• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 404 Views, 11 Comments

Respect you Mother - jazzie366 FLUFFKIN

Respect you mother, and your father, don't make the mistake of not doing that. No matter what, they love you.

  • ...

It wasn't worth it.

"Where did this all go so wrong..." Thought Scootaloo aloud, she was alone, thinking in the CMC clubhouse.
It was approaching Scootaloo's birthday soon, and she couldn't help but think about the two people she missed the most, she couldn't see there.

"My parents, my parents, the ones who i actually needed..." She said aloud, talking into the darkness, letting her words float off into the darkness of the room. She didn't want anything more than for the darkness to keep her consumed, forever, to have her vanish into nothing.


Scootaloo could recall the day it all happened. It was a normal day, with the only exception being it was her birthday. She was turning 8 at the time, she was getting prepared to have all of her classmates over, and to have the best party ever! Except there was one thing, her Mother. She HATED her mother. "Why can't she just go and leave already! She's going to be seen and embarrass me!" Scootaloo yelled into her mind, as she saw her mother preparing her punch bowl for the guests.

Her mother, a young Pegasus, wasn't a mare of many words. She lived a simple life, with a loving husband, but a hateful child. "I don't know what i did wrong..." she would tell herself from time to time.

Scootaloo, who was now growing impatient, abruptly interrupted her mother's preparing and said, "How much longer!? The guests will be here in fifteen minutes! If they see you, i will be the laughing stock of the school!" Scootaloo's anger was apparent now, her mother hadn't expected an outburst quite so soon.

Her mother quietly sighed and replied, "Just give me 5 more minutes, and i will head off to the store."

"Why can't you go now!? Does it really take that long to prepare a punch bowl, a bucking punch bowl?"

"Please give me a minute, i am going as fast as i can!" Her mother pleaded.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and retorted, "Fine, but i don't want to see your flank back here until 6PM when the party is over

"Thank you, i will be gone in a minute." Scootaloo's mother took the punch bowl, and hurried it to the food table, where she then set it hurridly, and rushed inside to get her cloak.

"I'm sorry honey." Scootaloo's father said to his rushed and panicked wife.

"Please, its OK, are you ready to go to the store?"

"Sure am!" Her husband replied with a surprising amount of vigor.

At this, they both headed off to the mall, but while they were going, they heard Scootaloo call out of to them "And don't come back till 6PM sharp! Somepony has to clean this mess up!"

This drew attention from nearby ponies, which made her parents get embarrassed, so they hurried along to the store. On there way, they saw a filly, about Scootaloo's age with her parents, and heard him say "I love you mommy, daddy!" Then they watched as they embraced into a hug.

Scootaloo's mom couldn't take that sight, it made her break down and ask while softly crying, "Why can't we just tell her already, maybe then she'll appreciate us, but... She might hate us even more..."

"I don't know. But i think its time we had a talk with her."


Scootaloo couldn't take the memories any more, they shook her to the bone, how she had shouted at her parents, embarrassing them in front of other ponies. She couldn't bear it, she was full on sobbing now, the sobs being loud, and wracking her body, as she lay on the cold floor.

"WHY WAS I SO MEAN!? WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL ME! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" Scootaloo screamed while sobbing fiercely.

She couldn't take it, but she had to remember, it was the only thing she had left of them.

"Why is this so hard!? I didn't mean it, i didn't know, why do i feel this way, all alone, in the dark, WHY!?" She screamed again while sobbing.

A few minutes after, Scootaloo had calmed herself of the sobbing, and decided to keep thinking, another wave of memories flooded over her.


Scootaloo's parents were back at the store, picking through various items, purchasing food, and household materials.

"What did you mean by have a talk with her, don't you mean have a fight with her? She hates me for who i am, and you because she needs another to vent on."

"I meant to sit her down, and tell her what happened."

"She will never listen, she never has, and she never will, we may love her dearly, but we must keep our distance for the time being."

Her father sighed, she was right, Scootaloo had been this way after Bring Your Mother to School day had came when she was a young filly.

Scootaloo had loved her mom, she always had, but she never thought anything of her missing eye. She never even thought about it. As they entered the school, she saw all her classmates, with their mothers, all chatting away happily. Scootaloo walked around with her mother, but as she did, she began to notice stares and glances from her classmates and other mothers. Scootaloo started to feel weird, she felt embarrassed that they were all looking at her mother. Then IT happened.

"Hey Scoots, whats with the one eyed hag?" She heard a familiar voice call. She then turned to see it was Diamond Tiara standing there with Silver Spoon.

"Oh brother, mom, meet the two of the most hated people in all of the school, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon." She said with a disgrunted tone.

"Whats the matter honey? They seem like they're nice."

"Didn't you hear what they just called you? They just called you a one eyed hag."

"Oh I'm sure they were just kidding, why don't you go and play, maybe you can meet their moms!"

"Wow, your mom is more of a moron than we thought possible!" Said Silver Spoon, standing with a devious grin, hoping to make this as embarrassing as possible for her enemy.

"Speaking of which" Said Scootaloo with a curious tone, "Where are your mothers?"

"They are in the principle's office discussing money matters"

"Yeah, there trying to see if they can pay the school to hire a butler to help us during the day"

Scootaloo scoffed at the thought of it, "You own butlers in school, seriously, how much lazier are you going to get?"

"Not much, my father was thinking about buying the Ponyville gym soon, so i may be in the best shape of my life."

"Wow, well then, enjoy your workout schedule, i doubt you'll make it past 10 pounds before your begging to go home to your air conditioned mansion"

"I doubt it, he was thinking about adding an extra large AC system to it, to keep ponies cool, and to draw more business."

Scootaloo was now getting angrier by the minute, she couldn't take it, everything she had said, they had a response to counter it, but there was one thing she knew they wouldn't be able to respond to.

"Well then, i guess the gym is getting a makeover, but i have one thing for you to know."

"Oh yeah? And whats that?"

"If your mothers really gave a flying flank about you, they wouldn't be in the office, leaving you here, to be alone to talk and brag to the other ponies."

A bit stunned at what she had just said, Scootaloo looked at them with a hateful glare, waiting on there response. She had also gained the attention of nearly everypony in the room, also causing her mother to say "Scootaloo, how dare you talk to them like that, you should be ashamed of yourself"

Scootaloo then started to feel angry, towards her mother, "How could you honestly be mad at me for saying that to them?" She replied with a hateful tone in her voice. "They bully me every day, and all of my friends, and now, it's like you haven't even been paying attention this whole time. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Ponies all around them looked on in awe at the little fillies response, one of them opened their mouth to say something, but Scootaloo caught sight of the impending disruption, and shot the pony a hateful look, causing the pony to shut it's mouth.

"Scootaloo, I'm sorry, it's just you know how it is, i am always so busy, i can't help it.

"You can't help anything anymore! You and your stupid one eyed face, getting us looks from everyone, and now i am going to be the laughing stock of the school, why did you even come!?"

Scootaloo's mom fell back in anguish and in hurt, she then turned away and ran out the door.

Everypony looked at Scootaloo with disgust.

Scootaloo couldn't take it anymore, she fell onto the floor again and started to sob fiercely again.

"I'm so sorry mom!" She wailed, "It wasn't worth it!"

Author's Note:

This is my first fanfic after practicing formatting a story correctly, i am currently in language mechanics, so i am learning! All comments welcome, love, hate, both, i want to know what i can do to make my stories better. As someone wise said who i can't remember their name, When someone says there is something wrong with a story, 99% of the time they are right, but when they tell you how to fix it, 99% of the time they are wrong. So that's what I'm going by, thanks!