• Published 30th Sep 2014
  • 1,663 Views, 38 Comments

Equestria Legends Online: Tales of a Midnight Dream - Kaffeina

A side fic to the popular ELO by Shadowflame. In this story three players meet up after getting attacked by the Hater's Guild. In this story we explore the adventures of Team Wisp.

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March 12th- A Chosen Piece

Tales of a Midnight Dream
March 12th
A Chosen Piece

It had been nearly a month since the first element had been found. And even less since the second and third. The fourth had been found under a week ago. Meanwhile my team had stayed in Canterlot and we decided that it was best if we searched for any hidden dungeons.

Unbeknownst to my team my level was higher than most due to the fact that I snuck out to attack sub-bosses, which meant I was likely right with the elements in level, I'd say only around ten levels. When I tried getting the necklace appraised, nothing turned up about it. None of the appraisers I went to even knew what it was. In fact I had even gone to Jupiter to have him look at it. So far it had posed no hindrances. I deigned to keep it though. Of course I never bothered to tell anyone this.

Anyway. Today I decided to go to the hidden dungeon outside of Canterlot. It was just above the city and was cleverly disguised. I had only found it due to my necklace glowing near it. I snuck out and made my way to the dungeon, entering quietly. The dungeon itself was dark and dank. In fact I couldn't see a thing. I tried to see before a voice spoke,

"Woe to the player who dares enter my cave."

Mountain Spirit Geaa has Appeared!

Mountain Spirit what? This whole idea of having so many sub-bosses had to be Discord. They also never appear more than once or twice. Usually they came as an unnamed event. I stepped forward and nothing happened. Weird I tried going further. Still nothing. Then I heard hoof steps.

"Hey Midnight wait up!" came the voice of Flare. As soon as he stepped past the arch the sub-boss dropped in. It was a large creature made of rock, earth, mud, and moss. It's body seemed strange, as if it were translucent nearly. Standing far above my head I looked up and say the name. Mountain Spirit Geaa. Dodging its first swing I yelled out,

"Are you crazy? This a hidden dungeon boss!" I use the term boss in terms of the dungeon. Meanwhile Flare was swinging at it wildly and I groaned. This is the reason I don't let them come along unless I've taken out the boss. They can be practically useless in major fights due to the fact that both of them panic in sight of a larger enemy.

"Ya think?" he yelled back, "I came in to ask you the same question. This thing has to be like over 20 levels above yours," he dodged another swing.

"About that... I'm probably 30 levels above it in all actuality," I said. Flare glared at me.

"Are you kidding? I knew you were strong but not that strong. Why aren't you out searching for the Elements?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Not my piece of pie." That sentence got me a look that said How freaking insane are you? which reminded me, "Hey Flare, We should probably take this thing down. Its not gonna die by itself."

I flew up while Flare charged his horn, and Flare charged while I dove. I struck it in the back while Flare nailed it in the leg. The monsters HP barely dropped. I swung at its neck grazing it. Flare meanwhile pulled out his scythe. It was a decent weapon but he tended to use it as a sword. I swung Noon and pinned its tail down. Meanwhile Flare swung at its foot, and the creature jumped into the air tearing its tail off as it did due my sword. Its HP dropped dramatically from 3 bars to 1 3/4. I grinned. "Take off the limbs!"

I swung at its foot taking off a toe.

Flare's POV

When I found out that Midnight was so far ahead of levels I was ticked. She could be with the Elements going after the Bosses but instead she stayed and fought Sub-bosses in the dead of night.

"Are you kidding? I knew you were strong but not that strong. Why aren't you out searching for the Elements?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Not my piece of pie." I looked at the insane mare in front of me. Who was she outside the game? A few moments later she reminded me of our bigger issue and I charged my horn racing towards the monster. Midnight seemed to swan dive out of the air directly at it. In an effort to do more damage I pulled out my scythe and swung at its foot. The monster jumped tearing off it's impaled tail. "Take off the limbs!" came the mare's voice. The fury with which Midnight attacked the creature was amazing. She was zipping around it faster than it could see. I in the meantime hacked at its stomach. Suddenly out of nowhere the monster grabbed Midnight and squeezed. Her HP bar plummeted. Then in its fit of rage it threw her against the wall and she crumpled. Before I could check on her it started after me. The monster's HP bar was still half filling the final bar. My only choice was to use my ability. Activating Fire Shield I charged again and cut off one of the monsters legs. The bar dropped and it swung. I braced myself for impact and felt a shock that stopped mid-blow. Confused I looked up.

You have defeated Mountain Spirit Geaa!





What was that last item? It didn't say anything aside from question marks. I clicked on it.

??????- Abilities- Solar Reign Information Unavailable

Solar Reign? What is that? I looked back at Midnight. She had stood up and was looking at something in front of her.

Midnight's POV

I opened my eyes to see Flare finish off the Mountain Spirit. As I did a notification appeared.

Your Weapons have leveled up!

Do you wish to allow them to level?

-Yes -No

Confused I clicked Yes. As soon as I did the dialogue box vanished and my weapons began to glow. Suddenly Noon and Dawn vanished from my inventory and a new weapon appeared.

You have gotten the Weapon:


Confused I opened up the weapon info.

Allusion- A two-hooved Trident. This is a weapon only wielded by the player with the ability Lunar Reign

I gaped. What? A unique in game weapon? I pulled up the necklace information. At the end it said that it allowed the player to wield the weapon Allusion. Perfect. Another thing to hide. I grabbed Flare and dragged him out of the dungeon, noting his new necklace. I pulled him up and we made way to our house.

"Keep that necklace secret," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Have you seen me reveal mine?"

"You have one?"

"Yes. Mine has the ability Lunar Reign."

"Oh, mine said Solar Reign."

I looked at him, "I figured as much. This has to be some plot of Discord's. The necklace's are named after the Celestial bodies, meaning, they could have something to do with Discord planning on stopping the day-cycles."

When we got to the house, I turned to Flare "Say nothing to Aurora. It could put her in danger."

I left him in the living room and entered my bedroom. Laying down on the bed I passed out.

"I've been waiting for you!" came a voice.


"Oh! You remember me! That's good."

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to congratulate you on your friend's victory over my friend."

"Why do you care?"

"Why wouldn't I? Have a nice day!"

I woke up in my bed. Stupid Discord. Pulling myself out of bed I headed downstairs towards the kitchen. When I entered the Kitchen an interesting site greeted me. Jupiter, head admin, was sitting in our kitchen eating cereal and conversing with Aurora while the Element of Courage stood off to the side looking uncomfortable. I walked up and grabbed some cereal.

"You're the leader of Team Wisp?" asked Jupiter.

"Yep," I said taking a bite of my cereal.

"I believe we've met before," he said.


"I'm sure you've heard of Shadowflame," as he said this the player looked at me.

"Shadowflame, Element of Courage," he said holding out a hoof.

I bumped it. "MidnightDreams, wielder of Allusion."

Jupiter turned to me again, "I've heard you have experience with dungeon bosses and sub-bosses."

I nodded. "Yes."

"Well, I also know about you taking down Dragonlord Zeta," he said.

I looked at him suspiciously. I hadn't said anything about that when we met. "How's that?"

"One of the other players got back before the rest of them and he saw you attack and finish it off," he said, "He said it was rather impressive and you'd have been a help with the boss."

"Ah, sorry about that."

"No, in fact, if you hadn't been there then lots of players might have died and Ponyville destroyed."

"Unlikely, you had Shadowflame here."

"They finished fighting the boss during your fight and it was reported that at that exact moment all mobs and such increased in difficulty, and something tells me you were the only one who could beat it."


"Therefore I'd like to ask you to join the Knights of Harmony."

"I don't see why I shouldn't."

"Thank you. Shadow and I should go. We have more players to talk with."

I watched them leave and Flare and Aurora jumped out. Flare was asking me why I was downing everything they gave me credit for and asking why Shadow was so stiff towards me. Meanwhile Aurora was freaking about the fact I had met Jupiter and an element. I turned and went back to my cereal. No one makes me ignore my breakfast.

"Midnight!" came Flare's voice.

"Hm?" I said munched my breakfast.

"I said, if you joined Knights of Harmony, shouldn't you be going to the castle and joining a Team there?"

'When he said "You" I believe he meant the team," I said.


"Yup," I said.

I finished my breakfast and exited the house, heading for the castle. Since we had been trapped in the game the admins had made the Canterlot castle into their main base. Although it was on the side of the mountain the castle itself was absurdly easy to reach. All you had to do was follow the road up to the entrance. Other than that it was also a fortified and easy location to defend. I could see why they had picked it. Entering the building I approached the mare from the front desk once again. She still seemed quite focused on her papers.

"We're here to register for Knights of Harmony," I said.

"Team name?" she said.

"Team Wisp," I responded.

A dialogue box appeared directly in front of me.

Your Team has been added to Knights Of Harmony is this correct?

-Yes -No

I clicked yes and a small item appeared in my hand. Clicking on it I opened its item information

Knights of Harmony Badge- This item confirms your team's joining Knights of Harmony

I grabbed the badge, placed it into my inventory, and started my way out. As I exited I noticed an admin carrying some posters.

"What are those for?" I asked.

"Jupiter is planning a party for later this month."

"Alright, I didn't know that. Thanks."

I watched the pony start putting up the posters and left the castle and headed towards our home. The party seemed out of place but it would likely be quite fun.