• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 11,155 Views, 354 Comments

Crossing the Divide - RF and AG

Hiccup and Toothless journey to an unknown land, never imagining what they would encounter or whom they would encounter.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Dash Deals With A Dangerous Dump

He was running late, that slowpoke. It was kind of expected. Well, I mean, I did fly off pretty quickly. It sure didn’t take me long to grab up my bit bag from my room, so it only made sense that I would beat him to City Hall. So while I was waiting for the ‘human’ - as he called his own kind - a few ponies, as well as a gryphon, asked why I was waiting out front of the building. Some ventured to ask as to why I was on a cloud so close the ground. I simply told them I was waiting on a slowpoke who couldn’t keep up with me. Besides, I needed to keep up the image which I had made.

Twilight had asked me, maybe a week ago, why I kept boasting even after everything that had happened to me over the past two years. I lied at first about keeping up appearances for others and I didn’t want them to see me being soft. Now, that wasn’t a total lie, but she still stared at me with that disappointed frown she usually had when anypony was just being stupid. Eventually, I just told her the truth.

If I ever wanted to be the best of the best, I needed to have an air of arrogance and awesomeness around me at all times. Athletes of the highest calibre tend to hold this same mindset and that’s what helps them push themselves to be better than the rest. My dad had taught me when I was younger that if I was going to succeed in being a Wonderbolt, I needed to think like a winner. That wasn’t to say that he didn’t teach me not to be a flankhole, but with him being a trainer for Cloudsdale’s hoofball team, he knew the mindset of athletes.

I felt a little bit of relief to finally tell Twilight why I was always so boastful and filled with pride … and she accepted me for it, though that was not to say she didn’t give me a quick scolding for going over the top and not being open enough with my friends. I guess I let the athlete mindset consume me long ago, and only after some choice incidents, which I still try to forget, I had learned to stop acting out that same mentality when I wasn’t participating in some sort of sport.

Yet here I was, being boastful and being prideful towards anypony that asked me a simple question. Dear Celestia, I need help.

I buried my head under a fluff of cloud that I pulled out with my hooves. Argh, too much thinking makes my head hurt. I can’t get cold hooves, especially not here. I’m too far into this race to start questioning myself. Though I guess I could possibly act less like a jerk to Hiccup, not that I had!

Yeah; I definitely hadn’t acted like a jerk. Besides, how could he pass up the chance to work for the fastest pony in Equestria!

At the thought of that, a large grin spread across my face before my hoof instantly slapped the side of my muzzle. Yeah, I definitely needed to work on this boastful thing.

Dong … Dong … Dong

Three already? Wait … did they even use clocks to signal time here? I mean I tried to listen to the innkeeper at my inn talk about how they measured time but it was far too weird. It was so much simpler to just count it like any sane pony in Equestria did. Whatever.

Either way, from where the sun was I guess it was near three or four in the afternoon. Geez was this human slow … I swear, if his dragon could talk I would have just taken him instead. I just hope he can actually help me out, even a pro flyer like me needs some tips here and then.

“You know, I’ve seen this a few times now, and it still boggles me how someone can just stand on a cloud without falling through,” a voice behind me said, startling me from my thoughts.

Well, startling wasn’t the right word. Actually, it was more like me falling through the cloud on my face, rather than getting startled.

“Ow,” I mumbled to the dirt that was currently in my face. No matter how much one got used to crashing into things, face-planting always hurt.

“Woah, are you okay? Boy, I know how you feel. Toothless here has thrown me into the ground more times than I can count,” Hiccup said from above me.

“I’m fine, just a scratch,” I simply groaned as I picked myself up from the dirt beneath me. Honestly it didn’t hurt, but it had caught me completely off guard. I mean, after waiting nearly an hour for him to be finished, I had pretty low hopes of him actually coming out to meet up with me. As I began dusting myself off, Hiccup spoke up again.

“Hope we didn’t make you wait long, I had to take care of a few things that lasted longer than we wanted …” he said while eyeing his dragon. “Anyway … how long have we kept you waiting?”

“Oh, not too long. I decided to keep it slow so you two could keep up,” I said while shooting them both a cocky a grin. Hiccup just chuckled while it seemed that his dragon was … staring at a butterfly that flew by? Weird.

“Right,” Hiccup said while looking around. I followed his gaze and it seemed we were drawing a crowd. Not that I didn’t mind, but it wasn’t really the best place to talk about business.

“It seems my awesomeness is drawing a crowd,” I said coolly but I could tell that more ponies were looking at Hiccup’s dragon than me. “How about we fly around a little? I’ve had enough down time and need to stretch my wings out.”

“I think Toothless would enjoy that but I still need that material to fix my gliding suit and we’re a little too big to fly through the streets,” Hiccup replied while gesturing at Toothless. Right… new plan!

“Geez, it’s like you've never seen a dragon before!” I yelled out to the crowd, getting their attention. “I mean look! There’s one over there, go bug them!”

Luckily for me, the crowd seemed to get the point I was making. Seriously, it’s cool that they’re interested in Hiccup’s dragon and all, but treating him like some circus sideshow freak is just stupid. “So, do you know where to go to get what you need? I could take you to some of the G. E. R. suppliers. They might have what you’re looking for.”

I watched as Hiccup shook his head. “You see, I met up with this strange gryphon merchant who agreed to sell me some fabric once I had earned enough money. He told me to go to the Glorious Plumage. If he’s not there, then I’m supposed to leave a message of a date and time that I’d want to meet up with him.”

“Well, do you have a map, or do you know the way?” I asked him, hoping that he would in fact know, since I’d never been here before and didn’t know where a lot of places within the city were located.

I watched with irritation as he rubbed the back of his head in a gesture of embarrassment. I hung my head and groaned, my flared wings twitching slightly. “Ugh! Do you know how long it’s gonna take us to locate someone that can take us to this place where this gryphon is located?”

“Only as long as it takes to find a city guard.”

I sighed, prepared to be extremely bored especially since Toothless was effectively grounded within the city limits. If I didn’t have the pressure of performing well in this race, I’d have probably enjoyed the city’s different population and cultures a lot more. It’d be just like Daring Do and the Serpentine Sceptre, where she enters a city with all kinds of ponies and all kinds of cultures! From the thin tall ponies with their aromatic gums and resins from Saddle Arabia, to the slender delicate does with kimonos and hair picks while bucks dressed in business suits and drove nice carriages of Neighpon, to the spiritual zebras of Zebrica, with the mares wearing those huge hoop earrings and all those neck rings, while the male zebras would sit out in the countryside and speak in reverent tones of their lores and legends.

One day, I will travel the world, maybe even as a Wonderbolt! How cool would that be! To perform death defying dives and acrobatic acts of awesomeness for creatures of all kinds all over the world! For Buffalo, Zebra, Gryphon and more! Old, young, the single and the couples and for families also!

Yep; any day now, I’ll be getting that letter of acceptance into the Wonderbolts. Meanwhile I get to waste my valuable nap time to look for some gryphon whose name I don’t even know, and whom I probably never would have even met if it weren’t for Hiccup and Toothless.

I wish I could say that our journey began as any epic journey, with intrepid heroes setting out to battle against a great evil, or that a band of unlikely friends had set out on a quest to do what needed to be done for the sake of one of their friends. Or even that it would begin like a Daring Do novel with Daring finding some important or powerful lost artefact and then having to perform amazing fight scenes and acts of acrobatic awesomeness in order to retrieve the artefact from the bad guys.

But no, we wandered through the streets, bumping into those who lived in the city and those who were just passing through, or even just visiting, either as tourists, or visiting someone they knew that lived within this city. I don’t know how long it must have been, but it was probably about an hour before we encountered one of the city guards. But what really set him apart was that he was an Ibex!

I had heard of Ibexes from Zecora mentioning them on occasion, whenever she would talk about her home in Zebrica, but it was one thing to hear about them and a whole different matter entirely to see them!

I took notice of all this, since in Daring Do and the Mask of Terror, Daring encounters an Ibex during her totally awesome adventure. I heard Hiccup clear his throat, not that he needed to, because the Guard was already looking warily at Hiccup and Toothless.

“May I help you?” the Ibex, who was decked out in the armor of the city guard armor.

“My companions and I need to make our way to the Glorious Plumage. But as you probably can tell, Toothless and I aren’t exactly from around here, and my friend Rainbow Dash here isn’t familiar with the town either. Can you help us out?” Hiccup inquired.

“Sure! Follow me. I’ve gotta admit, I’ve never seen a dragon like yours before. I’ve also never seen anything like you before either. Are you a new species of minotaur?” the guard asked, looking Hiccup up and down.

“We might be, are they the headstrong type and would rather bash through a problem than actually think of a solution that doesn’t involve breaking things?” I heard Hiccup chuckle after he responded.

“Eh, they’re a mixed lot. I’ve actually run into some really intelligent minotaurs, but I have run across some like you’ve described,” the guard responded.

Not wanting to be left out of the conversation, I butted in: “Name’s Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in Equestria, maybe even the world, since I could fly circles around these slowpokes in the G. E. R. all day. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?”

“Head Bang. I’ve heard about the Young Flyers competition and how you performed a Sonic Rainboom. I really wish I’d have been there. That must have been quite a sight to see,” Head Bang gushed, while I puffed my chest out a little more and ruffled my awesomely cool wings. I definitely wouldn’t be the pony I am today without these sweet babies.

“Hiccup, and the big lug next to me is Toothless. And to answer your question, I’m not a minotaur of any kind. I’m a Viking.”

“Huh. Never met a Viking before. Never met a dragon like Toothless either,” Head Bang mused, peering at Toothless.

“Yeah, you might say that we’re out of this world,” Hiccup responded with a brief chuckle afterwards.

I groaned, facehoofing at what Hiccup had said. He’s just lucky that there’s enough different species that he probably wouldn’t end up being used for alien experiments. It might be entertaining to watch him should he end up getting probed, though.

Fortunately all this small talk had a beneficial side to it, as it seemed like it took very little time at all to arrive at The Glorious Plumage.

“Well, here you folks are. It’s been nice chatting with you, Hiccup. You folks take care and be safe, wherever you may go,” Head Bang said, before departing down the street, going along the same street we had traveled, likely to return to his patrol route.

Looking at the building before us, it may have lived up to its name when it was brand new, but now? I saw cracked marble, with vines of ivy climbing up walls and pillars, the unkempt looking lawn with various garbage and debris, and the pool filled with a dirty looking liquid. A shame really, this place must’ve really looked glorious in its heyday.

Hiccup led the way, his arms and weird-looking claws curling around the handles of the large wooden doors of the so called ‘Glorious Plumage.’ The door grated and creaked horribly over the marble flooring. Any conversation died as Toothless sauntered into the lobby as well. I could almost feel the stares that seemed to follow our strange group of Viking, his dragon friend, and a pegasus heading towards the reception desk.

Well, the stares were really more focused on Hiccup and Toothless, since they had probably not seen anything like them ever. I mean, there could be more of them, especially if he wants me to help him get home. Still, I was skeptical; I mean I had been all over the world and seen practically everything, so I would know if there was a dragon like Toothless. He couldn’t even talk, like what type of dragon was he even if he couldn’t talk, sheesh. Maybe he’s some new dragon! Heh, I can just imagine Twilight’s face when I walk into the Tree Fortress of Friendship with them in tow!

I kept my imagination at bay as we proceeded to the front desk. An Earth dryad, with the body of an elk stallion, manned the reception desk.

“‘Elcome, strangers, ta th’ Glorious Plumage. ‘ow might I be o’ service?” the receptionist asked us.

“Yes, Is a gryphon named DuPont here? I was told he would be staying here, and I need to speak with him.” I looked about the room as Hiccup asked the receptionist. Don’t tell anypony, but I was uneasy, looking at the rough looking customers that lounged about the lobby. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I couldn’t help but think that some of them had been giving us strange looks. They certainly looked like they’d seen fights, many of them sporting scars on their faces and bodies, not to mention they looked like the rough type that would find creative ways to torture their victims. Plus, I could smell their stench from way over where I was. Eugh. I’m glad pony eyes have a fairly large range of vision.

Toothless, however, didn’t look too concerned, but I imagine that there’d be very few creatures with either the bravery, or desperation to attempt to harm a dragon, especially since many of them tended to have tough armor-like scales and could breathe fire. Still, I could see Toothless scanning the room as well.

“And does ‘e know yer comin’?” the receptionist inquired.

“Not exactly, but he did say to come here and either meet up with him here, or leave a message for him of when and where we’d like to meet him. If he is here, just tell him that ‘a strange creature and his dragon friend has returned to buy some of his wares.’” Hiccup responded.

I watched as the receptionist left the lobby, hopefully to inform this gryphon merchant that Hiccup had agreed to purchase from. Hiccup leaned against the receptionist desk, while Toothless’ ear fins, I’m guessing, swivelled and raised or lowered as he peered about the lobby, and gave an impressively massive yawn. I didn’t see any teeth, which honestly surprised me, since I had yet to meet a dragon without teeth. It certainly made him appear less menacing.

“I wonder what he eats,” I mused softly to myself.

We all turned and watched as the receptionist returned to the front desk. “Mister DuPont ‘as agreed ta see ye.”

I watched as the Earth dryad motioned for Hiccup to draw closer, rotating his hoof in a vertical circular motion. Hiccup bent over and then the receptionist must have said something, as I could see his muzzle moving, but it wasn’t loud enough for any of us to hear. I watched as Hiccup nodded in understanding.

I followed Hiccup, since he seemed to know where we needed to go. Toothless followed behind me, as I gave the occasional backward glance to ensure that we weren’t being followed.

I watched as Hiccup knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” a voice called from the other side.

“It’s the strange creature and his strange dragon with a very strange pony.” I heard Hiccup say.

“Hey!” I cried in indignation, glaring at the rude Viking.

I could hear the raucous laughter from the other side of the door, before the sound of a metallic bolt being slid back was heard as the door opened to reveal a scruffy looking gryphon. His fur and feathers looked slightly dirty and unkempt, but it was the scars that framed his eye in a triangle that was the most visually outstanding thing about him, that and the milky appearance of that eye, which likely meant that he was blind in that eye.

“Ho, fletchling! Returned so soon are you?” I heard the gryphon say.

“Yes. Toothless and I got some luck, enough so that I have the bits I need to purchase that Teflon fabric you showed me last time,” Hiccup replied.

“How much are you looking to buy? The six bits worth, or are you be buying more than that?” I heard DuPont inquire as I watched as he rummaged in a sizable travel chest, before extracting a bolt of fabric, turning about as he laid it upon the floor and letting the bolt of fabric roll away a short distance.

“I’d like to buy 24 bits worth, please.” I heard Hiccup say.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the astonished look on the gryphon’s face. Though I watched with interest as the gryphon measured out the amount of fabric that Hiccup wanted to purchase. I watched as he used his index talon to score a cut along the width of the fabric, before folding the fabric up and handing it over to Hiccup.

“24 bits it is then,” Dupont informed, as he watched Hiccup fish out 24 bits, dropping them into the gryphon’s outstretched talon. Dupont counted the bits, before using a piece of parchment and an inkwell at the desk in his room and drew up a bill of sale.

“Here you go, Fletchling! A pleasure doing business with you. May the skies protect you wherever you go, so long as you show her the proper respect, eh?” DuPont grinned, lightly nudging Hiccup’s shoulder.

“Of course, Mister DuPont. May fortune and protection be upon you. Take care of yourself.” I heard Hiccup respond.

“You as well, fletchling. You as well.” I heard DuPont respond, before closing the door behind us and engaging the bolt to the door once more.

I watched as Hiccup took the fabric and began to pack it into his rucksack.

“Why did you by so much of that fabric?” I asked him.

“Because I want to be ready in case I have to repair my gliding suit, again. When we collided, one of the gliding parts of my suit was damaged, otherwise I could have glided down from the accident, instead of falling,” Hiccup replied.

“Oh. Sorry.” I scuffed my hoof in embarrassment.

“It wasn’t anybody’s fault. Well, maybe the G. E. R.’s for not being properly staffed for the entire race. That and maybe for not having the track marked properly, but I probably wouldn’t have known what purpose they served even if they had, because you know … not from around here,” Hiccup mused aloud.

“I’m just glad you came out of it alive,” I grinned sheepishly at him. “And I’m glad that Toothless managed to save you and not eat you, like I thought he’d do at first.”

“So yeah, it was just a series of unfortunate events. But, we might have never met, if it hadn’t happened,” Hiccup responded.

I laughed as Toothless turned his head and made kissy faces at Hiccup. It was even more amusing as I watched Hiccup’s face flush, before turning his attention to his dragon buddy.

“It’s not like that!” Hiccup protested.

I watched in amazement as I saw Toothless give Hiccup a toothy grin. Seriously, where’d he get those?

“Ugh! You’re full of it,” I heard Hiccup say in exasperation as he proceeded to mount Toothless, turning his attention forward as we flew back to the barracks for the racers participating in the G. E. R.

{C T D} * * * {C T D}

I watched in fascination as Hiccup cut the ruined part of his gliding suit out and cut a new one, his nimble stubby claws nimbly sewing the new fabric in. I continued to watch as his strange appendages pressed against the fabric, I guess to make sure that the fabric would remain secure and that it wouldn’t give under pressure.

He needed a place to do his work so it only made sense to return to the G.E.R designated area, well the one we fliers get. He said he wanted to stay away from the barracks because Toothless was too dangerous, or something like that. Honestly? It made no sense to me but that wasn’t what was important. What was, was napping … I mean there was only like four hours till the race and I hadn’t even had my mid-afternoon nap!

Well, I could start napping while he was doing his thing, but I’m actually a little interested in this ‘gliding suit’ of his. I’ll nap once he’s finished.

“Right, I need some heat, Toothless,” Hiccup said before opening his arm to reveal the gliding suit once more. Toothless nodded before taking in a breath.

Quicker than anypony could see, ‘cause my eyes were obviously top notch, a burst of weird purple stuff shot out from the dragon’s mouth and hit the wing suit. I don’t know what he did, but whatever it was, the spot where the purple stuff had hit looked slightly darker but also melded with the rest of the suit. I couldn’t even see the stitches!

“What was that? That was awesome!” I said as I zipped over to Hiccup, who still had his arm up. I carefully prodded the wing a few times, only to feel that weird fabric he bought.

“You know … come to think of it, we never named that did we, Toothless?” Hiccup asked, to which Toothless gave a small roar in reply.

“Wait, you can talk to him?”

“It’s really one sided,” Hiccup said. “He can understand me, but I need to watch his actions more … anyway! Let’s take this for a test.”

Before I could get out a response, Hiccup quickly hopped on Toothless’ back, causing me to notice that his legs didn’t end the same, with one having this weird contraption at the end; huh. In the brief moment that it took for me to wonder about Hiccup’s leg, Toothless was already launching himself in the air. The force blew my mane a little bit, but mainly it snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Hey! Wait for me!” I yelled, probably for the first time ever and flew to catch up.

We slowly climbed, making use of the up-drafts to climb higher and higher until Hiccup began to unhook the straps securing him to the saddle. I watched as he did something to some pedal before rolling off of Toothless and opening his arms wide.

I watched as he didn’t fall like he did when we first met, but instead glided. He wasn’t going anywhere like my top speed, but he was a ground-pounder, so it only made sense that he couldn’t fly as fast as me. Still, I have to admit, that it is pretty awesome that an earth-bound creature like Hiccup could even come up with something that would allow him to soar the skies, even if it wasn’t truly flying.

I watched as Toothless’ mouth glowed. Yikes! Was he going to breathe fire at his friend!?

“Hiccup-!” I began to panic, but it was already too late, and I watched as a blue fireball shot beneath Hiccup. To my relief, I watched as Hiccup climbed back to the height he had started at. It was pretty awesome, as Hiccup and Toothless could fly the skies together as long as Toothless could shoot those fireballs.

“Sorry if we scared you. We usually don’t do that around others, so we didn’t think that you might have seen that as an attack,” I heard him yell at me over the rushing sounds of the wind.

“What? I- I wasn’t scared.” I denied.

“Suuuuure,” he drawled out sounding entirely like he didn’t believe me.

“I wasn’t scared!” I hotly defended, feeling my cheeks warm up in embarrassment.

“Hiccup-!” he mocked, changing his voice to sound more mare-like, grinning at me as he teased me.

“Ugh!” I huffed, flapping my wings faster and leaving the two a little ways behind me as the duo shared a short laugh. I couldn’t hear them, even though I could see Hiccup and Toothless flying behind me.

If anything I felt embarrassed for even worrying in the first place. Why’d I think that Toothless might hurt Hiccup? I mean, they were pretty much best friends. It really reminded me of my bond with Tank. Though Toothless wasn’t a pet, but more like a friend and partner, with Hiccup helping or just paling around with him.

I fell back, flying near Hiccup.

“Sorry if I took it too far,” I heard him apologize.

“Agh! I don’t know why I even worried. Now you’ll probably keep teasing me about it,” I huffed, looking away from him, still feeling embarrassed.

“Not if it really bothers you. Hey, I need you as my friend... Plus, I don’t know who I could turn to who might help me find my way home,” he said.

“Gah! It’s more embarrassing than anything else really. I mean, I have this image I built up of being a cool, awesome, and radical pony, and now you’ve seen through it. It’s fine. But don’t think that I won’t get you back, though!” I grinned at the prospect of getting even, and as long as he was with me, I would have more than one chance for that to happen.

“Heh. Where I live, we’re cool for about a quarter of the year. The rest, we’re absolutely freezing. I do think you’re pretty awesome, especially with how fast I saw you flying when we first met. Though I think we have some different … word there. Would you mind explaining?” I heard him ask.

“You should probably ask Twilight when we see her. I don’t think I could really explain it really well, but an egghead like her should have no problem talking your ear off about what actually is radical. On the other hoof, her long-windedness is anything but radical,” I joked, thinking of just how crazy it would be to just sic Twilight on Hiccup … maybe that’s how I can get him back!

“I take it that’s a friend of yours?” I heard him ask.

“Yeah, me and Sparkle are tight. She’s the one who got me started on the Daring Do books. They’re seriously awesome, you should read them sometime,” I said, grinning at him.

“Maybe I’ll take a copy back to Berk. It sounds like an interesting series,” Hiccup pondered before deciding that he was done flying. Together we slowly made our way back to the ground, almost exactly to where we had taken off. On the way down I peered at the sun which was slowly making its way behind the horizon, which meant I would need to be ready to go.

The beginning of this stretch of the race was a short sprint up to the city of Cumulus which sat on the edge of Vaporia, where the racers would follow a rather quick route through the city before heading off Ursland. Yeah I remembered that country name rather well, only because I wanted to meet an Ursa, well aside from that feral star one from the Everfree. These guys were supposedly different, and I couldn’t wait to see them.

When we touched down, Hiccup proceeded to look over the suit once more before deciding to stuff the rest of the material and tools into one of the bags that was attached to Toothless. I just remembered that I had to make sure he knew exactly what to do for this next part or this was going to end horribly, and I was lucky enough to be carrying everything that had been given to me at the beginning of the race. Especially the trainer’s identification flag even though I didn’t need it earlier.

“Oh, by the way. As my trainer now, you need to know a few rules that G.E.R has in place. First, attach this to some part of you,” I said as I dug out the flag that he needed. Coincidently, the race officials thought it was funny to give me a rainbow coloured flag … I let them chuckle it up while I slowly died inside.

He nodded before taking the surprisingly large flag and tying it to Toothless’s tail. Said dragon then began to swish it back and forth, apparently not used to having something flapping like that. Meh, I dunno since he can’t talk. “Next thing is you can’t interfere with the race outside of helping me with basic stuff, like giving me water, or a snack, or first aid. Though I think that’s all common sense.”

“Kind of makes me wish I had packed more things … “ he said, implying something I quickly picked up on.

“Don’t worry about it too much, I’ve gotten myself this far I don’t think you’ll have to do much. Oh and lastly, though it isn’t a rule as much as something I need you to do for me,” I said before hopping into a hover in front of him. “I need you to challenge me! Push me to go faster and finish quicker! I don’t care how, but I need you to motivate me… without cheating.”

He simply chuckled at that before giving a quick ‘okay’ at my set guideline. Well, that was really all I had left for him though I gue-

“All racers report to the starting area!” A voice called out from somewhere, causing me to snap my head around quickly. Geeze, even after five days of having to hear that, I still wasn’t ready for the call out. Though it couldn’t match Princess Luna’s Royal Canterlot voice … nothing could match Princess Luna.

“Alright, that’s my cue. We’re going up to Cumulus that is on the edge of Vaporia up there,” I said while pointing to the massive cloud. “Meet me kind of … well kind of straight up from here. You’ll see me, kind of tough not to miss my awesomeness.”

“Will do,” he chuckled before slowly mounting Toothless. “Hope you know what you’re doing, ‘cause me and Toothless here don’t want to be saving you too often.”

I merely laughed as I flew off to the starting area. This was going to be a piece of cake, I mean, I have a dragon and a Viking to help me, who else could top that awesomeness. Oh, and since I was among one of the first to start tonight, this next stretch was definitely in the bag!

Author's Note:

AG: “Once again we are back for another exciting installment of Author’s Notes! This time Rainbow Dash is a guest of honor on our set. Are you enjoying the increased screentime since your initial appearance?

RD: Are you kidding!? Now that I’ve entered the scene, I’m totally going to make this story 20 percent cooler just by me being in the story!

AG places a hand over his beating heart while making a face of mock astonishment. “And so humble too! Have any thoughts on the chapter?”

RD: It totally needs more action. I was beginning to nod off there from the lack of any. I mean, you could have totally had an awesome fight scene with me fighting all those shady-looking characters in the Glorious Plumage scene!

AG mutters under his breath, “Or getting your butt kicked.” Then using a normal volume voice he addressed Rainbow Dash once again. “Any thoughts on the diverse sapient species in this chapter?”

RD: Diverse!? Hah! While I can’t deny that it is pretty awesome that you’re going with a magic/ fantasy angle, you really don’t do much with them.

AG: “Because that’s not the main focus lies. I’ll leave it to our wonderful audience to decide where that focus lies.” Looks to RF, PC, and DC. “Do you have anything you’d like to add?”

AG: Well, thankfully with RF’s help we managed to get this done a lot quicker than what it might have been otherwise. Plus let’s give a shoutout to PhiliChez and Doctor Candor for their help with this chapter.

AG: However, my contributions to upcoming chapters will likely be reduced and my writing pace will likely also slow down, as I have some RL responsibilities that require my attention. That said, I haven’t given up on helping to write CtD, but I just wanted to let our wonderful audience know that chapter production will likely slow down, unless RF chooses to pick up my slack.

DC (waves to the camera): So, hi everyone! I’ll be on board to make sure that less people mention grammar errors and more people discuss about the good stuff in this story. QA/quality control and all that jazz.

AG: And I and every other literate grammarist are grateful for your contributions in polishing this story’s chapter so that it doesn’t read like a rough first draft. But we don’t want to leave PhiliChez’s contributions out either. The both of you help us to release a better, more polished finished product for the readers to enjoy. RF and I thank the both of you for what you bring to both the team and story chapters.

DC: And thank you guys for giving me the chance to do this!

*PhiliChez has opted to remain silent during this time.*

Rain Fire here,

I need a find a way to make these ANs shorter ... but seriously I'm sorry that even between this chapter and the previous one there was a gap. If you haven't realised by now I am a rather slow writer and it seems this new year has been nothing but life situations that are bogging AuthorGenesis and I down. We'll continue to write an update as fast as possible.

That being said, and even though they were mentioned above, I would like to give a shout out to our newest pre-reader Doctor Candor who has helped to pick up slack. For now I think we are good on the pre-reading and editing front but don't worry there is always a chance we need more (if you one of those that wanted to pre-read this).

Thanks for reading and commenting!