• Published 11th Oct 2014
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Rhythm and Harmony: The Octascratch Prompt Collab - lyra_lover777

Various short stories by various authors between 100 and 1500 words obtaining to the love of Octavia and Vinyl Scratch.

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33 Prompt Special: The 7 Deadly Sins

Author's Note:

Woo hoo! Our first special!

33 Prompt Special: The 7 Deadly Sins

Wrath by BuckingPonderous

The door was unlocked.

She had locked it tight when she had left yet when she gripped the doorknob now, it revealed itself as being unlocked. That meant someone had entered her home while she was away and given her associates, there was no telling what was waiting for her inside. Years of practice made it excessively easy to mask her realization as she turned from the door to the mare she had invited home.

"Hey Octy," she began, weaving what she hoped was a wonderful lie that would stall her friend long enough to deal with the intruder. "I just realized I left my bag in the carriage. Could you go grab it for me before they leave?"

Octavia rose her eyebrows before sighing. "Really Vinyl? It's late. Can we not just call the company tomorrow?"

"But Octy!" She whined, hitting just the right octave to make Octavia facehoof. "I have some really personal stuff in there!"

The earth pony sighed again but agreed, making Vinyl promise not to make this a habit. Vinyl cheerfully agreed, giving her a big hug to make her smile before watching her go. The second she was out of sight, Vinyl turned and went inside; making sure to lock the door behind her in case Octavia came back before she was done.

"Okay." She turned and looked into the darkness of her apartment, frowning deeply. "You have until the count of three to come out of the shadows before I come over there and drag you out."

"Touchy." A snide voice answered her. Sure enough, there were three stallions who stepped out from around the corner of the hall. Even in the darkness, their eyes revealed them for what they were: Vampires. "Good evening, Lady-"

"Spare me the pleasantries." Vinyl interrupted the first, her shades reflecting the faint light from the open window. "Why are you in my home?"

The stallions seemed taken aback but her rudeness but the second began answering as she approached the table. "The Vampire Court wishes-"

"I already told them that they can kiss my tail." She snapped, pointing at the window. "Leave me. I have a meal waiting outside."

The third smiled in what he probably thought was a threatening manner. "Well, why don't we share her? I've always wanted to dine on someone high class." The words had barely left the stallion's mouth before Vinyl was upon him; faster than he or his compatriots could react she had leaped onto him as was raining blows that would break the bones of mortals. Her opponent was completely unprepared for the onslaught of violence that was being brought against him and could do little more than curl himself up to try and protect himself.

Reflecting on it later, she would be no doubt surprised with herself. Violence wasn't in her nature. Not to say she was a stranger to it, of course. You don't live for over a thousand years without getting caught up in a fight or two; especially when you're a creature who actively feeds on blood. But she wasn't inherently violent. She loved peaceful solutions, adored clever plans, and admired those special cases where everypony got what they wanted with hardly a shout. Violence was the way of the brute, the thug, and the pony who was left with no chance to reason her way out of a situation.

But the thought of this cretin feeding on Octavia? Absolutely unequivocally unacceptable.

The other two stallions rushed to try to help their ally, but they were no more prepared to face her wrath than he was. With a final punch to the throat to keep him silent, she turned on the other two, her horn glowing brightly. The table behind them tipped over as she pulled all four of the legs out from it, revealing them as stakes that were prepared for just this sort of situation.

Their hooves had barely touched her before the table legs speared them both from behind, staking them in their hearts and throats. They screamed, but no sound escaped as they turned to ashes in front of her.

Taking a deep breath, she turned her gaze on the last remaining vampire, who was still clutching his throat and trying to breathe. She spoke in a growl, the quiet fury still present in her expression. "Now you listen well, you filth." Her horn lit up again as she lifted him up and brought him to the side window away from the street. "You're going to run home and tell your masters to heed my warning: Come into my home uninvited again and I will burn your life and every person in it like the Sun Demon during a tea shortage."

With a flick of her head she sent the stallion through the window, letting him fall the three stories down to crash in the alley below. The fall wouldn't kill him, vampires were notoriously hardy in her experience, but the message would be clear enough that she was not to be trifled with.

It was only then that she became aware of the persistent knocking at her door. Uncertain of how long she had left Octavia to wait; she returned her glasses to her nose. Walking towards the door, she used her magic to quickly sweep the ashes up under the furniture and rug as well as put the table legs back together. With a final cleansing breath, she opened the door and smiled cheerfully at the annoyed earth pony in front of her. "Hey Octy. Did you find my bag?"

She frowned at her. "No, I didn't. We finished looking about ten minutes ago. Where were you?" Taking in her appearance, Octavia's expression changed, looking a bit more concerned now than annoyed. "Is something wrong Vinyl? You seem...perturbed."

Vinyl just smiled, sweeping back her mane. "Ah, it's nothing Octy...Truth is I sent you away because I realized right as we arrived that the place was a mess and I wanted to get it cleaned up for you."

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Vinyl, I've seen your apartment before. A little mess isn't going to frighten me away."

Vinyl chuckled as she stood aside to let her in. "If you say so, lover mine. Come on in, I promised you dinner." She shut the door behind her, making doubly sure to lock it this time.

Greed by lyra_lover777

Octavia clutched the large case of her cello by the handle in her mouth. It swung a little back and forth as she trotted along. Vinyl was back at home, relaxing while Octavia, her marefriend, went to practice with the orchestra.

The concert was in a week, and they had barely been given parts. But they were all expert musicians, and would be able to handle it.

She reached the theater, mounting the stage with ease. She signed her name on a sheet to tell others that she had come, and then walked to center stage.

Currently, most of the others were there. It was made out of entirely string instruments.

In the lyre section, which had the most members, was led by Lyra, and included Lyrica Lilac.

There were several other lyre players that Octavia had never seen, along with one mare who played a giant harp.

Then in her section, a leader had yet to be determined. There were a few unrecognizable ponies.

Then the last one came, the amazing violin player Fiddlesticks.

They all sat down. The conductor came onto the stage. He gave Lyra the opening piece. She would also be playing through the whole song with one other, one from Octavia's section.

She and Fiddlesticks both jumped at the opportunity. They both wanted to have the main part, to have the most glory.

"Maybe we could split it!" Fiddlesticks said, exuberant.

But Octavia glared at her.

"You'll probably just want to steal all the glory for yourself." she said, sneering.

"No I d-" Fiddlesticks began.

But Octavia took the piece, leaving Fiddlesticks to play in the backround.

As it went on, Lyra split her main part with Lyrica and two other lyre players.

But Octavia kept it all to herself.


It was the night. The small string orchestra would begin their performance in only moments. Vinyl waited in the crowd, eager to see her Octy take the lead.

The curtain lifted, and the crowd became silent.

Then Octavia, along with Lyrica, who would take the first fourth of the lead for the lyres, played.

The notes were soft and held long, and began to increase in volume and pitch and come faster and faster.

Soon one of the other lyres took Lyrica's place, noting that the second fourth of the performance had started.

The music was now speeding along.

Before anypony knew it, Lyra took hold of the main piece, signaling that the third fourth had begun.

Octavia's forelegs began to tire. Soon she could barely keep up with the tempo.

Octy's legs were on fire by the time the last fourth of the piece came along.

Then all of the sudden Octavia's legs gave out, and she collapsed, her bow shrieking across the strings, making a dissonant note.

The whole crowd, and the rest of the orchestra became silent.

Then boos rose up from everypony in the crowd except Vinyl.

The curtain fell. They had decided to end it early, before the crowd started throwing tomatoes.

Fiddlesticks looked down at Octavia, who was horrified by her failure.

"This is all your fault," she said before turning away and disappearing back stage.

And the sad thing was, well-

-That Fiddlesticks was right.

Lust by BuckingPonderous

Vinyl hissed softly as she was slammed into the wall, the warm body that contrasted her own making her hum despite the discomfort. Her opponent - if she could call her that - pressed up against her and growled in a way that combined with her cultured accent made her melt. "Die monster." she nuzzled her throat. "You don't belong in this world."

Vinyl's face split into a grin as she shoved Octavia back. Not enough to harm her, but enough that she could effectively reverse their positions and make the shelf in the other room rattle. She extended her fangs as she slithered up to the mare, nibbling at her ear as she replied. "T'was not by my hoof that I am once again given flesh. I was brought here by ponies, who wish to pay me tribute."

With physical strength that would have gone unexpected by anypony who didn't know her, Octavia countered, pirouetted around Vinyl and pushed her chest up against the wall. Vinyl squirmed in minor discomfort before Octavia wrapped a foreleg around her neck in a chokehold. "Tribute?" she laughed, a playful sneer on her face. "You steal mares' souls and make them your slaves!"

"Mmm," Vinyl hummed, and used her own vampiric strength to push back against Octavia before turning and judo flipping her to the ground in front of her. Octavia gasped as Vinyl advanced, her red eyes shining with hunger. "Perhaps the same could be said of all religions."

Returning to her feet, Octavia pounced; wrestling with Vinyl but neither of them gaining any ground. Pressing their heads together Vinyl was able to position her near their bedroom door. "Your words are as empty as your soul. Ponykind ill needs a savior such as you."

Vinyl just laughed, her horn glowing bright red as she seized Octavia and lifted her into the air. "What is a pony?!" With a flick of her head, she tossed Octavia through the entryway to their bed. Octavia could only watch in mock horror as Vinyl followed after her. "A miserable little pile of friendship!" She slammed the door behind her and locked it with an audible click. "But enough talk; have at you!" And with an inhuman snarl, she pounced onto Octavia.

Vinyl hummed softly as Octavia nuzzled her neck and cuddled with her. "You know, I think this fetish of yours is getting a bit out of hand."

Octavia met her gaze with a raised brow. "You disapprove, my love?"

Vinyl feigned considering it, but with a smile gave her a kiss. "Not at all, lover mine." she winked. "But we're running out of decorative vases."

Pride by Ratsenkio

It was a night like any other. The moon was high in the sky, there was not a pony in the streets and the little foals were getting ready for bed.
On one of those nights, in a house of Ponyville, a gray coated unicorn filly with her curly light blue mane was being put to bed by it’s parents, a grey coated earth pony mare with her straight black mane and her wife a white coated unicorn mare with her messy electric blue mane.

“Mommy?” Said the filly.

“What is it Symphony?” Asked Octavia in a tender voice.

“Today I was playing with Minty on the resses and our teacher said to Twilight Spectrum that it was good that she was proud of her cutiemark but being too proud was bad. Why is that?" Asked a confused Symphony.

“Shall we tell her that history?” Asked Vinyl to her wife.

“Sure, I think it is the perfect opportunity” Said Octavia as they tucked in their daughter.

Once there were two stallions, the both of them prided themselves on their music.

The only problem was that one of them played classical music and the other one played electrical music.

The first time they met was in college, they assisted some of the same classes and they seemed to be getting along really good. At least until the day they discovered the type of music the other enjoyed. On that day, the stallions fought over which was the better music and the good friendship that could had been was destroyed beyond repair.

The years passed and the two stallions eventually forgot each other. They moved on with their lives, got married and eventually both of them got blessed with a filly each.

“That’s sad. Why couldn’t they be friends like mom and mommy? You sometimes fight but you still love each other very much” Asked Symphony with a sad tone.

“That’s right” Said Vinyl, “Mommy and I love each other very, very much”

“But those stallions were too stubborn and prided too much on their own music to even care about the others opinion” Said Octavia.

“So that’s it, the stallions were never friends again?” Asked Symphony.

“We never said the story was over” Said Octavia and Vinyl at the same time.

As the fillies grew up, they learned to love the music that their fathers played and they took great pride and joy to be a part it. But they always thought that their music lacked something.

And so, as it was their turn to go to college, like by destiny, they, pretty much like their parents, ended up meeting and sharing some of their classes.

As they started talking they became friends really fast, but unlike their fathers, they didn’t care that the other liked other type of music. If fact, they shared their thought about all kinds of music, even their respective owns.

As time passed the two mares started to play music together and actually fell in love with each other.

“Aww!” Cooed Symphony. “But what happened with their parents?” She asked in between yawns.

“Well, at first they were against their love” Said Vinyl.

“Part of it was because of them being two mares, as they didn’t understand it and were afraid for their daughters” Continued Octavia.

“The other part was because they remembered what happened between them, and they didn't want their daughters ‘contaminated’ by the others music” Finished Vinyl.

With time they convinced their fathers to listen to the music they created.

To say that they were taken aback was an understatement. While both styles of music complemented each other. What surprised them the most was how they could fell the love their daughters had for the other. And so, they decided to makes amends for the sake of them.

“And they lived happily ever after” Finished Octavia.

“Now. The good fillies must go to bed” Said Vinyl.

“Oww -yawn- Already? Asked Symphony.

“Yes, honey” Said Octavia “There will be more time for stories tomorrow”.

“Mommy” Asked Symphony “What are you proud of?”.

Octavia shared a look with her wife and fondly said “Me and your mom are proud of you and your little sister on the way” while looking at their daughter and feeling her wife’s swollen belly.

They each gave her a good night kiss just below her little horn and said“Good night Symph. Sleep well”. After that, they turned off the little lamp in her bedside table and made their way to their own bedroom.

Gluttony by Cobalt Ravenscroft

The Philharmonica/Scratch residence was divided. On one side of the bedroom door, inside the room, was Octavia, while Vinyl sat on the outside trying to talk to her.

“I didn’t mean it, babe,” she pleaded for the thousandth time that week, “you know I’ll always love you, no matter what you look like!”

“You called me FAT!” Octavia screamed, unwrapping a family sized bar of chocolate, “I’m not!”

“I only said you looked chubby, Octi,” Vinyl tried to reason with the brick wall that was her wife.

“You admit it!” Octavia cried scandalously, “Then I guess this,” she took her first mouthful of chocolate, “won’t make a difference,” she finished through full cheeks.

She had been like this for three weeks and she was now six months into her pregnancy. The foal was starting to show in her stomach and, as Vinyl so delicately pointed out, so were her curves.

“Come on, babe, all mares put on weight when they’re pregnant,” she tried to calm Octavia down, but she was losing her will to fight, “you look good, honest.”

Sounds of chewing loudly and swallowing for emphasis followed, “There you go again, and don’t you dare lie to me, Vinyl!” More eating of the delicious, sinful treat could be heard beyond the bedroom door.

“I could never lie to you, Tavi,” Vinyl almost whispered against the door as she slid down it, her back now facing the bedroom with her front hooves propping her up so her back was flat against the door.

Now, silence reigned in the small house. For Vinyl, it felt like hours passed before anything happened. For Octavia, the sound of Vinyl’s defeated voice tore through her self-inflicted anger almost instantly, but being the mare not to waste anything, she put the last small piece of chocolate in her waiting maw before trotting over to the door, throwing the wrapper over with its countless relatives near the bin.

The door opened behind Vinyl who fell on to her back, only to be greeted by the teary eyes of her beloved, “Do you mean it, Vinyl?”

Vinyl stood up slowly, but not before a single tear landed on her cheek. She looked at Octavia, seeing the once toned musician jiggle a bit from her soft sobbing and lack of her usual exercises. Her flank had got bigger too, but it had always been something Vinyl adored about her even before the added plumpness. The foal was beginning to force Octavia’s back legs apart slightly, so that wasn’t exactly helping the pregnant mare’s case. Finally, Vinyl took notice of her now wet cheeks. They had filled out, not by much, but enough so most of their close friends could tell the difference.

There was only one way Vinyl could respond truthfully. She moved forward and their muzzles met, briefly but full of honest love. After pulling back, Vinyl licked her wife’s muzzle, tasting the remaining chocolate.

“No matter how much you change, no matter how big or old you get, and no matter how many of my snacks you eat, you’ll always be my Octavia,” Vinyl leaned in close to her wife and nuzzled her, cherishing the ever-silky touch of her mane and fur.

They nuzzled each other, but Octavia broke the peace soon while still nuzzling Vinyl, “I’m sorry, sweetie, I’ve been a real madmare recently.”

“You’re allowed, babe,” Vinyl replied softly, “besides, you’re cute when you’re mad.”

“I thought I was always cute, Vinyl?” Octavia pulled away from her wife, showing her the faux hurt look in her eyes.

“Touché, Tavi.”

Envy by lyra_lover777

Pinkie Pie watched from the shadows, her mane completely straight. Her pupils were tiny pinpoints of blue, and a maniacal grin was plastered to her face.
It wasn't really Pinkie Pie, just her opposite.

Pinkamena Diane Pie.

She was watching a couple sitting at a table in their manicured backyard. They gray earth pony clutched a glass of red wine while the white unicorn guzzled a beer. And then another beer.

Pinkamena crept from her hiding place, which was under a large evergreen. She clutched a large, gruesomely sharpened stick.

Pinkie had watched everyday as the Octascratch couple slid in and out of Sugarcube Corner. She soon became obsessed with their perfect romance, wanting it for her own. It lead her on a rampage that left Cheese Sandwich in the hospital.

They tried to capture her and put her in an asylum, but she escaped, and made it free. Now her target was in sight. Take down that perfect little cello player and that bass banging beauty was hers.

Or so her crazy mind thought.

She leaped from her spot, which was only feet from the table.

Her wooden stake landed directly on Octy's right hoof.

Octy crumpled to the ground, her blood curdling screams sounding throughout the peaceful little Ponyville neighborhood.

Vinyl jumped backwards. She looked up and down Pinkamena. Suddenly Pinkamena made a move for Octy again, her smile even more insane.

Vinyl tackled Pinkamena into a bush, where they wrestled.

Vinyl was on top, and she punched Pinkamena in the face.

Suddenly screams ripped through the air, this time from Vinyl.

Pinkamena emerged from the bush, her stake dripping with blood, cackling crazily.

Octavia broke down in tears, nursing her wounded hoof.

Pinkamena slowly approached the weeping mare, raising her acute stick in the air.

"Ju-just end it! N-now! There's-s no-o point in li-living if she's not here-here." Octavia cried, tears freely flowing down her face.

Suddenly that brought Pinkamena back to reality. Suddenly her mane poofed back up, and she became Pinkie.

PInkie laughed, happily this time.

But then she looked down at the bleeding, weeping Octavia, who was curled in a fetal position.

She then looked back at the bushes, seeing a bloody white leg sticking out.

And then she looked down at the bloody stake clutched in her hooves.

Her face welled up with tears and she scampered out of the yard, leaving Octy to mourn alone.

Sloth by Michelle Twistaloo

“Honestly Vinyl you’re such a sloth!”

“What?” – She tried standing up, but her own belly, bulged outwards, stood in the way, the words, sounding more like a flat “Wut”, had come out, and Vinyl blinked once or twice, trying to get the sudden light out of her eyes.

“It’s 3 pm! Get up already!”

“Huh?” – Vinyl looked through her lenses and, indeed, there was a luminosity not fit to the early dawn or night. She blinked again, and tried moving, but, found herself unable to. She groaned.

“Well?” – She demanded, and Vinyl tried to focus her fuzzy vision on the face of the other mare. –“Aren’t you going to stand up and clean after yourself?” – Octavia shock her head and Vinyl tasted the cardboard like feeling in her dry mouth.

“Come here” – She tried saying, though it came off more as a “c’m ‘ere”. Octavia gently dropped down, Vinyl took the chance and grabbed her.

“It’s daytime, and I only have work at night time, so, lay down and enjoy.”

There wasn’t anything particularly romantic about the dangling light bulb, but the mare enjoyed the other mare’s company nonetheless. And together they stood.

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