• Published 22nd Sep 2014
  • 5,510 Views, 107 Comments

Curator of the Sands - James

The Shuriman guardian is again transported to a new and even stranger world.

  • ...

Chapter 3


This was the prime trait of the Institute of War dungeons.

Faint, magically-induced torches lit the murky cells, housing the most vicious criminals known to Runeterra. These criminals were not like the mischievous Jinx, who only strives to cause harmless chaos. Pure evil was what composed these monsters. Brand, once a human, has been possessed by an unknown force that only wishes to bring death with his destructive pyromancy. Nocturne, the living entity of a nightmare, who was confined by the summoners of the League that he wanted nothing more but to slice. Shaco, a demon disguised as a jester with a twisted past, laughs at the cries of his helpless victims.

These were the wicked beings of the League of Legends.

In one particular cell, laid a monster akin to these beings. Glowing orange eyes, green scaly skin, and destructive looking teeth.

This was Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands.

The ascended crocodile sat in the corner of his cell, which was fit for his large size, awaiting a call to the fields. Eyes closed, he perked up from the noises in the hallway outside. Two summoners had started to converse near his cell, talking about their recent matches. At first, Renekton ignored the ones he considered nothing but something to kill, until he heard the name.


Renekton strained his hearing significantly to listen to the conversation.

“Did you hear? Rumors say that one of the Challenger summoners accidentally summoned that champion Nasus to another realm!”

“What?! What’s the council gonna do?”

“I heard they might try to chase after him and bring him back!”

“I hope it goes well. Nasus is my main champion after all.”

“Psh, you’re Bronze. Bronze don’t have mains.”


Renekton ignored the two summoners’ humorful banter at the end and began to snicker quietly.

“Oh, brother.”

Renekton’s eyes shot open. His orange eyes began to glow red.

“Such trouble you are causing.”

With dinner finished, Nasus, Spike, and Twilight bid goodnight to the princesses and began to head for the library. Celestia, before leaving, suggested they would all discuss how to handle the situation tomorrow in the afternoon. During their walk towards the library, Twilight and Spike asked Nasus many questions.

“So,” Spike excitedly said “What types of champions are there? Is there one who fires laser beams?!”

“Ah, yes actually, there is. Many in fact, such as Viktor and Vel’koz. They all utilize what you would determine as a laser.”

“Oh my Celestia. It’s like the comics!” Spike shouted to Nasus’s amusement.

“Can you explain some of the magic that concerns the League?” Twilight asked.

“Well besides the summoning magic, certain champions use magic for offensive and defensive purposes.”

“Please explain!” Twilight pleaded.

“Hmm, a good example would be Luxanna Crownguard of Demacia. Miss Crownguard is very adept in the field of light magic and she can alter it in any way. For example, if she wishes to bring harm, she can send out circles of twisted light that explodes on command. She can also use the light to create a barrier that protects her fellow comrades.”

“Eh, Viktor and Vel’koz sound cooler.” Spike crossed his arms.

“She also fires lasers.”

Spike’s right eye twitched.

“Light magic! The varieties must be so extensive! Wait, you mentioned Demacia. What is Demacia like?”

“Demacia is a human city-state that strives for justice. They have a very long past, but they’ve always done what is right for the people.”

Very nationalistic as well. Nasus thought as he recalled a certain spinning man wielding a large greatsword shouting his homeland’s name.

“You emphasized before about the conflicts between mainly Demacia and Noxus?”

“Yes, unfortunately. A former Noxian is a friend of mine who told me of the flaws of Noxus. They were once a proud city-state that advocated physical and mental strength. Though that view has begun to become corrupt, and so they began to use any means necessary to be victorious. My friend was a victim to this corruption as she was harmed by a fatal poison issued by the Noxus High Command along with Demacians and fellow Noxians. This destruction of morality was a contradiction to Demacia, resulting in numerous conflicts.”

“Oh my...that’s terrible…” Twilight said looking down, Spike looking at Nasus with frightened eyes.

Nasus understood from the history of Equestria that destruction was of not to the caliber of Runeterra’s. Though he is not too fazed by this destruction, he understood the shock it must be to Twilight and Spike. He slowly knelt to where they stood, looking slightly down at them.

“Twilight, Spike.”

They both looked up into the soft, glowing blue eyes of Nasus.

“I’m afraid to say that destruction in Runeterra is unlike any conflict in Equestria. I know the thoughts of such terrible things happening in other worlds is frightening, but know also that there are people like me and the summoners in the League who strive to minimize conflict as much as possible. Summoners who strive for ways to reduce death and suffering by confining these conflicts under rule. In the end, even if times are difficult, hope shall always remain.”

With Nasus’s lecture done, Twilight and Spike smiled and looked to each other before looking back at Nasus.

“Thank you, Nasus.” Twilight said. Spike nodded.

Nasus nodded.

“Shall we move on?”

Studying long into the night, Twilight and Spike eventually went to sleep, leaving Nasus alone. Instead of checking out books, he concluded that he would stay and try to collect as much information on Equestria as he could find throughout the night. As he read far into the night, his ears twitched under his gold armor to the door of the silent and dim library. Surprisingly, Celestia’s head popped through the doorway, smiling as she spotted Nasus looking towards her.

“Hello, Celestia. Is there something you need?”

The princess began to walk towards the closed curtain windows.

“No, but I just wanted to let you know that your weapon is in the barracks. I assure you that the guard will hoof it back safely to you in best of condition.”

“I am deeply grateful, Princess.” Nasus stood up slowly and bowed. He then sat back down on the chair to continue reading. “I shall retrieve it in the morning.”

“But Nasus” Celestia pushed aside the curtain, revealing bright light while giggling slightly. “It is morning.”

Nasus’s ear twitched, his grip on the book faltering slightly.


Using the directions Celestia gave him, Nasus soon found himself near the barracks. The barracks were located right along the bottom outer walls of the castle, blocked from public view by a castle wall. As he walked through, Nasus heard murmurs from all around him. Not wanting to attract too much attention, though he may already have, he quickly spotted a stern looking alabaster pegasus with a golden mane and tail standing at the barrack exit who also conveniently spotted him. The officers walked up to Nasus and looked up at him with stoic blue eyes and a military-like face underneath his golden helmet.

“You are Nasus, correct?”

“Yes sir.”

“Come with me. I’ll take you to where your weapon is. I also want to advise you that her highness suggested to not let you become visible to the public just yet, so do not stray too far near the gates, or there will be consequences.”

“I understand sir.”

“Good, now will you come with-”

Suddenly, a grey hoof smacked the back of the guards helmet, causing it to spin around and cover his face.

“Gah! Who goes there?!” The pegasus said with his muffled voice, looking around frantically.

“You really need to stop being such a hard-ass all the time, Cloud.” A female voice said.

“Midnight?! What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be asleep for the night shift!”

A grey pony with bat-like wings, purple mane and tail, and stunning golden eyes grinned mischievously at the pony referred to as Cloud, who was struggling to remove the now stuck helmet off his head.

“Thought I’d stop by, buddy. Serious as ever, I see.” The grey pony smiled as she slapped Cloud on the flank, eliciting a yelp out of him.

The grey pony turned around and nodded towards Nasus.

“Apologies for my partner here, his ego is the size of the moon.”

“Um, no, it’s no problem at all.” Nasus said. “What were your names again?”

Midnight Blossom of the Lunar guard! This idiot here is Cloud Skipper of the Solar guard.

“Ah, I am Nasus, partners you said, but aren’t you in different guards?” Nasus asked.

“Yeah we get that a lot. Not to sound egoistic like this guy, but we’re pretty up there in both our guards. What better way is there to pair the two elite guards together, right?”

Nasus nodded in understanding. “I see. Opposites attract I suppose. Your partner was just saying that he would escort me to where my weapon was?”

“Right, c’mon Cloud!” Midnight smacked Cloud’s helmet again and it spun back around. “Let’s go!”

The dazed Cloud groaned and stumbled behind Midnight, Nasus following while chuckling under his breath.

Midnight had entered the armory, leaving Cloud and the Curator waiting outside. Cloud mumbled to himself for a second and looked up towards Nasus, expression stoic again.

“Apologies if I had come off rude. Formality in the guard is essential and a stern attitude is no exception.” Then Cloud sighed. “Then there are ponies like Midnight.”

“I believe it is what comes with partnership. Informality, that is.” Nasus replied.

“You speak the truth.”

“Truth about what?” Midnight walked out of the armory, somehow holding the Curator’s halberd in her one hoof due to some unknown logic.

“N-nothing! Nothing.” Cloud stammered as Midnight handed Nasus his halberd.

Gripping the halberd comfortably, Nasus noticed the blade was slightly sharpened to his convenience, and the blue jewel embedded in the blade was polished.

“Thank you Mister Skipper, Miss Blossom.”

“Ugh, don’t call us that.” Midnight said. “Makes me sound kinda old. Just Midnight is fine, and I’m sure Cloud is fine with Cloud.”

Cloud nodded. “Did her highness tell you where to go before she sent you here?”

“She told me she would meet me here later in the afternoon.”

“So you got time to kill?” Midnight asked.

“Midnight, what are you thinking right now?” Cloud suddenly became nervous.

Midnight had a beaming grin.

“That weapon of yours ain’t just for show, is it?”

Author's Note:

Hello friends. Finally got the next chapter out. Sorry it took like 50 bajillion years. Thanks to those who stuck with me this far. By the way, for those who don't know, Midnight Blossom and Cloud Skipper are OC ponies created by Equestria-Prevails Deviantart. Credits go to that person for them and the art. Thanks for reading. (Sorry if the chapters are a bit short. It'll be longer in the future, hopefully.)