• Published 28th Sep 2014
  • 1,884 Views, 10 Comments

Children of the Royal Council - TangledHeart

Follow the adventures of the Mane 6's kids, as they learn about the magic of friendship for themselves!

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Chapter 2- Cheery Cherry

“Alright, class,” Cheerilee announced one day at school. “Tomorrow is our geography quiz. I hope you’ve all studied!” At that moment, the bell rang. “Well, class dismissed! See you all tomorrow, everypony! Get a good night’s rest, study, but don’t cram!”

Cherry Tart, Sky Bright, Golden Shimmer, Sleek Wings, Flutter Shutter and Gambit walked out of class together. It was the day of their mothers’ weekly meeting, so they all were going in the same direction, a royal guard on either side of the group. Cherry noticed that his princess friend was being oddly quiet.

“Something wrong, Sky?” He asked.

“Well,” She sighed. “I’m just worried about tomorrow’s quiz. My grades are ok, but they won’t be for long if I don’t pass. And, it doesn’t help that Spike keeps talking about how great my mom was in school. It only puts more pressure on me.”

“Hmmm,” The little colt scratched his chin. “You know what will turn your frown upside down?”

“No,” Sky Bright looked up at her friend. “What?”

“Standing on your front hooves!” He demonstrated, getting a laugh from the group.

“Thanks, Cherry,” Sky smiled. “I needed that.”

“No problem!” He smiled. “Always happy to make someone else happy! Just study, and I know you’ll do fine!” The others chorused this.

“You guys are right,” The little alicorn smiled. She noticed that they had reached the castle “I shouldn’t worry. Now, who’s up for fighting some changelings with the Elements of Harmony?” Everyone cheered, and followed Sky up to her bedroom to play. Cherry and Gambit’s mothers came up for their foals earlier than the others.

“Come on, pardner!” Applejack called. “We’ve got a lot to do before the zap apple harvest.”

“Alright.” Her son replied.

“And Cherry,” Pinkie smiled. “You get to help your pop and me decorate for the Zap Apple Extraordinaire!”

“Fun!” Cherry smiled. The two foals waved bye to their friends as they left.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Cherry’s parents gave him some simple tasks to do while they did bigger, more complex things. Soon, Cherry was at a loss for what to do, since he had finished his tasks, and his parents were too focused elsewhere to give him another job.

“Hey,” Cherry’s father, Cheese Sandwich, suddenly said. “Cherry, would you mind refilling the party cannon for me?”

“Sure thing, Pop.” Cherry replied. As soon as he had finished, he wheeled the cannon over to his father. Cherry tried to get his attention, but the party planner was too focused on centering a banner over the barn to notice.

Now, Cherry wasn’t allowed to fire the party cannon by himself, so, at first, he just patiently waiting for his father to finish. As he let his eyes wander to inside the barn, he noticed a spot that was lacking decoration. It was barely noticeable. He gasped, wondering how his parents had neglected something like that.

Both Pinkie Pie and Cheese were occupied. Wanting to help out his parents, Cherry slyly rolled the party cannon inside the barn. He aimed, and fired, the cannon going off with a loud noise blower sound. Both of his parents, having heard, ran to their son’s side.

“Cherry?” Pinkie asked. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?” She picked up and examined her son.

“I’m fine, Mom!” Cherry assured, squirming out from between his mother’s hooves.

“What have I told you about setting off the party cannon without supervision?” Cheese Sandwich demanded. “That thing packs a serious punch! You could have been hurt.”

“I-I’m sorry,” Cherry stuttered, lowering his head. “I just noticed a part of the barn that wasn’t decorated, and-”

“You thought we didn’t know?” Cheese asked. “Why do you think I had you re-load the cannon in the first place, son?”

“I was only trying to help…” Cherry held back a tear which was forming.

“Oh,” Cheese frowned, putting a hoof on his son’s shoulder. “Please, don’t cry. I was scared, that’s all. I love you, son, and don’t want to see you hurt.”

Cherry looked up at his father. “I love you, too, Pop, and that’s why I wanted to help.”

“And we appreciate that,” Pinkie cut in. “We really do. It’s just that it takes a big pony to man the party cannon, and you’re still a little colt.”

“Right,” Cheese nodded.

“But,” Pinkie encouraged. “Since the barn got decorated, and you’re not hurt, I guess there’s no harm done.”

“I agree,” Cheese said. “Just ask us the next time you want to use the party cannon so we can help you, okay?”

“Okay, Pop.” Cherry nodded.

“Good.” Cheese smiled, tousling his son’s hair and giving him a side-hug. “Now, we need to get the jam-tasting tables set up. Let’s get to it!”

“Okay.” The family began to return to work.

“And you know what, son?” Cheese looked down at Cherry.

“What, Pop?”

“Not everypony would have noticed what you did. Seeing the bare part of the barn takes a real party planner’s eye. You’ll be a pro in no time!” Cheese patted his son on the back.

“Great,” Cherry nervously chuckled, giving a half smile. He and the family helped decorate for the rest of the evening.

The next day at school, during recess, Cherry and his friends gathered at the sandbox.

“Hi, everypony,” Sky Bright smiled at everypony, being the last to arrive. They all returned the greeting.

“You seem to be in a good mood,” Sleek Wings commented. “I take it the quiz went okay for you?”

“Yeah,” She nodded. “It was actually pretty easy. My mom helped me with some tricks to remember stuff. Even I was surprised to find how much I knew!”

“See,” Golden Shimmer said. “We told you you’d do it.”

“Thank you all,” Sky smiled. “But I owe the most thanks to Cherry, who initially encouraged me. That small little joke gave me so much. I couldn’t have done it without you, buddy.”

“You’re welcome,” The little earth pony sighed.

“Now look who’s in the dumps,” Sleek commented.

“Did something happen last night?” Flutter Shutter asked.

“Well,” Cherry began.

“Oh,” Gambit exclaimed. “Before I forget, thanks again to you and your family for decorating the farm. Everypony’s been so busy with the preparations for Zap Apple Season, that we’d have never done all that on our own.”

“You’re welcome.” Cherry said again. “But, that’s just it.”

“What’s just it?” Sky asked.

“Decorating,” Cherry replied.

“I thought you liked helping your parents.”

“I do,” Cherry assured. “And I like a good party as much as the next pony, but I don’t want my whole life to revolve around them, like my parents’.”

“Who says it has to?” Sleek Wings asked.

“Pinkie Pie and Cheese Party Planning is the family business,” Cherry explained. “My parents think I’m developing an eye for that sort of thing. I imagine they expect me to take over one day.”

“Have you talked to them about it?” Gambit queried.

“No,” He shook his head. “And I’m not going to. I’d hate to disappoint them.”

“I’m sure they’d understand,” Flutter Shutter assured.

“I don’t know…”

“You should try.” Sky encouraged. “You might be surprised.”

“Maybe.” The group decided to change the subject. They played for a while, not noticing that Gold had zoned out earlier. Soon, the bell rang, and the ponies filed back into class. The rest of the day went uneventfully. After the final bell rang, beginning the traditional long weekend for Zap Apple Season, Gold got her friends’ attention.

“Everypony,” She said. “Saturday afternoon, would you all come by the Carousel Boutique? I’ll have a stupendous surprise for you all!”

“I’ll have to make sure my Ma doesn’t need me to help harvest or make jam,” Gambit said. “But I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to make it.”

The others chorused that they could make it.

“Great! I should be ready around noon.” Gold headed towards home. “See you all day after tomorrow! Happy long weekend!”

That Saturday, the children gathered at the boutique. They saw Gold coaxing at something.

“Amber,” She called. “Please, come down!” Amber was the family cat, replacing Opal after she passed. The kitten was currently stuck in a tree.

“What a cat-astrophe!” Cherry teased. Everyone but Gold laughed.

“I don’t find that funny, Cherry, and I bet that Amber doesn’t, either.” She chided.

“Gee, Gold, I was just funning around.” He apologized.

“Alright,” Gold conceded. “Even so, Amber is still in a tree.”

“On it!” Sleek wings said, taking off. He flew to the branch the cat was on, grabbed him, and returned her to her mistress.

“Thank you, Sleek Wings.” The unicorn smiled.

“No prob,” He replied.

“Now, I suppose you’re wondering why I brought you all here today,” Gold assumed. “Well, I would explain, but rather than tell you, I’d prefer to show you! Wait here, and I’ll be right back!” She walked back inside the boutique, closing the door behind her.

“What do you think this is all about?” Sky wondered aloud.

“Who knows?” Flutter remarked.

“Whatever it is, I’ll bet it’s awesome!” Sleek Wings commented. “Or, at least, it should be, after how much hype Gold has attached to this.”

“I just hope it doesn’t take long,” Gambit worried. “My ma will want me back soon to help Aunt Apple Bloom with the jam. Diamond Tiara is expecting the mass order for Barnyard Bargains soon.”

At that moment, Gold came out with a box. “Tada!” She exclaimed. “Here it is! Or, should I say, here they are.” She levitated out the boxes contents. “Friendship capes!”

The other five gasped. They were absolutely gorgeous!

“I made them with my mother’s help,” Gold explained as she passed them out. “Each one of them has a charm on the hook and eye, and a pattern on the flank that looks like what our respective Elements of Harmony would look like, based on my mother’s description!”

All but Cherry oohed and aahed over their design. Looking at his, the little colt saw what the Element of Laughter looked like: a party balloon. Even my Element of Harmony deems me destined to be a party planner… He held back a tear. Is fate determined to make me follow a path I wouldn’t choose on my own?

“These are amazing, Gold,” Sky Bright exclaimed after putting her cape on, which had a star shaped pattern on it. “Thank you!”

“This is way awesome!” Sleek Wings agreed, eyeing the lightning bolt on his cape. “A lightning bolt… Some say that that means you’ll become a Wonderbolt one day!”

The others chorused their happiness, while Cherry remained silent.

“Is something the matter, Cherry?” Gold asked, noting her friend’s silence. “Do you not like the cape?”

“The cape is amazing, Gold,” He said honestly. “I just… I need to go home…”

“What are you talking about?” Sleek Wings asked. “We have actual representations of the Elements of Harmony now! We can seriously kick some sirens’ flanks!”

“Maybe later…” Cherry began to back away. “Don’t let me keep you from playing, though.”

“But my mom says the elements don’t work without all six,” Sky frowned.

“Then just pretend,” Her friend encouraged. “Really, I just need to go. See you all at school Monday.” He galloped off, not holding back his tears now that he was out of his friends’ sight. He ran home to his family's apartment over Pinkie Pie and Cheese Party Planning, went to his room, threw his cape to the floor, then collapsed on his bed, burying his face in his pillow. He heard the bell ring as the front door opened.

“Cherry,” Called his mother’s voice. “I’m home. Did you have fun at the boutique?” She paused for an answer. When she didn’t get one, she called again. “Cherry?” Hoofsteps faintly could be heard coming up the stairs. The door creaked as Pinkie Pie opened it.

“Cherry?” She asked, concerned. “What’s wrong?” She stepped inside, and stepped on the cape. She picked it up to examine it. “Oh, I recognize this insignia! It’s the Element of Laughter! Did Gold make this for you?” This brought out yet another sob from Cherry. Pinkie sat on her son’s bed and gently stroked his shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong, my Cheery Cherry-changa?”

“Nothing.” He replied.

“Having your face in your tear-stained pillow is hardly what I’d call nothing.” She remarked. “What’s wrong, son?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” He mumbled.

“It might make you feel better.” His mother encouraged.

“I don’t want to talk about it!” He insisted.

“Alright,” Pinkie got off the bed. “I can take a hint. But I’ll be just downstairs in case you change your mind.”

“Thanks,” He turned over, his back now facing his mother. Pinkie sighed as she walked out, closing the door behind her.

I can’t tell Mom what I’m feeling, Cherry thought. I’d break her heart if she knew that soon this place wouldn’t be Pinkie, Cheese, and Cherry Party Planning. I’d never forgive myself. But how can I be a party planner, when it is so far from what I really want to be?

Cherry stayed alone up in his room until dinner time. Unknown to him, Pinkie had encouraged Cheese to let their son be for a while. Cherry appreciated that he wasn’t again asked what was bothering him. It remained unmentioned over dinner, during which Cherry was quiet as Pinkie Pie and Cheese talked about their day, and their upcoming plans.

“So, kiddo,” Cheese turned to his son. “What all have you done today?”

“Nothing spectacular,” Cherry said, not looking up from his barely-touched plate.

“Didn’t you visit Gold at the boutique, though?” His father pursued the conversation, wanting to know what had his son so down. “Surely you vanquished some vile monster or other with the Elements of Harmony or something.”

“No,” Cherry lowered his head even lower.

“Every time somepony’s mentioned the Elements of Harmony,” Pinkie noted. “You seem to feel even worse. Did something happen between you and your friends?”

“No,” He assured them. “We’re doing great.”

“Are there kids that are making fun of you for playing ‘The Elements of Harmony’?” Cheese asked.

“No,” Cherry shook his head.

“Then what’s bothering you, son?” Cheese begged. “I hate seeing you so down, and I want to help. Just talk to us.”

“I can’t,” He said.

“Did you do something wrong, and you’re afraid of how we’ll react?”

“No!” Cherry insisted.

“Then why can’t you tell us?” Pinkie asked.

“I don’t want to disappoint you,” He explained.

“What would be so disappointing to us that you can’t talk about it?” Pinkie wondered. “What could be so bad?”

“It’s just…” Cherry started. “It all started when we were decorating Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Yes?” Cheese prodded.

“After I set off the party canon,” He continued. “Pop said I have a party planner’s eye.”

“I meant that as a compliment.” His father insisted.

“I know,” Cherry assured. “It’s just… Well, I love helping you guys, and I love parties as much as anyone, but I don’t want my whole life to revolve around them, like you guys.”

“And when your element was shaped like a party balloon,” Everything clicked for Pinkie. “It just upset you more. That’s what this is all about? You thought we’d be upset if we knew you didn’t want to be a party planner?”

“Well,” Cherry stumbled. “It’s the family business. I thought it was expected of me.”

“So what if it’s the family business?” Pinkie asked. “My family business was rock farming. Rock farming! And where am I now?”

“But,” Her son asked. “Weren’t you afraid of disappointing your parents by not following in their hoofprints?”

“I was at first,” She explained. “But when I showed them how I felt about parties, and how happy they made me, they understood that I’d get more out of planning parties than I ever could out of rock farming. It’s the same way with you, son. Even if you would enjoy, I dunno, flipping hay burgers for a living instead of party planning, I’d say ‘Go for it!’”

“Really?” Cherry smiled for the first time in a while.

“Of course!” Pinkie nodded. Cheese smiled in agreement.

“What is it that you’d like to do, son?” Cheese asked. “Do you know yet?”

“Yes,” He grinned. “I want to be a professional comedian.”

“Hey, that’s great!” Cheese encouraged. “Why don’t you tell us a joke?”

“Ok,” Cherry cleared his throat. “What do you call doing something dangerous in cooking?”

“What?” Pinkie asked.

“Taking a whisk!” They all giggled.

“That was good!” Cheese complimented.

“You really think so?” His son asked.


“And it’s okay for me not to take on the family business?”

“Of course,”

“Thank you.” He smiled and got up to hug both his parents. He heard a small, strange sound. He backed up to look for what had made it, and his parents gasped, pointing at his flank. Two smiling cherries had appeared!

“My cutie mark!” He exclaimed.

“Congratulations, son.” Cheese smiled with pride.

“But, I’ve always known I liked jokes, and liked to think that I was good at them,” Cherry explained. “How come it hasn’t shown up until now?”

“It’s one thing to know what you want to do,” Pinkie started. “But it’s another to realize that you can do it. Until we assured you that it was okay, you couldn’t accept comedy as your special talent. But now you have!”

“Woohoo!” The little colt wooped. “Wait until I show everyone! I can’t wait!”

“In the meantime," Cheese interjected. “How about eating? You barely touched your dinner.”

“Oh, yeah!” Cherry sat back down, and finally enjoyed his meal, everything right with the world.

Comments ( 7 )

Cute. I'm looking forward to keeping an eye on this one.

This story seems great. I can't wait to read the next chapters. Good luck.

Writing could use some fine-tuning imho, but I'll give it a like in the hopes of seeing some improvement over the course of this story. :pinkiehappy:

Critique/Pro tips: There's not a whole lot of explanatory text, instead you have parentheses--don't tell us what's happening, show us what's happening. And there doesn't seem to be any distinction between Cherry's thoughts and the rest of the text--try using quotation marks or italics (like this with no spaces: [ i ]text goes here[ /i ]). Otherwise, it's shaping up to be a very nice story :twilightsmile:

It's driving me crazy only knowing who Twilight, Pinkie, and (I think) Rainbow Dash's Husbands are. (I think her husband is Sorien, if I spelled that right). Who are the other's with?

is fluttershy husband discord

come on we need an update this story is so super duper I wanna read more congratulations writing this new story people don't know what there missing. can't wait when there is a new chapter tell me when you write the next one okay see ya
p.s your are my hero

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