• Published 14th Oct 2014
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Clash of the Titans: My Little Pony version - IceDragonKing

The Olympian Gods of Equestria have enough with the ignorant of the mortals for turn back on them. Now they are going to to give them the next punishment.

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Origins of The Princesses and Discord

Chapter 8 Origins Of The Princesses And Discord


"So Princesses... Discord... can me and my friends ask some questions?" asked Fluttershy.

"Go on Fluttershy," said Discord.

"What would you like to know?" asked Luna.

"Why did you leave your old home? Why came to Equestria in the first place?" asked Fluttershy.

"Are you sure that you all really wanted to know that?" asked Celestia.

"Of course your highnesses," said Rainbow Dash.

"For me... I'm just trying to prove that I'm better than my mother, Eris the Goddess of Chaos," replied Discord.

"What about the reason of you two, your majesties?" asked Applejack.

"We saw it...," said Celestia.

"Saw what?"Asked Rarity.

"... the terrible... of the Gods!" said Luna.

Flashback start, 1000 years ago: Mount Olympus...

"WOO-HOO!" shouted Apollonia and Artemis (Celestia and Luna).

"You two should know that you can't win us!"Said Athena and Ares who are flying after them.

"The team that lose must be servants of another team for a day!" said Artemis.

"And that will be you two!" said Ares.

"We both are fully complete the power of our but you two aren't yet! Still blank flanks!" said Athena.

"Sorry for interrupt big sis but you should look what lie in front of you two." said Apollonia.

"What?" asked Athena and she's watch what is lie in front of her with Ares.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Athena and Ares and they are accidentally fly

hit the thunderbolts of Zeus that the girls are prepared for them.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Athena and Ares after they both get shocked from the thunderbolts.

Later at Chamber of Apollonia and Artemis...

"See we told you!" said Artemis.

"You two cheating!" replied Athena.

"You and Ares didn't say that we can't borrow dad's thunderbolts to use for our game." said Apollonia.

"Here your grapes." said Ares and Apollonia quickly takes it from his hand and eat whole.

"Hey! You do that again!" said Artemis.

"I'm sorry Artemis. Sometimes I'm forgotten myself!" said Apollonia.

Later at Night...

"Another beautiful night by my mentor. Selene, Titaness of the Night," said Artemis.

"And I think we have fun enough today." said Apollonia and she's go with her little sis to fall asleep.

When they both fall asleep, Apollonia had a dream of something that is very terrible.

She saw the Windigos, and then an army of mortals of all three tribes of the Ponies march

to fight each other to dead. And from all of the war, there have no winners.

All of the three tribes of the Ponies gone forever. Poseidon had made the land go flood,

split the land into many islands and lead the Seaponies and Mermares to come out from the ocean

and both tribes start to colonize at the shores and then, all over every islands.

Flashback ends (yet), Back to the Present Time...

"And that is why we choose to leave Olympus. No anypony deserve to death," said Celestia.

"So... your former names are Apollonia and Artemis?!" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yes," said Celestia.

"So... what is that dream about?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Because the Olympians see that all of the Ponies that live on land

have no respect in them, they decided to wipe you all out," replied Luna.

"In that time, there are only the Seaponies and Mermares that still have the respect in the Olympian Gods," said Celestia.

"But respectation of them are not enough, they are also need it from the Ponies that live on land as well," said Luna.

Meanwhile in Canterlot at the Royal Palace...

"Twilight!" said Cadance.

"What is it Princess Cadance?!" asked Twilight.

"There a lot of the Ponies that gather at the edge of the city!" said Cadance .

and she's use her magic to create the illusion of the mob that led by an insane priest name Prokopion.

"What're they creating?!" asked Twilight.

"It is a shrine! Prepared for you to be sacrifice to Cetus." said Cadance while Twilight is watching in the illusion.

"I can send the guards to stop all of those and destroy the shrine and-" said Cadance.

"No... let them do. I can't believe I'm saying this but... even my friends can't save me from this." said Twilight.

"Nice saying." said A Voice.

"Hedone?!" asked Cadance and she turns back and see her sister stand in front of with her parents.

"What are you three doing here?" asked Cadance.

"Who are they?!" asked Twilight.

"My big sis and my parents." replied Cadance.

"And what are you three doing here far from Olympus?" asked Twilight.

"We're here to take you back to Olympus!" said Eros.

"To save you from the rampage of Cetus!" said Psyche.

"I can't leave my husband, my sister-in-law and my empire to go died!" said Cadance.

"We adopted you from Apollonia to be as our second daughter when she's adopted you

from your foster mortal family when you just a little Pegasus. You are a Goddess now!

You have to be with us! At Mount Olympus! Land of the Gods and Goddesses!"Said Eros.

"Father, Mother, Big sis, I am very sorry but I can't leave Equestria! The mortals need us!" replied Cadance.

"All that the mortals have to do are praying for us!" said Psyche.

"Please little sis!" said Hedone and she's her her little sis to beg her to go with her and her parents.

"Sorry Hedone... but I can't!" said Cadance and she's turn to look at Twilight with warm smile

to make her sister-in-law know that everything will going to be okay for her.

Meanwhile in the Desert of Saddle Arabia: the Mountain...

"So... what's happen after you leave Olympus?" asked Applejack.

"Change our names, trying to prevent the war. That are what me and Luna do at that time," replied Celestia.

"Along with the truth that never be told," said Luna.

"Truth about what, your majesty?" asked Spike.

"The absence of King Bullion, father of Princess Platinum." said Celestia.

Flashback starts again, 1000 years ago: Castle of King Bullion...

"Thanks goodness that girl is finally stop barking! Well done Luna." whispered Celestia.

"Thanks sis." said Luna.

"Do you think King Bullion will take our offer in good way?" asked Celestia.

"Hopefully he do." said Luna and unbeknownst to them, in the shadow, their are five figures are listening to what did they are just discussed.

"Do you think like I'm thinking my sons?" asked Lucifer.

"Absolutely dad!" replied Death, War, Pestilence and Famine.

One hour later after the Royal Sisters left, at the King's chamber...


"Come in," said King Bullion and his 'servants' come into his chamber.

"Would you like to have some snacks for this night?" asked Death.

"Of course," said King Bullion.

"Hope you like curse!" said Lucifer.

"Wait! Curse?!" asked King Bullion and he's turn to look at his 'servants' and get shocked from this he just see before him.

"What are you fives?!" asked King Bullion.

"My name is Lucifer and these are my sons, the Four Horses of Apocalyspe!" replied Lucifer.

"What do you want from me Demons?!" asked King Bullion.

"Demons?! We're no Demons! We're the Gods!" said Death.

"And we're here to give you a punishment!"Said Lucifer and he's shoot magic from

his horn to King Bullion and transform him into a monstrous wolf-like creature.

"What have you done to me?!" asked King Bullion.

"This is the punishment of everypony for turn back on the Olympian Gods and stole their jobs!" said Famine.

"NO! This can't be happening! NOOO!"Shouted King Bullion and Lucifer and his sons disappear in red smoke.

King Bullion, in form of a monstrous wolf-like creature had gone insane and flee from his kingdom and never be returned.

Nextday, when the Royal Sisters come back. Princess Platinum is now in charge instead

of her father after his 'mysterious disappearance' that had happened last night.

Flashback ends...

"And when we found him, before he had out of his mind. He tells us everything about

what had happened to him and when he had go out of his own mind control.

Not even Luna can calm him down. He had completely as a monster," said Celestia.

"We have no choice but have to let Star Swirl... *sigh*," said Luna.

"Ohh..." said Rainbow Dash.

"He's beyond to cure?" asked Rarity.

"No... because there are no cure," said Celestia.

"And to make sure that the punishment go faster, Lucifer had unleashed the Windigos," replied Luna.

"But it's look like the flood that are trying to prevent had return now." said Celestia.

"No worry Princesses! We will be with you!" said Rainbow Dash.

"We will make those Gods understand what is right and what is not right!" said Rarity.

"You can count me in for any help!" said Applejack.

"I have no doubt that why Twilight have so much trust in you seven." said Celestia.

"Me neither." said Luna.

"Me three!" said Discord.

"As the loyal soldiers of yours, we do anything at your command!" said Draco.

"Thank you..." said Celestia.

"All of you." said Luna.

Author's Note:

The crossover story between Clash of the Titans 2010 and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Disclaimer: I don't own Clash of the Titans 2010 and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

All characters are Anthro in this story.

The curse that transformed King Bullion into a monstrous wolf-like creature was based from the same curse that happened to King Lykon of Arcadia in Greek Myth.

But in this story, King Bullion get cursed by Lucifer instead. Unlike King Lykon that was cursed by Zeus himself.