• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 1,908 Views, 50 Comments

Curse of the Siren - Nephilinae

Now that the Dazzlings powers have been striped from them... Where does the Curse of the Siren go?

  • ...

Sweet Sweet Victory

"Is this his place?" I asked as I pulled to the curb in front of a fairly decrepit house.

"Yeah... That's the cheating dirt bag's house..." Calliope mumbled. "Why?"

"No reason." I smirked as I put the car into park and turned it off. Calliope looked at me like I was insane.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Nothing." I stated as I took the stolen purse from the backseat and began rummaging in it.

"No seriously... What are you doing?!" she spazed. I sighed.

"What time does he leave the house?" I asked, pulling out a certain stolen book full of banking information.

"Around seven... But what does that have to do with..." she began, but was interrupted by me pulling several pages out of the book. I put the collection of torn pages back into the purse. "What does this have to do with my dad?" Calliope finished. I checked the time on my watch, quarter to six, with the sun beginning to peek back over the Eastern horizon. Perfect.

"Your dad needs money doesn't he?" I asked.

"No." she deadpanned. I facepalmed.

"Your dad wants more money for his alcohol?" I corrected.

"Yeah..." she said hesitantly. "But what does that have to do with..." I interrupted Calliope again by pulling out two blank pages. "What does this have to do with dick head? And will you stop pulling pages out of that weird book!" she exclaimed at me. I ignored the command, pulled out a pen, and wrote, "Go wild." on one of the empty pages, attaching it to the front of the book. "What are you planning?!" Calliope exclaimed.

"One sec." I stated as I hoped out of the car. I jogged up to the door and positioned the book on the door step so that the "Go wild." was readable towards the door. I jogged back towards the car to find Calliope looking at the torn out pages.

"Bank numbers?" she asked. "Why would... Oh." her eyes widened in realization. I plucked the pages out of her hands.

"Yeah oh. I give your asshole ex some bank numbers. We tell your dad about them. He goes and causes a ruckus with asshole. They both go to jail, asshole for identity theft, your dad for breaking and entering. Win win." I finished.

"Not to mention getting the police off your trail..." she dead panned.

"Win win." I smirked.

"But what about these?" Calliope asked as she snatched back the pages. "And how do we convince my dad to break and enter?"

"These," I said as I plucked the pages back out of her hands, stuffing them into the purse. "are for emergencies... And I take it you haven't tried singing to any one yet?" I asked.

"No... Why?"

"I'm not going to ruin the surprise." I smirked.


"You're mad." Calliope deadpanned at me.

"I'm not angry." I smirked back.

"You're cray cray and an insufferable smart ass." she corrected as I pushed her out of the car. "What's makes you think he won't try for the pendent again?"

"I won't explain how... Just know that he can't hurt you, he's the one who should be scared, and just let all the emotions run free." I advised.

"Let the emotions run free? What in Tartarus' name are you talking about?"

"Hey, no confusion... Get angry."

"I'm not the hulk Circe..."

Who? Oh Marvel avenger and whatnot... I thought for a moment.

"Hulk up!" I exclaimed.

"You're also an idiot." Calliope deadpanned. I sighed.

"Yeah... That was pretty terrible..." I agreed. "Just... Just think on how he wants to steal your pendent..." Calliope's face instantly darkened.

"That bitch is goin' down." she gritted her teeth as she spun on her heel. I silently nodded my head with the "Not bad..." expression and pulled my head back into the car.


"Okay... The new one is going in..."

"Do you think she's getting revenge for something?"

"I'm not sure... She could just be getting personal items."

"Well keep watching... Sonata, can you... Oh for the love of god Sonata! We've decided what's going to happen!"


"Giving me the silent treatment? Oh please... I'm the one who practically invented that for humans..."

"No, I think the Europeans were doing that long before they came to the Americas..."

"Not helping Aria..."

"Ether way, I don't think you're the one who first started the silent treatment here on Earth."

"Ugh... Shut up Aria..."

"Look, all I'm saying is that the Aztecs and Mayans seemed to have grasped the concept before we got there..."

"Enough with the Aztecs! We know you liked them! We know you think they shouldn't of been wiped out!"

"I would've totally called hacks if the phrase existed back then..."




"I always knew you liked video games..."

"Hey! She speaks!"

"Hey! I do not like video games!"

"Oh please! I see you watching those Let's play videos on your phone!"


"... How the fuck do you know about those?!"

"Annd let's simmer down..."


I sat in the driver seat idly twiddling my thumbs. I wanted to go in and see how Calliope was doing, but I knew that she needed to do this alone... And besides, I wouldn't have liked it if she barged in on my first musical rampage... But I still wanted to go in and see if she was doing alright. I groaned out loud. What to do, what to do, what to do...

"Oh look, that van over there is rocking back and forth..." I commented nonchalantly. "Get a room you sickos." I smirked. What to do, what to do, what to freaking do... Suddenly the side door of the rocking van opened up, revealing a girl with yellowish orange hair who looked rather frazzled... If you know what I mean... I raised an eyebrow in interest. The van was still rocking back and forth. The frazzled girl closed the door behind her and walked down the sidewalk past my car. When she saw me sitting in the driver seat, I smirked and gave a mock salute. She gave me a puzzled look, and looked back at the van... Only to blush and facepalm immediately. I'll admit I giggled like a lunatic as she hurried down the walk.

Other than watching the van rock back and forth, nothing much happened... Needless to say, I really missed my iPod... I hated being bored... I lose track of time and I just kinda wonk out until something interesting comes up. So I didn't notice Calliope at all until she had opened the car door. I'm ashamed to admit I jumped.

"Geez Circe... Did you get a heart attack?" Calliope asked.

"How'd it go?" I asked, purposely ignoring her question. She sighed.

"You're a manipulating bitch, you know that?"

"Probs. What happened?" I smirked. Her expression turned into the "don't-give-me-that-bull" look.

"Oh I got him alright..." she sighed. "Poor bastard was blubbering and whining like a little filly... But I think I got him curious about your book..." I gave her a concerned look. "What?" she asked.

"Repeat the blubbering and whining part." I requested.

"Poor bastard was blubbering and whining like a little girl?" she returned the concerned look.

"No, I'm certain you said filly instead of girl."

"No... I'm pretty certain I said 'girl'..." she responded with a little force. I shook my head. "So anything happen out here?" she asked, changing the subject. I looked at the van, which had stopped rocking.

"That WAS rocking before..." I deadpanned, pointed at the inert van.

"Ew!" Calliope groaned.

"Best part was when someone got out and it was still rocking." I smirked.

"For fuck's sake Circe! T. M. I!" she exclaimed.

"And now we just leave the plan to fulfill it self." I chuckled, turning the car on and pulling away from the curb.

"You're a sick bitch." she stated.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay, have been busy with work, starbound, and civ 5... :twilightsheepish: