• Published 22nd Dec 2014
  • 935 Views, 9 Comments

Cape and Cowl II: Puppetmaster - Artimae

Snow Storm's life as the Mare do Well only gets harder.

  • ...



The Manehattan train station was brimming with life in the early morning. Ponies stood clear as the great steam engine came in, stopping as smoothly as it had hundreds of times over. The passenger car doors opened, spilling out visitors and commuters alike. One car had been dedicated to a large group of fresh, young Guards ready and eager to serve Manehattan.

Among those disembarking was a lanky pegasus. She followed the flow of the crowd, barely paying attention to them. Her focus was on the city itself - it had been years since she last stepped foot in this cesspool, and she wasn’t particularly eager to be back.

“This place still stinks,” she muttered out loud, moving seamlessly between the crowd and into downtown, where her brother awaited.

* * *

Bolt Buck and Snow Storm stood by a humble gravestone just three days later. The sun shone obstinately, the sky almost cloudless as the two stood there, unable to think of what to say.

“...Who do I remember, Bolt Buck?” Snow Storm asked at last. “The mare that was my only friend since I was six, or the mare that betrayed me, the mare that ruined my life? Who was the real Primrose?”

“Both,” he said after a moment of silence. “Remember her for the good and the bad.”

“No, not bad… just dumb.” She turned to him. “I hope you’re planning on staying in Manehattan, after all.”

“I am,” he said, giving her a cheeky grin. “Because I think I want to become a weather pegasus. This winter’s been too cold for my liking.”

“A weather pony, huh?” she smiled back. “Just don’t let it rain when I come to visit and you’ll be alright in my book…”

Snow Storm swallowed the lump in her throat, laying roses by the grave and turning to leave. Something told her that she’d have to make a lot of visits in the years to come.

Bolt Buck shuddered suddenly. “Eugh, I just had a bad feeling come over me. You ever get that?”

Snow Storm turned towards the city, an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Despite the sunny skies, it felt as though there was something dangerous on the horizon. More dangerous even than Bloodshot.

Ridiculous. It’ll pass in a moment, she thought, dismissing the feeling altogether.

“I’m going home, Buck. I’ll come back next week… right now I need some time alone.”

* * *

Meanwhile, on the other side of the cemetery, a pair of guards were paying their respects at a very worn gravestone. Flyntt sighed, turning to his fellow Lieutenant.

“Murdoc, I’ve said this a lot over the years, but this’ll be the very last time. You can take it or leave it,” he began, staring solemnly at the faded headstone.

“I’m sorry. For what I failed to prevent, and for what regrets I left us with. For Cyrus, for you… for Aella.”

Murdoc shook his head. “No. It’s time I accept the truth. Father set Cyrus - and you - up. I could never believe any Guard could be so corrupt, let alone my own blood.”

“...You take damn good care of that Shield girl, Murdoc. Cyrus ain’t gonna forgive us if we both let our cadets down...now how about we grab a quick round before your shift starts?” he offered hopefully.

“Might as well,” Murdoc said. “It’s only going to get harder from here. We have the Red Hoof’s very own second in command behind bars. He’s not going to be happy.”

“And Pelleas, too… between you and me? I think the kid’s snapped. At this rate the cell he’ll be seeing himself inside will be padded.”

“Just take better care of whoever you’re paired up with next,” Murdoc warned, “After all, we can’t make excuses for all your mistakes.”


“So you’re really going to hang up your armor for good?” Flyntt asked, walking alongside Aella as they patrolled the streets together for the last time. “Why?”

“I’ve been wanting to for a long time, really…” she said, barely paying attention to her surroundings. “Everypony comes to me like some sort of mother-figure or counselor. I guess it’s just time I start fulfilling that duty full-time.”

“I’m gonna miss you. It was an honour,” he said. It was the first time he had ever referred to his position as anything but a headache. “I hope things go well for you.”

“Now now, there’s no need to get sentimental. You’ll still see me around the Barracks - I’ll just have my own cozy little office.”

“And I’ll have a new cadet to bring with me. Captain Leaf finally issued me one, after the warehouse raid he felt we needed more new recruits than ever… this could just be the beginning, y’know.”

“Could you handle another one?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“I couldn’t handle the first, but an order’s an order. Besides… I won’t make the same mistakes twice.”

“Don’t start treating him like the next Pelleas,” she warned, glaring sideways at him. “You hold onto grudges like a dog with a bone. Don’t treat him unfairly.”

“He’ll get his chance. I’m meeting him this afternoon, actually. They’re sending in the new recruits to meet the rest of the squad…”

“‘They’? You mean the Academy!?” Aella’s eyes lit up with excitement. “We haven’t gotten fresh blood from them in years!’

Flyntt frowned at that. “Yeah, and you know how excited they always are about the ‘honor’ of joining our ranks… pfft, honor,” he snorted, “Only reason I signed up is cos’ they caught me stealing an apple or two, and it was that or jail time.”

“It’ll be better than training a bunch of cynical locals for once.” She shot him a wink. “I get the distinct impression my newly minted position is going to be very busy soon enough…” Aella let out a giggle. It took everything she had not to start skipping in the street. Brand new recruits always made her feel giddy - especially ones from the Academy who had no idea what they were really in for in the real world.

“If it’s some sheltered colt I’m quitting,” he said flatly. “I’ve had enough disappointment for one career.”

“But Flyntt… if you drop yours, then Boreas wins.” She nudged him in the shoulder. “And we all know that you can’t let him do that.”

Flyntt grinned, “Yeah, well… guess I might as well give this a shot. Just don’t be surprised if I pay you a visit once the kid’s driven me up the wall.”

“Could be worse, y’know. He could be like Boreas’ new recruit. All he cares about is impressing mares with his shiny armor. He even tried to flirt with Cadet Shield! Too bad for him she’s… well…” Aella giggled again.

“Ah, she’s ‘taken’, I getcha,” he winked. “Not that I can’t sympathize with having spent years trying to impress someone that never seemed to notice,” Flyntt muttered quietly.

“Don’t worry, Lieutenant. Murdoc will see you for the beautiful stallion you are someday.”

Flyntt snorted, grinning. “C’mon, let’s go meet the newbies. Might even find one that’ll make you wish you didn’t give up field work,” he teased.

“What, and miss out on being everyone’s favorite confessional?” Aella smirked. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

* * *

Flyntt looked around the barracks, noting the sea of new faces lined up in shiny new armor. They’ve never had to use it, we’ll see how much it shines once they’ve spent a few months out there…

Of the group, several looked particularly promising- an intelligent-looking mare stood at the far end, looking thoroughly bored, while a tall, broad-shouldered pegasus stood close to her. At the far opposite, however, was a small earth pony that was bouncing from hoof to hoof, a giddy grin on his face. Anyone but him and I’ll be fine, Flyntt thought, reassuring himself.

“It pleases me to see such fresh, young, eager faces.” Captain Gilded Leaf’s voice echoed around the Barracks as he stepped out of his office. “And from the Canterlot Academy, no less! We rarely get such privilege anymore. Welcome, one and all, to Manehattan.”

“I should hope you find your stay here a fulfilling, and possibly enlightening, one. I understand Canterlot has had its fair share of troubles, but I doubt it’s anything like here. Muggings, thefts and the like are far too common for my tastes. I assure you, however, murders are rare. But that’s not what I wish to discuss.”

“We have a strange situation currently. A crime lord who calls himself the Red Hoof, and a vigilante who calls herself the Mare do Well. These two have been at each other’s throats for quite some time now, and we are dedicated to helping the latter. It is unfortunate that you came at a such a time, as there’s a kidnapping case we’re admittedly still working on. But, hopefully, new faces breed new ideas. Just last night we managed to secure a sizeable number of the Red Hoof’s soldiers, as well as chase off his highest lieutenant. My only regret is we couldn’t catch her. Now then, you may check the billboard below and seek out your assigned instructor. You will be under his or her tutelage for six months, at which point you will either be promoted to Sentry or asked to leave. Carry on.”

Captain Leaf strolled back into his office, thankful no one could see him practically collapse into his chair. Sleep had been a cruel mistress standing just out of reach, and her lacking embrace began to show. He had continually paced back and forth last night, kicking himself for not having joined in the operation. He needed to be there, to see if things ran smoothly. The reports said it had, more or less, but that wasn’t good enough. Not anymore.

* * *

As the new Cadets went off with their respective Lieutenants, Flyntt’s smile became a bit more strained with each passing moment. He seriously considered leaving before his worst fears could be confirmed. Not that one, not that one, dear sweet Luna not the annoying one…

Flyntt relaxed a little when Boreas walked up to the Cadet he had marked, smiling - and his heart sank when the Lieutenant pointed straight at him.

Flyntt forced himself to grin, not quite sure if he was actually grimacing, before relaxing his expression a little and walking over. “Well kid, looks like you drew the short straw. I’m Lieutenant Flyntt, but I prefer just being called Flyntt if it’s all the same to you,” he said, extending a hoof.

The Cadet took the hoof, shaking it firmly. “It’s exciting to be here, sir! Everypony just calls me ‘fangs’ because… well…” He looked around, wincing, making sure he wasn’t being paid attention to. “I’m a half-breed. They just love to point out the one trait I get from dad.”

At this, Flyntt grinned. “You might prefer Manehattan to Canterlot in that case. Fewer snobs, and we’re much more tolerant of our kind around here. And the local ladies love an impressive set of teeth.” He grinned toothily, showing off his own set. “Might even find yourself a sweetheart.”

“You think so?” the cadet asked hopefully. “Because mom absolutely refuses to let me get rid of them. And she’s the only dentist I can afford…”

Flyntt became serious for a moment. “She’s right. Your teeth are a part of who you are. I got mocked plenty for mine when I was a kid, but times are different now- especially around here."

“Sooo when do we start?” Cadet Fangs asked, wanting nothing more than to drop the conversation. “I’m ready to go now.”

“Well, officially we start Monday, but if you wanna go grab a beer I wouldn’t mind. Wanna learn a bit about the newbie I’ll be tutoring for the next six months.” He smiled warmly. This might not be so bad, after all.

“Sounds good to me, uh, sir!”

* * *

“Hey, who’s this?” a rather unintelligent voice asked.

A young filly was surrounded by five colts, barely older than she was but taller and meaner.

“Erm, m-my name is…” she stuttered, backing away from the bullies. She whimpered - Frosty was still in class, and he wouldn't get out for another ten minutes. Plenty of time to get beaten up.

“It’s the Orange kid!” one of the other bullies piped up. “Y’know, the prissy, stuck up folks who live in a mansion on the fancy side of town.”

“Orange kid, huh?” the leader of the group snorted. “She don’t look so orange to me. Maybe we should change that… you guys got any paint?” He sneered, apparently proud of his own joke.

All of a sudden a tangerine flew out of nowhere, striking him on the back of the head. “Ouch! Who the heck did that?”

Before the other could answer they were pelted with more of the fruit from seemingly every direction.

“S-screw this, I’m outta here!” the leader yelled, running away. The others quickly followed suit, ducking away from the projectile fruit.

Snow Storm looked around, confused. She could hear laughter from nearby, and a unicorn four years older than her walked out of the school, cackling away, levitating several tangerines.

“That was fun!” She giggled, turning towards the filly she had just rescued. “I’m Primrose. Nice to meetcha!” She grinned, doing a mock-serious curtsy to her. “What’s your name?”

“S-Snow Storm,” she replied very quietly.

“Snow Storm? Sounds cool!” She grinned at her awful joke, “I think we’ll be good friends, Snow Storm.”

Snow Storm smiled weakly at her. “C-call me Snowy.”

“Done. Hey, y’know…” Primrose blushed. “Your big bro is kinda cute… Think you could hook us up?”

"Sure," Snow Storm mumbled in her sleep, smiling.

Comments ( 1 )

Good ending.

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