• Published 3rd Oct 2014
  • 4,702 Views, 538 Comments

Taco Quest - MrAskAPirate

Pinkie and Sonata go to Taco Bell. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

  • ...

Fast Food for Fast Friends

Hopelessly lost somewhere in Canterlot, Sonata Dusk sighed. “What do we do now?”

“In a situation like this, there’s only one thing to do!” Pinkie Pie smiled. “We bust out the Magic of Friendship!”

Sonata cringed and protectively clutched her neck. “It’s not gonna be like last time is it? My throat is still kinda sore from all the rainbows.”

“Trust me,” Pinkie whipped out her phone and hit another speed dial option. “This is a totally different kind of rainbow!”

“Aw, man!” Hoops shouted as Rainbow Dash dribbled a swift figure-eight around Dumbbell and Score and performed another textbook three-point shot, the gentle swish of the net grating on what little remained of the boys’ collective ego. “C’mon, you gotta keep up with her!”

“Sorry,” Dumbbell frowned.

“Don’t be too hard on them, Hoops. I mean, I am the best athlete Canterlot High has ever seen. What’d you expect?” Rainbow Dash laughed as she scooped up the ball and set it spinning on her finger. “Unless of course you still haven’t learned your lesson from all the other times I trounced you.”

“Well we’ve just been going easy on you!” Hoops shot back, but Rainbow’s wry grin stole any confidence he might’ve had in that statement.

“Can… can we call time-out?” Score panted, “I think I need a break.”

“Hey c’mon, I’m just getting warmed up!” Rainbow said, grasping the ball and dribbling in place. “You can’t call me up in the middle of the night to challenge me to a three-on-one and then wuss out!”

“We thought you’d be exhausted after all the whole Battle of the Bands thing,” Dumbbell admitted as he plopped down on the asphalt court. “Hoops said it was probably the only chance we’d ever have to beat you.”

“Idiot! Don’t tell her that!” Hoops hissed, but Rainbow just laughed again.

“Sorry boys, but Rainbow Dash is all awesome; all the time!” As if to confirm her statement, the first few bars of ‘Awesome as I Wanna Be’ started playing from her pocket. Rainbow fished her cellphone out with one hand while she started idly tossing the basketball into the air and catching it with the other.

“‘Sup, Pinkie? … you what? Whoa whoa whoa, slow down, I can’t under-” There was a long pause. “What do tacos have to do with anything?”

Hoops, Score, and Dumbbell shared a mischievous grin and a nod before slowly creeping toward Rainbow while she was distracted, but just as Score made a grab for the ball, she tossed it extra hard, sending it over his reach and bouncing off an unprepared Dumbbell’s noggin. The bounce sent it straight into Hoops’ waiting arms, but it was snatched away by an outstretched blue hand at the last second as Rainbow darted by him. Gritting his teeth and growling, Hoops took off after her, with Score and Dumbbell close behind.

Rainbow continued to listen to her phone intently, responding with the occasional ‘uh-huh’ or ‘yup’, though every time the boys reached for the ball she would inevitably spin just out of reach or juke to the side, sometimes dribbling the ball right between their legs as she stepped around them to pick up right where she left off without missing a single beat.

Finally, her eyes opened wide.

“Oh! Why didn’t you just say so? Um… is there an intersection nearby? What’re the names of the streets? Decode and Halifax; yeah I know where that is... actually I’m just a couple blocks from… sure, I guess I could, but-” Rainbow frowned and rolled her eyes. “Ugh, fine, I’ll be there in a sec.” She hung up the phone and shook her head before turning her attention back to the trio who had all slumped back down to the blacktop to catch their breath, having yet to even lay a finger on the basketball. “I’ve gotta go help a friend; looks like you guys get off easy tonight! Thanks for the game!” She darted over the the side of the court where her bicycle leaned against a section of chain-link fence.

Hoops managed to push himself up on his elbows as Rainbow started pedaling off into the night. “Y-yeah, you better run!”

“Hey!” Score sat bolt upright, “She took our ball!”

Even as the words left his mouth, said basketball traced a beautiful, smooth arc through the air high above their heads, bouncing off the center of the backboard before dropping neatly through the net. Hoops groaned and flopped back to the ground as Dumbbell shook his head in disbelief.

“That’s just wrong.”

“So… you crashed AJ’s truck? ” Rainbow asked.

“Seems that way!”

“And then you left her on some street?”


“And now the cops are after you?”


“And to top it all off you’re hanging out with one of the Sirens--the evil, mind-controlling monsters from Equestria who just earlier today tried to take over the world with their lame singing.”

“Hey! My singing isn’t-”

“And the two of you are going out for tacos, got lost and called me up because you needed someone to show you how to get downtown?”

“Nothing gets past you, Dashie!” Pinkie smiled.

“... Did you somehow become more random since the last time I saw you?”

“Don’t be silly! I’m still the same ol’ Pinkie Pie, and besides, what kinda weirdo name is ‘More Random’?” she laughed, drawing a nod from Sonata.

“A pretty lame one if you ask me,” the Siren pouted.

“Whatever,” Rainbow frowned, “the real question is why didn’t you just use your phone,” she said, snatching the pink-cased device from the party planner’s hand and holding it up for her to see. “You’ve got GPS just like everyone else, don’t you?”

For a moment they just stared, and then for the second time that evening Pinkie and Sonata turned to one another with sudden looks of realization.

“Omigosh, she’s right!”

“That would’ve avoided all the rainbows!” Sonata cheered.

Screwing up her face in confusion, Rainbow sighed. “Anyway, we’d better go find Applejack. She’s probably just sitting around waiting for the cops to show up; we should at least be there to back her up so she doesn’t have to face the music alone.”

“Oh!” Sonata’s eyes widened. “The cops are going to use music on her? Does that mean they have Equestrian magic too?” She put her finger to her chin. “Darn, if Adagio had known that, then taking over the world would’ve been so much easier.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to react to that, sooo let’s just go find AJ and-”

“Wait!” Pinkie suddenly cried, grasping Rainbow’s shirt as she brought her face so close that their noses touched. “We can’t afford to go back for Applejack; we need to get to Taco Bell, pronto! Who knows how many free tacos they have left? Free taco night only lasts so long, and what happens if they give away all those golden, crunchy, salty, spicy, cheesy, beansy treasures before we get there? Then what’ll we do? Our whole night will be ruined! RUINED!!”

“Um, you could always just buy some,” Rainbow said cautiously, trying not to look directly into Pinkie’s intense and very too-close-for-comfort eyes. “Most fast food places are open all night nowadays.”

For the third time that night, turned to each other with shocked expressions.

“Omigosh, that’s also right! You’re on a roll, Rainbow!”

“Wow,” Sonata breathed as she looked upon Rainbow with awe, “Pinkie, your friends are all so smart!”

“I know, right?” Pinkie exclaimed, giving Rainbow’s multicolored hair a quick tussle. “And you keep telling everyone you’re not an egghead!” Rainbow half-heartedly batted Pinkie’s hand away with a grimace as Sonata’s expression quickly fell.

“Oh, but I still don’t have any money,” she said, looking down at the ground. “If we don’t make it before they run out of free tacos it’ll be too late after all.”

Rainbow scoffed, crossing her arms. “Tough luck, kid, but don’t expect me to feel sorry for you after what you tried to do.”

“I… I understand,” Sonata sniffed, self-consciously rubbing her arm as she turned away from Rainbow’s baleful gaze.

“Hey!” Pinkie frowned, “Dashie, why are you being such a mean meanie-pants?”

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow shouted back, “She mind controlled the whole school, and worse than that she almost broke up our friendship! All of us!”

“So did Sunset, and we forgave her.”

“That… that’s different!” Rainbow said, but Pinkie took a step closer and dropped her voice.

“You know why she wants to go to Taco Bell so badly?”

“She’s hungry?”

Pinkie blinked. “Well, yeah, there’s that… but she’s also trying to get some for the other Sirens. She’s trying to do something nice for her friends, Dashie. Wouldn’t you do the same thing if you were in her place?”

Rainbow scoffed again and looked to the side, but did not reply.

“What good is the Magic of Friendship if we don’t share it with other people too?”

At this, Rainbow glanced back at her friend. Pinkie’s lips were curled down ever so slightly into a frown, and her normally vibrant blue eyes spoke volumes of sadness and disappointment, with just a touch of frustration. Tiny, unshed tears gathered at the corners, barely visible in the imperfect light of the street lamps above that cast striking shadows across her typically joyous face. It was the single most solemn, serious expression that Rainbow had ever seen.

Coming from Pinkie Pie, that meant a lot.

“Okay fine,” Rainbow sighed, “I’ll help.” Before she could form another thought she felt a crushing pain around her midsection as Pinkie glomped her in a titanic hug.

“Yay!” she cheered, all trace of seriousness banished in an instant. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou Dashie!”

“Thank you!” Sonata echoed with a smile and a little clap as Rainbow struggled to extricate herself from Pinkie’s grasp.

“Don’t thank me yet,” she grunted, pointing a finger at Sonata. “I’m watching you, and if you try any funny business…” She left the sentence threateningly unfinished, but Sonata just cocked her head in confusion.

“Like... being a clown? Or doing stand up comedy?”

“Ooh, ooh!” Pinkie Pie jumped between them with a grin, “Or like playing that one person on every television sitcom who always interprets common sayings literally, usually leading to an array of funny dialogue and antics that could’ve been easily avoided if they had a firmer grasp of the vernacular?”

Rainbow looked at the two of them impassively.

“Forget it; let’s just go.”

“Yay!” Pinkie and Sonata echoed, throwing their hands into the air. Rainbow shook her head and stepped around them walking her bike alongside.

“Wait Dashie! Are you sure that's the way downtown?” Pinkie pointed.

“No, but there’s a bus stop where I can lock up my bike two blocks this way,” Rainbow said.

“I tried the bus already,” Sonata admitted. “It didn’t work out so well.”

“Yeah yeah, you’ve got no money, I get it. Don’t worry, I’ll pay for it.”

Sonata’s face beamed. “You will?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow rolled her eyes as her two new charges exchanged another excited high-five and started after her.

“Besides,” she grumbled under her breath, “three bucks is a small price to pay to get the two of you out of my hair before you drive me completely bonkers.”

Author's Note:

DuskChaser is the current leader (and also sort of the only participant, :facehoof:) of the Pirate Points scoreboard with 85 points! The game is still afoot, and every new chapter brings more chances to earn points. There are also plenty of undiscovered references in the previous chappies as well!