• Published 1st Oct 2014
  • 1,998 Views, 23 Comments

Gemstones - thewhitewolf

Spike is having trouble trying to confess to Rarity. And Luna is willing to give advice

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Dreams and Dragons ( incomplete )

Spike could not believe what he was seeing, let alone what he just heard. "P-Princess Luna." He choked out after finally coming to his senses, he had noticed this couldn't be an illusion. "What...who's..." he took a moment to breathe before speaking once more. " What's going on? Why are you in this...cave and who is this Dragon?" Spike was baffled, did Luna come because of Twilight? 'Twilight! She must be worried sick!' He thought to himself. 'Wait...did that dragon just call the Princess "Lulu"?' Once again spike was lost in his thoughts not really understanding the situation at hand but being thankful he was alive.

"Spike, Twilight has expressed some deep troubles in a letter about you. That is what had awoken me..." Luna light turned to the dragon. "but that doesn't mean you can roar at the top of your lungs any time you think some possible intruder walks in..." Luna's tone was icy, as was her stare. but she ruffled her wings a bit before walking over to Spike. "maybe you should speak with me about these nightmares that plague your mind so." Now standing beside Spike, she lightly placed her wing around him trying to comfort him as he lightly nudged him and lead him deeper into the dark cave. Walking past the much larger dragon, he only seemed to sigh and puff out some smoke before he slowly turned and fallowed. lightly stopping to pick up the gem that had been slung across the cave floor, and keeping it hidden in between his claws as he moved behind them.

As they entered deeper Spike could no longer see anything in the pitch black, turning around he couldn't even see the hulking monster of Dragon behind them. But he could hear his breathing and claws hitting the stone floor and scraping into the ground. Soon he saw what seemed to be a glimmer of light and as they moved, he noticed it grew in size and brightness. as his eyes adjusted he found himself in a room, a very luxurious room,but noticed he could no longer hear or feel the dragon behind him. 'the entrance of this room must be too small for a dragon of his size.' Spike thought to himself, as Luna motioned to him to sit.

Luna turned to the shadows, speaking. "Topaz, there is no need to sulk in the darkness. I'm not that mad at you." Light clacks could be heard as a Dragon no bigger than Celestia walked into the light on its hind legs. Spike couldn't believe his eyes, here was a spitting image of the huge beast that nearly killed him moments ago. Maybe this was a Different dragon. his scales were midnight blue and his wings seemed to come together at the front of his neck, the curved claw on his wings hooked together making a sort of cape. this seemed to add a bit of Class to the dragon, but his under belly was covered with the amber crystal like the larger one. Spike couldn't help but stare, as he peered closer he noticed that he could see a rather large scar cutting deep and wide under the crystal. spike had heard that gravely wounded Dragons would burn gems and gold into there outer scales to protect there deep scars and soft underbelly's.

Topaz held the gem Spike had fought to dig out, walking past spike he let out a low grumble. "ill be keeping this..." He moved over to a vanity placing the gem next to Luna's crown and necklace. Shortly after he returned with two very large sapphires, lightly tossing one at Spike, without so much as a 'here' or 'catch'. softly chuckling as Spike had to juggle the gem as not to drop it, as Topaz sat down next to Luna. Crunching into his gem, but kept up appearance by eating with his mouth shut. To Spike he seemed odd, and sat a little close to the Princess of the night.

Luna turned to Spike ignoring Topaz, lightly speaking. "Tell us what is troubling you so? What of this nightmare, it must be triggered from something happening resonantly." her eyes were like icy pools, yet they seemed warm and inviting to spike. Luna shifted a bit as if trying to get conferrable, ready to hear Spikes tail of trauma.

Spike took a large bite of the Sapphire, noticing the high quality of it giving Topaz a look of thanks. Then taking a deep breath he finally spoke. "The first time i had this dream was a few weeks ago after my birthday. everything seemed to be perfect, Rarity even was paying more attention to me."

At the Party

Spike couldn't help but enjoy him self as his birthday party was in full swing, he had no idea how Pinkie Pie was able to get DJ PON3 in with Twilight's permission. The Library was a bit crowed and looked like a night club, but what did it matter? He was here with all his friends, and they were having a great time, even Twilight was dancing. As he looked around he noticed Rarity, stunning as ever, but something was a miss. she was off talking to Princess Celestia and Luna, levitating a wine glass. 'Celestia? Luna? When did they get here?' rummaging past a few ponys spike made it over to the trio. "Mother, glade you could make it." spike spoke lightly audible though the constant wubs, hugging Celestia lightly. Celestia wrapped her foreleg around her "son" Celestia had raised Spike until Twilight was old enough to take care of him herself.

"Did you think your mother would miss such an important birthday?" she smiled lightly nuzzling him, after a moment braking there embrace.

Spike lightly rubbed his arm blushing a bit, before turning and hugging Luna to her surprise, but she didn't try to wiggle away. All of this seemed to entice a giggle from his one true goddess behind him. "Rarity, enjoying the party?" Spike noticed a light blush on Rarity's face, she must have had more then the half glass of wine she was levitating.

"But of course, darling. And how could i not be? Pinkie has out done her self, I was just chatting with the princesses." she took a sip of her glass, before moving closer to Spike. "If you'll excuse us princesses i have something to talk to Spike about. " Rarity bowed before walking off. Spike was close behind her, but felt a slight tug on his left arm. turning to see it was enveloped in a golden aura.

"Rarity I hate to intrude but there is something i need to speak with Spike first, then he is all yours." Celestia gave Spike a grin as she pulled on his arm once more, Leading him to the kitchen. Rarity seemed a bit unwilling but nodded and diapered into the crowd. Celestia stopped short of the kitchen as Luna walked up to them.

"Sister, Spike, I'm afraid I have to leave early. I have...Some things I need to over see, Tia do you think you can lower my moon? I feel I may be too tired to do such after tonight's...events" Luna seemed a bit nervous, as Celestia eyed her. but she gave her a sly smile and nodded. "Spike, Happy Birthday. I hope you have a wonderful night." and in a flash of deep blue aura Luna was gone.

Once she was gone Celestia pushed Spike through the door before shutting it behind her. Celestia's mask dropped, the warm motherly smile gone replaced with concern. "Spike." She took a moment, as to collect her thoughts. "I feel that I need to bring some information to light, as it seems your old enough. It would seem that your affections for Rarity have started being returned. As this was at first a simple crush that has blossomed into true love on your part, Rarity is just now seeing it as such. Now if this will turn into a relationship, I do not know. But you need to understand that your lifespan and hers are on much different levels." Celestia took a moment to allow Spike to absorb this information.

Spike knew that he would age much slower and live longer, but not to what extent. He took a stool near by and sat, know knowing that this conversation wasn't going to end well. "So what are you trying to say? That i shouldn't persist her? That i should just walk away and forget her?" he had started ball his claws up into fists, as his discomfort was made apparent.

Celestia moved over to Spike and wrapped her wing around, him and lightly nuzzled the crook of his neck. "No, no, no..." She softly sighed, as she pulled her 'son' closer. "I just wanted to make sure you knew... After thousands of years and a dozen lovers, the pain...it never subsides Spike. Unicorns live around two hundred years, but you- you will live hundreds of thousands." Celestia's voice seemed to brake up and weaken, as she held Spike close.

Spike reached up and lightly ran his claw though her ever flowing mane. "Mom...-" Spike tried to comfort his Mother. "I-I." All words seem to fail Spike. As he slowly realized not just her pain, but the pain he himself would soon feel as every one would soon die in what would be a blink of an eye to Celestaia. Spike steeled him self if only for this moment. "Mother, please its alright I understand. Even if it is just fleeting happiness. Isn't worth it all the same?" He now held Celestia hugging her tightly. "Did you not do the same for the ones you loved, Knowing that they would eventually fall? Would you not do it again? Just for the short blissful happiness?"

Celestia nodded and slowly pulled her self from Spike. "Yes, but its never easy. But I thought you deserved to know and will need to prepare your self for the future." Taking a moment, Celestia turned away from Spike and slowly turned back around as the warmth seemed to return to her. " Now enough of such talk... You have a party to be the life of." she smiled and started to push him out the door with her magic. "And i do believe a white mare was looking to speak with you as well. Ill out shortly... I still have a gift to give."

Author's Note:

sorry this took so long I hope its too all your liking, Sorry its short i promise the ext will be longer. (this may need a bit of editing so check this chap later)

Comments ( 17 )

seems like only half a chapter, to be honest

5186817 personally I think it is a half chapter. Lol sorry but I felt like I needed to post something. And try to get me out of this funk I'm in

5186829 I know what you mean, but I think I still got the record for longest time between chapters in a story (Apr 24th, 2012 to Mar 8th, 2014) :rainbowlaugh:

5186848 well I'm suspend for a week I'll try to gain more ground and do a Topaz back story

5186857 suspended? What did you do this time?!

5186873 I have no idea, I'm just having a bit of fun (it's been a while since I had the chance)

Unless the 2nd chapter is finished.

I am happy to see an update for the story. Although I will not comment much on it since the chapter is incomplete. I will wait until the proper adjustments are made. I will say though I'm intrigued on what exactly is going to take place during the party.

I also find it interesting that Celestia and spike have this supposed mother and son relationship. Many people do it for Twilight and spike, but this is my first time seeing it involving Celestia. (then again, I haven't really looked a whole lot, so I'm unsure if it's really as uncommon as it may appear to me.)

5200194 I'm glad you like it. Like I said I was going through a rough spot with work but I plan on working on it today. Now I always saw Spike seeing Celestia as a mother figure because she would be taking care of him before Twilight could since she was a young filly

KEEP RUNNING !:raritystarry::moustache::derpytongue2:

5219851 thx I should have it finished by tues night along with the start of chapter 3

I think I just beat you.. (March 2012 to November 2014..)

Anyways, this looks decent enough. I noticed quite a few errors in spelling and grammar, but no bad. I shall be watching!

5291785 yeah its hard to post it from my phone my laptop has been. Well shared with my family so I see less of it. And my editor has disappeared so I could use another

I can understand that, as I have had to do the past 2 chapters of my story on my phone.

As for an editor, might I suggest this. It's a group intended for people needing editors.

Pace is a little off, too fast. You need to slow down, take some time to describe what's happening. The emotions, the thoughts, the setting. If you slow down, you can draw the reader in, let them get invested in the story and characters. As it is... its jumpy, jolting. Shakes you out as soon as you start going in.

6315492 I appreciate your feed back

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