• Published 4th Oct 2014
  • 6,125 Views, 158 Comments

The Wise Soldier - Justasimplename

My opinion on realistic take of a soldier appearing in Equestria. What happens if a soldier is sent to Equestria and he ask the simple question of why?

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The Waiting Game

Roseluck, Lily, and Daisy were having a good day. Nothing had gone wrong today unlike how it usually did in Ponyville, the Mane Six weren't on a crazy adventure, and their market was kind to them today as each of them sold a lot of their flowers. It was so good that the three of them decided to go have a picnic.

As the three of them were trotting to their picnicking location, the three life-long friends couldn't resist striking up a conversation.

"You know what I can never seem to understand?" asked Lily to the others.

"What?" the other two ponies asked.

"Why everypony seems to like daisy sandwiches over daisy salads" said Lily. "And why do some restaurants sell them? They're simple and you could make it at home in a second!"

"Aren't daisy salads healthier?" Rose asked her companion.

Lily continued on with her argument. "Yes. The only difference between the two is that the sandwich uses bread and the salad is more filling."

Daisy decided to input her thoughts. "Well, maybe it's because-" She abruptly stopped talking when she walked into Lily's flank ."Lily, what are you doing?" Daisy noticed that her friend was looking at something, wide eyed and jaw dropped, ahead of her. Beside her childhood friend was her other childhood friend with the same expression on her face and was also looking ahead.

When Daisy looked ahead to what or where her friends were looking at, she saw a strange, camouflaged, bipedal creature. Held in its upper appendages was a strange, black, bulky object that was colored black and it gave off a bad vibe. Worse of all, it was black and scary. The creature, which she had never seen before, was looking back at her. She screamed only one word. "RUN!"

The seal stared back at the three normal-ish ponies that were staring at him. Then one of them appeared to scream something and then they all ran away while they appeared to be screaming.

The seal blinked before saying "That isn't going to lead to good things." He looked down at his rifle and flipped it to full auto. Then he opened up a grenade pouch revealing the pin and safety spoon. "I hope it doesn't come to that" he said with a somber tone.

Lily, Rose, and Daisy ran into town screaming off their heads. Ponies thought they were just overreacting over something simple. Kind of like how they were screaming off their heads last week when they saw mice in their personal gardens. The “Flower Trio” was famously known for overreacting.

However, when some ponies decided to check their claims of a “crazy monster alien creature thing armed with a deadly weapon”, they joined in with the panic when they found out that there was an actual monster sitting on a bench in the park. For all they knew, it was a crazed killing machine.

Every now and then, ponies would appear in his sight before they ran away screaming. This did not give the seal good hopes. It only made him grip his rifle harder. It appeared that these ponies were xenophobic and that they would not bode well with him in their little world.

“Left my world of violence for another world of violence. Figured this would happen. I was trained for war.” Maybe he would have to fight his way out. He could only wait.

Princess Twilight Sparkle looked down at the screaming ponies from her crystal tower’s balcony. She had as much of a clue to what was going on as the wall beside her. “What in the stars is going on?!?”

As if life had decided to answer her, a certain rainbow maned cyan pegasus flew in through the balcony before crashing into a bookshelf. “Twilight! There’s a crazed monster in the Ponyville Park!”

“What?!?” Twilight exclaimed.

Then the doors to her personal bedroom flew open with the ferocity of an apple farmer’s buck. “Twilight, there’s a monster in the park!” said Applejack who was standing in the door frame. She entered followed by the rest of her friends and her favorite assistant.

“Which monster is it?” Twilight asked her friend Fluttershy.

Fluttershy’s answer did not make her feel any better. “I don’t know. Nopony knows what it is. It might be something new!” she replied with a fearful look on her face.

New was really bad. This was a monster that had been never seen before! Who knows what it could do. There was a chance that it was harmless. Then again, there was the chance that it was an unstoppable killing machine!

Using her magic, Twilight summoned a piece of paper and a quill before she handed it to Spike. “Send a note to Celestia after we leave, Spike. She needs to know of this. The guards should handle this situation.”

Rainbow Dash seemed to be offended by her statement. “What? I bet we could kick its flank!” To make her point, she punched the air in front of her a few times.

“Rainbow, we don’t what it’s capable of” Twilight said to the arrogant pegasus.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in response to Twilight’s statement. “How bad could it be? It’s not that big and it’s only sitting around, doing absolutely nothing.”

Applejack scratched her head. “I guess ah could try tah hogtie the thing. It shouldn’t be harder than hogtying Rainbow Dash” Applejack added in.

“Yeah!” said Rainbow Dash. “Wait, hey!”

“But why don’t we just try talking to it?” Fluttershy asked with her usual soft, timid voice. “What happens if it’s peaceful?”

Pinkie Pie popped up behind her, surprising the timid pegasus. “Then why does it have that strange stick weapon thing!” Pinkie Pie screamed with her usual sugar hyped up voice.

Twilight’s ears perked up with Pinkie’s statement. “It’s in possession of a weapon?!?”

“Pinkie Pie” Fluttershy scolded. “We don’t know if it’s a weapon or not.”

Pinkie Pie bounced up to Fluttershy and grabbed her face with two hooves. “It’s a scary, black stick thingy! What else could it be?!?”

“Let’s just go see what its intentions are first” Twilight said. “If it tries anything, the guards can handle it.”

I did was I had planned, I waited. It yielded both negative and positive results. Although I found out that these ponies may be afraid of them, I now realized that they weren’t a violent species. Well, not a “shoot first, ask later” type of species.

I also now know that they were at least sapient as they ran away while screaming instead of making an animalistic noise. If things didn’t go well, I could always negotiate if they were willing to. The fact that they had tried to approach me before, albeit with grand failure, means that they had a somewhat-organized society.

Now watching and waiting was always a fun game. You can never see what will happen in hindsight. Like right now as it appeared that six of the mini-horses were approaching my current position. Unlike the ponies that appeared in his sight earlier, these did not run away screaming.

In fact, these six were actually getting within speaking distance… And five out of six of them had rather aggressive looks on their faces. The only one that didn’t appear to be angry was the butter yellow pegasus with the yellow mane. Another peculiar thing was that the purple mini-horse of their group was both a unicorn and a pegasus.

“We demand that you surrender your weapon and surrender yourself” came the purple winged unicorn.

I was conflicted. Should I surrender my weapons and self? If I don’t I might cause an incident. If I do, I would have be left defenseless against a possible enemy. This was an alien species and I didn’t know what they could do.

Then there were other issues. These horses actually spoke English. That surprised me. They were capable of rational thought and they spoke actually English. What next? Dragons?

“Does it understand us?” came the white unicorn with the purple mane.

“I don’t know but it doesn’t seem to be reacting” came the purple winged unicorn. “There’s the probability that it’s deaf. I don’t see ears on its head.”

She was right, my helmet was covering my ears. The only features that they could see was what I was wearing, my face, and a few exposed portions of my head.

One of the mini-horses, a cyan pegasus, looked like she was getting rather irritated. “Applejack, just hogtie the dang thing and get it over with!”

The voice that answered surprised him. “Should I? Would that be somethin’ smart tag do?” It had a country accent. An alien mini-horse with an accent that stemmed from his country, that’s rather… Peculiar.

And hogtie me? What am I, cattle? Though that is a pressing issue. They were actually thinking about restraining me.

“Rainbow!” scowled the yellow pegasus. “It hasn’t done anything. Would you like it if somepony tried to tie you up.”

The same pegasus that scowled “Rainbow” flew up to me. She gave off this motherly, nurturing aura that reminded me of the calming effects of morphine. “You don’t mean any harm, do you little fella?”

Little?!? How am I little? I’m twice taller than her and I’m sitting!

It was a kind gesture and I couldn’t do anything but feel calmer. I flipped my rifle to safe. In hindsight, it was a bad idea as the action resulted from a silent, but still heard, very mechanical click. Even worse, they had big enough ears to hear it better than I did.

Their immediate reaction was rather drastic as the pegasus that was hovering in front of me flew back to the safety of her friends close company.

Replacing the yellow pegasus was Rainbow. “We heard that, Alien! What are you doing!?” she demanded from me. It was rather comical coming from a cartoonish horse but she tapped one of her hooves against my chest in an attempt to scare me. I tried to control myself but I snickered a little from the action.

This only did nothing but make her angrier. “Oh? And what’s so funny?”

Frowning, I looked to the others, noticing their more aggressive than ever looks. Albeit being a rather strange look, it made them look adorable. It was as if these creatures were custom made to be for children. I, a realistically colored member of one of the most revered special forces, contrasted horribly in the cartoon universe that looked like it was meant for small children.

That was when Rainbow spoke up again. “Applejack, just tie it up already.”

Before anyone else could say or do anything, the purple pony stepped up, a look of realization on her cartoonish face. “Wait! I know what it is!” she announced. “It’s a soldier!” She walked(trotted) up to the bench. “It’s wearing a uniform and a helmet. Also, it’s armed and it’s obviously feeling threatened as its hands are tensed up around its weapon.” Threatened? More like cautious.

“Hands?” said Applejack.

“Spike has the same appendages except this creature has five fingers instead of four” Twilight explained. “It also appears to be wearing protective gloves. Again, like a soldier. Our royal guards wear horseshoes instead. It’s obvious that it’s a soldier.”

“You are correct, little horse” I said, finally proving that I could speak. The little horse in question jumped back from my words in amazement, nearly falling right over. Her friends had shared the same amount of amazement as the one in front of me as I sat there. “And no, I will not surrender my weapons.”

Rainbow flew up to me again. “And if we take you down? You don’t look that tough.” Complimenting her statement, she held both of her little hooves up in what appeared to be a strange variant of a boxing stance. It did nothing but make me want to laugh even more.

I stood up, towering over every single one of the horses with my height of six feet. “Really now?” My size didn't have my intended effect on her as it made her smile. She must be a cocky little thing I'm guessing. Patting her on the head, I sat back down.

This seemed to offend her. “Hey! I’m not a dog!” she yelled. “Applejack, tie him up!”

“Rainbow!” scolded most of her friends.

“Back to the matter at hoof” said the purple pony. “You need to surrender your weapons so that you aren't a danger to anypony else. Then we may deal with your situation.”

I shifted around on the bench, getting comfortable with the way I sat in my gear. “No deal.”

The purple pony seemed rather miffed but she dropped the look as she adopted one of either curiosity or thought. “So be it” said she. Her horn lit up and a purple light was shot at me. Before I could register the shot, it struck me in the chest.

Realizing that she had just shot me with a… Something. I was ready to bring up my rifle but I realized one very important thing. “And what was that supposed to do?” It had done absolutely nothing to me. Hell, I didn't even feel a thing.

To say that she looked surprise is saying that I was simply in the military. She was absolutely shocked. It kinda reminded me of the reaction you'd get when you gave a bottle of whiskey to someone who had been overseas for five months. Yes, she was that shocked.

I guess that the little beam she shot at me was something that was of great power or capability. Unfortunately, this meant that she had just attacked me. However, if that’s the scenario then that means their weapons did not work on me or that my armor shielded me against it. Either way, I had the upper hand.

Standing back up, I raised my rifle and fired a shot. The round didn't hit anyone but the deafening report of my weapon fazed all six of them. While they were stunned, I let me rifle hang over against my arm before I grabbed the blue pegasus and raised my knife to her throat. "Your move."