• Published 8th Feb 2015
  • 757 Views, 27 Comments

Rainbows secret - Luna-tic

I'm sorry girls, I need to leave for a while. I can't tell you why or where but I have to go.

  • ...

Meeting the Master

Author's Note:

Written by my talented co-author super-57!

Fluttershy feels conflicted for leaving town. Should she tell her friends the secret, or just keep it the secret so her friends are ok? What next? Stay away from her friends so they get more worried about Rainbow? Or should she just let it keep going?

No, she wasn’t going to let it keep going. She needed to go see what HE was doing to her. Fluttershy hoped that Rainbow was ok and flew to where Steel Wing lived. She found the old looking house and felt scared at seeing how bad it looked. It looked destroyed.

The house almost looked ready to just fall off the cloud, in fact Fluttershy was surprised it didn’t with it being on a cloud and all. When Fluttershy walked up to the old house, she could hear sounds of struggling and things breaking. When she came up to a broken window and looked through it, she felt shocked at what she was seeing through this window.

Rainbow Dash and…...Him, were fighting each other. With how the fight was going, Rainbow looked like she was winning. She was bleeding from her nose and Steel wing looked pissed and angry.

Fluttershy was cheering on for Rainbow quietly, and with how shy and quiet she was they couldn’t hear her. Then Rainbow hit Steel right in the jaw, and he flew across the room. But before he got up, he took a knife off a table that he was right next too. He was now on his two back hooves and jumped straight for Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow looked scared but put a brave face on and tackled him to the ground. After that, She tried to fight valiantly but Steel Wing hit her with his knife and broke one of her wings. She screamed and fell on her side and held onto her wing protectively. Fluttershy couldn’t do anything but watch, she knew if Steel wing saw her that he would kill her. So all she did was weep sadly at the scene she was now seeing.

Steel wing Smirked smugly at Rainbow, who was rotting in pain from her bloodied wing. Rainbow Dash was crying, and she was crying because it was gonna take a while for her to fix that wing in order to fly again. Rainbow glared at Steel wing, and was going to yell at him for doing that. But then, Steel wing put the knife on her other wing to make her shut up.

After that, Steel wing decided to tie up Rainbow Dash and see if she wanted the care that he can give her.

“Now then, we can do this the easy way. Or the hard way. What do you choose Sweetheart?” Steel wing said dangerously.

Rainbow knew better. She was tied up and wouldn’t like to lose her other wing.

So she said, “Fine. I would like the easy way. Please,” Rainbow said, Hesitantly.

“Good. Now then, let’s get that wing bandaged up and better alright?” Steel wing said, smiling.

Rainbow dash huffed, and put her broken wing in front of Steel wing so he could fix it up. That’s when Fluttershy decided to leave, she stayed too long. She also wanted to make sure that Steel wing didn’t see her, so she quietly tip-toed away. Then when she thought she was out of eye view, she flew away as fast as she could.

Steel wing smiled and Touched Rainbow dash’s wing. Rainbow flinched but then Steel wing cleaned up the blood and bandaged it up.

“There you go hun. All better, at least as much as it can be,” Steel wing said, laughing.

Rainbow glared, “I hate you,” She said venomously.

Steel wing smiled, “I hate you too Dashie,” Steel wing said mockingly.

“Now then, I am going to leave you here. Tied up. With nothing to do. Excuse me, I need to go do my *Ahem* errands. See you later hun!” Steel wing exclaimed with a wave and a smile.

“What!?!?!?! You’re leaving me here?!?!?!?! Tied up!?!?!?!” Rainbow yelled, shockingly.

“Yes,” Steel wing stated. “Bye!” Steel wing said, flying away.

“Oh man, When I free myself and you come back. You’ll be in for a rude awakening,” Rainbow said, angry.


Steel wing felt happy with how his plan was going. Now he excused himself with *errands* even though what he actually is doing is meeting his master. He wanted to make sure his master knew how his plan was going by telling him his report.

Now if only Steel wing could remember where his master lived. He then remembered that it was somewhere in the Everfree Forest. He hated that place, but he needed to see his master. So he flew through the forest and found the dark cave that not many other’s knew about.

He winced at the darkness since he forgot how dark a cave usually gets. He looked around and then yelled out, “MASTER! Are you here!?!?!?!?!?” loudly. After he yelled that out, he waited for a response.

“Yes, I am here you nitwit. Out with it. Why are you here this time?” Master says coldly.

Steel wing *EEPED!* and said, “I am here to bring you a report with how our plan is going master!” He said, with his voice cracking.

“You mean my plan right?” His master said, angrily.

“Yes master! Your plan! How your plan is going!” Steel wing said, bowing to his master.

His master laughed evilly and said, “Now tell me. How is breaking the element of Loyalty going?” his master said, cackling.

“It’s going good master. She is dominated and doing everything I say. Because she knows what will happen if she doesn’t,” Steel wing said smiling.

“Goooooooddddddd.” His master said, Drawing out the word evil-like.

“I must warn you. If you’re lying to me in any way, I will steal your soul and make you my puppet. Understand?” His master said, devilishly.

Steel wing chuckled nervously and said, “Don’t worry master! I promise that nothing will go wrong! And that your plan will be completed!” He said, scared.

“If you think nothing will go wrong, Then why don’t you go home and see if your ‘Sweetheart’ is still tied up?” His master said, angrily. Holding up his shadowed hooves for quotations.

“Yes master! Understood master!” Steel wing said, saluting then flying off to the old rust-bucket of a house.


“I am still going to make him my puppet.” His master thought, with a hidden smirk and a far off look.


When Steel wing got home and stopped sweating from all the nervousness he felt, He went inside and made sure his ‘mare friend’ was still tied up. When he found his mare friend NOT tied up, he started freaking out. He was flying all over the house breaking things along the way.
After freaking out, he got mad and stomped his hooves on the floor in frustration. From the sudden shake of the house, something fell from atop his head. It was some kind of photo, and when it hit him in the back of his head, he fell unconscious.

“Ha! How does that feel asshole?!?!?!?!” A voice said. Steel didn’t know who it was, Because he was unconscious.


Rainbow smiled, “Ha! How does that feel asshole!?!?!?!? I always wanted to do that!” She said, smiling more when she saw Steel wing fall right onto the floor, face first.

Comments ( 4 )

You give me to much credit.


Thanks though, And I am happy to help :D.

5678576 I was waiting for super to get his act together.

This is not a bad start to this story, I thought that you did indeed a good job in what you have written thus far. I am going to be keeping track of this story as of when it gets updated. As you continue this tale you have started, would you increase the word amount to each chapter and also think in how to expand each consequent chapter, as it does feel still a little bare-boned at the minute.


5733838 Thank you for your input and I will try to do better in the future.

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