• Published 5th Oct 2014
  • 859 Views, 28 Comments

Timeline Sparkle: Trails and Tribulations - Symphonicdysonince

Twilight grew curious about time travel, and devised a spell to send her into the future. But new magic rarely works as it should.

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Chapter 1: How Far of a Jump?

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and something has gone wrong.

The last thing I remember is starting to cast my time spell, something in it going wrong, and it feeding upon itself to completion. I think. I may have passed out from pain before that part. Did I mention the pain? It felt like I was being crushed by an Ursa Major while being set on fire.

My head still felt like there's an Ursa sitting on it. Every time I tried to move, it felt like somepony bucked horn.

Oooh, my head. This doesn't feel like the time I went back in time to warn myself to not worry about the future. I thought. I've got to make- I tried to open my saddlebags, and another spike of pain lanced through my head. Maybe, if I just rest.... Here a bit.... I.... Can....

I awoke some time later. Keeping my eyes closed, I checked over my body. Rear legs retain feeling, so my lower spine is still intact. No pain in the abdominal area, so there should be no internal bleeding. Front legs move on command with no pain, so no fractures, cracks, or breaks in any of my legs. In fact, it felt like I was lying in bed with heavy blankets covering me.

Except my head. That still felt like it was in a vice.

Owwww, my head.... I thought. I had no idea how long I had been unconscious. I did a few mental exercises I picked up from having to deal with infrequent migraines brought on by sleep deprivation. (I may get a little caught up in my studying every now and then.) When my head felt like it was merely throbbing, as opposed to splitting, I opened my eyes.

At first, all I could see was vague shapes of green. It took a moment to figure out that I was looking at grass. The last place I remember being before casting my spell was the Isolation Room in my castle. That must mean.....

Just how far ahead did the spell send me? I got unsteadily to my hooves, the migraine forcing me to keep my eyes closed. I opened my eyes once the nausea died down again, and took a good look around me. I was standing on a small hill, in the only green patch of grass and flowers. Everywhere else I could see, the dirt was clearly visible through the withered brush. Well, I shouldn't worry too much, I do need to let the others know it was a successful cast, even if it needs some fine tuning. At least I know my Returning spell works...

I closed my eyes and started to gather up my mana, but I stopped when I felt myself being crushed again. Opening my eyes, I let my magic dissipate. I watched as a purplish mist spread out in front of me before drifting back behind me. Odd, that's never happened before. I lifted my hoof into view, only to see a tendril of the mist floating where my hoof should be. I looked over my "shoulder" and saw more of this mist where my body should be. Well, this is definitely going to be a problem....

Okay, I think I've got this now. I had spent the entire morning relearning how to move in my new body. Truth be told, I much preferred learning how to fly over this. I even discovered that I could pass through objects if I'm not careful. Now I was back over the area where I woke up. The grass had withered during the morning, but I still knew where I was because of the withered flowers. This was the only spot with flowers.

I settled on the ground, trying not to sink into it, and took a look around. The area felt familiar, but I just couldn't put my hoof on why. I sighed, Well, as much as I would like to look around and make some notes, I really should get home. I hope I can get my body back when I get there...

I started to draw my mana again, ignoring the squeezing feeling. As soon as I had gathered up all of my own, I reached out to draw in the ambient mana of the land around me-

-And found nothing

Nothing. No latent mana. Not even the smallest shard that every living thing had in it. I couldn't use it even if it was there, but its lack worried me. It's almost like it had been drained away....

I shook that thought away. My friends and I defeated Tirek four years ago (from my point of view) and locked him back up in Tartarus. Fluttershy even made sure Cerberus wouldn't leave his post again. I just had to be in a mana devoid area. I read that those cropped up in areas where intense magical duels had been fought. There was nothing for it, I'll have to find my way to Canterlot and explain myself to Celestia. Although I'm certain Spike sent the reports already.

I looked around again (I'm doing that a lot, lately) in the hopes that I could recognize. Once again, I had the nagging feeling of familiarity. The mountains looked familiar, but then, almost every mountain looks the same to me. The hills looked familiar, the trees in the distance looked familiar, even the bridge I saw earlier seemed-

Wait! A bridge! Of course! If there's a bridge that means there's a trail or road, and that means that there might be a house or town nearby and I can find out where I am! I congratulated myself as I rose off the ground, twisting myself (I'll never get used to this) this way and that trying to remember where the bridge was. I flew a few small circles until I saw it in the distance. I flew over to it as fast as I could, descending slowly as I drew near. I hovered as I studied the bridge itself, even floating under it to look at the underside. Why does everything seem so familiar?

I put the feeling to the side for a moment. Again, I looked around, focusing more on the road on either side of the bridge. Finally, I found what appeared to be buildings in the distance. Finally, now I can figure out where I am! I flew as fast as I could, eager to find my way home, but something seemed.... Off. It wasn't until I got a good look at the first building that it became clear.

The town appeared to be abandoned. Many of the buildings were in a state of disrepair, most having been boarded up when their residents left. Quite a few roofs had even fallen in. A few buildings were still inhabited, with planters full of dying plants set high off the ground. The normally gurgling river that flowed past had dried up to barely being a trickle. But what worried me the most was the weathered sign with the faded words "Welcome to Ponyville".

That's why everything seemed familiar! I've seen those mountains, those trees, that bridge almost every day since that fateful Summer Sun Celebration! Just how far ahead did that spell send me?! And what could've caused such devastation? I thought as I looked around for the one major landmark that had turned Ponyville into a tourist hot-spot over the last four years. ....W-where's my castle?