• Published 6th Oct 2014
  • 11,597 Views, 234 Comments

Everything for a Princess - Spider8ite

It was just a normal day in the new castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle, except for a few incidents... Like the Lord of Chaos, the Princess of the Night, the Element of Laughter and two old enemies deciding to confess to Twilight all at once.

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Chapter Five - Date Five: Fireworks

Chapter Five: Date Five - Fireworks

Twilight opened her eyes to the sound of lightning. She heard the sound of the rain, but realized it was already day. She tried to get up, before noticing the girl hugging her from behind. Twilight enjoyed Sunset doing that; she felt warm and safe, just like when Princess Luna did it. But Sunset’s not Luna, Twilight, remember that, she thought while grimacing, knowing how the two were different.

She shook her hips a little, prompting a sigh from Sunset who seemed to be sleeping happily. Twilight blushed, realizing that she had liked that.

“Sun…” she called, turning slowly so that they were face to face. Sunset just tightened her grip on Twilight. The princess smiled for a second and then nudged her companion, making Sunset release her and stretch out on the bed, opening her eyes slowly.

“Good morning,” Twilight said as she watched the other girl sit on the bed and blink a few times.

“Good morning, Twi,” Sunset murmured, with a sleepy voice. “Sleep well?” Sunset climbed over to Twilight and rested her head on Twilight’s shoulder, closing her eyes.

Twilight looked at her with a smile. “Yes, thank you for asking.” She looked around and gave Sunset a kiss on the forehead.

“Thank you for the creepy movie and for the popcorn, but I must go, Sun. I really enjoyed my time with you.” Twilight rose, but before she took off her pajamas and put on normal clothes, a hand yanked her back down to the bed. She looked at Sunset who was wearing a friendly smile. “Sun, I need to…”

“Yes, I know, I know, but I want a kiss — a real kiss I mean, not on the forehead, right here…” She pointed to her mouth and then rose, pulling Twilight by her hips and then giving her that smirk and raising her eyebrows. “So… you wanna taste what I taste like?” Sunset said referring to her favorite series.

Twilight blushed. “I…” She had no time to say anything; Sunset just pulled her in and gave her a kiss. Twilight had little experience with kisses of course, but it was completely different from what she had expected. Sunset’s kiss was soft; it was not rough as she expected it to be; it was gentle and calm. She could feel a lot of butterflies flying in her belly, like an odd but delicious explosion.

When they parted, Sunset smiled at her and raised her eyebrow. “So?”

Twilight blushed once again, “Ummm… I have to admit, you’re a good kisser, Sun,” she said flatly as she wrapped a strand of hair around her finger and looked away. “Thank you, again.”

“You don’t have to thank me, just… choose right,” Sunset said, leaving Twilight and giving her a loving look. “I'm not saying you should choose me, but… I want to see you with someone who treats you right, like everyone should.”

“I’ll… uh, I need to go now…” She snapped her fingers and then she was in her normal clothes. “I really loved this, Sunset,” she said gently as she packed her suitcase and turned to Sunset again, “but I need to go.”

Twilight looked around, and then give Sunset a kiss on the cheek. “Bye.” The princess snapped her fingers, teleporting back to her house.

Sunset smiled.


Twilight had spent the day with Spike. The boy had said he wanted to have a movie marathon and so that's what they did. She knew this week had been a... “race” for her, so the princess hadn’t been able to spend any real quality time with the boy. And Twilight was happy to do it now; he had always been like a little brother to her.

“Hey, Twi, uh… I think you need to come here…” Spike said, calling from the kitchen. He had gone to find something to eat, and the boy seemed to be confused about something.

“What is it, Spike?”

“Look right there!” He pointed to a tent through window with a large sign that read "TRIXIE HERE! Witness the grandeur!" Next to the first sign was another saying, "Closed. Unless you're Sparkle, then enter now!"

“Why does she always have to be different?” he asked looking at Twilight who was standing there with a look of confusion on her face.

Twilight shook her head and sighed. “Trixie is… you know how she is. I suppose I ought to go ‘witness her grandeur,’ Spike. Can you take another night like this?” she asked.

“I can, oh, and I can also watch some horror movies. I know how you don’t like them,” Spike said, laughing as he took something from the fridge.

“Haha, very funny. I don’t want any more horror movies — or games — for a long, long time, Spike.” Twilight put a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry for not having more time for you.” She smiled weakly.

“No problem, Twi. I’ll be good. But, you should go, or Trixie will put another sign saying ‘COME HERE NOW YOU BITCH!’ That seems about right for her!” He laughed as he opened a soda can. Spike received a disapproving look from the girl, who walked upstairs. “What? I didn't mean to call you that… I mean Trixie would, I would never call you that!” he shouted after her. “Okay, okay, Trixie would only call you that in bed!”


“What? That’s sexy!” the boy said, taking his attention from the window to Twilight, who was now dressed for her date.

“No… it’s…”

“See? You like it!” Spike exclaimed.

Twilight shook her head and scowled at him. But she couldn’t stay serious forever, and smirked at him. “Look here.”

“Wha-” he had no time to complete his sentence as he was greeted by a pad of paper in the face. He frowned but soon started laughing. “I will have my revenge!”

Twilight laughed. “Sure, Spike, but I need to go now!”

The princess walked to the tent, with a slight smile on her face. She agreed with Spike: Trixie always had to be different from everyone else. Rather than simply call Twilight to tell her what time to meet, or where, she went and put up a marquee on her front lawn.

Twilight sighed, mentally preparing herself, and then pushed open the door flaps. “Hello, Trixie?”

To Twilight’s surprise, Trixie was posing in front of a mirror, with a feminine tuxedo, smiling and holding a top hat, repeatedly putting it on and removing it, probably to see if she would look good with the hat. Twilight smiled, seeing how great she looked in the tuxedo, looking like a true magician.

“Sparkle!?” Trixie exclaimed in surprise, turning to Twilight. “So you came to see the Great and Powerful Trixie?” she smirked.

Twilight shook her head and let out a little laugh, “Yes, but why did you stay inside the tent? Couldn't you just come to the castle and ask me out? Or did you want to make a big impression?” she joked with an ironic smile.

“Yes… kinda, but I decided to stay here because I'm lazy. Also I needed to practice my magic. You know, I'm getting better and better every day… oh!” Trixie snapped her fingers and a big bouquet of flowers appeared in her hands. She gave it to Twilight who smiled and blushed. “See? That’s for you, Sparkle.” She smirked.

“Thank you, Trixie. So… where are we going? Wherever it is must be very… chic? What with that tuxedo, right?” Twilight asked, as she teleported the bouquet to her castle.

“No, I'm just testing this tuxedo for a big performance in a few weeks. Now…” She snapped her fingers and changed clothes; her tuxedo now hung on a rack and she had changed into high blue heels and a short dress that clung to her body, highlighting her curves. Twilight had never seen her like that; Trixie was beautiful. “We're going to The Filly Feels, that nightclub in Canterlot. My friend Vinyl Scratch will be there tonight!”

“DJ PON-3 is your friend?” Twilight asked, surprised. “I’ve never been to a nightclub — I'm not dressed properly!”

Trixie sighed. “Here!” She snapped her fingers; Twilight was now wearing a black skirt that clung to her large waist and a tight, white shirt with a picture of a green dragon, and black sneakers to complete the ensemble. “You're beautiful, and you’re ready to go!” Trixie exclaimed looking at the princess.

“Trixie, I don’t know if…”

“Don't worry, Sparkle! Trixie will be here for you. And you know that Trixie finds you… quite sexy and cute. Sometimes Trixie cannot even imagine touching you because Trixie finds you… so adorkable, Sparkle,” Trixie said, trying to convince the princess. Twilight just blushed and stayed quiet. “Oh, sorry! It’s a bad habit. I was thinking out loud, hehe.” Trixie rubbed the back of her head nervously.

“So, we’re… umm… how are we getting to Canterlot?”

“Come here, Sparkle!” Twilight walked over to Trixie, who joined hands with her. The magician snapped her fingers, and they were in Canterlot.

Trixie was still learning that teleportation spell, and occasionally had little accidents with it, but fortunately it worked well this time, and they found themselves standing on the cold streets of Canterlot.

“Are you alright, Sparkle? Sometimes I get that spell a little wrong,” Trixie said. She looked Twilight up and down to check that no parts had been left behind in the teleportation.

“Uh… yeah, I am. So, where’s this place we’re going?”

“Right there.” The magician pointed ahead. “I teleported us right in front of the place, see?” It was a normal-looking building; the only thing marking it out from its neighbors was a neon sign saying ‘The Filly Feels,’ which alternated between blue and green. Outside the front entrance a security guard was checking people on the way in. On the wall next to him was a poster reading ‘DJ PON-3 today! Come celebrate with the last performance of the year from our favorite DJ!’ In small print it added, “only club members and those with a golden ticket can enter.”

“Err… can we get in, Trixie? Look at the…”

“Calm down, c'mon. I’ll show you how to do it,” Trixie said smugly. She and Twilight walked to the door where the security guard stood with a serious face. “Watch and learn Sparkle…” Trixie said and then coughed. “Hey, uh…” she looked at the guard's name on his badge. It said ‘Dusty Fire’.

“Hey, Dusty! Great name! The Great and Powerful Trixie had a friend with that name, you know!”

“If you don’t have a golden ticket, then get out. Today is an important show for DJ PON-3. It’s her last show before she takes a six month break to spend some time with her new bride,” Dusty said with a rough voice. “Now, get out!”

“Oh, sorry, but I’m friend of Miss Scratch and I know that she would be mad at you if you don’t let the Great and Powerful Trixie enter! I mean, she’ll probably realize that you were only following rules when you turned me away. I’m sure she wouldn’t fire you, no, she wouldn’t do that, would she? C’mon Sparkle, it seems like Trixie is not welcome here…” Trixie turned and began to walk away, taking Twilight’s arm, before a voice called them.

“Wait, wait! You’re her friend? Oh, of course, enter, enter. I didn't mean that, hehe…” The guard scratched the back of his neck nervously. “Sure, come inside, if you’re her friend, uh… There’s an open bar, all you can drink for free!”

Trixie smiled at Twilight, who seemed surprised. “Thank you, Dusty. C’mon Sparkle.” They both stepped into the club and were greeted by the loud noise of electronic music. “You like it?” Trixie asked, stopping near the bar. Twilight stared at the dancing people: some were drunk, others kissing, others dancing, and some were just talking while drinking.

Twilight smiled at Trixie. “It’s new for me, but I’ll… try to get used to it.”

“Awesome! Let’s go, Sparkle. Want a drink?”

“I… don’t usually drink.” Twilight blushed as they closed the short distance to the bar.

“Oh, Sparkle, just remember they don’t serve water here, okay? You drink properly or you don’t drink at all!” Trixie laughed. “I don’t think you imagined me, The Great and Powerful Trixie, being into nightclubs and being friends with DJ PON-3! Is Trixie right?”

“Yes, I’m surprised,” Twilight laughed, “but it’s… cool to be here with you. I wanted to try this out someday, but I didn't imagine that it would be with you, Trixie.”

“Everyone has their special tricks.” She smirked and then sat on one of the stools by the bar. Twilight took a seat beside her.

“Hey Trixie!” The barmaid, a redhead, greeted Trixie, leaning on the counter and giving a smile to her and her companion. “Is that Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic and Princess of Friendship? Hello, your majesty, why are you with this dirty magician? Trixie should be kissing your feets right now, majesty!” She chuckled. “But she’s far too arrogant for that!” the barmaid joked, and smirked at the princess.

Twilight blushed. “I'm not all that! I mean, I have all these titles, but please just treat me like any other customer. As for Trixie, we’ve had our disagreements in the past, but I can see that she is... changing.” Twilight looked at Trixie who was trying to look serious and respectable. “She’s trying to, at least.”

“You see?” said Trixie, puffing out her chest, “this woman loves The Great and Powerful Trixie! Now bring me some wine, I want to celebrate!” Trixie smiled and received a disapproving look from Twilight. “What?”

Twilight smiled. “Don’t be so… old you, Trixie, be the new you. I like her.”

“Okay, boss, just for today, and only for you.” Trixie turned to the barmaid. “Bring me some wine, seriously now.” She turned to her date. “And you?”

“Uh… juice?”

Trixie and the woman looked at each other in silence for a moment and then burst into laughter. “Sugar… we don’t really sell juice here. I can make something pretty close to juice for you, but…” She laughed a little more. She opened a big liquor cabinet and took out a bottle and a glass, pouring a drink for Twilight. “It’s fruit juice blended with vodka — try it!”

Twilight took the glass and sniffed the liquid. It smelt like strawberry, so she shrugged and drank some. “Yeah, uh… it’s very good. I like it.” She smiled.

“So, princess, you never drank?” Twilight shook her head. “Oh, so Trixie has made a miracle happen?”

“Kind of, but I always planned on trying it out someday.” She laughed nervously and then turned to talk to the barmaid. “So, what’s your name? You’ve known Trixie for a long time?”

“Yeah, she always used to come here when she was going through that bad phase… depressing, right? But we got to be friends.”

“I wasn’t drunk because I was… ‘bad”, I was drunk because I wanted to be!” Trixie protested.

“Okay, okay, I believe you!” the barmaid said before muttering, “thousands wouldn’t.” She offered a hand to Twilight Sparkle. “The name’s Red Tequila, princess,” she fluttered her eyelids at Twilight while the princess shook her hand. “If you ever want someone better than this pile of trash, give me a call.” Red smirked. “But now I’ve got to get back to work girls, enjoy ya’ time!” She then went off to serve other clients.

Twilight shook her head and laughed. “You never me told me about this side of you. Why not?”

“It never came up, Sparkle. Whenever I was in Ponyville we always seemed to come into conflict, and when we did not, I was busy with my shows. But I’m glad you’ve seen this other side of me now.” Trixie smiled and sat silently for a moment, but then her eyes widened and she smiled. “Oh, I want to show you something! We have to go to a hill nearby!”

“Uh… of course, what is it?”

“You’ll see, Sparkle. C’mon, let’s go see a real show now.” Trixie pulled Twilight by the arm. The princess barely had time to put down her empty glass before the magician had led her out of the door.

The crisp night air and the moonlight were perfect for the moment. Trixie had said it was a small hill near Canterlot. There was a beautiful lake and it was a perfect place to stargaze. Luna had done a good job that night.

“Here…” Trixie sat, leaning her head on a tree. Twilight hesitantly between the magician’s legs, blushing.

“So… what is it you wanted to show me?” the princess asked.

“This!” She snapped her fingers and Twilight heard the sound of fireworks. She saw a purple explosion in the night sky which formed into the shape of some letters: ‘Twixie.’

“It’s our names together, Sparkle.” Trixie smiled lovingly.

Twilight smiled at the fireworks that were now forming another phrases and words like ‘My princess’ and ‘Princess Twilight Sparkle’. “Thank you Trixie, that’s beautiful,” she smiled. “But… how did you write that in the stars?!” She pointed.

“No, I can’t… wait…” Trixie saw the phrase ‘Twi is mine’ written in the stars.

“You think Luna did that?”

“That bitch!” Trixie shook her head and laughed. “The Princess of the Night is afraid of Trixie? Yes, she should be!” Trixie said, convinced of herself.

Twilight shook her head and laughed. “Behave, Trixie.” Twilight rested her head against Trixie’s chest and snuggled against her, closing her eyes.

“Sparkle, what are you…”


“Well, Trixie could get used to this.” Trixie sighed happily and closed her eyes.

They both rested like that for what seemed like a long time. Twilight had to admit that it was a moment that she would love to repeat every day. She smiled at the thought; she had never imagined Trixie like that. She sighed again, this time with a sad tone, then opened her eyes and rose. “Sorry, Trixie, I’ve got to go. But… I loved this time I had with you.” She smiled.

“Could we stay here? Just a little more?” Trixie looked at Twilight with puppy dog eyes.

“No, Trixie, I have to go. I need to go and spend a little time with Spike. I feel I’ve been neglecting him this week.” She smiled at Trixie, who rose. “But first, I need to give you this…” The princess approached her and gave her a quick kiss, making the magician blush. “I loved this date. It’ll be difficult to choose who… but… you know I like all of you, right?”

Trixie sighed and lowered her head “Yes, Sparkle. And I… I love you.”

“I… Trixie, you know I can’t say that, because if I choose another person, you will be broken. But… I… I feel the same. You’ve changed.” Trixie looked at her. “And I know that, even if I don’t choose you, any woman should count herself lucky to be with you Trixie.”

“Trixie knows that… But it will not be like having Sparkle…”

Twilight sighed and hugged Trixie. “You’re beautiful, Trixie… and Sparkle likes the new Trixie.” Twilight pulled away from her and smiled. “Bye, Trixie.”

“On the big day, Sparkle, on the big day.”

Twilight then snapped her fingers, teleporting herself to Ponyville.

It’s over… Now, I don’t want to let them down… This will be hard. Very hard.

Author's Note:

Edited by VitalSpark and Lord Dragon, once again!

Oh well, this gonna end today... I feel weird with that... Anyways later