• Published 2nd Oct 2014
  • 3,822 Views, 49 Comments

As the Sun Rises - IsabellaAmoreSirenix

Sunset Shimmer talks to Twilight about her feelings of idolization towards Celestia, and about the person she can only become without her.

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So the Sun Sets


Lying in bed, Sunset Shimmer took a moment to look out the window at the dawn shining over the city. The inky hues of night defied gravity, rising like vapors into obscurity. In their place, the sky was filled with streaks of rose pink, reminiscent of silk flowing in an ethereal wind.

She squinted to make out a white-hot ball of light in the east, so different from another sun, one that never blinded but guided, never burned but warmed. So gentile, so soothing, so much like her.

What was that she had once said about her sun? 'My sun is not just an instrument for me to control, nor am I an avatar of the sun. Rather, we are parts of a whole, fully dependent on each other, no controlling involved. Simply put, we are the best of friends. And the sunrise is when both of us rise up to greet each other, ready to journey together through the challenges of the day. The sunset, while painful, is a necessary goodbye. Even when it slips past the horizon, I remain happy, trusting in that I will see it once again.'

Sunset dug her fingernails into her palms, forming little crescent moons. Can’t think about things like that, she firmly told herself. That life is gone now, there’s no use dwelling over it. Even if I…

In a delicate balancing act, Sunset quietly tiptoed over the lumps of grey that were her friends, all sleeping soundly. It was easy to forget that not everyone wished to rise with the sun. Even with all her experience, Sunset found her eyes straining in the darkness as she fumbled for the railing and made her way downstairs.

A light was on in the kitchen. Sunset rolled her eyes. What was that princess doing, triple checking for spelling errors?

To Sunset’s surprise, Fluttershy’s notebook was neatly closed on the counter, with Twilight nowhere in sight. A little more sleuthing found her to be on the couch, legs crisscrossed, and staring out the window at the sunrise in unwavering concentration.

For a second, Sunset’s heart stopped beating.

Sunset turned the light switch to its lowest brightness, casting a soft glow on the room. “Hey,” she said.

Twilight started and whipped her head around. Then her shoulders visibly relaxed when she saw Sunset’s fiery hair. “Oh, hi Sunset.”

“Sorry I interrupted you,” she said as she sat down next to Twilight. “You were meditating, weren’t you?”

Twilight nodded. “Old habit. When I was her student, Princess Celestia asked me to do it with her every morning before our lessons.”

“Oh yeah, I remember that. So that’s why I got ten extra minutes of sleep every morning.”

The two shared a fit of giggles. “Do you think she was able to tell?” Twilight asked.

Sunset shrugged. “It’s the princess; she definitely knew. I guess she was kind and didn't say anything because of my late-night study sessions.”

“Oh, I remember those nights,” Twilight laughed. “I was such a perfectionist that even when I read five chapters ahead I still managed to find something to worry about.”

“One time I was writing a research report – yeah, you remember those, such a pain – and I actually passed out in the library because I hadn’t eaten in two days.”

“That probably would have happened to me too if Spike wasn’t there to help me out,” Twilight said.

"After that the princess always made sure to check up on me every so often to make sure I wasn’t working myself to the bone, even though I knew she was doing the same thing every night.”

Twilight smiled, then paused. “You know, it’s strange. I always forget that you were Princess’ Celestia’s student too. Er, no offense.”

The only sign of pain Sunset displayed was a quick fluttering of eyelashes. “Hehe, none taken. Anyway, how’s the counterspell going?”

“The counterspell? Oh, it’s great, really great.” The bags under her eyes said otherwise.

“You know, if you wanted a second pair of eyes to look over it, I’d be happy to,” Sunset offered.

“No!” she shouted, crossing her arms over her chest as if to protect an invisible notebook from Sunset's gaze.

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“I-I mean, thank you, but that’s not necessary.” Twilight offered a weak smile.

“Fine. If that’s what you want, then alright.” Then, under her breath: “I did study some theory work on counterspells.”

“Sunset, I didn’t mean it like that,” Twilight said. “I’m just not comfortable sharing my work with other ponies.”

“I said fine.” Sunset crossed her legs. “It’s been a while since I’ve studied that field of magic, so I probably wouldn’t be much help anyway.”

“Sunset, I’m sure you’re just as capable of writing the spell—“

“If I’m just as capable, then why aren’t I where you are?!”

Not even the birds outside made a sound.

“Sunset…” Twilight’s eyebrows disappeared under her bangs.

The other mare covered her mouth with her hands. “I… I’m so sorry. I never should have said that. Forget I said anything.”

But Twilight’s brain was already spinning miles ahead. “Sunset… that is, if you don’t mind my asking… why did you leave Celestia?”

After a silence of dead weights crushing the air around them, she asked in a low, barely audible voice, “What did the princess tell you?”

Twilight chewed on her lip. The words came out fast, as if their sting would be less sharp the less time they spent vibrating in the room. “She said that when you didn’t get what you wanted as quickly as you liked, you became cruel and dishonest to the point where you abandoned your studies and took your own path.”

“Accurate as always, princess.” Sunset forced a smile, stiff as plaster. “I’m curious, Twilight, what were you hoping to do after being Celestia’s student?”

“I never really thought about it too hard, to be honest,” Twilight admitted. “I figured that I’d become a mage in her court like Starswirl the Bearded.”

“Good for you,” said Sunset, gazing out the window at the sun. “You knew your place. But me? I wanted to be what no sane mare would even dream of: an alicorn princess.”

“Th-that sounds…” Twilight stammered.

“Crazy? Blasphemous? Evil? It was, I’m sure. Back then, I thought I was just being ambitious. I guess now I can see how wrong that was.”

She sighed and rested her head in her hands. “Still, it made sense at the time. After all, why bother being friendly or nice to others when I could devote everything to becoming like the glorious Princess Celestia?”

“You know the feeling, don’t you, Twilight?” Sunset asked. “Of adoring her to the point of obsession?” Twilight nodded her head. She’d be lying if she said ‘faithful student’ was just a nickname.

“I didn’t come from a noble family in Canterlot,” Sunset said, “so being chosen by Celestia was a big surprise. So big that my family could hardly believe it. I know I couldn’t. I was so used to hearing that I would never be able to study magic that hearing from the princess of Equestria that I could meant the world to me.

“I mean, she was my teacher, of course she’d say things like that, but she also did… more, you know? Birthday parties, bedtime stories, the whole nine yards. Teachers don’t do that. I know she did the same for you, but it still felt special. It was so easy to forget that she was the Princess of Equestria when she focused so much on me.”

Twilight nodded, empathetic. Celestia had this magical ability to make anypony feel like the most precious and loved creature in the world.

“Then one day she was teaching me about the Canterlot nobility and how she wasn’t actually related to any of them because she didn’t have any children. And… I felt bad for her. She looked so sad that in that moment, I wished I could be her daughter. After all she gave me, I wanted to give her a family to love. I knew I was already training to rescue her sister, but to be her daughter, I’d have to be an alicorn like her.

“So that’s what I told myself. It spiraled downward from there, until I…”

Sunset sagged into the couch like a deflated balloon. “No, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. You feel bad for me, don’t you? Please don’t. I blew my chance where you didn’t. I don’t want to justify any of the awful things I did. Missing the princess is bad enough.”

“Sunset, you were – are – a very talented unicorn,” Twilight said, “and as you are now, you’d be a great alicorn princess. But… and maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about, but… maybe, even if you never left and Celestia let you ascend, you wouldn’t be very happy.

“Trust me, I know how you feel. Princess Celestia is beautiful, wise, kind, more than anypony could ask for, and for a really long time I couldn’t care about much more than making her proud. But living your whole life in an obsession with her… it isn’t very healthy.

“Yes, you’re right, Twilight.” Sunset smiled. “I remember for the first few days at CHS I kept following Principal Celestia around like a lost puppy. I kept dropping hints to Equestria, to all the things I learned in our lessons, but they flew over her head. I guess I kept expecting a part of her to be in there, to guide me. And when she wasn’t, I remember feeling so angry, like she had given up on me, that I… well, you know what I did. I became a monster. My own monster. Not Celestia’s. I still don’t know how to feel about that.”

Sunset hugged her knees to her chest and stared into the sun. “How is she?” she asked, barely audible. “The princess, I mean.”

Twilight could have prattled off a list of groundbreaking laws and political breakthroughs in Sunset's absence, but she knew better. “Celestia is doing well,” she said. “Serene and composed as always, but in the past few years she’s been more open. I noticed as a filly that sometimes she’d stop herself mid-sentence from telling me things too personal about herself, but that doesn’t happen anymore. She doesn’t bottle up things like she used to. I’d say that’s a good thing for her.”

A genuine smile tugged at Sunset’s lips. “Thank you for bringing her sister back from the moon. She carried a lot of baggage about that, even a thousand years after.” She sighed, her eyes misting over. “Faust, what I wouldn’t give to go back in time to see them finally together again.”

Twilight opened her mouth, then hesitated. Should she tell…? She hadn’t been planning to, but…

She looked at Sunset, eyes watering from staring into the wrong sun, and shook her head. She was being silly. Sunset more than deserved to know. “The portal opens whenever you like now,” she said. “You could go back to Equestria with me and see her. I’m sure she’d forgive you.”

“Now you’ve tempted me, Twilight,” Sunset chastised sadly, “and I don’t know if I can resist. To see her again…” Her eyes fluttered closed as she slowly breathed, in and out, in and out. “She’s happy, right?”

Twilight nodded. “Happier than I’ve ever seen her.”

“Then it’s fine. I won’t go back and stir up old memories." Sunset felt the tiny crescent moon imprints on her hand. "All I did in the end was bring her pain.”

“Princess Luna brought her pain as Nightmare Moon,” Twilight said quietly, “and she was welcomed back.”

“Well, it’s like you said. Being obsessed with her isn’t healthy. Besides… oh, I don’t know. It’s strange, to think about her. I haven’t let myself think about Equestria in so long, I haven’t really sorted out how I feel.”

Twilight shifted so she was staring directly at Sunset. “Maybe talking about it would help.”

“I know it doesn’t make much sense… it sounds horrible, even… but when I remember the way I bullied everyone at CHS… there’s a part of me that feels proud. Not that I think what I did was a good thing or that I’d want to do it again, but at the same time it was empowering. I was making decisions based on what I thought, not what Celestia thought. I was forming my character, and even if it wasn’t a good one, at least it was mine.

“But it’s still a weak character, and I still have to learn a lot about how to not just make my own decisions, but good ones too. And going back to Equestria and seeing her, I don’t think I have the willpower to keep from slipping back into the Sunset Shimmer that always walked in her shadow. Does that make any sense?”

“I think it does,” Twilight said, smiling.

“One day,” Sunset said. “One day I’ll go back. The sunset is just a part of the day, right? Well then I don’t need to worry about her going away. I’ll just wait for my time.”

“Do you know what Princess Celestia told me about the sun?” Twilight asked. “She said that ‘my sun is not just an instrument for me to control, nor am I an avatar of the sun. Rather, we are parts of a whole, fully dependent on each other, no controlling involved. Simply put, we are the best of friends. And the sunrise is when both of us rise up to greet each other, ready to journey together through the challenges of the day.”

“And,” she continued, “’the sunset is the most beautiful time of day, the time when lessons can be learned and the past day can be fully appreciated. Even though it lasts only a moment compared to the day, it is a beautiful dancing flame, one that promises renewal and rebirth.’ It’s her favorite time of day.”

For some reason, Sunset found herself blinking furiously. “That’s really nice,” she managed to choke out.

“Yeah,” Twilight agreed. “She is.”

For a while, the two mages sat in a comfortable silence as they reflected upon the dawn. She remembers, she cares, she loves, loves, loves me, Sunset realized. Maybe I should remember her more too.

Twilight glanced up at the ceiling when she heard a thud from upstairs. “Those are the girls,” she said, standing up. “I’ll tell them to get ready. We have a long day ahead of us.”

Sunset nodded and closed her eyes, and for a moment the sunlight on her eyelids was not of that earth. Never blinding but guiding, never scalding but warming. But even then, if you stay too close, don’t you end up burning yourself?

The Battle of the Bands, the Dazzlings, all of it was so uncertain. She wasn’t like Princess Celestia or Princess Twilight, always ready for any disaster, always knowing what to do. How could she, when she hardly knew herself? All she had was a feeling, a vague sense of going the right direction down a tunnel. But who knew? Maybe one day she'd stumble upon a light at the end.

“I may not have all the answers,” Sunset whispered, “but I’ll find them. For you, my princess.”

Comments ( 49 )

I await all the tearful Sunlestia reunion stories to come.

I absolutely loved this. Sunset Shimmer is best pony.

5084731 You and me both. Sunset was amazing in that movie; she needs more love.

5085460 Amen to that! Though your awesome profile pic is working hard to take the top spot. :twilightblush:

5085496 I'm glad the feels were strong with this one. :twilightsmile:

So beautiful! Sunlestia reunion? Yes Yes?

Great story here. This is something I wish had happened in the movie, but it was too short for that to happen. I like Rainbow Rocks, but I felt they should have given some more personal time to Sunset like your story does here. She still had a fairly good showing in the movie, but I wanted more Sunset Shimmer. I wanted more Twilight and Sunset together like how you have them here. So great story! :twilightsmile: It was very nice and sweet.

Brilliant, beautiful job! Sunset Shimmer is such an interesting character, and you've more than done her justice here!

5087725 Maybe maybe? I'd love to see someone tackle it.

5087845 I felt the exact same way in theater. Twilight and Sunset have this fascinating bond as Celestia's former proteges, but it felt criminally underused. Hopefully we'll see more of them together in the possible third movie. Glad you liked the story!

5087937 Thanks so much! I agree, Rainbow Rocks sent Sunset flying to my top ten pony list, and I'd love to see her return in another movie.


*Snorts* Well it sure as heck wouldn't be me. I'd probably ruin it.

5088193 Indeed, same here. Looking forward to Equestria Academy! :pinkiehappy:

5088200 I don't know, if you had an idea for a Sunlestia reunion, then you should run with it. No reason why you can't try it out and later improve it if you want.

5088204 Equestria Academy? Wait, has the third movie been announced already? :pinkiegasp: Because that sounds so awesome! :rainbowkiss: :pinkiehappy:

5088240 Actually, apparently it's a spin-off series rumored to premiere in France sometime in the next year or so. :pinkiehappy:

5088254 No... you have to be joking... can the world really be ready for this?

HASBRO, TAKE ALL MY BITS. :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

5088282 LET'S START A DONATION POOL! :pinkiecrazy:

5088357 Wait until I get a credit card, then we'll start going places. :pinkiecrazy:

30 years later: #SunsetforPresident2044

5088387 I have a credit card... but it's depleted.

5088432 Ouch, that's rough. I'm too young to have one, but that's probably for the best. Otherwise I'd drive my family into poverty buying pony merch. :twilightblush:

Beautifully and emotionally written. Thank you.
Selectively favorited.

5088629 You're very welcome! Thank you for the favorite! :twilightsmile:

5088456 Eh, I'll live. And it's probably for the best, as I myself have already nearly done that. :derpytongue2:

Nice! Always up for more Sunset Shimmer. She's basically turning the Mane 6 into the Mane 7. She's like the Green Ranger of MLP now. :rainbowlaugh:

Ooh, this was very nice. Sunset is a really interesting character, and her interactions and reminiscences with Twilight were lovely. :twilightsmile:

5089999 5090110 Go go Power Ponies! MLP x Power Rangers crossover, someone make it happen!

5090563 Thanks, friend! :twilightsmile:

Very well done. These are the kind of Slice of Life story's that I like. Keep up the good work.

5091827 Thank you! I'm glad you liked the story, I'll definitely continue trying to improve when writing in the Slice of Life genre. :twilightsmile:

That cover art>.>
I guess I will give this a read

Seriously beautiful. And believable.

Sunset Shimmer has easily become one of my favorite characters in the series, both encompassing regular MLP and EqG, and I think you did a wonderful job capturing her beautiful, melancholic personality in this story. There's something about her that draws attention, and I think you hit the nail on the head, so to speak.

First off, I really love your visuals- from the very beginning, your description of the sunrise had me. The symmetry of watching the sunrise and then at the same time putting the 'crescent moons' in her palms... wonderful. I appreciate the time it takes to make a reader see what you see, and I think you did an amazing job of doing exactly that without adding extra stuff in between that, while it wouldn't have made it any less memorable, would have slowed the scene down and been all but unnecessary.

I'll admit that I was sorely disappointed that they didn't make some additional time in the movie to give Twilight and Sunset a moment together when they were both being open with one another, and honestly I don't think the writers for the movie could have done a better job than you have here. I particularly liked Sunset's view of Princess Celestia and how her whole downward spiral was drawn from a desire to be closer to her; and so like Icarus was she that Sunset ended up plunging away from the very sun she strove to be near. Poetic, sad, and a great parallel to Twilight that shows both how similar and how different the two girls are.

And lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't mention your dialogue. It was to the point and, as far as I'm concerned, perfectly in character- I could hear the words in each of their voices, and at no point in the story did I sit back and go "Wow that sounded weird." or anything like that. It truly felt straight out of the movie, and the emotion you conveyed through it felt well-paced and true.

Overall, you've presented us with a beautiful work from Sunset's perspective that offers her a believable motivation for her actions, and I have to admit that I long for the day when she can go back through the mirror and see Princess Celestia once more. Thank you for sharing this with us.

5094489 Thank you! :twilightsmile:

5094864 Thank you so much for the detailed review! Besides the final battle, the kitchen scene with Twilight and Sunset was my favorite part of the movie, and like you, I was disappointed it wasn't expanded upon more. I wanted this story to read like a deleted scene of the movie, so I'm very glad I was able to achieve that goal in both tone and dialogue. :scootangel:


Besides the final battle, the kitchen scene with Twilight and Sunset was my favorite part of the movie ...

I really liked it -- that was the moment when you truly realize that Twilight and Sunset are Not That Different. This adds extra meaning to the fact that they both find the same Humanoid man attractive. And what's more, under the spell of the Sirens, he hurts both their feelings!

Well, here's hoping that we get to see a lot more of Sunset and Twilight in the next movie! I'd love to see the two of them develop their relationship further.


For a while, the two unicorn mages sat in a comfortable silence as they reflected upon the dawn.

um you do realise that Twilight is an alicorn not a unicorn?

5097368 Absolutely. And yet the real beauty of it is that their similarity does not make Sunset a pre-Twilight. Each of them made different choices that set them on different destinies. And in some senses, Sunset is a better person than Twilight. Where Twilight has never really fallen from grace, Sunset has rejected and subsequently reimagined the essence of who she is as a person, and is stronger because of it. Though no longer to Lesson Zero extremes, Twilight may actually still be a young Sunset, relying on Celestia in order to feel validated, and... God, I love their dichotomy too much. :twilightsheepish:

5107487 Oops. :facehoof: Thanks for pointing out that error; I'll fix it right away.

5088432 5088282 I'd help with that pool however until my next check I have exactly 3 pennies in my bank account. I kinda splurged a bit an underground brony convention in California last week. :twilightblush::twilightsheepish::twilightblush:

5092798 You're welcome.

I actually enjoyed this quite a bit. I normally prefer a more even mix of narration and dialogue, but your dialogue was pretty strong. Well done.

And yet the real beauty of it is that their similarity does not make Sunset a pre-Twilight. Each of them made different choices that set them on different destinies. And in some senses, Sunset is a better person than Twilight. Where Twilight has never really fallen from grace, Sunset has rejected and subsequently reimagined the essence of who she is as a person, and is stronger because of it. Though no longer to Lesson Zero extremes, Twilight may actually still be a young Sunset, relying on Celestia in order to feel validated, and... God, I love their dichotomy too much.

That... is an interesting point.



I think I actually agree.

In some ways Twilight was better than Sunset. Twilight was able to overcome her insecurities sooner, and even when she was anxious she was never as rude as Sunset (in fall of sunset shimmer the same students who approached twilight in episode 1 invite her; sunset rudely brushed them off.)

Twilight grew as a person, and actually understood the elements. Sunset is where twilight was at the start. She's learning about friendship, is growing as a human being. Twilight grew beyond sunset on her own; sunset is but had to be pushed.

You sure you're a high-schooler? A lot of people in my college classes weren't this good.

5154377 Very true, I'm glad you pointed that out. Twilight definitely deserves her crown, though I'd like to think that the two can still learn from each other. :twilightsmile:

5163303 Not all high schoolers spend their lives on instagram. :raritywink: Though to be fair to your classmates, I've been writing fanfiction for about 2 1/2 years now, so that experience helps level the playing field somewhat. Glad to know you think my writing is on that level! :pinkiehappy:

5100550 Ja, they make such good friends and are very similar (not just that they are/were students of Celestia).

Beautiful story, I love how your stories can be so short but so meaningful and touching. Keep on writing!

I liked the fic, yeah I really like exploring different shades of Sunset's personality. But the end kinda puzzles me. Sunset struggled to get rid of Celestia's influence for such a long time and it's understandable that some of it still stays with her, but her last phrase sounds like she just gave up. I think that the healthy attitude towards Celestia for Sunset is somewhat in between adoration and rejection, and now she's still on the rejection part. It would be really difficult for her to meet Celestia now, and she'll likely start to cling to her again. Maybe you wanted to show that she's finally ready to meet Celestia without any danger to her personality, but I think it's still too early for that.
All in all, thank you.

6066425 I'm curious as to what you mean. The last paragraphs seem to iindicate that sunset knows she's only at the beginning of building herself up to where or perhaps who she wants to be. I don't think she will return till she's almost or entirely finished with that process.

6185856 To be honest, I don't remember already what the fic and my comment were about (no offence to the author, but I kinda read a lot). But if you ask the question with more details, I'll try to answer.


I liked the fic, yeah I really like exploring different shades of Sunset's personality. But the end kinda puzzles me. Sunset struggled to get rid of Celestia's influence for such a long time and it's understandable that some of it still stays with her, but her last phrase sounds like she just gave up. I think that the healthy attitude towards Celestia for Sunset is somewhat in between adoration and rejection, and now she's still on the rejection part. It would be really difficult for her to meet Celestia now, and she'll likely start to cling to her again. Maybe you wanted to show that she's finally ready to meet Celestia without any danger to her personality, but I think it's still too early for that.

All in all, thank you.

Basically I'm just curious as to what it is that sunset does to say that shes giving up or that shes going to meet with Celestia soon, i kinda got the opposite impression and was wondering whether I'd missed something important.

Sorry about the reply, i didn't realize how long ago it was haha. Yeah, there is a lot of Fanfic available and I understand what you mean.

As to the impression I got it was just that Sunsets working on her self and she wants to meet celestia, in the long term after thats finished. Also something about wanting to solve the whole dazzilings and all.


Basically I'm just curious as to what it is that sunset does to say that shes giving up or that shes going to meet with Celestia soon, i kinda got the opposite impression and was wondering whether I'd missed something important.
As to the impression I got it was just that Sunsets working on her self and she wants to meet celestia, in the long term after thats finished. Also something about wanting to solve the whole dazzilings and all.

I doubt that I meant that Sunset was going to meet Celestia soon, I just said that it was too early for that (but if only I could go to the past and ask myself why I said that, it kinda puzzles me too:rainbowlaugh:). But I still think that Sunset's thoughts like "For you, my princess" or "She remembers, she cares, she loves, loves, loves me" mean that she lost some of her independence which was so difficult for her to acquire in the first place. It's just like when you break up with someone and then you try not to depend on them anymore and then they ask you to come back and you start to doubt your own decisions again. Sunset's words are a step back. The phrase "For you, my princess" freaks me out in particular because it shows high levels of dependence. She does things by herself but not for herself and she still seeks Celestia's approval. even if in the distant future.

6187519 Huh, thats so interesting, I hadn't really considered it quite like that.
Thanks so much!

Twilight nodded. “Old habit. When I was her student, Princess Celestia asked me to do it with her every morning before our lessons.”

So that's what she was doing. :applejackunsure:

“One time I was writing a research report – yeah, you remember those, such a pain – and I actually passed out in the library because I hadn’t eaten in two days.”

I'm glad I don't spend that much time when it comes to studying. 😐

“If I’m just as capable, then why aren’t I where you are?!”

That one sure came out of nowhere. 😦

“One day,” Sunset said. “One day I’ll go back. The sunset is just a part of the day, right? Well then I don’t need to worry about her going away. I’ll just wait for my time.”

And you did and she forgived you. :twilightsmile:

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