• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 4,059 Views, 66 Comments

Shift - Silver Sea

Being a changeling is hard enough, but when you live in Equestria, shit will happen.

  • ...

Party's over, folks!




What. They just... Accept it.

I very much like this place.

"Yeah, I also am pretty good at baking and other stuff. The usual life, you know. Equestria's a pretty peaceful place, you know, and the dog tag business is not booming. I wanted the new town, new ponies, the whole package." Sweet mother of the hive, that was close.

The party slowly died down, and a lot of ponies left. There were a few random ones, a few suspicious ones (Agents. They're too damn creepy and stalker-ish.), the Elements of Harmony, the Cakes, and me. I looked at a couple of them, the leader seeming to be a lime-Mint green and white, and we tapped into the hive network. (Wherever changelings go, they place a small hive brain. It allows them to access a local hive mind, letting them talk to each other.)

"So, what is a lowly wingsoldier like you doing here?"

"You didn't hear that the invasion failed?"

"Heh. I thought you fools would just run and hide with your tails between your legs, not join pony society. You are not trained. You are not ready. How can you possibly survive without some general yelling instructions?"

"Cold. Very cold. You see, I'm no mindless soldier. Smart ponies get drafted too. But I suppose you wouldn't know. Nationalist douches who won't get their hooves dirty aren't any better than the wingsoldier who knows what's going on. You choose to join, and pay to do nothing. In the front lines, you have to fight, kill, survive. We have a system of honor there. You, here, waiting, listening, do not have to do what we do. We kill ponies. We kill each other. We hunt for food. We kill half a town, hide as them, feed of their love for a night, and then kill the others. You should respect me. You should fear me. I have starved myself for my morals, and I have eaten for my sins. Leave me be so that I may repent, and if you do not let me... I'm always hungry."


I stared deep into the pony's eyes, before another, a normal pony, tapped the changeling on the shoulder and pulled them away.

"That was a mean eye conversation you just had there!" The pink one leapt out of nowhere and started talking.

"Oh... Yeah, you know, when some pony looks at me the wrong way... They get quite the ocular laceration if I do say so myself." I backed up and chuckled nervously. The pink one was staring at me from about 3 inches. "Is this how ponies normally communicate?" I asked her.

"To me it is! So, I was wondering, if you're living here because you're working here then we'll be working together and I'll have a roommate *Squee* because you know the cakes actually live next door they just work here and they're not really here ever because of their kids-


-and you know that brown sugar is really good for that because it's brown sugar I mean what is it not good for except things that normal sugar is good for-"

"Look, I'm going to go hit the hay. It's been a long day-night-party thing, and I'm tuckered out. I'll just be next to your room if you need anything." I backed up the stairs as pinkie bounced, still about an inch away from me.

"-and you know what I'm going to have a lot of fun working with another pony my age and who's single so there'll be new stuff and no squeaking at night because you know the last pony who worked with me had a girlfriend and I guess they had a spring that was squeaky and it squeaked ALL NIGHT LONG and I couldn't sleep-"

"So... Yeah... Goodnight." I backed up into my room and was about to close the door when I heard this line in the jumble of speech-

"-and you're actually kind of cute you know-"

"You're actually kind of cute"

"Actually kind of cute"

"Kind of cute"

That line caught me off guard. I paused, mid-step, a shocked expression on my face. The pink one kept rambling on as I stared at her, confused.

"Waitwaitwait... What did you just say?"

"Brown sugar?"

"After that."

"Have you read the daring doo books?"

"Before that."

"You're cute?"

"There it is... What?"

"You're kind of cute!"


"Here, I can prove it! You know that mares only like cute boys?"


"Here ya' go!"

The pink one shoved her face the one inch into mine, pressing her lips to mine. She pushed in harder, taking advantage of my open mouth, not pausing or relenting control.

After about 10 seconds, the longest eternity in my life, she pulled back.

"See? Proof!"

I took the final step back and closed the door.

I very much like this place.

Author's Note:

... Yep.


3 months.

This might be my new main fic.

