• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 5,940 Views, 74 Comments

After the Sun - criticalmess

Nightmare Moon's return leaves her weakened, and is drawn to Twilight and the darkness in her heart

  • ...

Act I Chapter III

Act One: Creatures of the Night
Chapter Three

Twilight had pulled many all-night study sessions while at Canterlot, and was accustomed to paying the price of her reading binges, but never before did she feel so comfortable doing it. Maybe it was because Nightmare Moon had prevented any sliver of sunlight from entering the library in her attempt to minimize her exposure to Celestia's sun. Maybe it was because Nightmare Moon, Princess of the Night and, by extension, sleep, was near her. Maybe it was because Twilight was really that weary after such a long day

But she really didn't care.

Even when Twilight awoke hours later to the sound of crickets chirping outside her window, the sun having set beneath the horizon, the only thought on her mind was that she was incredibly hungry.

Twilight groaned and flipped over on her bed. She opened one eye and found herself staring into a still dark room. Shaking her head, she shrugged the sheets off of her and stumbled out of bed. With a heavy clip-clop she walked over to the stairs, navigating by memory only. When she finally reached them, her hoof landed heavily on the top step, which gave out a loud creak.

"Have ponies forgotten the axiom: 'Silence is Golden'?"

Twilight yelped and spun around. Glowing in the darkness were a pair of nightmarish eyes and a soft celestial mane. Both belonged to the pitch-black creature curled up on the carpet, a creature Twilight legitimately forgot about.

Twilight recovered and hissed, "You slept on the floor?"

"Comparatively speaking, it is quite comfortable." Nightmare Moon muttered, laying her head flat against the floor and closing her eyes. "In my grace, I allowed you to keep your bed, and I would not trust this whelp of a familiar to make me a cup of tea, let alone a proper bed."

"Spike...." Twilight started but sighed and shook her head. "Not my problem. I'm going to get something to eat."

Nightmare Moon snorted. "Get your midnight snack, I still need my sleep."

As the purple unicorn disappeared into the floor below, Nightmare Moon opened one eye and gazed at the purple dragon in the bed next to her, snoring away obliviously. Nightmare Moon closed her eye and muttered darkly, "I envy you, dragon."

- - - -

Twilight stopped halfway down the stairs and looked out the shuttered windows. Only moonlight illuminated the library below. Twilight sighed and trotted downstairs. I slept through the entire day, the longest day of the year as well. I must've been more tired than I thought.

She looked around the library, eyes growing quickly accustomed to the lack of light. Everything was exactly as she had left it, though now no annoying beams of light shone in through cracks in the shutters and curtains. There were no patterns of sunlight travelling across the floors and walls. Everything was instead cool, dark, and quiet.

Serene, isn't it?

Twilight took and deep breath and walked over to the front door. Sitting right where she dropped it that day was the box of cupcakes. She levitated the box up to her face and opened it, revealing the delicious treats inside. Smirking, she took one of the cupcakes and bit into it.

Her eyes widened with shock. "Oh sweet Celestia, these are good." Hungrily, she wolfed down the cupcake, savoring each sugary morsel of the cupcake. "Oh, that was so good..." Twilight turned away, sitting the box of cupcakes down on the table in the center of the room. How long has it been since I've eaten? Last night's hot sauce punch, I think. I'm starving.


Twilight looked up, blinking in shock. The word suddenly crossed her mind, setting off a little lantern of realization over her head. "Did I get...?" Twilight muttered before rushing into the kitchen.

Quickly, she tore through the cupboards, the pantry, the ice box, only to find absolutely nothing edible anywhere in the kitchen. "I didn't get any food." Twilight muttered. "I'm so foalish, I never expected to be staying longer than the Summer Sun Celebration. And I can't leave the library because..." Twilight groaned and trod back into the library.

She entered to find Nightmare Moon walking down the stairs, rubbing sleep out her eyes. "Twilight," Nightmare Moon growled furiously, "if you continue to trouble us so, I swear I will...."

"No food." Twilight explained, glaring at the black alicorn.

Nightmare Moon blinked. It was several seconds before realization spread across her imperious features. "Of course, you ponies need to eat to sustain yourselves. I had nearly forgotten."

"Forgotten?" Twilight raised an eyebrow disbelievingly. "Forgotten to eat?"

Nightmare Moon scowled. "I am a goddess, Twilight; to me such mortal necessities are mere luxuries. How else could I have survived for a millennium on the moon?" Nightmare Moon sniffed the air and turned her attention to the box on the table. "Which reminds me...."

She gracefully lifted a cupcake out of the box and twirled the confection in the air. "What, pray tell, is this?"

"A cupcake," Twilight explained, "and they're mine."

Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're kidding, right?" Nightmare Moon advanced on Twilight Sparkle, who reflexively backed away, horn sparking with magic. The black alicorn leaned in and said, "You would stand up to your Princess over a mere snack?"

You're not my Princess, Twilight thought bitterly. "For one thing, they were given to me as a gift."

Nightmare Moon glared at her, eyes plainly spelling out, So?

"Secondly," Twilight continued, "Right now, they're the only food in the house. Seeing as you don't need to eat and I am famished, and that all of the stores are closed for the night...."

"All of them?" Nightmare Moon prodded, sniffing at the cupcake levitating in front of her.

"Likely." Twilight nodded. After a pause, she continued, "Probably. Well, I haven't been here long, there might be some sort of restaurant or something open... but even if one was, I'm not supposed to leave your sight, am I?"

Nightmare Moon mulled this over. Unconsciously, she levitated the cupcake to her mouth and took a bite of it. Her eyes widened suddenly and the Goddess of the Night looked down at the pink and purple cupcake, wonder filling her eyes.

"Nightmare Moon?" Twilight probed, approaching the Princess. The black alicorn remained still for a long time, holding the half-eaten cupcake in front of her. She chewed slowly, deliberately, never taking her eyes off of the confection. After several long seconds, the alicorn finally swallowed. Her mouth opened ever so slightly.

A tear fell from her eye.

"Uh...." Twilight stepped back, not sure what to make of this change in character. Suddenly Nightmare Moon lifted the box of cupcakes into the air and turned for the stairs. She made it halfway up before turning around and addressing the unicorn.

"You will find your own food." Nightmare Moon stated sternly. "For now, you have my permission to go shopping for whatever to need to fill your kitchen. You will also please us greatly if you could bring us more... cupcakes." Nightmare Moon twisted the box in the air.

Twilight blinked at how quickly everything moved in her favor. "I thought you were going to keep an eye on me?"

Nightmare Moon looked at the unicorn. Twilight frowned and cocked her head, suddenly unsettled by the Princess' gaze. It's not like she's looking at me, she wondered, it's like she's looking around me.

"Don't think you'll escape me that easily." Nightmare Moon finally replied. "I still have you under my gaze. One misstep and your familiar will be destroyed." The alicorn turned around and walked back upstairs. "Now leave me to my meal. Your Princess commands it."

Twilight stared into the darkness above, where the sounds of the Princess' hoofsteps could be heard. "Okay. I'll be... right back then."

Nightmare Moon merely grunted, and Twilight Sparkle turned around and, levitating her saddlebags off of the hook by the door, trotted out into the night. Upstairs, Nightmare Moon shifted the bookshelf lying across the upstairs window slightly and watched Twilight walk away, sparkling white aura surrounding her.

"Oh boy, cupcakes!"

Nightmare Moon spun around to see Spike, wide awake, sitting on the bed with a cupcake in his hand. He froze as he noticed Nightmare Moon's gaze and placed the cupcake back in the box. A mad grin spread across Nightmare Moon's face as she advanced on the hapless dragon.

"Whelp, I am glad you are awake." Nightmare Moon spoke lyrically, nearly singing the words as Spike cowered on the bed. "We have some work to do...."

- - - -

"Thanks again, Mr. Grazer."

The pale green stallion smiled and locked the door to the grocery behind him. "No problem, Ms. Sparkle, though I didn't really peg you for a night owl."

Twilight smiled awkwardly. "I've just been awfully busy today, I only just realized that I needed to pick up some food."

"Well the next time you need to stop by at closing time," Mr. Grazer said happily, trotting home, "you just head over."

Twilight waved at the departing pony and started heading back to the library. Okay, I have all the basics: lettuce, carrots, assorted flowers. No cupcakes, but "her highness" is going to have to just live with that. I should have enough for a week, factoring in what tribute I may be forced to give up. Am I forgetting anything?

Telling somepony that Nightmare Moon is living with me?

Twilight stopped, stuck by the sudden thought. Since she left the library, she hadn't given a second's thought to trying to betray Nightmare Moon. Not once did she look for how Nightmare Moon was tracking her. Not once did she even consider the possibility of escape.

Please don't tell me I'm getting used to this.

Twilight groaned and trotted on. I'll think about it later. As she walked, she glanced up at the night sky. Few clouds obscured the sky's brilliance, revealing a sea sparkling stars. Dominating the sky, as always, was the brilliant orb of the moon. As full as always, it watched over Twilight like a shining eye. The feeling was strangely comforting.

The unicorn passed through a park on her way back, admiring the way the moonlight caused the plant life to glow ever so slightly. The moon itself was reflected in a calm, still pool nearby Soft green grass bent under her feet, as she smiled serenely, the very air of nighttime making her feel warm and calm.

What the hay.

Twilight fell down into the grass, pushing her bags of groceries to the side. Smiling like a little filly, Twilight rolled onto her side and just stared up at the night sky. She lost herself to time, watching all the little stars in the sky and naming the constellations.

There's Sagittarius, Twilight pointed out. And Cancer, Scorpius, and Hydrus, all in their right place. That must be Saturn all the way over by the horizon. The North Star is looking exceptionally bright tonight. And there's Orion.... Twilight frowned. Wait a minute, Orion isn't supposed to be there... or that small.

Twilight started as Orion suddenly disappeared behind nearby oak. Twilight jumped to her hooves and instinctively reached for her magic. "All right, no games!" Twilight called out. "Come out where I can see you."

"It's okay!" A stallion's voice replied from the other side of the tree. "Sorry I was just... looking, that's all. Looking."

"At me?"

"To be perfectly honest, yes."


"All right!" A deep navy blue pegasus with an unruly blue mane flew out from behind the tree. Twilight noted his cutie mark, the same constellation that confused her earlier. Sheepishly, the pegasus fluttered down in front of her.

"Sorry," the stallion chuckled, raising his hoof to the back of his neck, "It's just I've never seen you around before. New pony in town?" Twilight nodded. "Pinkie throw you a party yet?"

Twilight smirked. "Yeah she did, last night."

The pegasus groaned. "Ah man, Pinkie's parties are always the best. I can't believe I missed it. Anyway," the pegasus reached out with his hoof, "Star Hunter, I'm the weather pony in charge of the night shift."

"Twilight Sparkle." Twilight took the hoof-shake and dropping the magic from around her horn. "I guess that explains why I don't remember seeing you."

"Yeah, I was busy keeping the sky clear for the Celebration."

"I thought Rainbow...."

Star Hunter scoffed. "Please, Rainbow Dash may be the fastest pony I know, but she's terrible at keeping the sky together. Well, for long that is." Star Hunter looked up at the night sky. "It was a lot of trouble keeping that sky clear yesterday: Thunderlane is out with the flu again so I was in charge of the entire sky over Ponyville."

Twilight gathered up her groceries. "I see, well..." she was just about to dismiss herself when she remembered something from not too long ago:

Study the magic of friendship...

Right, I nearly forgot about that. Twilight silently looked at Star Hunter, who was patiently staring back. Well, he seems normal, at least.

"You're doing a great job tonight." Twilight said brightly, sitting down again.

Star Hunter smiled and sat down next to Twilight. "Thanks, but I've gotten some help tonight." Star Hunter frowned and looked pensively off into the sky. "Odd, I think I've forgotten something...."

"The sky looks beautiful."

Star Hunter gazed up at the moon. "Yeah, one of the reasons I volunteer for the night shift. I guess I've always been a creature of the night. You?"

Twilight chuckled. "Of course."

She blinked. Since when?

Since forever, I love the night sky.

Well I wouldn't go as far to say that I'm a "creature of the night."

But my cutie mark's a bunch of stars. Explain that.

That represents... I'm arguing with myself.

Outside of Twilight's little hallucinating mind, Star Hunter glanced at Twilight's flank. "I guess I can see that." Twilight shot a glare at the pegasus, who immediately looked away. "Sorry, looking again."

Twilight shook her head. "You're unbelieveable."

Star Hunter recoiled in mock offense. "Madame, I consider myself to be the paragon of honesty. It's just... not saying what's on my mind that's the problem."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "So, what's on your mind right now?"

Without missing a beat Star Hunter replied, "That you're really hot, in a nerdy kind of way." Immediately he threw his hoof over his mouth.

"I'm leaving." Twilight said simply and stood up.

"Wait!" Star Hunter cried out, staggering to his feet. "I'm sorry that you're hot. No, wait! I'm sorry that... ah..."

Twilight turned away and started trotting back to the library. "Have a good night."

"Just give me a second chance!" Star Hunter pleaded, flying over Twilight and landing in front of her. "Look, let's try this again." Star Hunter stretched out his hoof. "Hi, my name is-WOAH!"

Twilight was shocked to find herself thrown off her hooves and back against a tree, narrowly avoiding a bolt of lightning that shot out of nowhere. Breathing heavily, she stared at the pegasus stallion that now pinned her to the tree. For the briefest of moments, wide eyes met shocked and furious ones.

Before Twilight could say anything, Star Hunter let her go and shouted up at the thundercloud now hovering overhead. "DERPY!"

A familiar grey pegasus peeked over the edge of the cloud. "Oops," she said, "my bad."

"Sorry, just remembered," Star Hunter explained to Twilight, "the only pony I could get to help me was Derpy over here."

Twilight recovered and asked, "I thought her name was...?"

"Ditzy?" Star Hunter replied. "It is, Derpy's just a little nickname we use in these situations." He winced. "I don't know who used it first, it just kinda stuck."

"Uh huh." Twilight said slowly, keeping one eye on the mare in the clouds. Blushing, Ditzy began pushing the cloud towards a grove of trees at the other end of the pond. "Well, it was nice meeting you, but I'd really like to get back home now."

"Right, sorry." Star Hunter waved at the retreating Twilight. "Maybe we'll see each other later? Go get something to eat? Come over to my place?"

"Probably not!"

Star Hunter winced at Twilight's yell. "I just can't stop myself, can I?" He muttered sadly to nopony in particular.

Ditzy reappeared over Star Hunter's shoulder, flying upside-down with leaves stuck in her hair. "I know what you mean." the mailmare sighed.

- - - -

"I should have known!" Twilight fumed, marching back to the library. "It doesn't matter how normal they look, how reasonable they may seem, everypony in this town is crazy!" Eventually Twilight reached the door to her library. Resting her head against the frame, she muttered, "At least here I know what crazy I'm getting into."

Inside a loud thump and a moan of pain sounded from inside. Inside an imperious voice sneered, "Did I say you could rest, whelp?"

Twilight's eyes opened with a snap. Groaning, she flung open the door and stepped inside.

The library was lit for the first time since Pinkie's party, the candles burning bright yellow. Near the staircase, a certain small purple dragon was being crushed by a large mattress draped with dark blue blankets. Meanwhile a black alicorn stood at the top of the stairs, levitating a half-eaten cupcake next to her mouth. When Twilight entered, her eyes darted to the door.

"You're late." Nightmare Moon said coldly, taking another bite out of the cupcake. "I expected your return far sooner. I was even contemplating maiming your assistant as a precaution."

"I'm sorry," Twilight said sarcastically, "I just ran into...."

"Did you bring me cupcakes?" Nightmare Moon quickly asked, staring at Twilight's bags.


The Princess of the Night looked away in disdain. "Then I don't care and you're not forgiven." Finishing the cupcake in a single bite, she threw the paper lining over her shoulder and into Twilight's room.

"What are you even doing?" Twilight asked instead, levitating the mattress off of her poor assistant.

"Thanks Twilight," the dragon moaned, rubbing his head. "Nightmare Moon has been running me up the wall."

"He was merely assisting me in setting up my throne room." Nightmare Moon explained, trotting down the stairs and into the library. "That is his title, is it not? Your assistant?"

"Yes," Twilight replied testily, setting the mattress down against the wall, "my assistant."

"And what's yours is mine." Nightmare Moon waved her hoof dismissively. "I thought I made that clear when I took these cupcakes."

Twilght growled but changed the subject. "So, your throne room?"

"Indeed," Nightmare Moon said haugtilly. "For now this tree is all that remains in my domain. It seems only fitting that my throne shall reside here, temporarily of course." Nightmare Moon walked over to the window and peered out at the moon. "Once my power has returned, and my army is ready, I'll march on Celestia's new palace and take what's rightfully mine."

Twilight stared at the back of Nightmare Moon's head for a moment. She's cruel, plotting, haughty, monstrous....

But she's not necessarily evil.

Twilight pushed that thought out of her mind like she had before. "I refuse to let you do any more damage to Spike than you already have. I'll help you set up your throne room."

"You will?"

Twilight was taken slightly aback by the alicorn's surprised tone. "The sooner you get out of my room, the better I'll sleep." The unicorn raised the mattress off of the wall. "Where shall you be staying, O Princess of the Night?"

Nightmare Moon blinked for a second and smiled broadly and cruelly. "It is about time you learned your place, Twilight." Head raised in the air, the black alicorn strode down a second staircase which lead to an old storage area. "Follow me, my subject."

Twilight groaned loudly and levitated the mattress downstairs. I'll never get used to her. Still, how long could this take?

- - - -

I can't believe this took so long.

Over the course of several dark hours (punctuated only by brief snack breaks on Twilight's behalf), the unicorn transformed the basement into a makeshift throne/bed room for her unwanted lord. The room had been dusted, washed, scrubbed, dried, and spit-cleaned until every surface had been perfectly cleaned off. The walls had been covered in bedsheets-turned-tapestries, each dark blue and painted with the emblem of the crescent moon surrounded by four stars. A throne of heavy encyclopedias had been raised at one end of the basement, it's high back made up of several volumes of the dictionary. At the other end was a basic living area: a mattress covered in blankets and spare pillows. All of this was illuminated by a series of candles lining the walls.

Nightmare Moon examined her new abode with a raised snout. "Spartan," she finally remarked, "but adequate. This will serve for now."

Twilight grunted in agreement and rubbed her eyes. The renovations took so long and were so grueling (by her standards), that Twilight was completely sapped of energy.

Nightmare Moon glanced at her subject. "Tired are we? Very well, you are dismissed."

Twilight didn't wait for Nightmare Moon's approval, climbing the stairs out of the throne room wearily. Through the windows in the library, the unicorn could see the faintest traces of the sky lightening. Groaning, she used her magic to draw all the curtains shut and plunge the library into darkness once more. Upstairs, Twilight could hear Spike snoring away like a baby.

"Unebleiveable," Nightmare Moon said, following Twilight upstairs, "that it took this long to put together a simple room. Of course, the days are far too long during the summer, not enough time to enjoy the night."

Twilight didn't respond and continued heading towards her bedroom.

Nightmare Moon continued to follow, now sighing, "I don't even see why so many ponies enjoy the day. Certainly it's brighter and more warm, but otherwise it's so dull. There's no stars, no planets, just a big burning sun." Nightmare Moon grumbled, "Fitting, given Celestia's nature."

Twilight just closed her eyes, praying that the alicorn would just shut up.

Nightmare Moon kept her eyes fixed on Twilight Sparkle as the unicorn fell into bed. "You must admit, Twilight, that sometimes you have thought that the days are simply too long."

Twilight grunted.

"That perhaps the moon would be a better alternative to the sun?"

Twilight rolled over in bed, closing her eyes. "I guess you're right." Twilight muttered.

Three seconds later, her eyes snapped open.

"No." Twilight said, her heart suddenly pounding in her chest. "You're not right."

Nightmare moon shrugged and turned away. The black alicorn traced a hoof over Spike, sleeping calmly in his bed, "If that is what you think, Twilight."

"But that isn't." Twilight clambered out of the covers. Standing on the bed, she stared at Nightmare Moon with true horror in her eyes. "It isn't what I think, I mean, what I thought." She raised a shaking hoof at the alicorn. "I really agreed with you, but... I don't. Do I?"

Nightmare Moon glanced over at Twilight and chuckled. "Dear Twilight, second-guessing your own thoughts?"

Twilight's heart skipped a beat.

"What did you do to me?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Nightmare Moon cocked her head. "What do you mean?"

"It's not just then, I've been having these conflicting thoughts all night." Twilight leapt out of bed and ran to her mirror. "Sleeping all day, awake all night," Twilight peered into the mirror. "I even think my night vision is getting better." Breathing heavily, Twilight spun around to stare at Nightmare Moon. "You did something to me. Don't deny it."

Nightmare Moon stared at Twilight stoically, the humor gone from her face. Slowly, the massive alicorn stepped forward and glared down at Twilight Sparkle. Despite the fear that filled the purple unicorn, she met Nightmare Moon's steely gaze.

Nightmare Moon took a deep breath and replied flatly, without inflection, " Not directly."

- - - -

Author's Notes: You asked... no, not you, the other one... back there... yes, in the black shirt... and you received. Another chapter when I really should be working on schoolwork. You're welcome. Oh, and before I get those comments, there are no OC main characters. If a character with a bunch of limes seems like an OC, think again. I live off of comments, so keep them coming!