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"I am the Aloof Hermit, the Lord of the Empty Seat. I am the Alpha and the Omega"

Comments ( 66 )

Hey there. All I can really say is excellent start on this side story. I loved the "Nice Job Breaking It, Hero" part on the Equestrian end (at least in the sense that it makes a lot of sense for the trouble starting in THIS universe) AND how well you seem to be handling Sunset's character development. As she said herself in canon, there is a HUGE difference between being a bully and being a complete monster. The fact that she was, even pre-redemption, willing to risk her life to save a little kid AND refused to back down in a fight, even when she KNEW her opponent was MUCH more powerful, really speak volumes for her. Of course, the fact that the decision to show backbone even in the face of certain death ended up calling forth the ring that gave her the power to escape, but, still, it's the thought that counts.

At any rate, I'll definitely be looking forward to more of this, but I also acknowledge and respect that real world concerns have to come first.

Interesting though I think Sunny can also use the Orange and Green rings

Will it be OK if I add this to my group?

Thank you! One of the reasons this didn't come out sooner is because there were various factors I had to address to make Sunset's situation believable. Plus I had a bit of a hard time narrowing down her pre-reformation side...

Orange is a bit of a stretch, but remember that this is bully Sunset, the only other ring she'd get is Yellow.

Sure! :pinkiehappy:

Ever notice that after Sunset's reform, Snips and Snails abandoned her insanely fast? And no one seems to blame them for their part of being Sunset's little minions?

You think Sunset would be more worthy of the yellow light given how much fear she inspired at the school.

Not much I can say beyond excellent job, once again, on the exchanges, emotional content, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. I REALLY liked Sunset's fight with Black Hand (and moments of reflection afterwards), the scenes with Rainbow and Gilda (especially as they are rushing to Scoots's aid) as well as the cameos by Sci-Twi and the Dazzlings (both of whom, I'm guessing will play MUCH bigger roles later in the story). I'll definitely be looking forward to more of this, but I will certainly understand if real life gets in the way.

Ironically, I'd have gone with the Yellow light of fear with Sunset Shimmer, which she inspired A LOT OF at Canterlot High, and makes her a better foil to Twilight Sparkle, on the right and wrong way to use the same power.

nicely done, though I AM curious as to whom that Green Lantern/Guardian/Whatever is; also:

[Don't hate me because I'm beautiful~]
“Too late.”

considering what this is more then likely referencing, I honestly can't fault Scoots on her reaction...

“Ugh, gag me.”

oh, come on: the Star Wars prequel trilogy wasn't THAT bad...

[Moon-Prism Power!]
“Seen it.”

huh: I honestly wouldn't have anticipated SCOOTALOO of all ponies/people/whatever as a Sailor Moon fan...nice touch there, author

"Well it’s not like Rainbow and her girlfriend weren't paying that much attention anyways." Sunset said with a smirk. “If you’re gonna get on my case about it then-”
To her surprise however Rainbow immediately stood up with a confident smirk on her face. “The first puzzle involved walking with your left foot forward as a sign of respect to the cursed statues of the Pharaoh, the second one required you to listen to the riddle of the Sphinx, then take the word “spy”, the letter “D”, and the sound “er” and put them all together to make the word “spider”, and the last one was a test of which object was of true value: a fabulous golden cup encrusted with jewels or a simple, worn and  battered clay cup. Taking the normal cup would grant eternal life while taking the golden cup made you rapidly age to death.”

that moment when you realize that Rainbow Dash is an active "Daring Do" fan and that the book in question that they are currently discussing is the SAME one that she gifted and shared with a hospital-bound Scootaloo :ajsmug:

Once again, excellent job on this latest chapter. The action, exchanges, emotional content and future chapter set-up were, of course, quite well done in all the right places. I particularly liked the scenes with Rainbow, Gilda and Scoots in the hospital, the scene in the classroom, the scenes with the Dazzlings and the fight between Sunset and the mysterious new hero. I, too, am curious about the identity of this "Green Guardian".

I doubt it's Rainbow because, while she might be one of the few who consistently has the willpower to stand up to Sunset, she would also have too big an ego to hide her identity behind a mask, especially if she (understandably) thought she had the power to protect her family and friends anyway if it came to that.

It COULD, however, be somebody who hasn't yet appeared in the story. OR it could (probably isn't, but it still could) be one of the Canterlot High teachers (the mentions of "teaching" plus you have to consider that, if anybody can put up with having Sunset as a student for two years without losing their temper HAS to have willpower to spare.

But, at any rate, I will definitely be looking forward to more of this, but will also understand that real world concerns have to come first.


that moment when you realize that Rainbow Dash is an active "Daring Do" fan and that the book in question that they are currently discussing is the SAME one that she gifted and shared with a hospital-bound Scootaloo :ajsmug:

She's not really a die-hard fan per-say, but reading them to her little sister all the time is slowly making her become one. By the way, there are at least three separate references hidden in the trials, think you can spot them?

As for the Green Guardian, at this moment she's basically to be sort of an "unbreakable wall" for Sunset, since at this point there's not really much stopping her from outright taking over (bar the Black Lanterns themselves), her identity will be revealed much later in the story.

BTW, I was hoping to get some input on your thoughts toward Sunset's issues with her parents, or rather their dysfunctional relationship at the moment.

8171351 Yeah. I gotcha. Thanks for the info.

As for the show of the issues, yeah, that was pretty well done too. It would make sense that a ring powered by anger would also amplify her pre-existing bitterness toward both versions of her parents and big brother (specifically, the favoritism shown toward said big brother [who probably has his OWN issues from the pressure of living up to those expectations despite being NOT anywhere near as powerful as his sister]).

Nice new story, I can't wait to read more.:twilightsmile: Also

[Don't hate me because I'm beautiful~]

was this the song neverending strife or a different song with the same line?

I like this Sunset, and totally agree that rage fits her. :twilightsmile:

This world is not yours to rule... it's mine to protect.

Oh hoho, so Sunset can't go full villain, nice. Great Green Lantern there. Looking forward for more.

Holy - not much I can say other than great job on this latest chapter. Yeah Pinkie makes a surprisingly good Yellow Lantern when she is pushed, as that creep JUST found out the VERY hard way and that particular series of scenes is a surprisingly good jab to the Five Nights at Freddy's mess . Excellent action, characterizations and future chapter set-up as usual. I also really liked the scenes with Rainbow and Gilda AND the Green Guardian and the mystery guy whom I'm guessing is either Flash or Sunburst . And, yeah, I sense a doozy of a fight coming up between Red Lantern Sunset and Yellow Lantern Pinkie .

At any rate, I'll definitely be looking forward to more, but will also be quite willing to be patient.

... The fuck? You go for the watered down Red Latern Oath... but then you use the extra edgy Sinestro Corp oath?

Before I read this, what is the Gore, and Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

For the most part, anything else will come with later updates.

That aspect hasn't been touched upon in-story yet.

I hope Pinkei and the oterhs get their chances to smash Susnet a few dozne times, even if she can get them together they may never trust her, after what she done.

For the EQG White Lantern ring to appear, the other ring bearers would have to trust her, at least once. Isn't the lore behind the White Lantern's power that it is the combined might of ALL THE POWER OF THE EMOTIONAL SPECTRUM?. It is pretty obvious that most of the HuMane 5 are going to get Power Rings, and Flash was already given the Green one.
My bets on who gets which ring:
Sunset - Red --> White (after she has that epiphany "I have been such a bitch" moment)
Flash - Green
Applejack - Indigo
Rainbow - Orange
Pinkie - Blue
Rarity - Violet

Oh, and to the Author: Will the cover image change as more of the Rings choose owners? Like how Red and Yellow have chosen wielders, and those two corp symbols have black instead of white?

I know but like to see them get some some rightious justice. I am a Sunset Fan and know she was a pretty bad bully but seeing such details of what she did to Pinkie...breaks my heart.

If Sunset comes to regret what she done that's fine, be glad for that, but I can't assume it going to be easy or pleasent, and kinda of hope the others get a little pay back still.
She forced to see what a monster she had become.

Oh, trust me. Once the other girls get Power Rings, they are going to give Sunset such a hard time once her identity comes out. Although, I'm thinking that Rainbow and Sunset are going to have a Power Ring fight, with Rainbow thinking Sunset is too dangerous to let her keep her ring, and giving Sunset a one-sided beat-down. Scootaloo will be watching the fight, and right when Rainbow is about to kill or depower Sunset, Scootaloo remembers that Sunset saved her in one of the opening chapters, then she stops RD from hurting Sunset more.

I just thought of this, but what if the Green Gaurdian is EQG Twilight? Her character tag is up there with the rest.

Intriguing thoughts, Ze1a7in, but considering Sci-Twi DOES NOT yet know Pinkie Pie (though that will almost definitely change before the adventure is over), I VERY seriously doubt that she's the Green Guardian (since this chapter seems to strongly imply that the Green Guardian DOES know PInkie) .

Still, you have a pretty good point about the difficulty the other girls are going to give Sunset once they get their rings and Sunset's identity is revealed.

Again, great job on this latest chapter. It may have taken a while, but it was WELL worth the wait. Anyway, excellent job on the action (particularly Sunset and the Guardian kicking tail on the "Five Nights at Freddy's" inspired constructs and managing to both take down AND calm down Yellow Lantern Pinkie ), exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places.

And, yeah, we also got some clues as to the identity of the "Green Guardian" without revealing too much. At the very least, we know it's somebody who DOES know Pinkie Pie AND somebody who is either no more than a few years older than Sunset (well, PHYSICALLY in that case) and Pinkie OR, alternatively, is even YOUNGER than they are. Not much, admittedly, but I fully understand that is EXACTLY the point.

At any rate, I will very certainly be looking forward to more of this, but will also quite definitely be perfectly willing to be patient.

But if you think about it, the Green Guardian has already established she knows Sunset is the Red Lantern, as is revealed when she gave Flash that Green power ring. Going by that, if it was anyone at Canterlot High that was the Green Guardian, they would not have been so keen on letting Sunset keep her ring, and if they did, they would most likely use the knowledge as some form of blackmail. Plus, Pinkie has thrown A LOT of parties, who's to say she did or did not meet Pinkie at one of them. Plus, the Green Guardian's mannerisms just seem to fit Twilight. Also, AU, so this Twilight might not go to Crystal Prep.

I think we can both agree that Sunset will be getting a color swap for the finale, as a sort of redemption. I mean, the cover description pretty much spoils that Sunset is going to HAVE TO REUNITE THE HUMANE 5 TO SUCCEED!

Yeah. I suppose you DO bring up some very valid points (particularly the last ones).

Guess I was wrong about Sci-Twi being the Green Guardian. Ooh, maybe it is human Sunset?

nicely done; also:

"....w-why? You don't even know me." Twilight asked the girl in confusion. She'd just met her and yet she was willing to help her right off the bat? "I-I'm just a nobody..."
For a split-second, in Twilight's place, the rainbow-haired girl saw one of her old friends, someone she'd stop seeing long ago... shaking her head, she gave the girl a warm smile.

"S-Sure" Twilight nodded as she pulled out her phone and began the exchange.
Rainbow couldn't help but chuckle at the awkwardness of the situation. 'Yeah, she's just like... her....' She thought as a feeling of nostalgia momentarily distracted her...

oooh: did Rainbow and Fluttershy have a falling out or something? if so, I hope they get the chance to patch things up...

L:ove the story still hate Sunset thou and getting reminders why makes me hate her more.
The Bitch version, still hope she gets what coming to her at the end.

Once again, very good job on the latest chapter. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all well done in all the right places. I particularly liked Sci-Twi's brief near-run in with the Dazzlings AND her first meeting (in THIS universe) with Rainbow and Flash .

I will most assuredly be looking forward to more of this, but will also respect if I need to be patient.

I wish there was more.... but there isn't. I'm sad now.:fluttercry:

Don't worry, the next chapter is in the writing process.

Oh Rarity... Orange is not your color. Yet you wear it well.

Holy cow. :-D Again, a truly great chapter. It took a while, but was DEFINITELY quite well worth the wait. I love the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Overall, a truly epic scene at the amusement park. I absolutely loved how Twilight and Flash were reacting, first to their time together on the rides and then to getting caught in the crossfire of all those Lanterns' fight . And, yeah, Rarity/Diamante Elegante as the Orange Lantern both caught me by surprise AND makes A LOT of sense. Of course, now we also have the Azure Knight to try to figure out the identity of (so far all we know is that she is female, around the same age group as the Green Guardian [which means she would be just a few years older than the students], has a flair for the dramatic AND apparently has enough of a social life to have had to get out of a date to get there to help).

And I have a bad feeling (albeit "bad feeling" in a way that makes for good story-telling) about Sci-Twi's plans to find a way to duplicate the powers of those rings.

So, yes, I AM very certainly going to be looking forward to more of this.

Ahem! Darling, black is always fashionable, and I hear orange is the new black.:duck:

So you're saying Rarity would look better as an undead husk? :trollestia:

If anyone could make being dead fabulous, Rarity could. :ajsmug:

Yay! A Flash Sentry that isn't just the token boyfriend!

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