• Published 2nd Oct 2014
  • 2,064 Views, 49 Comments

The Sirens Song - stormfury12

The story of the sirens, from their first day of banishment to their attack on CHS.

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Adagio Dazzle

"Adagio! Adagio! Get your plot up now!" The familiar shouts of Adagio's master filled her ears. It was a snobby and self centered voice, a voice that belonged to GoldenMane. Adagio sighed and set her dust rag down on the table she was cleaning. She had been up for hours cleaning and dusting GoldenMane's library. Adagio had never had any form of schooling, but had taught herself everything she had wanted through the countless number of books in her masters library. "Adagio! Where are you! You have yet to cook breakfast you lazy brat!" Adagio sighed and headed towards the stairs.

"I'm already up mistress, I've been up for several hours actually." Adagio slowly stepped down the stairs of the gargantuan mansion that belonged to GoldenMane, it was pure white with shiny floors that were clean enough you could almost see ones reflection in them. Adagio was by all means a beautiful mare, but she was almost always dirty, covered in dust, and dirt from her constant working. Her hair was messy and even her usually bright purple eyes appeared to be dimming away. GoldenMane was seated in the huge kitchen with her snout to the air.

"I don't see breakfast on the table. What do I even pay you for?" She snorted. GoldenMane was a beautiful unicorn, with pearl white fur, large sapphire eyes, and a long silky golden mane. She was also a truly talented singer, and had fans that had to be in the thousands. Even though she appeared to be beautiful, she was stuck up, rude, self centered, and arrogant. Adagio was nothing more than a simple maid, but to her it felt almost like slavery. Adagio trotted past her into the kitchen with a sigh.

"Actual mistress, you don't pay me." Adagio mumbled. She hadn't meant for GoldenMane to hear that, but she did and released a low growl as a reply to Adagio's comment.

"Watch your mouth you ungrateful brat!" GoldenMane spat. Adagio sighed and began to cook. She was accustomed to this kind of treatment, she got it practically every single day. Adagio cracked open a couple of eggs and spilled their contents into a pan and began to heat them. While the eggs were cooking she pulled out a wad of dough and began working on a batch of biscuits.

"I'm terribly sorry mistress." Adagio rolled out the dough and began to cut little circles into it. GoldenMane was a singer, and one of the best in Canterlot. Adagio was envious of her, and yet she knew that she would never be as good. She had spent countless hours trying to master singing so that maybe she could one day have a crowd of adoring fans like GoldenMane. No matter how hard Adagio tried though, she could just never get her pitch right. She knew she would never have the crowds of adoring fans, the fan letters, not even a crowd of any kind, and to top it all of GoldenMane didn't even appreciate her gift. Her master took such a beautiful blessing for granted. Adagio felt a ripple of jealousy and anger ripple down her spine and sadly shoved the tray of biscuits into the oven.

"I am to have a party this evening, and all of Canterlot's best shall be here. I expect the place to be cleaned, shined, and everything else, along with a large assortment of party food." GoldenMane said. She was doing her makeup with her lips puckered out to add lipstick. Adagio had never worn make up in her life, and seeing the way GoldenMane looked, she didn't want to ever touch it. The eggs were finished cooking and Adagio placed them on a plate before turning back to grab the now finished biscuits. She placed them neatly on the plate next to the eggs and set the plate down in front of a sour looking GoldenMane.

"I will take care of everything mistress. You don't need to worry." Adagio moved her messy bangs out of her eyes. GoldenMane began to eat. She took a few bites before gagging and spitting a wad of chewed up eggs onto the floor. "By Celestia! This tastes like garbage ran through a sewer drain!"

"But, there just normal eggs. They tasted fine to me." Adagio replied. She was upset at the rudeness of her master, but at the same time grateful that all she had done was spit it out. GoldenMane had simply thrown the plate of food on the floor several times previously.

"You ate these!? I can't believe I ate something that the germs of something as filthy as you!" GoldenMane got up and left her chair unmoved. "I will simply eat something on the way to the showcase. I better see this place sparkling when I return." She turned and lifted a large fur coat off of a jacket rack and wrapped it around her before pushing the doors of her mansion open. She then left and allowed the doors to shut loudly behind her. Adagio sighed and picked up the wad of eggs and threw it onto the plate of uneaten food.

"Maybe your carriage will finally get smashed this time." Adagio smiled a little at the thought of GoldenMane being smashed to bits by anything. She deserved it. Adagio cleaned up the kitchen mess and began to figure out how much time she would have left after everything else was cleaned and fixed. None. She would have absolutely no time. This wasn't new either. Adagio usually looked terrible at practically every party that GoldenMane had ever held. This wouldn't be anything new. She let out another long sigh and began to clean up the mansion. She spent the entire day cleaning and cleaning. This was all she ever did. An endless cycle. Any hopes or dreams she once had had long been drowned away. She didn't know why she felt like she needed to stay here. She wasn't gaining anything from it. She cleaned and thought about things like she usually did. She had never known her true parents. They had left her alone, and the only living she had found in Canterlot was as a live in maid. Since then she had grown fearful of leaving. She didn't want to fail, and at the same time she felt like she was failing.

Several hours passed and the moon eventually climbed its way up into the blackened sky. Adagio wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead. She had finished everything, and just barely too. She had cleaned the entire mansion, head to toe, and baked a large amount of food for the party as well as watered the plants and cleaned the outside gutters. Her entire body screamed with exhaustion, but she knew that she had to stay up and please the guests. Adagio sat down on a soft rose red couch and waited. GoldenMane was running a little late, and she figured that she would have a little time to clean up for once. She quickly rushed off and took a swift bath before putting on a nice black dress, and drying her hair so that it would puff up and look good. She was going so quickly that she barely had time to really look at herself in the mirror. Suddenly her eyes were attracted to the eyes of the orange, purple eyed mare in the mirror.

"Is that really me?" She asked herself as if the reflection would say something. This was the first time she had ever had the chance to get dressed or look nice. "Of course its me. I sound retarded." Adagio groaned at how dumb she had sounded. Suddenly she heard the doorbell ring. "One moment please!" She called down. A few minutes later she opened the door to find GoldenMane and several stallions in fancy ties, and several fabulous mares.

"Took you long enough. I am so glad that you bothered to look nice for us." GoldenMane said with a fake laugh that caused the crowd behind her to also join in. Adagio also smiled with a large fake grin and stepped aside. The crowd flooded into the mansion and soon the place was completely packed with stallions and mares. Adagio always had to open the door for GoldenMane as if she was of such a higher power that she didn't have to even do the most basic of things. Adagio served drinks and food to the guests. She set the tray down for a moment to adjust her hair

"Excuse me miss?" A voice startled Adagio and she turned to see a stallion stand behind her. He smiled kindly at her. "Might I say that tonight's performance was splendid." Adagio was confused at first but looked around to see that almost every other mare was wearing a similar to dress to hers. The stallion must have mistaken her for a singer of some kind.

"Well thank you very much." Adagio decided to just go with it. She had nothing to lose, and this might even turn out well.

"I would absolutely adore it if you could do a follow up act possibly?" The stallion rolled his tongue with each word. Adagio nervously smiled again.

"Well I don't know, I've been quite busy, and I don't think I could muster another performance as of now.