• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 2,111 Views, 22 Comments

Revenge Shines - PurpleRibbon

Discord visits Chrysalis and offers the revenge she craves.

  • ...

Chapter One

Not sure if oneshot or beginning of a story. O__O I’ll decide later. ^_^

On one faithful day, a beautiful wedding was planned to take place in Canterlot. However, as always in Equestria, disaster struck. Even though Princess Celestia made sure that the security was tight, somepony managed to disguise herself as Princess Cadance, the bride-to-be and trick not only the adoring public but also her groom, Shining Armour. However, the real Princess Cadance and Shining Armour united and, using their love for each other, defeated the Changelings and their Queen, the imposter, Chrysalis. The wedding continued, and the royal couple are living happily.
However, just as one couple were brought together, another was torn apart. The couple were seen arguing in the large garden. After their shouting fit was finished and they ran away from each other, the statue they were standing next to began to chip, and the true form underneath it became visible. A few minutes later, the strange-looking creature was wiping bits of stone off his misshaped body, smiling victoriously.

“Well, well, well. It seems like somepony broke the ‘no arguing’ rule. Now, to pay those pesky Elements of Harmony a little visit.”

He went straight to Twilight’s library/house, ready to use all his power, when he heard a pony complaining to herself.

“How could I not be invited? I’m the Great and Powerful Trixie, for Celestia’s sake! And to think that foal Twilight was invited and not me! She’s not nearly as powerful as me!”

Discord smiled another cunning grin at this new information as he hid in the bushes of the garden. Then, he flew off to Canterlot, ready to face his foes.

However, when he got there, Canterlot was absolute chaos. Ponies were injured and still panicking, from something he had obviously just missed. Though this pleased him, he was slightly envious that somepony had gotten to Canterlot before he could. He flew up to the palace, where he was sure the wedding would be taking place. However, just as he had gotten to the window, a large force field knocked him out of Canterlot. He soared through the air for a while, not being able to attack because of the lack of a physical opponent and his shock, and eventually landed in a place he had never seen before. His anger swallowed him for a second, but then he got a grip of himself when he imagined the look on Twilight’s face when she saw him once again. The look of fear, the look that only comes from a pony who knows they’re about to die. He smiled at the thought, closing his eyes, letting himself drown in the dreams of revenge that had comforted him in his stone prison. But he forced himself to snap out of it, so he could figure out where he was. He looked all around him. The sky was as darker than night itself, the only light coming from the glowing lakes and swamps that made up most of the ground. The rest of the ground was made of long blades of grass and weeds. All in all, the land looked like utter wilderness. However, there were creatures lying in the lakes and swamps, oozing green liquid and crying out in sharp, unpleasant sounds. Discord didn’t give a second glance to the suffering creatures around him, only taking in their black coat long enough to realise they weren’t ponies. Instead, he moved through the grass like a snake, towards what seemed to be the leader of the creatures. She was taller and skinnier than the rest, looking utterly malnourished, with a long, dark blue mane that reminded him of Pinkamena’s when she had cast his spell on her. The creature was tending to the smaller ones, who were also bleeding and crying out, the fall having hurt them badly. The creature turned towards him, sorrow in her eyes. Then, once she noticed him, her sorrow turned to anger as she stood over the creatures, using her body to shield them.

“Oh, there’s no need for that. If I had wanted to kill you all, I would have.”

At this, the creature only bent her body, as if she was about to pounce on him. He stood up from the grass, revealing himself to her, and put up his claws in a surrendering pose.

“Relax, already!”

“Do you have a death wish?”

She straightened up slightly from her defensive pose when she saw him.

“What exactly are you, anyway?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

The creature straightened herself up in pride.

“I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.”

She glared at him.

“Your turn.”

He made extravagant and emotive gestures as he spoke, drawing closer to Chrysalis.

“I am Discord, a draconequus and the spirit of chaos and disharmony, recently released from a stone prison to get sweet revenge.”

Chrysalis scoffed and turned back to her subjects.

“If your revenge is against ponies, good luck with that. I sent in armies of my children against those pitiful things, and they defeated us without mercy. I don’t care what they say about true love: if you ask me, they don’t know what love is.”

Discord raised an eyebrow, pretending to be interested in such a trivial matter as love, and made himself comfortable in the grass, preparing himself for a long rant.

“Hmm? What happened?”

“Oh, I’ll tell you what happened. My children were cast out of the towns and cities of Equestria hundreds of years ago, purely because of what we are. We can’t help the fact that we need other’s love to survive. The only thing that had kept us alive all of these years was our love for each other. Look at the conditions we are forced to live in. Ponies treat us like vermin. Well, I say it’s time the tables were turned! I say that we are the superior ones, not those prissy, cutesy little ponies that wouldn’t know suffering it looked them in the eye! I had planned this day for years, the day where we would take what is ours and live in happiness. And yet...it all went wrong.”

She looked up at the dark sky, forgetting about Discord’s presence as she used her magic to fix the wounds of her subjects, and began to sing.

“This day was going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small
No more hiding, no more shame
No more fighting, no more blame
I didn’t know I was a fool at all...
I couldn’t care less about politics
I won’t partake in debate!
Oh! I’d be lying if I say
That I don’t fear for my sweet babies
That those ponies don’t drive me crazy!
That I don’t dream of one shining day!
For I do
Love you too
My children, my thoughts are all of you.
Oh, shining day!
Let us not be led astray!
Finally, the moment had come!
For my daughters and for my sons!
Oh, the wedding had begun!
I could feel the gracing sun!
That shining day should have been mine!
All mine!”

She stood, staring at the black sky, always without clouds, always without sun. Then she sighed and turned towards Discord, who was, surprisingly, actually listening in real interest. Then his look of interest turned to a plotting expression, as an idea came to him.

“So, in short, you wish to have your revenge against all ponies?”

“Yes. My first priority is protecting my children, but revenge is so much more important to me now, after the injustice we went through.”

“In that case...how about we team up?”

She blinked at him, and then laughed.

“You? You giant snake-thing? If an entire army of Changelings couldn’t defeat them, what makes you think you co-“

Suddenly, Chrysalis was in one of the lakes that had been half a mile away from where she was standing, having been pushed by an extremely powerful force. Discord was standing over the Queen with an insolent smile on his face.

“Don’t underestimate me, Your Majesty.”

Chrysalis stood up and glared up at Discord, as the other Changelings growled at the creature who had assaulted their Queen, waiting for an order to attack.

“How dare you treat royalty in this matter?”

“The ponies treated you in a much worse way. Shouldn’t you be angry at them?”

The look of anger faded from her face as the truth of his words sunk in, and she shook her hoof at the others, in a gesture to assure them that she was alright. They weren’t happy about this, but most of them were exhausted, so they went back into their lakes to rest.

“With my unbelievable amount of power and your large number of desperate supporters, I think we would be worthy opponents to those ungrateful ponies. So, what do you say?”

Chrysalis looked up at Discord, who had his claw outstretched for her to take, and considered the few options she had. Then, she reached for his claw, and held it in her misshaped hoof.

“You have a deal.”

Many things were decided that night. Discord would stay in the castle with Chrysalis, though she warned him about getting any ideas, and they would attack Equestria again when they were back to their full power. However, Chrysalis waited until the morning to tell her subjects this. When Discord asked why, she said that her children deserve their rest, and so did she. However, she stayed awake half the night, thinking about the consequences of the decision she had just made. She just hoped that, someday soon, her subjects would able to live in happiness and peace, no matter what the cost.

Comments ( 18 )

I called it! I told my friend, there will be a chrysalis fanfic before the weekend is over, and suddenly this finds its way onto my screen. You guys scare me.

Oh im liking this, defiantly tracking it. Nice reprice of This Day Aria too.

I think it's ok....the story line is good, but I like a nice and INDEPENDANT Discord. But I can respect good writing. Carry on.

Very nice with the reprise. I kinda want to hear somebody cover the song with those lyrics now.

Phew! Thank god DeviantArt is coming out with more Chrysalis pics. I need variation!

485624 Fair said young man, fair said.


Remember how frightened of Zecora the ponies of Ponyville were? I believe they'd be scared to death of the changelings. A peaceful solution would only be possible if they had appealed directly to the princesses, but it would be difficult to just get to them. The populous may see them only as monsters, and not starving creatures desperate for help.

Oh my gosh. I love it. That "insolent smile" line made me love this ship so much more. :rainbowkiss: :pinkiehappy:

Well it looks good, but one thing though. That huge block of text was a bit of an eyesore almost made me cross eyed :derpyderp1:
But overall It was good, and I'm gonna be watching this.


I don't imagine they're thinking their cunning plan all the way through.


Yes, Hot Pockets. The bane of military strategists everywhere. I hear Alexander's attempt to conquer the whole of Asia was a failure due to the pesky four-cheese pizza variety.

THANK YOU, NOT SO ANON WRITER. YOU PORTRAYAL OF CHYSALIS PLEASES US and I've gotta stop going into the RCV (royal canterlot voice.)

More, I say sir, more!

I'll admit, I sang along in my head while Crysalis was singing :twilightblush: Very nice though, tracking! :raritywink:

You must continue this story cause its awsome:rainbowdetermined2:


make more! i wish to see discord and chisilis destroy everything!

Hehe liking this team.

i really like this, hoping for the next chapter

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