• Published 10th Oct 2014
  • 744 Views, 8 Comments

Sellsword: A Swordstorm side story - HeavyMetalKnight

Lightning Dust becomes a mercenary, and plans to take revenge.

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Service to the sword part I

All my life,
I've dreamed of flying high with my heroes.
But not any more.

Those were the thoughts that plagued her mind. Thoughts, she could never forget. The Wonderbolts were her idols, as much as anypony else. And yet they turn her down, because of the damage she had caused. And the ponies who were in mortal danger; because of what she had done. Even when flying aimlessly in the night sky above equestria, those very thoughts still come to her mind.

Lightning Dust couldn't tell where she was, but she didn't care. As long as she was away from her former idols, the more comfortable she felt. She also had nowhere left to turn. And nopony who would trust her.

Since she'd been expelled from the Wonderbolts Academy, she had been constantly traveling. Looking for work wherever she could. Her carelessness however, had cost her dearly though. In spite of it all, she kept flying; searching for more work to keep herself from starvation and dehydration.

Lightning Dust could not fly for long though. Reckless as she was, she had to descend at some point. She glided carefully to the forest canopy below her. She felt the soft soil beneath her hooves, when she landed. Coniferous trees, and thick bushes surrounding her. Once again, she had no idea where her instincts are taking her.

I'm not sure why, She thought confidently, But I'm gonna keep going!

She kept her pace to a stroll. She also kept herself quiet, so as to not disturb any wild animal that may cross her path. Constantly, she scanned her surroundings. Hoping nothing tries to eat her. A while back, she did receive a hunting knife from one of her past jobs. It was kept in a holster, attached to a belt just above her plot. So that way if anything crosses her path, she'll be prepared. She also had a satchel with her savings, slung over her shoulder.

So far nothing alarming. The only thing she saw, was the dirt path in front of her, and conifer trees on either side. She kept thinking about the academy, and those who hated her. More so, she thought of a particular rainbow maned pony by the name of Rainbow Dash. She was the one who called her out on her actions. And she was a wing pony! She was also the one who got her kicked out.

The snitch!, She thought bitterly, Somehow, I'll make her pay!

She resented her for it ever since. She grimaced and clenched her teeth, just by the thought of her. Rainbow Dash became a leader in her place, which made her all the more furious. She prevented a tear from running down her face; not wanting to lose her pride. Even if nopony was around.


Alarmed, she looked behind to where the noise came from. She had felt a cold chill down her spine as if somepony was watching her. Her breathing was heavy, her wings ready to take flight. Frightened for what may happen next; which she knew would be soon.

No, She told herself, I gotta be strong!

She heard the noise again, louder than before. She reached to the holster, with her mouth, for the hunting knife. The blade made a shhink sound when she unsheathed it. She clenched it with her teeth, the blade held sideways. Regardless, she was frightened.


So she was right. Sompony was watching her. A brown obese earth pony stallion in burlap, was galloping towards her. She reacted on time, evading his attack. He had a hatchet between his teeth. His intent was obvious.

"Now then," He chuckled, muffling with his hatchet in his mouth, "What's a pretty mare like yourself, doin' here?"

"Mind your business!" She muffled defensively.

"Feisty, aren't we? Just give me all your bits, or I lop off them wings of yours instead!"

Lightning Dust didn't have much on her, only two bits. But she was not going to give them up to this mugger.

He lunged towards her, hatchet in his mouth. She was much faster than him, so she avoided him easily. Outflanking him in the process. Now its her turn. Flapping her wings quickly, she flew at sonic speed. She prepared the knife in her mouth, held it tightly, and moved in.


The mugger stallion wheezed in pain. Her hunter knife had impaled him in the heart. Dark blood oozed from the wound, profusely. His hatchet fell from his mouth, falling against the soil. Blood dripped down from his jaw. She released the knife from his chest, unsheathing it from his near lifeless body.

"How... di-" He started choking on his own blood, "ya-"

"You should have listened."

She decided to search his body, to see if he had any bits on him. She looked through his burlap shirt for a pocket. Feeling with her hooves she found ten bits. She also decided to grab the discarded hatchet as well.

"Not bad," She said to herself, "Not bad at all."

And she left him there, dead, relieved by her success. She had almost killed several ponies by accident. But she killed that stallion intentionally. Something she had never done before.

It took her a good hour or so, getting out of the forest. She had then found a clearing, and a small village. The village itself was comprised of small buildings, with straw roofs.

Simple, She thought disappointed, But it'll have to do.

The moon had shone brightly over the village, as she entered. Some of the houses and other buildings still had lights on, she noticed, through their windows. She kept walking until she came to the central of the village.

She intended to stay in an inn. Which there so happens to be one, given a sign post in front of a large building with a cobblestone pathway leading to the door. Marble Spice's Tavern the sign read. She made the decision to try it out. Using her hoof, she opened the door, inside there was a nearly empty tavern. It was rather quiet for one. A few wooden tables, empty bottles, as well as some lit candles on the tables, wax dripping down across the wood.

She stepped inside, not attracting to much attention. There were only a few ponies in this tavern so she had to be careful. Only a few stallions eyed her as she walked in. A thin stallion, a bartender, greeted her when she came up to the bar.

"Good evening, m'dear! How can I help you?"

"A room please." She asked.

"Do you have enough?" The bartender asked, "It's ten bits for a night."

"I have thirteen."

"Oh." He seemed a little embarrassed for his foolishness. He gave her a small key for her room.

"Alright then," He gave her a key from beneath the bar, "Just up the stairs, third door on the right.

She looked over what looked like a menu above him. finding the cheapest drink she could afford.

"And maybe a pint of cider, if you will?" She asked. It was exactly one bit for cider

He moved over to a keg with a spigot. He grabbed a glass mug, held down on the spigot as cider poured into it. He then gave it to her, foaming at the brim. She made a move upstairs... until she was interrupted.

"Wait!" The bartender called, "No drinks allowed upstairs."

She groaned at that. All she needed was some rest, but inevitably she had to finish her cider first. She went over to one of the empty tables to sit. Some the patrons in this tavern minded their own business, others tried getting her attention. She took a sip. It tasted bitter, but it will have to do.

"Hey greeny? Preen them wings will ya?!" A stallion joked, and laughed hard at it.

Soon others joined in his laughter. She got what he men't, and was rather disgusted by it. Many ponies had called her a disgrace, after she was kicked out of the academy. And had also became a laughing stock on some of the jobs she did. Like crashing into others when she had made pie deliveries, or getting locked in a supply closet for hours. The fat stallion she encountered in forest thought of her to be a joke. But he had underestimated her, and died in his theft attempt.

"Don't listen to them."

She turned to where she heard the voice. He was a griffin she realized, wearing a long gray-green cloak. He had gray feathers, brown fur and a black beak. His wings were not in prime condition, but looked like they still functioned. He had one eye, the other had a slash scar over it. He seemed to have an interest in her for some reason.

"You seem stressed," He speculated, "Something getting you in a foul mood?"

"What's it to you?" She replied rudely.

"Only asking."

She wasn't sure what to think of this stranger. Of course she was on edge, but why should she tell him that? The griffin looked at her, cocked his head to one side as if he was staring at something.

"Hmm." He pondered, "What is a pegasus like you, doing with a hunting knife and a hatchet?"

So it was my weapons he was looking at. She realized.

"Who are you? And why do you keep asking stuff about me?!" She demanded.

"My name is Pontus. And I was only curious." He answered calmly.

She was surprised he did not show any hostility towards her, despite how she asked. He seamed to have been tolerant of her kind attitude. Which made her curious. Either way, this griffin had no business knowing of her ordeal.

"Just mind your business, okay?" She wanted to be left alone. She had taken a long gulp of her cider.

"A word of advice," Pontus started, "Clean that knife of yours."

Lightning Dust nearly choked on her cider in horror. She realized the lower half of the holster was drenched, and dripping with dark blood. She knew she couldn't hide this.

"Blood will make the blade rust. It's best to wipe it off with a small cloth." He then added darkly, "I may have a few ideas why you did not clean off the blood. Pony blood. A scuffle with a certain mugger perhaps?"

How the hay did he know that?! She thought guiltily, How could he have known that?!

"No matter. I've got resting to do."

Pontus got up from his table and headed straight up the stairs. Lightning was confused, wondering how he knew she killed that mugger. She finished her drink, and headed after him. Her room was already up there anyway. She spotted him turning a key into, what looked like to be, his room. She zipped towards him in not even a second. Before he could enter...

"Hold on a second!" She demanded, preventing him from entering, "First: How would you know if I killed sompony? And second: Why would you think it was some mugger?!"

He chuckled at that. Suddenly not sure whether or not to be afraid.

"I saw it on my way here." He had told her.

"Wha- How could you have seen it?"

"I was soaring on my way here," He started, "But then I noticed that plump, good for nothing thief, trying to make with some mare's bits. I slowed a bit to watch what happens next. And you gutted him like the pig he is."

He seemed amused by that. He then reached underneath his cloak, and hearing a long shhink noise, she could only fear for what may come. He had unsheathed a broad sword, beautiful in its appearance. The hilt and pommel were decorated with silver, the handle brown leather.

Alarmed, she tried to reach for her knife. But then he held his left talon hand, in a gesture that men't "stop".

"Heh," He mused, "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already."

"Then why'd you pull out a sword?" She questioned.

"I don't plan to kill you. If that's what you're wondering. I heard about you before, Lightning Dust."

He knows my name? She was a little unnerved by that.

"How do-?"

"I wish to speak with you," He interrupted and insisted, "On a subject you might want to hear. Care to listen?"

She had no clue as to what she should hear, and whether to except his offer or not. But she decided to take the chance.

"Okay then," She answered and asked, "What do you want?"