• Published 17th Sep 2014
  • 1,864 Views, 54 Comments

Sporkle - Seether00

Discord illuminates Twilight on the origins of the spork

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Tale of the Spork God

Author's Note:

This is what happens when I am bored at work.


Twilight Sparkle woke up one fine summer morning to find that her magic did not work.

“Huh,” she said. She didn’t scream; she didn’t panic. This wasn’t the first time something strange had happened to her horn, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

As such, Twilight had become rather adept at living without magic. She simply tapped her alarm clock lightly with her hoof and got out of bed.

A trip to the bathroom mirror and the answer revealed itself: Twilight had a spork sprouting out of her forehead. To be more precise, where her horn rightfully should be, was a spork, tines facing outward—thank Celestia—the same shade of lavender, and, if what she felt as she ran a hoof over the surface was correct, made of the same material as her vanished magical appendage.

“Huh,” she said again, and made her way downstairs, prepared a bowl of cereal and sat down for breakfast.

“One of those days then?” Spike commented, glancing up from his own cereal.

“I would say so.”

“Hmm… should I make the Twilight Sporkle joke now or later?”

“I’d say store it away, Spike. It’s rather hackneyed, don’t you think?”

Spike thought for second then nodded. “Probably. You’re going out then?” She nodded. “Well pick us up a bottle of milk on the way back, please. We’re almost out.”

Later that afternoon found Twilight knocking on the door to Fluttershy’s cottage. She had a fair suspicion concerning who was responsible for her spork situation.

Speaking of said culinary accessory, nopony had commented on her new purple poker. This made sense as Twilight had thrown a sock over it.

Said sock was the same shade of lavender as her coat. The silk-cashmere blend was quite comfortable and the pink and purple argyle pattern matched her mane to a tee… or at least that’s what Rarity insisted. Twilight had pointed out that fifty bits was a lot to spend on a single sock, especially when a ten-pack of plain cotton socks cost half as much and were, in her opinon, just as good.

Twilight Sparkle was no longer welcome inside Carousel Boutique. At least until such time as Rarity had calmed down, or the alicorn showed a proper appreciation for fine legwear. Whichever came first.

Anywho, as Twilight had made her way to Fluttershy’s house, ponies did not so much bat an eye at her sporky protuberance—again, due to the aforementioned very expensive sock—but tongues did wag and jaws did fall to the ground. Mostly from the unicorn segment of the populous.

Now, there was certainly nothing wrong with putting a sock over one’s horn. Every unicorn did it. It just… Well… There was an understanding. Socktime was meant to be enjoyed in the privacy of one’s own room, usually curled up reading literature of a very specific genre.

But there was Equestria’s newest princess flaunting society's norms like some sort of deviant! Somepony think of the foals! Shame! Shame!

“Hello, Your Highness!” Discord greeted, the door drawing up like window blinds.

And by drawn up, that means became so utterly tangled that Discord pulled them down in a huff, balling the whole mess and kicking it for a field goal. Shorter version: window blinds are terrible. Don’t buy them.

“Ah, I see you’re wearing a sock over your horn. Is that the new ‘in’ thing with you kids today? I must admit I just can’t keep up with all these new trends you youngsters are into,” Discord admitted, now dressed in a plaid sweatervest at the same time leaning on a cane. “What with your new fangled techno music and fancy lights. Just untz untz untz all night long while some of us are trying to catch our beauty rest!”


“In my day, we had only two instruments, the flew-flewber and the tah-tinker, and dagnabit we liked it.”

“Discord!” Twilight shouted, freezing him just as he was getting into a rant about the reclassification of white chocolate as chocolate. It has no cocoa solids. As far as he was concerned, it wasn’t chocolate. Really, where did the government get off reclassifying chocolate without consulting him, Discord, the creator of all things chocolate?!

Twilight cast off her sock, and Discord stared at it with a rather perplexed expression.

“Twilight,” he said. “You have a spork on your head.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Noo. Really? I hadn’t noticed. Thanks for telling me.”

“Then I am glad I could help,” he replied, clapping his hands. “Good to see you as always, Twilight. Ta-ta!”

“Hold it right there, Discord! You’re not going anywhere until you undo whatever spell you cast on my horn.”

He gasped, arms flailing, recoiling in shock. “Why, Twilight Sparkle! I. Am. Shocked! Shocked and appalled! Appalled and shocked! To think you would cast baseless aspersions on my character without a shred of evidence. Why-why I just don’t know how to react! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

She raised an eyebrow. “Are you done?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. I’d like to flail for a few more moments.”

Releasing a deep sigh, she motioned for him to get on with it.

“Ahem…” He threw his arms back into the air. “Whhhhhhyyyyyy?! Okay, now I’m done.”

“Great,” said Twilight, now massaging her temple. Her hooves moved in small circular motions. “Now just snap your paw and I’ll be on my way.”

Discord folded his arms and sat down in a newly arrived armchair. "As I stated earlier, your silly spork situation isn’t my doing."

If her left eyebrow got any higher it would fly off into the stratosphere. It seemed to ask, “Really?”

“I swear on Celestia’s grand tush. It wasn’t me. I would never interfere with the work of The Spork God.”

...And the eyebrow was lost. Into the sky it went. “The Spork God?” Twilight repeated back. “And, I know I’m going to regret asking this, but who or what is The Spork God?”

“I’m glad you asked, Twilight.” A snap of his tail and Discord sat dressed in a velvet robe and slippers. A crimson fez adorned his head while bubble birds blew out his pipe. Twilight found herself now outfitted in teddybear print pajamas, sitting on the floor as Discord flipped through a comically oversized book.

“Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there lived a pony. This pony loved to invent things. It was their special talent. Now. nopony remembers where this pony lived or whether they were a mare or a stallion, pegasus, unicorn or earth pony. They were only known as The Inventor.

“As I’ve said, The Inventor loved to created new gadgets and devices to help ponies. Ponies came from all around to buy The Inventor’s wares and the pony became quite rich. After some time ponies arrived with their own requests, but The Inventor discovered an insidious problem. All the items the ponies requested were usually only good for one task.

“This lack of utility seemed wasteful to The Inventor. Why make unitaskers? Everything should be able to accomplish at least two tasks. A grand idea, yet fate was not kind.

“The Inventor spent less and less time on ponies’ requests and lost business to competitors. Still, The Inventor persisted in pursuit of the perfect dualuse thingamabob.

“One dark and stormy night, after the particularly spectacular failure with a self-immolating fire extinguisher. The Inventor despaired, but when he went to bed, he had a dream. A dream of the perfect dining implement. Some say dark forces, having taken an interest in the pony, sent down the idea as a sign of their favor. Others says, ‘Meh’. Either way, in a few short days the spork was born.

“At first, it was a rousing success, with many wondering why nopony had thought of it before. Then, one fateful day, a princess sat down for her royal meal, and, as the royal chef served the royal soup and the royal salad, she discovered somepony had left her a gift, a sterling silver spork, thus dubbed the royal spork.

“At the meal’s conclusion, the Princess made a proclamation. The spork, while a gallant attempt, did not perform nearly as well as the cutlery it deemed to replace. Thus its utility was negated.

“Hearing her words, ponies threw away all their sporks, melting them down into base materials. Materials used to birth new forks and spoons.

“The Inventor, enraged at the Princess’s judgement, left the country never to be seen again. Yet that is not end of the story. For some say The Inventor called upon the previously mentioned demons, begging for the power to gain revenge. They heeded The Inventor’s call and transformed the pony into The God of Sporks, cursed to wander the world, pushing The Inventor’s view of utility, changing objects which are very good at one task into objects which are sorta ‘eh’ at two or more tasks. The end.”

Twilight’s eyebrow hadn’t returned. In fact she’d lost the other one to the sky some time into the tale. There was only one thing to say. “You just made all that up, didn’t you?”

Discord closed the book shut, looking mildly offended. “Why, Twilight. That’s simply ridiculous. I promise you, I spork the truth.”

Comments ( 53 )

All Hail, Twilight Sparkle, Queen of the Sporkainians! :twilightoops:

At least she didn't become a Ballchinian. There's that at least.

Twilight Sporkle!

Spoiler: Up until now, Twilight's horn looked something like this:

Whether it was the fork or the knife is left as an exercise for the reader.

A delightful feghoot. Thank you for it. Oh, and because someone's going to say it:


*facepalms and laughs* Bravo.

This is quite possibly the most amazing thing that boredom has given us.

This gave me many a good laugh. Well done! If only boredom could bless us all as it has for you.

especially when a ten-pack of plain cotton socks cost half as much and were, in her opinon, just as good.

Seeing as ponies are quadropeds, a ten-pack of socks would be really inconvenient for them. They'd either use it as two sets with two leftovers, or take two additional socks to turn it into three sets.

:facehoof: Why do I notive these things? What the hell is wrong with me?


I... I did not even think of this. Pony math should be in 4-base.

5016873 This is actually a deliberate conspiracy on the part of Equestrian sock-making corporations to make ponies buy two ten-packs so that they would have five sets of four.

I'm going to die of........
Give me some time, I'll think of something
:heart: /)(\

Now that I think about it, maybe a full set doesn't consist of four socks, but five. The fifth sock is supposed to go on the horn during the... more private hours of the day, when a unicorn needs some... relaxation, to release herself from the stress of wearing socks all day.:twilightblush:

5017091 But what about Pegasi and Earth Ponies? It still doesn't work out even. This is obviously a sign how Equestrian society is biased in favor of Unicorns! Stupid Unicorns get all the good stuff...

A bunch of mediocre jokes strung together with a cheap pun at the end. :trixieshiftleft:

It's perfect! :trollestia:

5016980 Make it an eight pack, then call it a day.


I promise you, I spork the truth.

You wrote this entire fic just to set up that line, didn't you?

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

“In my day, we had only two instruments, the flew-flewber and the tah-tinker, and dagnabit we liked it.”

Stop saying things that sound like they came from a Doctor Seuss book.

You know, I noticed that myself. I assumed that it meant ten sets of socks, which only emphasized how ridiculously expensive the hornsock was.

I definitely have to wonder how frequently ponies get banned and unbanned from the Boutique. Seems like it could be pretty common for certain suspects.


I think "mediocre" is being generous. :facehoof:


5017454 5017450 5017452 5017449
if it helps, just think of this as the literary equivalent to idle doodling.

I imagine it's fairly common.
*Gets thrown out.
:twilightangry2: Well-well... I think plaid looks really pretty!
:raritystarry: I will murder you in your sleep, Twilight Sparkle!

"Did ya bring us some milk?":moustache:
:facehoof: "I forgot sorry spike"
:moustache: "Twilight?"
:twilightblush: "WHAT SPIKE?"
:moustache: "Why do hot dogs come in a pack of ten and Hot dog Buns come in a pack of eight?"
:twilightangry2: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
:duck:"Sporks ? Spikey how uncouth!" :moustache:"Yea that's totaly messed up"

That cover art is to dine for!:raritywink::rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::ajbemused::twilightsheepish::yay:

“Why, Twilight. That’s simply ridiculous. I promise you, I spork the truth.”

I am of the belief that you wrote this entire story just so that you could set up Discord to tell this joke.

I am in no way disappointed.

I swear, as I read this, I could hear the character's voices in my head. Dialogue: spot on.


I think you mean: spork.


Confession time. I did not write the story for the last line. I wrote it because Discord's story about the Spork God wandered into my head and wouldn't leave. Everything else is just window dressing.

5017560 I think Discord might have escaped from a Dr. Seuss book.

5020502 Ehh, okay then. Either way, it is still pretty funny.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~


5019692 I agree

spork spork spork spork SPORKKKKK!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

Sporky spork spork sporkity spork.


Awesome although it took me 2 weeks to make up a shit story about Barack Obama making twilight his bitch and it was barely long enough...

5016684 Please tell me you wrote that. :rainbowlaugh:

Sporks for the Spork God!!!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

that is a 100 percent original CG comment. feel free to quote me.

Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Sporks :pinkiecrazy:

This one really spork to me, even though Twilight was kinda a poor spork. It's safe to say your spork of creativity definitely payed off.


I'm glad it was interesting enough to spork your fancy.

The things I see when I open this site...

Twilight Sporkle is best cutlery.

One dark and stormy night, after the particularly spectacular failure with a self-immolating fire extinguisher.

Sentence fragment.

Discord closed the book shut, looking mildly offended. “Why, Twilight. That’s simply ridiculous. I promise you, I spork the truth.”


This story really "spork" to me on several levels. :facehoof:

The power of sporks compell you!

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