• Published 5th Oct 2014
  • 3,988 Views, 42 Comments

Sweet Dreams - Arreis Of Avalon

Spike is Twilight's best assistant, best friend... and an amazing brother.

  • ...

And Sleep Well

All was dark in Ponyville. Ponies rested in sleeps tender embrace, whisked away into sweet dreams and sweeter fantasies as, one by one, the lunar touch eased their bodies to relax. Fillies and colts slept deeply, resting for the day to come. Loving parents rested in the other’s hooves. Nighttime was peaceful throughout Ponyville as each and every resident slumbered quietly.

Yet one light still remained on in the late hours of the night. Inside a single, solitary tree house, a single, solitary unicorn stifled a yawn as she read ‘just one last chapter’ of her book. Twilight's eyes were rimmed with exhaustion as she happily read; she was oblivious to the beckoning call of her bed. She would much prefer reading further than wasting a full 8 hours (if she managed them) of time spent reclined on her back with her eyes shut.

Yes, she told herself as she yawned once more. She was not tired in the slightest. Her book would hold her attention for hours more. She could finish the last 500 pages tonight, easily. All she had to do was take her time. As she saw her next candle begin to dawdle, she drew up yet another match. Soon the wick caught hold of the struck match, and a new candles' flame joined the light.

Twilight yawned again, feeling her head drooping slightly. Perhaps she was somewhat tired - Maybe only another 400 pages. But, well, what was 100 pages more? Surely she could stay up just 100 pages longer, were pages significant to time. Yes, 100 pages was hardly any time at all - all she had to do was read 5 sets of 100. How simple!

Yet, whilst only one light remained on, two beings stirred that night in the tree house. A small dragon, Spike by name, leaned into the study, his blue blanket dragging along behind him on the floor. Softly, he brought his claw to his eye, trying to rub the sleep out of them. He had been asleep, but the light outside his door alerted him to his roommate's late night studies. “Twilight,” he said softly, half hoping she would turn into Rarity and this would turn into one of his ice cream dreams.

No response came from the drowsy mare. Spike sighed softly. He went through this routine most nights. He didn’t like being woken up constantly, but he didn’t quite mind as much when he realized what his act of kindness meant.

“C’mon, Twilight…” Softly walking up beside her, he slowly turned her head towards his. She blinked once or twice; in her exhaustion, she could hardly perceive what had happened.

“Spike,” she said tiredly after a moment’s hesitation. “Why aren’t you in bed? It’s very late…”

Spike smiled as her words became somewhat slurred by sleep as she spoke. “I should say the same to you…” Reaching unto the desk, Spike gently placed a bookmark in the book, holding his friend’s place. “I think you should sleep,” he said gently as he closed the book. As she began to protest, he yawned widely. She attempted a rebuttal to his statement, yet only managed to mirror his yawn tiredly. “See? You look really tired.”

“I can read more,” Twilight said softly, even as the young drake took her hoof to lead her away from her books.

“Are you sure,” he asked, smiling through his exhaustion as he always did. “Your eyes look totally heavy right now…” Even as he said it, Twilight’s eyes slowly blinked, almost begging to close for the night and to open for Celestia’s sunlight only. Twilight stumbled a tad over a few steps toward her bed, but Spike helped support her, as always.

Twilight brought her spare hoof up to rub her eyes, yawning. “Maybe… jus’ a short nap,” she half said, half purred as she crawled into the bed. The bed itself was filled with soft feathers and bits of cloud, making her feel as though she were sleeping on air. She smiled as the sensation overtook her. Gently, she laid her head down on her pillow, savoring the coolness of the soft fabric. She hummed her approval softly as she turned on her side, facing the young assistant who led her here often.

Spike smiled at her as he helped untangle her blankets. He tucked the edges under her hooves softly, making sure they weren’t so tightly tucked as to make her feel claustrophobic. She giggled softly, and Spike could tell she was already half asleep from sheer comfort. With a smile, he kissed his close friend’s forehead, more as a brother to a sister. Twilight giggled once more at the gesture, just before her eyes filled with dimmed concern. “Where’s Smarty?...”

Spike chuckled. “How could I forget Smarty?” Reaching under the bed for a few moments, Spike soon returned to the top of the bed with the small doll Twilight had owned and slept with as a teddy bear for years. She smiled in delight as she held her toy close to her. Spike sighed happily as his friend’s eyes drooped further, almost shutting completely. “There you go…”

Twilight yawned, nuzzling her pillow softly. “Spike… why d’you put up with me at nigh’,” she muttered out.

“Simple, Twi.” Spike smiled as he brushed Twilight’s mane out of her eyes. “You’re a sis to me, and you always will be. I don’t want you staying up too late - It’s not healthy.”

Twilight giggled. “But you’re younger… Logically, I’m supposed to be more concerned about you…”

Spike chuckled. “But I’ll always be your number one assistant.” Spike hugged his sister softly, smiling. “Love you, Twi.”

Twilight hummed softly again as she hugged him back. “I love you too, Spike… Sleep well, alright?”

“You too,” he whispered as the weary mare finally shut her eyes, falling asleep almost instantly on his shoulder. With a small pat on her back and a smile to match, Spike laid her down on the bed. “Sleep well,” he repeated quietly. Making sure all was fine in her room, he turned off the lights and blew out the candles. He made his way back to his own bed, wrapping up in his blue blanket once more.

As every night, all became quiet in Ponyville. Not a single thing stirred but for the heart of a young mare. She spent each and every night far past when she knew, logically, she should go to bed. She did this for one reason and one reason alone; because, each night, her loving brother would put her to bed again, and do so in such a caring manner and loving demeanor, she was positive that their bond would never be shattered.

As the lunar princess watched all dreams tonight, she knew one thing for sure; no dream was sweeter than that of the loved sister and the loving brother’s.

Author's Note:

guess what's cute?
this fic.
guess who's sleepy?
unedited cause woohoo

Comments ( 41 )

Hmm so I'm the first one to see it excluding the author well then first ha I claimed it

Simple and cute. Also made me sleepy.

This was pure, unadulterated cuteness. Good job. :twilightsmile:

5099481 *yawns* Y'know, made me sleepy too! I wrote it REALLY late at night, and was trying to fall asleep. Guess it worked! :pinkiehappy:

Looking at these comments,
Maaann, are we all on the verge of sleep??
.....just one more fic, what's another chapter gonna do...??

Yup, I can see your inspiration for "just another 100 pages..."

I love one-shots like this.
The best thing to read just before zzzzzzzz

EDIT: spelz + sleepy = lol

This right here is the reason I joined all those twispike groups, adorable brother sister moments. Well done.

5100289 xD You caught it all! Yeah, being a writer often makes me stay up FAR later than I should. :P Ah well~

5100309 Yeah, I saw I got added to that. I went ahead and sent them a message to take me of that group if it was meant as shipping; nothing against shippers, but this story has a sister x brother bond, not... Yeah.

I can't contain all my:yay:

Have a picture in lieu of a thousand words of me gushing:


There seems to be something trying to creep up on my face, but I can't figure out what it is...
Oh, right! It's called a smile. :pinkiehappy:

Spike really is "Number One Assistant." :moustache:

Thanks for writing! :twilightsmile: *Yawns*

5100760 Most of those groups have a brother/sister and mother/son sections so you should be good.

Hnng is tight. Such a warm story. Just the thing for me at 3 AM. Thanks for this.

5104486 Glad you enjoyed it ^^

5103562 *chuckles* Thanks for reading ^^

5103823 Yeah, I was checking the groups this one was added to. ^^

This fic is cutedorable. I rate it as 4.5 out of 5 kittens.

Before leson zero, If after,,,,,,

"Who's at the door at this hour, Spike?":twilightblush:
:facehoof: "Bye Bye Smarty pants":twilightoops:

5109531 xD Yeah, this, to me, occurs a few nights after Twi starts staying in Ponyville. Like, this is even before the Grand Galloping Gala.

5108311 Nuuu, why is one kitten cut in half?! :fluttershbad: You monster! :rainbowwild:

5109689 Cute story nicely done, Thank you.:rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::yay::ajsmug::duck::moustache:


One kitten's in half because there was no cuddles, or huggles, but that's good because otherwise the fic would have lethal amounts of adorabetus. But it's less of the kitten being cut in half, and more of it being born half kitten

. Like people have 2.5 kids ... what ever happened to that .5 of a child happened to that kitty. And if children can be happy knowing they're half a person, then that kitten can probably be happy knowing you're fics lack of huggles made it born that way :twilightsmile:.

PS: I just woke up, and my brain hasn't quite grasped the concept of sentience yet. At least not until my 20th Oz. of tea with enough sugar to explode a Pinkie Pie.

It's official.
Spike, you da real MVP :twilightsmile:

a new candles flame

A space too many and it should be *candle's.
Nice fic but not great.

5134594 Erm... Thanks? ^^; I did write this very late at night.
Also, I think you might be wrong on the 'candle's' vs. 'candles'. I struggle with those often, but from everything I hear, you ONLY use the apostrophe when you're using a conjunction. It's the idea of 'The candle is flame' and 'the candle owns this flame'. I could be totally off base, but I just asked my lit teacher about this the other day. Sorry if I'm wrong.

A flame of a candle = a candle's flame OR a candle flame
the flames of candles = candles' flame
'candles flame' is just incorrect. Better would be candles' flames if you are referring to the flames from multiple candles, or simply candle flames if referring to flames from any number of candles.

Source: I teach English to ESL classes. :twilightblush:

5137888 I'm still terribly confused by that whole... thing. But thank you. :twilightblush: I do appreciate the correction. Might I ask, why do you say the fanfiction isn't great?

5138796 It's very poetic, but it feels forced.
I'll give it another go, because you take criticism so well. :ajsmug:

5139533 I'm ashamed I took it so badly, actually! I felt like I was kinda mean this time :applejackunsure: BUUUT, I do try to accept criticism, especially when it's given properly. If I didn't, then what would I ever learn?
Thank you very much for giving it another go. It was a tad bit forced, perhaps. I wrote it very late at night, so yeah :twilightsheepish:

This was a pleasant little story to read late at night. Having Spike put Twilight to bed instead of the other way around is adorable! Plus I guess you could say I'm guilty of that "one more chapter" type of mentality myself.

I do want to mention one thing that felt a little strange to me, but I know not everyone would agree. It was the following sentence.

With a smile, he kissed his close friend’s forehead, not in the way of a sexual partner’s sensual kiss, but of a brother and a sister.

The flow of the story makes it feel unnecessary to mention the concept of "a sexual partner’s sensual kiss," It seemed a bit jarring to me as it interrupted the otherwise continual "cuteness" of the story.

5310534 Yeah, I noticed that. I just wanted to define distinctly that this wasn't a ship fic. A lot of people ship them, but I personally don't. I didn't want anyone getting confused on that point.

*hits refresh 1000 times until viewer count hits 1000* :rainbowdetermined2:

All was dark in Ponyville. Ponies rested in sleeps tender embrace,


Ouch, tough start. Pass.

edit: *tough

5375714 Now, allow me to question you for but a moment, Sir. I seem to recall you commented on this fanfiction once before with a very similar comment - that is, you felt the need to correct my grammar. For one thing, I have to wonder why you didn't catch this grammar mistake the first time you read through this. Obviously, a teacher of ESL classes is an absolute expert in the English language; as such, I would assume that you would catch a simple mistake in what was quite literally the second sentence of the story on your first read through. I recognize that I missed it, but I do not proclaim myself the most grammatically correct aspiring young author in the world. Moving on from that fact, you have commented on grammar in this fan fiction before, and mentioned that you thought it was a "nice fic but not great." I have to wonder why, after 8 weeks, you decided you suddenly enjoyed this fanfiction you thought was "very poetic, but feels forced." You mentioned you would read through it again because I took criticism so well; after 8 weeks, I rather gave up on receiving any extra comments from you. Perhaps it simply took you this long to read a fairly short fanfiction. Perhaps you had grading of your ESL class to catch up on.
I understand that my fanfictions are not loved by all, and that my flaws in grammar and spelling might make you dislike my fanfictions. But seeing as the only way I can interpret "Ouch, touch start. Pass." is that you did not want to read my fanfiction (despite having read it once before), I can conclude that you, sir, are a tad bit of a fool. If you think this is a pass up fanfiction, then by all means, stop reading it. And, if it truly was so unmemorable that you forgot you read this, then you're in luck: your original comment was so unmemorable, I had to scroll all the way down to this comment box just to remember you had commented on this fanfiction already! Had you not angered me, you would not have another essay to read from another aspiring fan of the English language.
Have a lovely day :scootangel:
PS: I am not quite positive what a 'touch start' is. Perhaps you meant 'tough start'?

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