• Published 29th Sep 2014
  • 5,071 Views, 158 Comments

The Wacky Adventures of Sonata at Canterlot High - ShadowRebelKSX

The silly adventures of Sonata in her new life at Canterlot high

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The Wacky Adventures of Sonata at Canterlot High

Chapter 2: Enrollment

Sonata's eyes fluttered open and she squinted at the bright lights. She took a quick look around and put together that she was in the nurse's office and that she was brought there after she had passed out.

She sat up and heard a growling coming from her long empty tummy; she hadn't eaten in a few days as she was broke, considering Adagio and Aria usually paid for her meals.

Sonata let out a sigh upon thinking about Adagio and Aria. She resisted the urge to start crying again as she didn't want to make a big fuss for the school nurse. She wished there was some way she could go back and fix this whole mess.

Sonata then overheard the nurse talking with another student.

"Thank you for patching Lyra up, Ms. Cadenza," the student said.

"I told you that you don't have to call me that Bon-Bon; none of you have to call me that, Cadence is just fine," the nurse replied.

Bon-Bon chuckled. "I know I know, it’s just weird talking so casually with you or the other faculty members."

"I suppose I understand what you mean, but it’s nothing major really, quite a few students call Principal Celestia 'Principal Tia' from time to time and it doesn't bother her at all," Cadence said to Bon-Bon.

"Alright, well thank you…. Nurse Cadence." Bon-Bon then turned to Lyra, her eyes angry, yet tempered by concern. "Now try not to do anything else stupid like that, Lyra."

Lyra’s retort was swift. "Hey! How was I supposed to know lunch cart racing was dangerous?"

"The moment Lightning Dust suggested it," Bon-Bon said dryly.

Lyra scratched the back of her neck. "Heh heh, point taken."

Bon-Bon grabbed her best friend by the arm; the two of them left the nurse's office arguing the same as when they entered.

Sonata watched them leave then turned to the pink haired nurse. "H-Hello there," she squeaked.

Cadence smiled at her timid patient. "Hello there, my name is Cadence, what's yours?"

"It’s Sonata; Sonata Dusk." She rubbed her growling stomach as she was getting increasingly hungry.

"It’s nice to meet you Sonata. Don't worry about your tummy; Principal Celestia ordered someone to get you some food from the cafeteria," Cadence assured her.

"Whoa wait, I couldn't possibly accept that offer," Sonata said. Especially after everything Aria, Adagio, and I did...she thought to herself.

Cadence chuckled. "Well, it’s a little late to say no. It’s already here."

Sonata turned to the door and squee’d; Cadence's assistant, Nurse Redheart, was holding a tray full of tacos.

"Here you go miss, I hope you like-" she started before the tray was snatched from her hands and Sonata started chowing down
"-Tacos." Redheart finished. The two nurses shared a brief laugh as Sonata munched away.

Redheart smiled, addressing Sonata. "You make sure to thank the young lass over there for getting you here so quick." She pointed to the chairs near the door.

Sonata saw a pale looking girl with blue hair and headphones sitting in one of the chairs, apparently asleep...however she was still bobbing her head, most likely to the tunes from her headphones.

Wait, that’s the DJ that helped Twilight and her friends kick our butts, Sonata thought to herself.

Sonata took her tray and moved over to the open seat next to the sleeping DJ. Sonata gave her a gentle shake and she woke right up.

"Hey, thanks for giving me a hand." Sonata smiled; it was both warm and genuine. And it felt right.

"You’re totally welcome. Name’s Vinyl Scratch by the way, Sonata." Vinyl offered Sonata a fist bump

Sonata reeled for a second thinking Vinyl was going to hit her but then remember that it was a form of greeting and returned the fist bump.

Vinyl gave Sonata a pat on the back and a smile.

Sonata returned the smile, but it wavered before slowly morphing into a frown. "But Vinyl… after all the bad things we did, why are you being so nice to me?"

"It’s ‘cause you got a good heart to ya, Sonata," Vinyl said before giving her a quick hug.

Sonata smiled, a warm blush filling her pale cheeks, and offered a taco to her new friend.

"Don't mind if I do," Vinyl said as she took the taco and started munching away at it with reckless abandon.

Cadence walked over, addressing the both of them. "After you two are done with your late lunch, Principal Celestia wanted to see both of you in her office."

Both of them nearly choked on the tacos they were eating.

Sonata was the first to respond. "W-What does Celestia want to see me for?"

"Better yet, why does she want to see me?" Vinyl asked "I haven't broken a single window with my custom boombox all week."
Cadence simply shrugged. "You got me. Just try not to keep her waiting."

The two of them quickly finished their last tacos before rushing to the Principal's office, Vinyl darn near choking on hers in the process. They both arrived and took a seat in front of Celestia's desk.

"You wanted to see us, boss lady?" Vinyl asked.

"Yes I did...and really, Vinyl, is it so hard for you to just call me Principal?" Celestia inquired.

Vinyl just shrugged as Sonata spoke up. "Um...Miss Celestia I'm...I'm sorry about-"

"Yes about that, Sonata…. how would you like the chance to start over?" Celestia cut in.

Sonata's eyes widened. "Y-Yes I'd love a chance to start over, what are you-"

Celestia interjected and asked, "How would you like to enroll here at Canterlot High?"

Sonata went silent, then started thinking to herself. A chance to start over and actually live like a normal person?

Celestia then asked something she wished she hadn't. "Sonata, where are your friends Aria and Adagio?"

The smile disappeared from Sonata's face as soon as she heard the names of her former best friends; a frown rapidly took its place.

Then her bottom lip began to quiver and she started sniffling.

Vinyl realized what was about to happen. "Uh oh, touchy subject."

"Sonata I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" Celestia began before she saw tears beginning to form in Sonata's eyes.

"No no no, please don't cry Sonata it'll be al-" Celestia tried but to no avail.

Sonata began crying hard and loud, her make-up began running down her face as Vinyl tried to calm her down.

Vinyl began rubbing Sonata's back which seemed to help a bit "Hey Tia, can you hand me the ziplock bag in my backpack?"

Celestia nodded and pulled out a ziplock bag filled with what smelled like freshly baked cookies. Vinyl took the bag and handed a cookie to Sonata who took it and began nibbling at it.

"Now why don't you take a deep breath and tell us what happened?" Vinyl asked Sonata.

Sonata nodded and told them what had happened to her and her friends after the Battle of the Bands.

*15 minutes later*

"That's about all of it." Sonata said as she finished her second cookie.

Vinyl and Celestia stared in silence before Vinyl spoke up. "Damn, that is cold...Um, pardon my French."

Celestia waved it off. "It’s quite alright Vinyl, but yes, that does sound very cold."

"I mean even for Adagio that’s really mean." Vinyl said.

Sonata sniffled and asked, "Miss Celestia, why are you giving me this chance after everything I did?"

Celestia simply smiled and said "it doesn't take our best science teachers to see that you have a good heart Sonata."

Vinyl smiled, adding, "Exactly what I said. Sonata, just stick with me and you'll be just fine."

Sonata’s smile slowly returned. "Thank you...both of you, this is so kind of you."

Vinyl chuckled. "Think nothing of it. Hey… wanna come crash at my place tonight?"

Sonata thought it over for a bit before responding. "Sure, I'd love to, Vinyl."

Vinyl gave Sonata a playful noogie, then said, "Alright, lets hit the road." She took her new best bud by the hand; together, they ran off to Vinyl's house.

Moments after observing the scene unfold firsthand, Vice Principal Luna walked in and said to Celestia, "Does anyone want to tell them there’s five minutes till the bell?"

Celestia merely chuckled and smiled while shaking her head.

Author's Note:

And so ends chapter 2, I hope you all are enjoying this so far
also chapter 1 has been revised by my lovely editor Captain Hurricane
thank you all so much, I did not expect to get so much feedback this quick, let alone this much Positive feedback
You guys are awesome, till next chapter
P.S Sonata is best siren :3