• Published 2nd Oct 2014
  • 524 Views, 14 Comments

Collaborative Creations - SeanofTheDead

My contributions to all of the Prompt Tag Collabs I do. Mainly comical in nature you will find, a few serious short stories in here. Enjoy. (mostly Twysalis, a little bit of MoonLight, and a bit of Twirilee.

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Hearts: Twirilee(Romance, SoL)

Written by: SeanofTheDead
For: The Twirilee Prompt tag collab

Cheerilie sat down on her couch and sighed. Today had been a long day. First Snips and Snails had lured manticore to the school to see if somepony could defeat that. Those two would be the death of her. And maybe the rest of the town too she thought bitterly. Then there had been the usual arguments between the CMC and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

And if that wasn't enough Twilight had come by right after school with a thirty page report about hearts and how they react when somepony is close to the object of her affection. While Cheerilee was always happy to see that particular mare, she had absolutely NO idea why she had given her the report. And Cheerilee had offered to read it prompting an adorable blush from Twilight. For some reason Twilight had been making her heart race quite a bit for quite awhile now. She supposed it was just a simple crush and that it would pass in time. Right because every crush lasts two years. After all Twilight was from a noble family, it wouldn't do for her to be seen prefering the same gender. No, even if Twilight did like her in 'that' way she would probably just deny it up. Though the increase in time they spent together had not been helping.

And so here she sat reading through another 'thrilling' paper written by her unrequited love. All the while hoping that she would somehow be able to achieve the impossible and have Twilight share her feelings. As she reached the end of the paper, she noticed that Twilight had suddenly changed the way she had written it. It had changed into a letter explaining how she had been using her magic to see if increased time with her object of affection had any sort of effect on the heart. She also explained that she knew about Cheerilee's crush on her and apologized for using her like that. but the stangest part was when I noticed that my heart would race whenever yours did..........Cheerilee? What happens when two hearts race? What does it mean?

Twilight was sitting at her desk musing over her recent finding in her research, when she heard a knock at her door. She walked over and opened it...and had her lips pressed Cheerilee's. Her heart started racing as they broke their kiss. And she didn't need magic to know that Cheerilee's was as well.

Cheerilee was the first to speak. "The answer to your question about hearts Twilight is that when two hearts race, both win. It's kinda cheesy, but I think it's the best answer."

"So do I," Twilight said as she smiled.

Author's Note:

You guys should comment more...just saying. TALK TO MEEEE!!!!!!! lol.