• Published 6th Oct 2014
  • 2,798 Views, 20 Comments

Red Ink - Flying Fantasy Horse

Twilight writes a letter to Princess Celestia.

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Dear, Princess Celestia...

Dear Princess Celestia,

Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am ten years old. I like to read books and play with my doll. His name is Smartypants. I love him so much. But not as much as I love you. Well, I don't really love you, love you. I just really like all the things you do. You make everypony equal and you raise the sun and the moon.

I am writing to you because I don't have any friends. It's almost like no matter how hard i I try, I can't find anypony who will be my friend. I have tried everything. I have read books about friends. I have listened to advice from other ponies. In fact, I even listened to your advice and it still never worked.

Why is it so hard to make friends, Princess Celestia? I don't get it. I thought other ponies were supposed to be caring of each other, even if they are strangers. If that is the truth, then why has it not happened to me yet? Is there something wrong with me? Is there something that nopony likes about me?

I always said to myself that I should list down some positives about myself. I always love to make lists. Lists about cooking ingredients, lists about books and even lists about my lists! Isn't that funny? I always loved to stay organized. But my house isn't very clean, so I guess I really aren't that organized.

I have wrote to you many times before, but I never get a letter back. I thought to myself, 'well that is weird. Isn't Princess Celestia perfect?' Sometimes I have a hard time understanding why you don't write back. But I guess maybe it is because you get so many letters with ponies saying how perfect they "think" you are.

Then I realized. Nopony is perfect, so why would they think that you are perfect? Maybe that's why my parents say that I'm not perfect. I was never perfect and I think that I may never will be. I guess it makes sense, because I didn't earn my cutie mark until last month. I think I said that in my last letter, but I'll say it again in case you didn't get my letter.

I like to cast magic spells. Sometimes they are nothing special. My horn is pretty weak, so I can't really make anything amazing or jaw dropping. But there was one time where my entire body was filled with magic. My horn tingled, my body felt weird and everything was bright white. Then I blacked out for a little bit.

Everything started getting weird after that. I finally got my cutie mark. I was so happy that I finally got my cutie mark! But my parents were afraid. They said that the mark was "dark magic". There were these other ponies that cane came into our house and 'studied' me. They asked me a bunch of questions. They kept looking at my cutie mark, then quickly looked back away.

Soon, things were getting worse. I started blacking out during questioning, and then once I woke up there was somepony on the floor. They looked at me with wide eyes, although I didn't understand what they meant. Why were they looking at me like that? Were they mad at me? Soon, more ponies came, but they were wearing golden armour and had weapons.

I read in a book that they were part of the Royal Guard. These were stallions who were tough as nails and that they were the strongest in the entire land of Equestria. They were guards who even protected you, Princess Celestia. They surrounded our entire house and they didn't let us out of our home. We were stuck in there for a while.

Soon, my parents wouldn't look at me anymore. I was sent to my room and I spent most of my time reading books. Things were getting worse. Soon, my parents started yelling at each other. They said that they had a "cursed" foal. The rest I couldn't make out. I didn't understand. Why would they talk like that about me?

Soon, I was starting to get mad. Why would my own parents talk about to me that way? Soon, I started to yell at my parents. They started to get scared of me. I hated that. Why would they be scared of their own daughter. Soon, I got really mad. Then my horn started to tingle like it did before. My entire body felt weird again, and then I blacked out.

After I woke up, I found that both of my parents were on the floor. I tried to shake them, but they didn't get up. I started to cry. I didn't have any friends, my parents were gone and I was all alone in my little house.

That's when I started writing letters to you. Soon, that's all I ever did. I wrote letter after letter after letter, hoping that finally someday I would get a letter back from you. I stared at my mailbox in front of my house for hours, but no mailpony came. Then, if he didn't come, I would send another letter. Then another. Then another. Then another.

Now here we are. Sometimes, I wanted to go to the Royal Castle myself so I could see you, but I was afraid that nopony would like me. I didn't have any friends, so how would I be able to talk to you? In fact, I wondered if you would even like me. Nopony likes me, so why would you?

Why, Celestia? Why is it so hard to make friends? It gets so hard sometimes that I want to hurt myself. Sometimes, I think that it's not worth it to keep going on. Is there a point in going on anymore? Why would I want to live in a world where nopony else likes you for who you are?

All because of my stupid cutie mark. Nopony likes me just because of my cutie mark! Why is that, Celestia? Why does it have to be that way, Celestia? Why can't you fix me, Celestia? Huh? Why not?

Why not, Celestia?!

Are you too dumb to fix my problem, Celestia?!


Princess, I am so sorry for what I said. I don't hate you. I really like you.

I just want to feel loved. Why can't I feel loved? Why won't anypony be there for me when I need it most?

I'm sorry. I won't get mad next letter.


Twilight Sparkle.

Comments ( 20 )

That went from cute to creepy

Take a my yays:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

!:derpyderp1: LOL that just made me have all the feelz

...That... Got real dark real fast...

Well, Sweetie Belle got a happy ending, is it ok if I imagine a happy ending to this?

Celestia doesn't fix problems, Twilight. She causes them. :trollestia:

But this made me sad for tiny Purplesmart. :fluttershysad:

The captain can be so paranoid sometimes. The filly, subject, the subject has been depositing letters for almost a week now and he still won't let anyone retrieve the letters. There hasn't been any occurrences in days and even if one did happen while someone was checking the mail the odds of it hitting them outside the house are abysmal.
The captain's keeping this under wraps. Probably doesn't want to explain his lack of action to higher ups any more than he'd want to explain getting more guards hurt. Is he content to let the filly and her parents starve while we sit outside making sure no one leaves?
The mail box is overfilled, one of the letters dropped out during my night shift. I didn't read much of it but the Dear Princess Celestia has lead me to my next course of action. I don't know if she's been updated on the scenario but she's about to be.
Did I do the right thing? The princess said thanks to me but since then I've heard the servants talking. You couldn't tell by looking at her but those who have been working with her for years swear that she is absolutely furious. When I asked about the Captain's whereabouts I was told he was busy with an investigation.
That's one worry off my chest. I saw the filly in court today, she was cowering behind Princess Celestia but she definitely looked fondly upon the princess. Apparently she's staying close to the princess until she learns to control her powers. From what I've gathered the captain has been fired. Nobodies told me news of her parents and several thought she was an orphan. I wonder why.


This may or may not be added to the canon to the expanding 'verse.

But if I do happen to use it, I will be sure to credit you.

Otherwise, it lays as unofficial.

I take it this means you like it :pinkiehappy:
I was wondering what the guards were doing during this given they blocked off the house and why no one took the letters and came up with that as an explanation for why it took so long and provide a route for the happy ending I always want (as happy as losing your parents and be traumatically afraid of being unloved, not that canon Twilight is ever afraid of losing Celestia's love :trollestia:)


I like the explanation. I do, however, like to leave things open-ended for readers to find their own explanations. Not that I don't have my own (in fact, maybe most of the things that will happen next will most likely be influenced by readers theories).

Just to point out, I wouldn't necessarily call Sweetie Belle's ending a happy one. At least, not yet. :pinkiecrazy:


I wouldn't necessarily call Sweetie Belle's ending a happy one. At least, not yet.

You are a wonderfully horrible person :twilightsmile:


You have no idea how much that made me smile. :pinkiecrazy:

Just don't kill her off and I'll probably be happy with whatever else you want to put the poor girl through.
(I hate it when a developed character gets killed off to shock the reader while removing hopes for further character exploration)


Remember this:

There are fates far worse than death.

For the character, not me, I like me some psychological trauma :heart:

I like the way you abuse children. It's hot.

Thus saith the Lord!
-Pimp Lord Smooze, Eater of Worlds, Blood God Extraordinaire, Fic Reviewing Master, Connoisseur of Self-Aggrandizement

That is so sad but I bet Celestia is getting her letters. She just doesn't know how to respond . . . I think.:fluttercry:

I like your stories! This one is really nice

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