment. “Usually that doesn’t happen to cities, only small towns and villages, and even then, not often.”

“Alright,” the mare said as she frown for a moment to think of another question. “Cres said Giratina is a Legendary... what does that mean?”

“Legendary is a status, title, or sometimes simple ‘claim’ that certain Pokemon take up if they’re of a sufficient power,” Belle replied. “Some actually deserve it, some don’t.”

Cres glanced up from his purring, looking like he was about to say something before closing his eyes for a moment and going back to purring as Matt continued to lavish him with attention.

“Essentially, Legendary means that they’re stronger, older, and often, more interesting conversationalists than the average Pokemon,” Belle carried on. “Take Articuno for example, it’s a species of ice type pokemon who are generally thought to be all female but are not, who live for centuries and possess great power which they use to save people from dying in blizzards or who are lost in the snowy mountains.”

“One saved Belle and I from a particularly cold death once,” Cres added with a smile.

“I even met one up in the north area of Sinnoh,” Matt added, slowing down a bit in his petting. “Though I wasn’t really anywhere near death... still, a sight to see when you’re only fourteen years old.”

“Alright... just how many Legendary are there?” the mare inquired.

Belle frowned slightly. “Are we counting Pseudo Legendaries? Specific species, or actual numbers of them? The last one is unknown at the moment.”

“I guess the types that are known?” she clarified.

“There are currently fifty well known types of Pokemon who truly deserve the classification of Legendary,” Belle replied. “Honorable mention to several Dragon Types and Metagross and Tyranitar respectively.”

Applejack’s eyes widened a bit at the number. “And those fifty Pokemon are all very... powerful?”

“Well, that depends on what you mean by ‘powerful’,” Belle replied with a small chuckle. “Some, like Arceus are literally God. Others like Suicune ‘merely’ possess the power to purify any polluted water source along with running like the ‘North Wind’.” Belle shrugged. “And there aren’t fifty, there are fifty species, though some are the only individuals of that species. Of course, then there are those like Celebi who are convoluted and travel through time further exacerbating things. And like I said before, there are many Articunos, as the same with Moltres and Zapdos, at least one of each in each region I believe.”

“My mate, the walking encyclopedia of random trivia,” Cres said affectionately.

“My mate, the clueless romantic,” Belle shot back just as affectionately. “So Applejack, anything else you’d like to know?”

Before she could answer, Roxanne walked in with a smile on her face. “Dinner time everyone,” she said, leaning down to pick Belle up, lifting her up to give her a kiss on the forehead. “Just from the number of times I head ‘Absol’ I’m guessing you were lecturing?”

Belle nodded.

“Good girl,” Roxanne said with a grin, kissing Belle again on the forehead before glancing at AJ. “I’ve made a salad for you, though you’re welcome to have some of our pasta, it’s got tomatoes but I kept the meat balls out of the sauce itself so you might like it.”

The mare nodded her head. “I’ve had pasta before. It’s one of the common meals Granny makes now and then.”

Roxanne just smiled. “I’ll take that as a yes then based on body language,” she said with a chuckle, turning to Matt. “Come on dear, don’t want your food to get cold.”

“Mmm, food,” Cres said, getting to his paws. “And... Mmmmm Tauros meatballs, not as good as Clefairy but a close second.” He walked over and poked Xav with his nose. “Xav, Xav wake up, it’s time to eat.”

The young pup lifted his head up and let out a large yawn before his nose began to sniff profusely. A pleased smile grew on his face as he gets up and follow the smell into the kitchen without needing to open his eyes. Cres and Belle exchanged a look before bursting into a fit of giggles while Matt pulled himself to his feet with the help of his crutches and hobbled over to the kitchen table, though not before looking over at Applejack. “So, are you coming?”

Applejack nodded her head and got up, following the man to the table. Her stomach growling to remind her how long it had been since lunch.