• Member Since 28th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen March 27th

chief maximus

Why do I write? Because I can't draw! I write mainly as an outlet, and don't take it too seriously. If you like what I write, awesome! If not, that's cool too.


Spike has finally reached his limit. After finally coming to grips with the realization that shakes him to his core, he decides to isolate himself from the town he called home. A chance encounter with the town's unwitting ladies stallion might just change his mind.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 41 )

He took a little waaaa-aaaalk!
Ran into Rarity
Offered her his... flower!

5030921 i actualy think the implication is more

'big macs gonna have a chat with rarity about playing with somedragons feelings':eeyup:

That was short and sweet. I loved it! Also, dat ending...:rainbowlaugh:

I really liked it and I am a bad person that smells like I rolled around in dog shit.

:rainbowhuh: He's cheating on Dahsie! :raritycry: This can't be

The only decent pic I could find of just Spike and Mac that isn't blatant shipping (or worse) is this, and the tone is probably too far off from what you're going for..

5031028 This is actually a cropped pic, as Applebloom is cut out from the right side.

I did, in fact, read the author's note. :raritywink:

If you've got a better pic than this thing I cropped that makes them look like they hate each other, please link it.

Hey Spike I hear that Apple Bloom is single.

That could come back to bite him in the flank I'm just sayin.:twilightsheepish:

5031343 Bite who in the flank?

5031348 Thank you for answering my question. By the way did you see my first comment on here?

5031358 That would be ironic if that happened.

5031364 :eeyup: You read my mind and if Mac got onto Spike.

5031369 This needs to happen.

Admittedly, it seems good to me until the end...That last little bit just puts me off, and its hard for me to put into words why. It just kinda makes Mac seem sorta, I don't know, douchy? Kinda like a guy who assures a friend a girl isn't into him, then swoops in but not quite as bad. I know it's not the same thing, it's just offputting.

Also, if you're looking for MLP images, check Derpibooru, you can search by name (Just make sure you have Safe as one of the search parameters, or you might end up with the same problem)

All ya gotta do, is ignore them.

10/10 advice would follow absolutely sure it would work and will try and will have great success


Big Mac... :twilightangry2: Dick move buddy... Dick Move...

Mac doesn't seem particularly in-character, though the show is too vague to say for certain.
Spike is mostly in-character, but it's odd that soome guy from manhattan was the last drop considering how he weathered Trenderhoof.
Mac's advice is cookie-cutter and doesn't seem like it'd help much, especially with a teenage mind. Spike's reaction to it seems accurate at first, but then he suddenly flips and the problem evaporates. What.
The parting line is either too dark and out of place, or insufficiently explained.
Overall, fine writing but needs work.

In the boutique she heard a clop clop Clop CLop CLOp CLOP CLOP KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK
Rarity answers the door, Big Mac Clops on in.
"What brings you to my place of business BIG Mac?
Mac looks down at Rarity " Pardon me , Havein Spike as yer friend is all good Miss Rarity"
He then gives her the grand ol STINK EYE "But what cha doin to him is B. A. D."
Rarity gasps as Mac continues as he lets him self out:eeyup:
"Besides I'm hung like a weasle next to ol Spikey there":raritydespair:
"I havent spoke this much" . . . .CLOP "CLOP in a long time" Clop Clop clop:eeyup:

Not sure what to think of this story. At first it seems Mac is really trying to help Spike, then secondly just kinda jumps at Rarity as if he were waiting for something like this to happen.

Although I gotta say as someone who's tried Mac's "advice", it's a pile of horseapples. The only things that get women interested in you are money and looks, if you have neither then they will not even give you a chance to approach them. Thirty-three years of that and you tend to find most relationship advice is ignorant of the fact that the advice givers are usually all either attractive and/or successful and have an automatic "in" that gets them past initial impressions and gives them a chance to actually try courting in the usual manner.

So thumbs down for giving the same piss-on-my-life advice that made me waste decades of my life in vain hope.

I liked everything until that last line.

:moustache: "Hey Mac, remeber when you talked me out of my crush on Rarity?"
:eeyup: "Eeyup,"
:moustache: "And remeber how your ulterior motive was to have her all to yourself?"
:eeyup: "Eeyup."
:moustache: "And, do you remeber how you said I should date someone younger?"
:eeyup: "Ah'm gettin' a bad vibe from yer tone of voice... but, eeyup.
:moustache: "Well, I took your advice and found someone younger...much younger."
Applebloom: "Hey Spike! Ready fer our date?"
:eeyup: "NOOOOOOOOOOpe!"

Well this was quite a wonderful read.
Also, good moves Mac, find out that Rarity is not fawned over by Spike and immediately take the chance :rainbowlaugh:

5042653 Yes. all my yes that is exactly what should happen then it would be a truly happy ending.

So now I'm going to imagine Big Mac singing Mark Morrison to himself while he swings by Carousel Boutique?

Kind of a dick move on Mac's part, but at least he tried to balance it out with some semi-decent advice. He might want to keep in mind that even little dragons can breathe fire, though.

It's easy to look at that last line and think "dick move", but on the other hand, it was nice of him to wait until Spike gave up on her before making his move.


Comment posted by Mile High deleted Mar 6th, 2015

Is it to late to post this

5702736 it is not. the chapter title is a reference to this song. you're probably the first person to get that.

Nice! Cute and kinda silly, given the advice and ending, but definitely enjoyable nonetheless. A pleasant read!

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading! Even if it takes me a while.

A nice short Mac story, does this take place after Simple Ways? Since it doesn't specifically reference Trenderhoof, though it was written well after Season 4 ended. :unsuresweetie: While it does indeed show a Spike possibly realizing that Rarity would never love him, Mac's secret way to getting mares does seem like it wouldn't work for Spike and possibly only works for him cause he's usually silent most of the time anyways. I mean, Spike's chattier than he is and him not doing so suddenly might cause questions among others; plus to say IF it even worked, he would be a rival for Big Mac with some of the mares in Ponyville. :moustache:

Not bashing this story, but just saying that even from Mac's well-meant intentions, his advice at the end for getting a new filly/mare won't be guaranteed to work for Spike, just cause it does for him. Even if he did say it was HIS method for getting mares. But overall, it was a nice little story and his advice in the beginning was indeed solid, even if it got less guaranteed to help Spike near the end and I found Mac using tobacco to be kinda weird. :rainbowderp:

I feel like me reading this story is a requirement...

Author Interviewer

So Big Mac is the biggest asshole in Ponyville, is what you're saying.

6656425 well, I don't know about biggest, but, his name is Big Mac.

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