• Published 23rd Sep 2014
  • 953 Views, 20 Comments

The Light Side of the Moon - Black sun and white mist

Cheese Sandwich captures corrupted Pinkie Pie in an Alternate Universe ruled by Nightmare Moon in an attempt to find his purpose in life again.

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Chapter 5

Pinkamena yawned loudly. She just slept the best she had in a year. "Better check the scout reports,"Pinkamena thought blankly. Then, realization hit her like a rock. A sigh escaped her mouth as she remembered that she was stuck in a cold cell. Her early night routine had not yet been broken, even after a week-and-a-half in this wretched place. Her stay wasn't made better thanks to the stallion, named Cheese Sandwich, who kept on bothering her. Every time, she turned the persistent stallion down. He came every night but didn't come yesterday. It struck Pinkamena as odd.

Pinkamena rolled over her bed to get to the floor. She heard a crackling sound from under her. Reaching a hoof behind her back, Pinkamena found the paper from last night's meal. She ran a hoof over the delicate mouth-writing. There was something written in the folded piece of paper. It caught Pinkamena's eye. She ran her eyes over the writing.

Hi Pinkamena! My name's Cheese Sandwich (if you don't already know). I'm that pony who comes and keeps you company!

I hope you don't think I'm harassing you or anything so I thought I'd take a step back to gaining your trust and friendship. You may have received an unusual meal compared to your typical pris... I mean short-staying room meal. This meal is a little gift from me. That's what friends do after all. I hope my kindness has at least inspired you because you haven't been the peppiest pony. Heh. Anyway, enjoy your meal!

-Cheese Sandwich

Friendship? Kindness? What a joke! Pinkamena snorted. Friendship is just another way of seducing ponies. What kind of pony does that lanky stallion think she is? Why need friendship and kindness when you have the magic of ten unicorns and nice, strong hooves? Pinkamena threw an uppercut into the air for practice. "Still got it,"Pinkamena thought shining her hooves with her elbow. Missing a week of fight training really took its toll but her skills hadn't changed in the period of time she was contained. If she couldn't use her magic, she'd punch and kick her way out.

Pinkamena walked towards her steel doors. With newfound confidence, she punched at the steel bars. It made a loud clang and a small dent appeared. She smirked and threw a barrage of jabs at one steel bar. Eventually, the steel gave way to Pinkamena's strength. She turned her attention to another one of the bars and continued the punches. One by one, each bar broke. A hole was left in the door. Pinkamena stepped through the door.

Pinkamena gave a hearty maniacal laugh as her hooves touched the floor outside of her prison. She then broke into a a quick trot. She followed the signs to get out of the so called 'containment center'. A loud alarm rang in her ear. So, they found she had escaped, huh? Pinkamena smirked. If they wanted a chase, she'd give a chase.


Everdawn lifted up a quill with her magic and began to scribble down notes on the prisoner's conditions. Prisoner 1- Secure. Prisoner 2- Secure. Prisoner...As she was writing them down, a whirlwind of pink swept past her desk. Everdawn looked down the hall and gasped. She turned her chair around and slammed a red button. An alarm rang out. Prisoner 839- Escaped.Everdawn chewed on her hooves. That menace, Pinkamena, had escaped.


Pinkamena raced towards the Cult of the Sun's hideout exit, knocking down everything in her way. Ponies, equipment, it didn't matter. She had to get out. Her ears were filled with the screams of ponies, the hooves of the guards chasing her, and the ringing siren. Pinkamena wanted to cover her ears but that was not her top priority.

The guards were catching up fast. Pinkamena slowed to a screeching halt. The guards continued on. The guards turned around when they passed the escaped convict but it was too late. Pinkamena bucked them with her hind legs as hard as she could. She sent them tumbling into the walls. Each had an injury of some kind.

The ladder to the surface came into view and Pinkamena's heart leaped for joy. She was so close to freedom. So close to the comfort of her Queen. So close to once again feel magic course throughout her. Pinkamena was snapped out of her daydream when she felt a sudden stinging sensation in her withers. Suddenly, she felt so drowsy. No! She had to escape but sleep seemed like a better idea. Pinkamena fell to the floor with a soft thud. Darkness ate at her eyes as she slipped into unconsciousness. The last thing she saw was a white figure standing in front of her.


Shining Armor shook his head at the sight of sleeping Pinkamena. As expected, she escaped. Shining knew that those steel bars wouldn't hold her but he was ever so bored of life in the underground. He craved excitement. That and he wanted the chance to catch the horrible pink pony for himself. Through all of this, he still wasn't satisfied. More revenge was the answer to sate his thirst but he needed to wait. After all, his brilliant plan was in motion. At the end of all this, he'd get justice for his lost sister and lover.

Shining pulled a heart locket necklace hidden in his white fur. He clicked it opened and a single tear ran out of his good eye. In the locket was two pictures: one of his sister and one of his love. "I miss you Twily and Cadance,"Shining thought, gripping the locket. I'll bring justice for both of you. Shining's mind drifted.


One year ago...

Shining raced down the Canterlot Castle corridor. The sun had not risen and it had been an hour. Something was wrong. As captain of the Royal Guard, he tried not to freak out in order to put on a good show for his subordinates. "Everything's fine, Shining,"Shining Armor thought. "Maybe she's just late. I hope Twily's ok."Oh, who was he kidding. Princess Celestia was never ever late and even if she was sometimes late, it wouldn't take this long but he really was scared for his little sister. Twily meant everything to him and if anything happened to her, he wouldn't forgive himself.

Shining reached the high balcony in front of the Canterlot Castle, ready to speak to the citizens of Equestria. Shining took a glance down quickly and saw one of his guards lying on the ground by two other guards and a lanky stallion. Then, he heard a whistling sound from the air. He saw six ponies and one large, dark figure coming at him at high speed. Shining took a few quick steps back. The unknown ponies landed with a crack. Shining's eyes widened. No. It couldn't be...but it was. It was the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon.

Shining always thought that she was just an old legend, something to get foals to bed at night, but no. She was real. The six ponies she had with her stood behind her. Shining squinted and found familiar highlights and a lavender coat.

"Twily!" Shining yelled. "Run!" The pony he yelled at turned around but it was not Twilight. She had the same coat and mane but her eyes were just slits and a crown seemed to have melted onto her head. Her crown's jewel powered up. The other ponies standing by her turned around when it lit up. Unlike un-Twilight, they had chest jewels instead of the jewel un-Twilight had on her head. All of them had slits for eyes and their jewels were glowing as well.

Luckily, Nightmare Moon hadn't turned around and was still addressing the ponies below. Shining was met with a large pain in his chest as the six evil ponies blasted him with their magic. Shining fell to the ground. He looked up to find un-Twilight standing there with an evil grin and a devious glint in her slitted eyes.

"What... are you?" Shining managed to mutter.

"You don't remember me," un-Twilight sneered, "brother?"

"You're...not my sister," Shining sputtered. An orange pony had a hoof on Shining's back and frankly, it was getting hard to breath.

"Not anymore." un-Twilight responded. Un-Twilight lifted her head and slashed her unicorn horn at Shining's face....


Shining snapped out of his memories when he heard hoofsteps behind him. He turned to find one of his most trusted guards. Time Turner was his name but he used Dr. Whooves out in the field. He and Shining shared the fact that the ones they loved were lost. Dr. Whooves' wife went to Nightmare's side and his daughter was sent into hiding. From what Shining had heard, his wife was a scout stationed in, or close to, the local town of Ponyville. Dr. Whooves wanted his wife back so he joined the Cult of the Sun as a fighter and guard but Shining had no intention of getting the doctor's wife back. Shining thought Nightmare Moon and the nightmare army had to pay for what they did. He'd still have his daughter after Shining's plan, after all and when the time came, Dr. Whooves would make the right decision. Shining was sure of that.

"Sir," Dr. Whooves saluted. Shining gave him a slight nod and the doctor relaxed. "What shall we do with the prisoner?"

"Have her thrown into one of the specialty cages," Shining ordered. "And when I mean thrown, I mean thrown." Dr. Whooves saluted and took Pinkamena up on his shoulders.

Shining watched the doctor take the pink prisoner down the hall. As soon as the doctor was no longer in sight, Shining cracked a small grin. Now, he had to go yell at Cheese and the security guards for not keeping an eye on her. While he took no pleasure in scolding Cheese for what Shining had done on purpose, sacrifices must be made. Shining started to walk down the stallion's dormitory hallway.


Cheese sniffed at a blue flower he had found in the Everfree forest. It looked beautiful and he thought Pinkamena should have it today. If she liked it, there was a whole grove up on the surface so Cheese would have an endless supply. Just one more thing to get Pinkamena closer to being his friend. Cheese's ears twitched as he heard the familiar hoofsteps of the Cult of the Sun's leader. Cheese quickly stashed the blue flower in his hair and turned around with a beaming smile on his face. Shining Armor took a step back from Cheese's display but quickly shook it off.

"Good early-night, Cheese," Shining told Cheese casually. Cheese rose an eyebrow. Shining never acted like this. There must be something wrong.

"Is there something the matter?" Cheese asked cocking his head.

"Oh," Shining told him with a wave of his hoof. "It's nothing really. Except for the fact that Pinkamena escaped." Cheese's eyes widened. That was definitely something to be worried about.

"Did she get out?" Cheese asked. Concern was painted on his face.

"Out of the cell, yes," Shining responded. "Out of the hideout, no."

"So, everything's alright?" Cheese asked cautiously. It was a risky question to ask a stallion like Shining Armor. Ask it in the wrong way, get yelled at. Ask it in the right way... well, Cheese never experienced that before.

"No!" Shining scolded. "You were supposed to be watching her and you're down here heading to the kitchen!" Cheese winced.

"I was going to check on her after a stop in the kitchen," Cheese explained. "Cheesy swear."

"So you were headed for the kitchen," Shining said victorious.

"I...I," Cheese mumbled. This was getting uncomfortable.

"'I' nothing," Shining growled. "You need to go down there right now. As for your punishment, you'll be helping the ponies Pinkamena hurt during her escape along with finding bits to pay for broken equipment." This was bad. He didn't mind helping ponies but he was flat out broke. Plus, Cheese needed to go to the kitchen for Pinkamena's food. Food poisoning wasn't fun so Cheese figured he just wouldn't eat that night.

"But," Cheese stuttered.

"NOW!" Shining ordered pointing his hoof in the direction of the containment center. Cheese jumped and scampered to the containment center. "Oh and her new cell's down at the far end of hallway zero!"


Cheese finally got to Pinkamena's cell panting, He had no idea that hallway 0 was so long but he finally got to Pinkamena. Cheese scanned her new room. Instead of steel bars, it had glowing blue bars. Pinkamena's room was made out of thick stone and a bed was in the corner. There was also a hole but Cheese didn't understand its purpose.

He turned his gaze down to find a sleeping Pinkamena on the floor. She looked beaten and bruised. Cheese looked around for the keys to her cell but found none. Instead, he found a transparent red button. He pushed the red button out of curiosity. Suddenly, a beam of light came out of the transparent button. It got Cheese's eye and Cheese immediately closed his eye. What was this?

Retina scan complete. Now initiating voice scan.

The button pulsed red and a microphone popped out of one of the panels in the walls. A claw was holding it up. Cheese jumped in fright.

"Gah!" Cheese exclaimed.

"Gah!" accepted. Please enter.

The glowing blue bars went down and Cheese stepped through. As soon as all four of his hooves touched the ground, the bars went up again. Cheese only shrugged. Wasn't the weirdest thing he ever saw. He turned his thoughts to Pinkamena. She looked like she was having a nightmare. Cheese patted her shoulder to try and calm her down. It had little effect. Cheese suddenly remembered the flower he got for her. He pulled it out of his curly mane and stuck it in Pinkamena's mane. Cheese smiled warmly. He turned around to go back out.

Once the bars were up again, Cheese couldn't help but stare at Pinkamena. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. Cheese scrunched his nose. What was up with these thoughts lately? He quickly made the decision to just ignore such thoughts. He only thought of Pinkamena as a new friend. The thought would go away, right?


Pinkamena ran through a dark forest. Her Queen was in sight but every time Pinkamena got close, her Queen would just go farther. She panted hard and eventually, she had to sit down. "I'm sorry I disappointed you my queen,"Pinkamena thought with her eyes closed. She could almost hear her Queen's voice now.


Pinkamena woke up drenched in sweat. That dream truly was something. Usually, she loved nightmares. This time, though, the nightmare was bad. A sudden pain in her chest tugged her out of her thoughts. She clutched her chest but the pain didn't go away. It spread to her arms and legs. Soon, it was throughout her body. She looked down to assess the damage.

Pinkamena gasped. Her body was covered in bruises and cuts. How did she get these? Then, her memories came flooding back. She had escaped but eventually was caught by a certain white pony. Pinkamena had a hunch about who it was. At least the Cult of the Sun was fine enough to treat her concussion but now they were acting like the scum they were.

Another thought came to her mind. Her room was different. Instead of steel walls, there was stone. By knocking on the stone, Pinkamena could tell that it was thick. Her bed had been reduced in size and she didn't even have a bathroom anymore. Just a hole.

The last thing that caught her attention was the new cell bars. They were glowing a bright blue. Pinkamena poked one but got an unpleasant surprise. She was shocked. What felt like an hour later, Pinkamena was released from the volts and landed on the stone floor. She rubbed her back and immediately felt the pain the electricity had caused. Pinkamena winced. It hurt so badly.

Through all the pain, she spotted a blue plant. It was a magnificent flower and it was Pinkamena's favorite color. She winced through the pain as she reached to pick it up. She sniffed it and caught a pleasant aroma. She stopped when she realized it was probably from Cheese. She started to rip the flower apart but had second thoughts because one, it hurt to do so and two, it truly was a beautiful flower. She still ripped it to shreds.

After demolishing the flower, Pinkamena's eyes started to droop. She felt tired once again. She fell back onto the ground. The ground seemed comfortable at the moment. Pinkamena drifted back off to sleep.

Author's Note:

So, after a few long days of writing and one day off for a loved one's birthday, I finished this chapter. It is my longest so far and hopefully, the chapters will get longer and better. Hmmm? What's that? Shining's a jerk? Yep. I made him revenge-bent because of what happened the night Nightmare Moon came. You want to hear more of his past? Soon, my readers, soon. Oh and I have something for you guys. Trivia! Trivia question: What is the blue plant Cheese found? It's pretty easy but if you don't know, I'll reveal it next chapter. Speculate away! Constructive criticism is welcome in my domain, as always.