• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 14,746 Views, 1,139 Comments

To Protect And Serve - Onomonopia

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Enforcers of the Future

Greenish magic bathed over the face of Princess Celestia as she worked her magic with an expert’s precision, carefully slipping a mystical stone forearm into the socket of a stone shoulder. Sweat dripped down her brow, not just from how taxing the work was, but also from the heat of the chamber she was working within. High stone wall rose into the sky until they joined together at the top to form a ceiling, while greenish magic coursed through the walls like veins in a body.

'Finally, after working so hard for so long it's nearly completed,' Celestia thought to herself as she lifted the stone arm off of the ground and floated it over to where three other stone limbs were attached to a stone body that was almost the same size as her. She drove the limb into the last socket that was empty before stepping back with a sigh, wiping her brow as she looked over her work. 'It took far longer to create just one of the golems, but it will be worth it.'

"Sister?" Celestia turned her head to see her younger sister Princess Luna walking into the dome through a green door that reappeared behind her once she had entered, Luan giving the door a look before she walked over to her sister. "Sister, you are awake during my time for the fourth night in a row. I am starting to worry for your health."

"There is no need to worry about me Luna, I am simply working," Celestia replied with a calm smile, but Luna's eyes were glued to the stone abomination that rested on the floor in front of her. The stone creature had the face of a lion and from the way its jaw was angled Luna deduced that it was capable of opening and closing its jaw. The stone limbs were twice as thick as any of hers and the creature’s center was more like a suit of armor than it was a torso.

"Yes, your little...project," Luna muttered as she backed away from the creature, not liking the way the lifeless eyes seemed to follow her around the room. "I still fail to grasp your reasoning for having to construct such a creature." Celestia's eyes softened as she walked to the edge of the room, a green circle appearing in the wall that allowed her to look out upon the city of Canterlot, with the rest of Equestria visible in the distance.

"It is to help keep our ponies safe," she said softly, Luna joining her side as they both gazed out across the land bathed in the moonlight. She bumped her sister's shoulder when she said no more and motioned for her to continue speaking. "For so long we have been safe here in Canterlot, but with all of the new threats that are arising...I do not know if I can completely trust the royal guard to keep the ponies safe anymore."

"They have done well for the past thousand years that I have been gone. I mean, the city still stands even with you as sole ruler," Luna teased, but when Celestia turned past her Luna could tell she was not in the mood for games.

"But they were helpless when Discord returned, they could do nothing when Chrysalis attacked and Tirek made us all look like fools," Celestia bitterly said as she thought back to the pain and destruction caused on each of those occasions. Then her eyes grew strong as she looked down at the stone guardian below her. "That is why I created this, so that we will have something that will be able to combat any foe, without the need to risk pony lives in the processes, be them civilian or royal guard. This way we can all be safe."

"This wouldn't have anything to do with Sombra's return, would it?" Luna asked her sister. From the way Celestia tensed up upon hearing the dark king’s name, Luna got her answer without Celestia speaking. "Sister, I understand why his re-return would have you so rattled, but we have Twilight and her friends, who possess even greater power than the Elements of Harmony. We have no reason to fear from him."

"That is what we said before he killed the king of the crystal empire and made it vanish for a thousand years" Celestia said back with venom in her voice, venom against the dark king. "We cannot afford to underestimate him again. We lost far too much the last time we did so. That is why I built these stone sentinels. So that we can fight whatever he throws at us."

Luna looked down at the stone beast for a moment before she sighed and looked up at Celestia. "Alright sister, I trust your judgment. If you truly believe that these stone guardians will be able to help us defend against Sombra, I will believe you. However, I want you to alert Twilight and her friends as well as send some more guards to Ponyville. Sombra will most likely go after them first."

"Do not worry sister, I have already ordered for some guards to be stationed in Ponyville," Celestia said before placing a hoof on her mouth to stifle a giggle. "Especially that one stallion that Twilight seems to like so much. When she returns from her visit to Manehatten he'll be waiting for her."

"You truly are a mean one sister," Luna teased as she and Celestia exited the stone dome together. "However did you manage to run this nation without my voice of reason beside you?"

"Well it was quieter," Celestia teased back, the two sisters laughing to them as they walked off into the night.


Red and blue lights flashed in the darkness of the night while the sound of the wailing sirens alerted all within the vicinity of the wailing that there was going to be trouble. Twenty police cars lined a single street in Detroit, all of them in front of the same laboratory. Nearly thirty of Detroit's finest stood with weapons draw behind their cars, all of the firearms aimed at the building where multiple spotlights shown upon.

"Alright Darren, let the hostages go and you and all of your buddies come out and this won't have to get messy," an officer said into a megaphone, hoping to resolve this peacefully before any more hostages could be killed. He and the other officers ducked as a bullet ricocheted off of one of the officers cars.

"Fuck you man, none of the hostages get to go free until we get our chopper with the money in it!" a man at the window yelled as he grabbed a screaming woman and pulled her into view for all of the officers to see, pointing the shotgun at the back of her head. "And if we see any cops try to get into the building I swear I'll blow all of their fucking brains out!"

"Alright, just calm down. The chopper is on the way and you'll have your money," the officer said as he turned to one of the SWAT members behind him. "Dammit man, how soon until the big gun gets here?"

"Don't worry; they said he was only a few minutes out."

Unknown to the officers in the front of the building or the criminals within, a solitary police car was pulling into the alley behind the laboratory, where no eyes could see it park. The door to the cop car opened slowly, allowing a metal foot to slam into the pavement. The other foot followed and the driver rose to his full height outside of the car. His six feet of body was covered in the state of the art armor that shown with a silver light even in the darkness of the alleyway, while the sensors within his helmet that covered the upper half of his face allowed him to march through the dark alley way to where a back door was. One of his Kevlar covered hands reached out and grabbed the door handle, before tearing the entire door off of its hinges.

'Hostage situation. Prime directive: rescue hostages and apprehend criminals.' The words appeared before his very eyes as a green grid locked on to a target that thought he was safe resting behind a metal door. Robocop grabbed hold of the door handle and tore it open, watching as the criminal spun around to face him with a look of horror before a right hook knocked the criminal senseless.

Robocop walked over his body and continued his march down the hallway, heading to where he could hear a woman screaming for her life, followed by the angry yells of a desperate man. Robocop turned the corner to find a man with a gun to a young lady's head while more hostages lay on the ground in fear. As he lowered his head for a closer examination it revealed that one of them was dead. Robocop lifted his head and began to march forward, gaining the crooks attention as he turned around to face Robocop, fear filling up his eyes when he saw the officer.

"No...NO! NOT YOU!" he screamed as he unloaded the shotgun into Robocop's chest. But the criminals face fell just like the bullets that bounced off Robocop's chest at each failed shot and he didn't stop firing until he pointed the gun back at the lady's head, causing her to start screaming again.

'Directive: Protect the innocent.' The words appeared in front of Robocop's eyes as the green grid lined up the perfect shot for him. All that was left was to carry out the action.

"Stay back! I'll kill her!"

"No. You won't." Faster than the criminal could react Robocop reached down and drew his firearm. The criminal had just enough time to realize what was going on before three bullets punched their way through his skull, splattering the window behind him with both blood and bullets. The hostages screamed as the glass shattered, but the criminal crumpled to the ground without another sound. After a moment the hostages all looked up at the silver defender, who spun his gun a few times and holstered it before he looked at their grateful faces.

"There are officers outside who will lead you to safety. I recommend that you head in their direction." He turned and marched out of the room, heading to the main laboratory. 'Police reports indicate there are three more criminals and one more hostage. Move en-route to their position.' Robocop marched down the hallway towards the main room, finding two massive doors that lead to the main laboratory. Without a moment's hesitation he gripped the twin doors and slowly began to push them apart, the two tons worth of doors weight meaning little to his robotic might. He threw the two doors to the side and walked into the room, where he was immediately met with a hailstorm of bullets.

"There he is! Kill the Muthafucker!" one of the crooks yelled as he unleashed an Uzi into Robocop's chest. Robocop began to scan the room as he ignored the bullets, locking on to the three criminals. One of them was on a catwalk above him while another one had taken cover behind some scientific equipment. The third was in the center of the room next to the hostage as well as a strange circular device that rested in the floor.

With the criminals identified, Robocop drew his firearm and began to march forward. Bullet's bounced off of his helmet which immediately drew his gaze to the criminal on the catwalk. His arm turned towards the man and with a simple squeeze of the trigger caused blood to erupt from the man as bullets tore through him.

As his body fell to the ground Robocop turned and opened fire on the one of the other criminals, who barely managed to duck beneath his cover again as the bullets obliterated the vials above him. Robocop began his march towards the criminal, walking right up to his cover and throwing it across the room.

"Hold on man! I surrender!" the criminal yelled as he dropped his gun and held his hands up, fear in his eyes as he gazed up at the emotionless face of the officer.

'Directive: Uphold the law.' Robocop brought back his left hand into a fist before driving it across the man’s face, dropping him to the ground as his jaw shattered. The rise of his chest told him that he was still alive, allowing Robocop to turn his attention to the last criminal, who was standing close to the circular device and staring in terror at the robotic man.

"W-what are you?!" he screamed as he fired a pistol at Robocop, who walked through the bullet's as he headed towards the last criminal. The desperate man reached down and grabbed the hostage, wrapping an arm around his neck as he backed away from Robocop, backing into the control panel for the machine. Upon doing so, a greenish vortex appeared in the center of the metal circle in the ground.

"Stay back! Or I'll drop him!" he screamed as he dangled the hostage over the ledge, the man beginning to be for his life as Robocop came to a stop. He stayed perfectly still as the criminal began to move, but unknown to the criminal his targeting was already finding a way from him to rescue the hostage. In an instant Robocop drew his firearm and shot the criminal in one of his arms, causing the man to scream as he fell to the ground. The hostage lost his balance and began to fall, barely managing to grab hold of ledge. The criminal got back up and began to run, Robocop preparing to follow him.

'Directive: Uphold the law.' Robocop had just taken a step towards the criminal when he heard the hostage cry out behind him,

"Help me! Please!"

'Directive: Protect the innocent.' Robocop turned to rescue the man in danger when he heard the sound of items crashing into the ground, causing him to turn to see the criminal had knocked over some supplies.

'Directive: Uphold the law.'

"Help me!"

'Directive: Protect the innocent.'

Robocop looked back from the criminal to the man hanging on for his life, trying to think of a way to fulfill both directives. Then his arm shot out and he grabbed hold of the man's arm, pulling him out of the hole and away from the vortex. Faster than the man could register Robocop turned and shot the fleeing criminal in the back, fulfilling both directives as the man dropped. The man stood shakily in place, but he looked up at the officer with a smile.

"Y-you saved me."

"Yes. I protect the innocent."

"To bad it don't mean shit!" Robocop turned to see the criminal reach inside of his jacket to pull out a frag grenade, which he then pulled the pin to and brought his arm back to throw it. Robocop took aim and shot the man's arm with one bullet and his head with the other two, but the grenade still took to the air as it arced towards Robocop and the hostage. In an instant Robocop pushed the man out of the way before the grenade caught the officer in the chest, blasting him off of his feet and into the vortex that was beneath him.

His sensors and scanners went haywire as what felt like his very existence was being torn apart, causing him to cry out. What looked to be multiple versions of the Earth flashed by his eyes as he continued to spin within the vortex, forcing him to close his eyes as the images became too much for them to bear. All he could do was grit his teeth as the pain continued and as he continued to spin.

Then everything went black.